Sedes e guias de válvulas
Sedes e guias de válvulas
Sedes e guias de válvulas
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<strong>Se<strong>de</strong>s</strong> e Guias <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Gui<strong>de</strong> and Insert-Valve<br />
BOLETIM INFORMATIVO/Informative Report<br />
Informações técnicas - Technical Information<br />
Guias <strong>de</strong> Válvulas<br />
Produzidas em ligas especiais <strong>de</strong> ferro fundido com cobre, cromo, molibdênio<br />
e fósforo.<br />
Usinadas em equipamentos <strong>de</strong> alta precisão, o que garante excelentes níveis<br />
<strong>de</strong> concentricida<strong>de</strong>.<br />
A excelência nos materiais, aliadas a precisão dimensional proporciona<br />
elevada vida útil.<br />
<strong>Se<strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvulas<br />
Produzidas em ligas com alto teor <strong>de</strong> cromo e níquel ou ligas a base <strong>de</strong><br />
niquele cobalto.<br />
Tratadas Termicamente, garantindo elevados níveis <strong>de</strong> dureza e maior<br />
durabilida<strong>de</strong>.<br />
Usinadas em equipamentos <strong>de</strong> alta precisão, garantindo excelentes níveis <strong>de</strong><br />
precisão dimensional.<br />
Gui<strong>de</strong> Valve<br />
Produced using special casting iron league with copper, chromium,<br />
molyb<strong>de</strong>num and match.<br />
Machineed with high precision equipment, which guarantees excellent levels<br />
of concentricity.<br />
The excellency of materials, together the dimensional precision provi<strong>de</strong>s high<br />
useful life.<br />
Insert - Valve<br />
Produced using leagues of high text of chromium and nickel or leagues ma<strong>de</strong><br />
of nickel-plates cobalto.<br />
Thermal treatment, guaranteeing high levels of hardness and durability.<br />
Machined with high precision equipment, guaranteeing excellent levels of<br />
dimensional precision. Válvula<br />
Valve<br />
2S5925<br />
A alta tecnologia aplicada assegura vida longa aos nossos<br />
produtos e perfeita intercambialida<strong>de</strong> com as peças originais.<br />
The high technology applied assures a longer life to our products and<br />
perfect exchange to the original parts.<br />
*Os números <strong>de</strong> peça mostrados acima são apenas como referências.<br />
*The above part numbers shown are for reference purpose only.
1260453<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1W2713<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
5S2921<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
1456853<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1W5283<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
5S7218<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1456854<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1W5321<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
6N2236<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
1487425<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
2P1262<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
6N8847<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
1737188<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
2W4837<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
7N2051<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
1763135<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
4N3664<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
7N4448<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1763138<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
4N3668<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
8M9810<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1838172<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
4N5893<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
9M8745<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1838173<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
5I8011<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
9M6495<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
1850882<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
5I8012<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
Insert-Valve<br />
9Y8848<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
1W1816<br />
Guia <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />
valve gui<strong>de</strong><br />
5S1757<br />
Se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Válvula<br />