L'hipocrisie dans Dom Juan de Molière - Repositório Científico do ...

L'hipocrisie dans Dom Juan de Molière - Repositório Científico do ...

L'hipocrisie dans Dom Juan de Molière - Repositório Científico do ...


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Silva, Ivo Rafael – Orgulho e Preconceito: a visão <strong>de</strong> um vitoriano acerca <strong>de</strong> Portugal e<strong>do</strong>sportugueses 129– 148Mas voltan<strong>do</strong> à assumida oposição ao catolicismo e ao clericalismo,importa referir que tal atitu<strong>de</strong> se trata <strong>de</strong> uma recorrente característica dasnarrativas viajeiras <strong>do</strong> séc. XIX da autoria <strong>de</strong> escritores britânicos. Na obraMasked Atheism, a autora Maria LaMonaca <strong>de</strong>fine, a propósito da romancistaevangélica Charlotte Tonna, o pensamento anti-católico da época da seguinteforma: “(…)a concept frequently articulated in Victorian literature and culture,that Roman Catholicism was a fake religion – a mask or “sanctified face”concealing the most profane excesses anda ten<strong>de</strong>ncies of a fallen humannature.” 14 Mais <strong>do</strong> que <strong>de</strong>fendida, a i<strong>de</strong>ia com contornos políticos era alvo <strong>de</strong>verda<strong>de</strong>ira propaganda, também visível em diversas narrativas, como é referi<strong>do</strong>por Susan M. Griffin:Reading wi<strong>de</strong>ly and closely in Victorian anti-Catholic narrative makesclear that well-known stories and figures provi<strong>de</strong> a narrative language fordiscussion and analysis of a range of cultural i<strong>de</strong>as and problems, includingthe roles of women, shifting <strong>de</strong>finitions of masculinity, the status ofmarriage, education and citizenship, and literary professionalism, and, mostimportantly, Protestant self-critique. 15Entre os diversos tons prosódicos usa<strong>do</strong>s ao longo da sua narrativa,encontra-se a fina ironia, usada em jeito <strong>de</strong> contestação e crítica às situações que oautor notoriamente se sente no direito <strong>de</strong> reprovar. Hodges regista o “espíritosofista e fútil” <strong>do</strong>s portugueses, a propósito <strong>do</strong> baptismo <strong>de</strong> duas fragatas:It is curious here to observe how much the cavilling and trifling spirit of thePortuguese shewed itself in this re-baptism of the two frigates. At a momentwhen it is to be presumed that more weighty matters were at least sharingtheir attention, three councils (if so they may be seriously styled) were held in14 LAM ON AC A, M . Mas k e d A t h e is m : C at h o l icis m an d t h e S e cu l ar V ict o ri an H o m e .Ohio: O hi on Un i ve r sit y P re ss, 20 08, p. 1.15 G R IFFIN , S . M. An t i -C at h o l ic is m an d Nin e t e e n t h -C e n t u ry Fict io n . C am brid g e :C am brid g e Un iv e rs it y P re s s, 2 0 04, p. 2.143 Polissema – Revista <strong>de</strong> Letras <strong>do</strong> ISCAP – Vol. 12 -2012

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