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Maio - Junho - 201115Marie-José Tassignon, inventora da bag-in-the lensProfessora e cirurgiã, ela dirige o Departamento de Oftalmologia da Universidade da AntuérpiaMarie-JoséTassignon*O International Corner recebe nesta edição uma das mais atuantesoftalmologistas da Europa. A professora Marie-José Tassignon, inventorada lente intraocular chamada bag-in-the-lens, que tem mostradoexcelentes resultados em termos de prevenção da opacificação da cápsulaposterior, especialmente em crianças.JBO- You are Professorand Head of theDepartment of Ophthalmologyat the AntwerpUniversity School. Couldyou please let us knowsomething about yourinstitution? What are theongoing major researchactivities of yourdepartment?Marie-JoséTessignon- This year inOctober, I will be head of the Antwerp UniversityHospital, Department of Ophthalmology for 20years. The Antwerp University is the youngestuniversity from Belgium (1978) while the othersare from 1429 (Louvain) and 1835 (Ghent-Liège).Nevertheless, this young department presenteda steady grow and went each year from strengthto strength. I hope the message will be takenover by the next generation!Our department has developed several ongoingresearch projects out of which the development anddesign of the IOL called the bag-in-the-lens withthe main advantage of erradicating posterior capsuleopacification after cataract surgery. The other researchprojects are in the field of limbal stem cell regenerationin cases of limbal stem cell deficiency syndromes. Alarge scale study on the biometrical parameters ofthe eye and the related quality of vision , calledGullstrand study, started two years ago and resultedin new insights about eye models which will allow usto have some benchmarks about quality of visionafter IOL implantation.Still in the field of cataract surgery, a newapproach of IOL implantation has started whichconsists of a surgeon controlled IOL centrationfollowing the line of sight of the patient in orderto achieve better quality of vision after cataractsurgery.Moulding the cornea by means of a rigidcontact lens after cross -linking with riboflavinand ultraviolet is another topic of research withpromissing outcomes.JBO- You have developed the innovativebag-in-the-lens technique toavoid the development of secondary cataract.What are the indications and limitations of thistechnique ?MJT- The bag-in-the-lens (BIL) is my routineapproach for cataract surgery in daily practice.This lens has proven to indeed eradicate PCO,even in children. Cataract surgery in babies andchildren have been given quite some attentionin my recent surgical practice because the casesare very challenging and allows to learn moreabout the anterior interface. This structure isconsidered “virtual” in the old textbooks, butthis is not correct and one of my fellows isconducting a study on the dysgenesis patternsfound in the anterior interface after cataract inProfessora Marie-José Tassignon dirige o Departamento de Oftalmologiado Hospital da Universidade da Antuérpia, na Bélgica, atuandoprincipalmente na área de catarata e de implantes intraoculares. Presidiua ESCRS e é uma das poucas mulheres a integrar o exclusivoInternational Intraocular Implant Club.children and adults.The artificial capsule to support the BILin the absence of a capsular bag soundsfuturistic and inpossible. The BIL can be fixatedby means of a lasso technique at the sclera andits fixation can be strengthen by means of beanshape rings that fit in the BIL’s groove. Thistechnique has been applied in eyes of childrenwith Marfan’s syndrome.JBO- How do you treat presbyopia:Multifocal IOLs x Accomodative IOLs xMonovision with Monofocal IOLs?MJT-- Multifocal IOls are not the bestsolutions, optically speaking, for the correctionof presbyopia. It is a proposal that will fade awayas soon as real accommodative IOLs will bedeveloped.In case the patients can cope withmonovision, this solution will give quite goodresults, but binocular vision will not be optimalsince one eye will always be recessive at one focalpoint. Research is still ongoing in that field sinceno perfect solution has been found as per currentdays.JBO- What are your thoughts aboutfemtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery?MJT- Femtosecond laser can be an excellenttool to achieve perfection in cataract surgery. Forthe purpose of the bag-in-the-lens, it couldprovide perfect anterior capsulorhexis sizing andwith further development, alignment could alsobe achieved. However, posterior capsulorhexisseems to be an issue. This step can be performedmanually as it will be still needed to implant theIOL. Though, it is worth to continue thedevelopment as a research tool.JBO- What does the future hold forophthalmology?MJT- The future of ophthalmology is a verylarge topic to develop. I will therefore limit myselfto cataract surgery.The future will be an IOLwithout PCO, with perfect ocular alignment,with aberrations within the physiological limitsand with accommodation properties of fourdiopters.JBO- Outside ophthalmology, what areyour activities, pastimes?MJT- I am also medical director of theAntwerp Hospital. This is still in the field ofmedicine but more in the field of medicalmanagement. As pastime, I like to design jewelsand choose the gems in India!!!I recently was spoiled by my daughter whogave me a grandchild, a baby girl whose name isNina. It is the most beautiful gift I ever receivedin my life. She is the reason why I stop earlier atwork to be on time to give her a night kiss.*Diretora do Departamento de Oftalmologiado Hospital da Universidade da Antuérpia,diretora médica do Hospital da Universidadeda Antuérpia