Diretrizes para o Transporte de Animais de Companhia (cães e gatos) em Veículos Automotores

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HAZEL, Susan J. et al. Restraint of dogs in vehicles in the US, UK and Australia. Preventive veterinary

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HUGHES, Michael J. et al. Companion animals and health in older populations: A systematic review.

Clinical gerontologist, v. 43, n. 4, p. 365-377, 2020.

HUISINGH, Carrie et al. Driving with pets and motor vehicle collision involvement among older

drivers: A prospective population-based study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, v. 88, p. 169-174,


Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA). Estimativa dos custos dos acidentes de trânsito

no Brasil com base na atualização simplificada das pesquisas anteriores do IPEA. Brasília, 2015.

JAFARI, Zahra; KOLB, Bryan E.; MOHAJERANI, Majid H. Chronic traffic noise stress accelerates

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KAMIOKA, Hiroharu et al. Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy: A systematic review of randomized

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KRUGER, Kimberly Swart et al. Perceptions of companion dog benefits on well-being of US military

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MARRS, Tom et al. Dog ownership at three months of age is associated with protection against

food allergy. Allergy, v. 74, n. 11, p. 2212-2219, 2019.

MATCHOCK, Robert L. Pet ownership and physical health. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, v. 28, n.

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MARTIN, Karen E. et al. Not just “a walking the dog”: dog walking and pet play and their association

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MCLEOD, Lynette J.; HINE, Donald W.; BENGSEN, Andrew J. Born to roam? Surveying cat owners

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