City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22

It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.

It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.


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“<br />


Successful Cases<br />

Testimonials<br />


Há mais de 20 anos no segmento<br />

automobilístico, a Borkar escolheu<br />

estabelecer a sua sede em <strong>Itapecerica</strong><br />

<strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> por causa <strong>da</strong> localização de<br />

fácil acesso na distribuição de nossos<br />

produtos. Estamos estrategicamente<br />

próximos ao<br />

rodoanel facilitando o acesso de<br />

nossos clientes e fornecedores. Somos<br />

empenhados em garantir oportuni<strong>da</strong>des<br />

de emprego para os moradores <strong>da</strong><br />

região e também na capacitação,<br />

desenvolvimento e crescimento<br />

profissional, a fim de fortalecer a mão<br />

de obra local. Além disso, sempre<br />

investimos em tecnologia e treinamento<br />

para oferecer aos nossos clientes<br />

produtos exclusivos de alta quali<strong>da</strong>de.<br />

Na pandemia desenvolvemos<br />

um novo produto: o ProtectVir,película<br />

adesiva antiviral de proteção contra<br />

bactérias, fungos e, inclusive, Covid-19.<br />

“<br />

<strong>Itapecerica</strong> nos acolheu<br />

muito bem há 14 anos atrás<br />

quando mu<strong>da</strong>mos de Taboão<br />

<strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>. Naquela época<br />

nossa estrutura era menor<br />

e ocupávamos apenas um<br />

prédio de nosso terreno. Hoje<br />

24<br />

estamos construindo o 4º<br />

prédio nos beneficiando <strong>da</strong><br />

posição privilegia<strong>da</strong> de acesso<br />

às principais rodovias do país,<br />

além <strong>da</strong> mão de obra que<br />

vem 80% <strong>da</strong> região - Marcos<br />

Fantozzi, CEO <strong>da</strong> Sommaplast.<br />

ITAPECERICA DA SERRA -<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />

CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong><br />

Sergio Wellichen<br />

Sócio Diretor<br />

Managing partner<br />

For more than 20 years in the<br />

automobile segment, Borkar chose<br />

to establish its headquarters in<br />

<strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> because of<br />

the easy-access location in the<br />

distribution of our products.<br />

We are strategically close to the<br />

ring road facilitating the access<br />

of our customers and suppliers.<br />

We are committed to ensuring<br />

employment opportunities for<br />

the residents of the region and<br />

training, development, and<br />

professional growth to strengthen<br />

the local workforce. In addition,<br />

we continually invest in technology<br />

and training to provide our<br />

customers with exclusive, highquality<br />

products. In the pandemic,<br />

we developed a new product:<br />

ProtectVir, an antiviral adhesive<br />

film to protect against bacteria,<br />

fungi, and even Covid-19.<br />

<strong>Itapecerica</strong> welcomed us<br />

very well 14 years ago when<br />

we moved from Taboão<br />

<strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>. At that time our<br />

structure was smaller and<br />

we occupied only one<br />

building on our land. To<strong>da</strong>y<br />

we are building the 4th<br />

building, benefiting from<br />

the privileged position of<br />

access to the main highways<br />

in the country, in addition<br />

to the labor that comes<br />

from 80% of the region -<br />

Marcos Fantozzi, CEO at<br />

Sommaplast.<br />

Marcos Francischeli (Diretor administrativo), Marcos Fantozzi (CEO), Fernando Francischelli (Diretor Industrial)<br />

(Managing Director)<br />

(Industrial Director)<br />

”<br />

”<br />

“<br />

Para a Boehringer Ingelheim, a<br />

fábrica de <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> é<br />

motivo de orgulho, sendo destaque<br />

<strong>da</strong> nossa presença no Brasil ao<br />

longo desses 65 anos. Temos uma<br />

planta moderna e bem estrutura<strong>da</strong><br />

onde fabricamos, embalamos e<br />

distribuímos medicamentos para todo<br />

o território nacional e também com<br />

destino à exportação. Escolhemos<br />

a ci<strong>da</strong>de pela sua localização<br />

estratégica, que nos permite acessar<br />

facilmente as principais rodovias,<br />

garantindo agili<strong>da</strong>de na entra<strong>da</strong> e<br />

saí<strong>da</strong> de insumos e produtos.<br />

For Boehringer Ingelheim,<br />

the <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong><br />

plant is a source of pride<br />

over these 65 years in Brazil.<br />

We have one a modern<br />

and well-structured facility<br />

where we manufacture, pack<br />

and distribute medicines<br />

throughout the national<br />

territory and also for external<br />

market. We chose the city for<br />

its strategic location, which<br />

allows us to easily access<br />

the main highways, ensuring<br />

agility in the entry and exit of<br />

supplies and products.<br />

Marc Hasson<br />

Presidente <strong>da</strong> Boehringer Ingelheim no Brasil<br />

Country Manager of Boehringer Ingelheim Brazil<br />

”<br />

ITAPECERICA DA SERRA-<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />

CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong><br />


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