City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
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HEALTH<br />
Health Equipment<br />
Drive-Thru Vaccines<br />
In addition, the city also offers Health Drive-Thru<br />
a safe alternative for screening, testing, attending, and<br />
prescribing medication, if necessary, for suspected and<br />
confirmed cases of Covid-19.<br />
<strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> advances in<br />
vaccination for education professionals<br />
In partnership with the Municipal Health Authority<br />
of <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>, the Department of Education<br />
advances in the vaccination of education professionals,<br />
including professionals from municipal, state, and<br />
private schools.<br />
The city has Basic Health Units,<br />
Family Health Units, diagnostic centers,<br />
emergency services, and other health<br />
equipment that meet the population’s<br />
diverse needs.<br />
The Surgical and Obstetric Center,<br />
for example, performs a wide range of<br />
surgeries, from orthopedic surgeries to<br />
Neurological and Obstetric Surgeries.<br />
The Municipal Specialty Center<br />
includes several diagnostic tests such as<br />
Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Neurology,<br />
and Gynecology. In addition to having<br />
a CAPS - Ad (Psychosocial Care Center<br />
for Alcohol and Drugs) aimed at the<br />
social reintegration of people with<br />
problems arising from alcohol, tobacco,<br />
and other drugs.<br />
<strong>Itapecerica</strong> combines vaccination campaign<br />
with social actions<br />
The city also joined the campaign created by the Government<br />
of the State of São Paulo, where people vaccinated against<br />
COVID-19 are invited to donate a kilo of non-perishable<br />
food. Participation is optional but highly encouraged as the<br />
distribution will be made by the Social Soli<strong>da</strong>rity Fund of<br />
<strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> (FUSSIS). It will include families with<br />
nutritional deficits and in a situation of vulnerability in the<br />
municipality.<br />
Home Remedy<br />
Another action to protect citizens without giving up their<br />
rights as citizens were creating the initiative that delivers highcost<br />
medicines at home. The goal is that residents who need<br />
high-cost medications offered by the municipal government do<br />
not expose themselves to the virus or are in agglomerations since<br />
about three thousand and five hundred people are registered to<br />
receive high-cost medication.<br />
ITAPECERICA DA SERRA-<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />
40 CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong><br />
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ITAPECERICA DA SERRA -<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />
CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong>