City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
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Mayor<br />
Dr. Francisco Ta<strong>da</strong>o Nakano<br />
Exclusive Interview<br />
“<br />
We intend to bring large projects, and<br />
we will spare no efforts to support the<br />
entrepreneur who wants to bring jobs and<br />
do excellent business in our region.<br />
”<br />
Mayor Nakano, how did your professional trajectory<br />
lead you to the mayor of <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>?<br />
I have been a doctor for over thirty years. I work in <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong><br />
and the region. My mission has always been to save lives and take care of<br />
people, which naturally projected me into public life—serving people and<br />
treating them with dignity. I exercised and continue to exercise my role,<br />
and I believe this made me the hope of improvements for the people of<br />
<strong>Itapecerica</strong>.<br />
What are the main goals and<br />
strategies for this term?<br />
Our government plan aims to structure health for the<br />
simple fact that I am a doctor and see the population’s<br />
needs up close. Perhaps this is the main reason that<br />
brought me to the position I occupy to<strong>da</strong>y. However,<br />
we have several other problems that need special care:<br />
education, safety, tourism, sport, leisure, and culture,<br />
among others.<br />
Unfortunately, the pandemic caused our plans to be<br />
postponed. As a result, we got a beginning of term full<br />
of difficulties and past debts. Nevertheless, with few<br />
resources, we did a lot in this first semester.<br />
For the rest of the year, we aim to immunize the<br />
population against Covid-19, return 100% to<br />
classroom classes in schools, promote jobs, and boost<br />
commerce in the city.<br />
If we reach these essential goals, it will be a big step<br />
forward.<br />
The city has favorable indexes<br />
in education. Could you briefly explain to us<br />
how the municipal administration handles and<br />
works with this issue?<br />
This department’s head is one of the best educators<br />
in Greater São Paulo, professor Márcio Carvalho. He<br />
has developed, with his team, devices to encourage<br />
distance studies, making the most of the technological<br />
resources according to the possibilities of the students.<br />
He has autonomy within the portfolio to carry out<br />
his work without interference and has shown himself<br />
to face the challenges brought by the pandemic. He<br />
was concerned with the children’s Food Card, even<br />
without attending classes, showing that he was<br />
attentive to social issues relevant to the students. I<br />
am sure that we will reach ever-higher rates in the<br />
Education area in <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>, returning to<br />
normality.<br />
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