Legal Alert - Guia do investimento privado em Moçambique (Decreto n.º 8/2024 de 7 de Março)
O Decreto n.º 8/2024, aprovado a 7 de março, estabelece um conjunto de normas claras para orientar os investimentos privados em Moçambique, procurando facilitar o processo de autorização e implementação de projectos de investimento.
O Decreto n.º 8/2024, aprovado a 7 de março, estabelece um conjunto de normas claras para orientar os investimentos privados em Moçambique, procurando facilitar o processo de autorização e implementação de projectos de investimento.
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Law Firm<br />
LEGAL ALERT ABR. <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>Decreto</strong> n.<strong>º</strong> 8/<strong>2024</strong> <strong>de</strong> 7 <strong>de</strong> <strong>Março</strong><br />
O <strong>Decreto</strong> n.<strong>º</strong> 8/<strong>2024</strong>, aprova<strong>do</strong> a 7 <strong>de</strong> março, estabelece um conjunto <strong>de</strong><br />
normas claras para orientar os <strong>investimento</strong>s priva<strong>do</strong>s <strong>em</strong> <strong>Moçambique</strong>, procuran<strong>do</strong><br />
facilitar o processo <strong>de</strong> autorização e impl<strong>em</strong>entação <strong>de</strong> projectos <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>investimento</strong>. Este <strong>de</strong>creto promove transparência e eficácia nas práticas <strong>de</strong><br />
negócios no país, ao mesmo t<strong>em</strong>po <strong>em</strong> que incentiva o crescimento econômico<br />
sustentável.<br />
Para investir <strong>em</strong> <strong>Moçambique</strong>, os interessa<strong>do</strong>s <strong>de</strong>v<strong>em</strong> submeter um pedi<strong>do</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> autorização, incluin<strong>do</strong> um estu<strong>do</strong> <strong>de</strong> viabilida<strong>de</strong> técnica e econômico-financeira,<br />
b<strong>em</strong> como <strong>do</strong>cumentos que comprov<strong>em</strong> a i<strong>de</strong>ntida<strong>de</strong> <strong>do</strong>s investi<strong>do</strong>res,<br />
o local <strong>do</strong> projecto e a capacida<strong>de</strong> financeira para executá-lo. O objectivo<br />
é garantir que os <strong>investimento</strong>s sejam sóli<strong>do</strong>s e estejam alinha<strong>do</strong>s com<br />
as leis locais.<br />
Uma vez submeti<strong>do</strong>s, os pedi<strong>do</strong>s passam por um processo <strong>de</strong> análise <strong>de</strong>talhada,<br />
que leva <strong>em</strong> conta a viabilida<strong>de</strong> técnica, econômico-financeira, socioambiental<br />
e <strong>de</strong> merca<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> projecto. As propostas também são verificadas<br />
quanto à conformida<strong>de</strong> com as leis e políticas nacionais, especialmente<br />
aquelas relativas ao <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento econômico e social <strong>do</strong> país.<br />
O <strong>de</strong>creto estabelece prazos claros para o processo <strong>de</strong> autorização. O Ministério<br />
das Finanças <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> sobre projectos com impacto econômico, ambiental<br />
ou <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> pública <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> sete dias. Ad<strong>em</strong>ais, projectos <strong>de</strong> maior porte<br />
ou que envolvam concessões e parcerias público-privadas são <strong>de</strong>cidi<strong>do</strong>s pelo<br />
Conselho <strong>de</strong> Ministros <strong>em</strong> até 30 dias.<br />
Se necessário, as condições e termos da autorização <strong>de</strong> <strong>investimento</strong> pod<strong>em</strong><br />
ser ajusta<strong>do</strong>s, mediante pedi<strong>do</strong> fundamenta<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> investi<strong>do</strong>r. Neste senti<strong>do</strong>,<br />
circunstâncias como atraso no início <strong>do</strong> projecto, paralisação ou mudanças<br />
nos pressupostos iniciais são motivos que pod<strong>em</strong> levar à alteração da autorização.<br />
A autorização <strong>de</strong> <strong>investimento</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser revogada <strong>em</strong> <strong>de</strong>terminadas circunstâncias,<br />
incluin<strong>do</strong> o pedi<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> próprio investi<strong>do</strong>r, falta <strong>de</strong> início <strong>do</strong> projecto<br />
<strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>do</strong> prazo <strong>de</strong>termina<strong>do</strong>, paralisação <strong>do</strong> projecto por mais <strong>de</strong> três meses<br />
ou incumprimento das leis e condições estabelecidas na autorização.<br />
O governo acompanhará a impl<strong>em</strong>entação <strong>do</strong>s projectos <strong>de</strong> <strong>investimento</strong><br />
para garantir o cumprimento das leis e condições acordadas. Os investi<strong>do</strong>res<br />
também <strong>de</strong>v<strong>em</strong> cumprir as obrigações <strong>de</strong> responsabilida<strong>de</strong> social, que inclu<strong>em</strong><br />
acções voltadas ao reassentamento <strong>de</strong> comunida<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento<br />
<strong>de</strong> infraestrutura local, apoio à educação e contratação <strong>de</strong> mão <strong>de</strong> obra e<br />
serviços locais.<br />
O <strong>de</strong>creto prevê a colaboração entre diferentes órgãos governamentais para<br />
garantir uma análise completa e equilibrada <strong>do</strong>s projectos <strong>de</strong> <strong>investimento</strong>.<br />
A falta <strong>de</strong> parecer <strong>do</strong>s órgãos consulta<strong>do</strong>s no prazo <strong>de</strong> 15 dias é consi<strong>de</strong>rada<br />
uma aprovação tácita.<br />
As comunicações entre investi<strong>do</strong>res e órgãos governamentais <strong>de</strong>v<strong>em</strong> ser feitas<br />
por escrito e formalizadas conforme as normas estabelecidas. Os investi<strong>do</strong>res<br />
têm o direito <strong>de</strong> apresentar reclamações sobre <strong>de</strong>cisões ou procedimentos,<br />
as quais serão analisadas pelos órgãos competentes.<br />
O <strong>Decreto</strong> n.<strong>º</strong> 8/<strong>2024</strong> visa proporcionar clareza e segurança aos investi<strong>do</strong>res<br />
priva<strong>do</strong>s interessa<strong>do</strong>s <strong>em</strong> contribuir para o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Moçambique</strong>.<br />
Ao estabelecer diretrizes claras e justas para a autorização e acompanhamento<br />
<strong>do</strong>s <strong>investimento</strong>s, o <strong>de</strong>creto cria um ambiente propício para<br />
negócios, incentivan<strong>do</strong> o crescimento econômico sustentável e a responsabilida<strong>de</strong><br />
social.<br /><br />
RSA - Advoga<strong>do</strong>s
LEGAL ALERT ABR. <strong>2024</strong><br />
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Decree No. 8/<strong>2024</strong> of March 7<br />
Decree No. 8/<strong>2024</strong>, approved on March 7, sets forth a series of clear norms to<br />
gui<strong>de</strong> private investments in Mozambique, aiming to facilitate the process of<br />
authorization and impl<strong>em</strong>entation of investment projects. This <strong>de</strong>cree promotes<br />
transparency and efficiency in business practices in the country while<br />
encouraging sustainable economic growth.<br />
To invest in Mozambique, interested parties must submit a request for authorization,<br />
including a technical and economic-financial feasibility study, as<br />
well as <strong>do</strong>cuments proving the i<strong>de</strong>ntity of the investors, the project location,<br />
and the financial capacity to execute it. The goal is to ensure that investments<br />
are sound and in line with local laws.<br />
Once submitted, the requests un<strong>de</strong>rgo a <strong>de</strong>tailed analysis process, taking<br />
into account the technical, economic-financial, socio-environmental, and<br />
market viability of the project. Proposals are also checked for compliance<br />
with national laws and policies, especially those related to the country’s economic<br />
and social <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />
The <strong>de</strong>cree sets clear <strong>de</strong>adlines for the authorization process. The Ministry of<br />
Finance <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s on projects with economic, environmental, or public health<br />
impacts within seven days. Larger projects or those involving concessions<br />
and public-private partnerships are <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by the Council of Ministers within<br />
30 days.<br />
If necessary, the terms and conditions of the investment authorization can<br />
be adjusted upon the justified request of the investor. Circumstances such<br />
as project initiation <strong>de</strong>lays, stoppages, or changes in the initial assumptions<br />
may lead to changes in the authorization.<br />
Investment authorization can be revoked un<strong>de</strong>r certain circumstances,<br />
including the investor’s own request, failure to initiate the project within<br />
the stipulated timeframe, project stoppage for over three months, or<br />
failure to comply with laws and conditions established in the authorization.<br />
The government will monitor the impl<strong>em</strong>entation of investment projects to<br />
ensure compliance with agreed laws and conditions. Investors must also fulfill<br />
social responsibility obligations, which inclu<strong>de</strong> actions aimed at commu-<br /><br />
RSA - Advoga<strong>do</strong>s
4<br />
Confiança<br />
Experiência<br />
Partilha<br />
Trust<br />
Experience<br />
Sharing<br />
nity resettl<strong>em</strong>ent, local infrastructure <strong>de</strong>velopment, education support, and<br />
hiring of local labor and services.<br />
The <strong>de</strong>cree provi<strong>de</strong>s for collaboration between different government agencies<br />
to ensure a comprehensive and balanced analysis of investment projects.<br />
The lack of response from consulted agencies within 15 days is consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />
tacit approval.<br />
Communications between investors and government agencies must be<br />
ma<strong>de</strong> in writing and formalized according to established norms. Investors<br />
have the right to file complaints regarding <strong>de</strong>cisions or procedures, which<br />
will be reviewed by the appropriate authorities.<br />
Decree No. 8/<strong>2024</strong> aims to provi<strong>de</strong> clarity and security to private investors<br />
interested in contributing to Mozambique’s <strong>de</strong>velopment. By establishing<br />
clear and fair gui<strong>de</strong>lines for the authorization and monitoring of investments,<br />
the <strong>de</strong>cree creates a conducive business environment, encouraging sustainable<br />
economic growth and social responsibility.<br />
Law Firm<br />
Esta comunicação contém apenas informações gerais e, por conseguinte, não constitui aconselhamento profissional<br />
ou a prestação <strong>de</strong> serviços pela RSA LP, pelas suas socieda<strong>de</strong>s m<strong>em</strong>bros ou pelas entida<strong>de</strong>s com<br />
elas relacionadas. Antes <strong>de</strong> qualquer acto ou omissão que o possa afectar, <strong>de</strong>verá consultar um profissional<br />
qualifica<strong>do</strong>.<br />
Nenhuma entida<strong>de</strong> da re<strong>de</strong> RSA LP po<strong>de</strong>rá ser responsabilizada por quaisquer danos ou perdas sofridas pelos<br />
resulta<strong>do</strong>s <strong>de</strong>correntes da tomada <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>cisões com base nesta comunicação.<br />
This communication contains only general information and therefore <strong>do</strong>es not constitute professional advice<br />
or the provision of services by RSA LP, its m<strong>em</strong>ber firms or their related entities. Before any act or omission<br />
that may affect you, you should consult a qualified professional.<br />
No entity in the RSA LP network may be liable for any damages or losses incurred by the results arising from<br />
the <strong>de</strong>cision-making based on this communication.<br />
Para mais informações, contacte-nos<br />
For more information contact us<br />
Célio Cumbe<br />
Advoga<strong>do</strong> Estagiário<br /><br />