The book of Paraisópolis

Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival www.culturainglesafestival.com.br

Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival


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Palmeirinha<br />

Before becoming a soccer field,<br />

Palmeirinha was a soccer team that<br />

was born in 1970. <strong>The</strong>y decided to use<br />

this name because, at that time, there<br />

wasn’t any “palmeirense” among them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main person responsible for the<br />

existence <strong>of</strong> the Palmeirinha field is<br />

Francisco Luiz da Silva, 60 years old,<br />

known as Chiquinho. Many people go<br />

there with family and friends to watch<br />

games, shows or even just some leisure.<br />

You do not have to pay anything, there’s<br />

no entry fee.<br />

Hebe Camargo Avenue<br />

Everybody knows that the avenue<br />

name is the same as the singer Hebe<br />

Camargo, but few know the true reason<br />

<strong>of</strong> its foundation. A few years ago, she<br />

sang in the streets <strong>of</strong> <strong>Paraisópolis</strong>. She<br />

had only a dream and her talent. She<br />

became known when she was invited to<br />

sing at a FM radio station. By that time,<br />

our community was going through<br />

many financial difficulties. People here<br />

were very poor. <strong>The</strong> singer became<br />

famous and rich, and donated money<br />

to <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> after her death. We<br />

found a way to give back by naming the<br />

avenue after her.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kite and <strong>The</strong> Ball<br />

This is a monument <strong>of</strong> a kite and a ball.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y represent childhood.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Soccer Field<br />

Next to the soccer field at Palmeirinha<br />

you can find this statue <strong>of</strong> a soccer field.<br />

It represents a special day when we<br />

played together on the Palmeirinhas<br />

field.<br />


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