The book of Paraisópolis
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
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<strong>The</strong> White Building<br />
We found out about the White building<br />
on Giovanni Avenue through a soap<br />
opera. We think no one knows or cares<br />
about it because it was abandoned. It is<br />
neither a good nor bad place.<br />
Karol Construction Store<br />
We found out about this place because<br />
it is located in front <strong>of</strong> a friend’s<br />
house. We think no one knows about<br />
it because it is located on a not wellknown<br />
street. It’s a small store with<br />
a variety <strong>of</strong> materials and products,<br />
therefore, it’s useful.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Dump<br />
I found this place when I was walking<br />
nearby with my dad. I think no one<br />
knows or cares about it because it is<br />
located on a deserted street. I think it<br />
stinks <strong>of</strong> garbage.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Snack Bar<br />
We found this place because it is close<br />
to our house and it sells good food. We<br />
think no one knows about this place<br />
because it is located on a little alley.<br />
We think the food there is good but<br />
they should make it look better, there’s<br />
nothing awesome. Anyway, we bet they<br />
make a lot <strong>of</strong> money.<br />
A Deserted Place<br />
No one passes by the back <strong>of</strong> Cultura<br />
Inglesa and no one cares to see what’s<br />
there. Although it’s visible, we think<br />
no one cares about this place because<br />
there’s nothing interesting there and<br />
it’s deserted. <strong>The</strong>y even tried to make a<br />
park but there’s nothing left. We think<br />
it’s a scary place and very dark.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Abandoned Building<br />
One <strong>of</strong> us saw it from afar. We think no<br />
one knows about this place because it<br />
is abandoned. We think it’s a good place<br />
for taking photos.<br />
Casa de Pedra<br />
I found this place in the <strong>book</strong> “Lugares<br />
de Memória” (Memory places). I think<br />
no one knows about this place because<br />
it lacks publicity. I think it’s a beautiful<br />
and creative place.<br />