The book of Paraisópolis
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
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shop and in front <strong>of</strong> it, there is a bakery.<br />
Next to the bakery is the entrance to the<br />
Palmeirinhas. All along the way you will<br />
smell plants and food.<br />
A Downhill Walk<br />
Start at Club Life. Going down the street<br />
you’ll see a lane downhill. Continue<br />
walking forward until you smell very<br />
delicious food. <strong>The</strong>n, if you look to your<br />
left, you’ll see Malokero Burger. But<br />
take care while crossing the street. <strong>The</strong><br />
motorcycles are crazy.<br />
Walk to Cultura Inglesa<br />
To go from Club life to Cultura Inglesa,<br />
you need to walk down and turn right.<br />
In this part, you can see pet shops, car<br />
wash, some markets. You cannot walk<br />
on the sidewalk because it’s too small<br />
and there is a lot <strong>of</strong> trash on it. Go down<br />
the road until you see a big stair. Go<br />
downstairs, pass the soccer court and<br />
turn left. <strong>The</strong>re is a school there, so,<br />
during some hours there are a lot <strong>of</strong><br />
students and it’s not cool at all. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />
walk forward and soon you can see<br />
Cultura Inglesa in the other side <strong>of</strong> the<br />
street. Cross the road and you are there.<br />