The book of Paraisópolis
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
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Thank you for reading our guide to <strong>Paraisópolis</strong>. What you<br />
think about this place depends on how you see it.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are things that make <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> not so great but<br />
there are also many positive things, and possibilities for<br />
it to develop. We hope in the future there will be better<br />
structure for people to live and more things to do. We<br />
hope there are more jobs so adults can support their<br />
children and the kids don’t need to go out in the street and<br />
work.<br />
Do we think things will change? Maybe. We have lived<br />
here for a long time, some <strong>of</strong> us were born here and others<br />
moved in when we were only 3 or 4 years old. In that<br />
time we haven’t seen that much change so we don’t see<br />
much change in the future, maybe some more houses.<br />
But the one thing we hope can change is people and their<br />
attitudes.<br />
We hope people will stop just throwing garbage in the<br />
street, and that cars will stop parking on the sidewalk and<br />
blocking the streets. We hope the streets will be a little<br />
less noisy and a bit more peaceful. We hope the police<br />
will stop treating everyone in <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> like we are<br />
the problem. We hope people will look at <strong>Paraisópolis</strong><br />
differently. We hope that in the future people will say it is<br />
a very cool place and very special.<br />
We believe that people can change and people make the<br />
place.<br />
Not all <strong>of</strong> us will be here to see these changes. Some <strong>of</strong><br />
us will be in Canada or Spain or in Argentina, but some<br />
<strong>of</strong> us will still be here because this is the place we were<br />
born and we have never lived anywhere else. We want<br />
to grow and study and work here. We will be teachers<br />
(teaching young ones – not teenagers) and stylists and<br />
pediatricians. We will work in marketing or technology or<br />
some other growth area. Some <strong>of</strong> us will be artists.<br />
Wherever we are, please remember us, and remember<br />
the city we showed to you. This <strong>book</strong> is a memento from<br />
a moment in time. This is what it was like to live in<br />
<strong>Paraisópolis</strong> in 2024.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Book <strong>of</strong> <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> was created by students from<br />
Cultura Inglesa <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> in collaboration with artists<br />
Andy Field and Beckie Darlington.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>book</strong>’s authors are:<br />
Class IT1 - teacher César Ferreira<br />
Alexandre de Jesus Oliveira, Ana Julia Oliveira de<br />
Melo, Anna Beatriz Silva Santos, Cristiany de Azevedo<br />
Nascimento, Felipe da Silva Gomes, Fellipe Bandeira<br />
Paulino da Silva, Gabriel Souza Rocha, Henrique Pereira<br />
Barbosa, Isabelly Oliveira da Silva Mateus, Maria<br />
Eduarda Costa Soares, Myllena Conceição Lima, Nicolly<br />
Basilio Morais, Stella Vitória Almeida Omenas<br />
Class IT1 - teacher Luciana Biancalana<br />
Ana Clara Monteiro de Lima, Carolina Santos Freitas,<br />
Davi de Jesus de Sousa dos Santos, Elder de Almeida<br />
Rodrigues, Emanuelle Costa da Silva, Guilherme<br />
Bandeira Paulino da Silva, Larissa Moura de Jesus, Maria<br />
Fernanda Cabral Matos, Mariana Justino Rodrigues,<br />
Marina Coelho Crema, Natily Ramos da Silva, Yuri<br />
Ribeiro de Sousa<br />
Class IT1 - teacher Vinicius Amorim<br />
Ana Beatriz da Silva, Ana Beatriz Sousa de Moraes,<br />
Arthur Silva Paz Santos, Gustavo Lopes Santos,<br />
Karolayne Oliveira Rocha, Kauan Gomes Araujo, Luis<br />
Gustavo Aguiar Rocha, Manuela Oliveira dos Santos,<br />
Naiany Santos Pereira, Pablo Queiroz de Almeida, Thalita<br />
Simão Gomes, Viviane Leite Pereira de Queiroz<br />
Class IT2 - teacher César Ferreira<br />
Agatha Rayllany Azevedo Velozo, Arthur Silva de Oliveira,<br />
Camily Vitória Martins Batista, Eduardo Araujo dos<br />
Santos, Enzo Alves dos Santos, Enzo Rocha de Moraes,<br />
Gustavo Dias da Silva, Gustavo Henrique Silva Santos,<br />
Kristopher Anjos da Silva, Laura de Sousa Oliveira,<br />
Leonardo de Souza Marques, Liedson Sabara de Oliveira,<br />
Lilian Pereira Falcão, Maria Vitória da Silva Chaves,<br />
Marianny Vitória Pereira Gomes, Pedro Henrique dos<br />
Santos, Rafaela Silva Nunes, Sophia Vittoria Maciel<br />
Monteiro, Sullie Samira Rodrigues Silva<br />
Class IT2 - teacher Luciana Biancalana<br />
Bruno Araujo Lopes, Carlos Eduardo Gomes da Silva,<br />
Dafne Gonçalves de Amorim Loiola, Diego Rocha Vieira<br />
da Silva, Emily Nunes Lima, Grazielly Sales Gama,<br />
Isabella Santana Almeida Santos, Katleen Fernanda