The book of Paraisópolis

Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival www.culturainglesafestival.com.br

Publicação realizada pelo 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival


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This is the <strong>book</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Paraisópolis</strong>.<br />

This is a guide<strong>book</strong> made by<br />

teenagers for adults.<br />

This <strong>book</strong> is a way for you to<br />

see the city through our eyes.<br />

<strong>Paraisópolis</strong> is like a small<br />

city inside a bigger city.<br />

In <strong>Paraisópolis</strong> you can find anything<br />

you want very fast because there are<br />

so many stores here. Everything is<br />

here – there are places where you can<br />

play sports, there are many courses<br />

and many different social projects. <strong>The</strong><br />

people here are very cool and it’s very<br />

easy to make friends. All the people live<br />

very close to each other. Sometimes<br />

this is good, sometimes this is bad.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are some places where there<br />

is so much trash and people here can<br />

sometimes be disrespectful to each<br />

other. When it rains heavily (as it<br />

does a lot) all the trash runs down the<br />

improvised streets. But we like it here.<br />

It’s a beautiful and cool place that you<br />

should know about.<br />

You may not know how easy it is to<br />

make friends here and you may not<br />

remember that our stress is just the<br />

same as your stress. Being a teenager<br />

is stressful. Friendships take time and<br />

effort. Sometimes you can’t talk to<br />

your parents when bad things happen<br />

because they’re always tired and we<br />

don’t want to make them mad. You may<br />

not know any <strong>of</strong> these things. But don’t<br />

worry, this <strong>book</strong> is here to help you.<br />


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