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isso a antiga fábrica precisou crescer e se modernizar.<br />

Em comemoração ao seu aniversário de 56 anos, como<br />

líder absoluta no mercado de iscas formicidas, a Dinagro<br />

inaugurou seu novo parque fabril. A nova planta dispõe<br />

de equipamentos de ponta como moinhos altamente<br />

precisos para uma perfeita granulometria e secadores<br />

mais produtivos. Hoje a nova fábrica produz 1 tonelada/<br />

hora, sendo capaz de atingir 2 toneladas/hora.<br />

Em todo o processo de fabricação da isca formicida<br />

existe o aproveitamento total das matérias-primas e<br />

reaproveitamento parcial de subprodutos através de<br />

ideias e tecnologia desenvolvidas. Desta forma, é gerado<br />

o mínimo possível de resíduos que recebe a destinação<br />

final adequada. O processo é integralmente monitorado<br />

a fim de evitar qualquer tipo de contaminação ambiental.<br />

Agora que o Leitor da Revista REFERÊNCIA FLORESTAL<br />

conhece um pouco da história da Dinagro vale ressaltar<br />

que, o segredo para resultados satisfatórios de eficiência<br />

de controle como também de redução do custo operacional<br />

como um todo, não está atrelado apenas à qualidade<br />

da isca escolhida. O sucesso no controle das formigas<br />

cortadeiras depende também de fatores intrínsecos<br />

ligados à biologia e comportamento do inseto e fatores<br />

extrínsecos ligados à fatores climáticos, operacionais e<br />

metodológicos.<br />

on rework (inputs and labor); a larger area controlled during<br />

the rainy season, offering more security for planning<br />

subsequent operations; optimization of the work of teams<br />

and machines throughout the year; increased efficiency<br />

in controlling leaf-cutting ants during the rainy season,<br />

among other benefits.<br />

Dinagro’s first factory, built in 1969, had four hundred<br />

m² of factory space for conventional bait production. With<br />

the launch of the resistant bait in 2019, it was necessary<br />

to allocate part of the conventional bait production plant<br />

to the resistant bait. The production projection for the<br />

resistant bait in the first year of production exceeded all<br />

expectations, doubling production in the following year<br />

due to the product’s high efficiency.<br />

Due to the high acceptance and effectiveness of the<br />

resistant bait in the forestry market, demand grew, and<br />

the old factory had to be expanded and modernized. In<br />

celebration of its 56th anniversary as the absolute leader<br />

in the formicide bait market, Dinagro inaugurated its new<br />

plant. The new plant has state-of-the-art equipment, such<br />

as highly precise mills for perfect granulometry and more<br />

productive dryers. Today, the new plant produces 1 ton/<br />

hour and can reach 2 tons/hour.<br />

The entire manufacturing process of the formicide bait<br />

makes full use of raw materials and partial reuse of by-products<br />

through the ideas and technology developed. In this<br />

way, as little waste as possible is generated and properly<br />

disposed of. The process is fully monitored in order to avoid<br />

any environmental contamination.<br />

Now that the reader of REFERÊNCIA Florestal has learned<br />

a little about Dinagro’s history, it is worth pointing out<br />

that the secret to satisfactory results in terms of control<br />

efficiency as well as reducing operating costs as a whole,<br />

is not only linked to the quality of the bait chosen. Successful<br />

control of leafcutter ants also depends on intrinsic<br />

factors linked to the biology and behavior of the insect<br />

and extrinsic factors linked to climatic, operational, and<br />

methodological factors.<br />

Novembro 2024<br />


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