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Endi natisit lam aut et aut quatur alicimp orempostem inuscit, ut etur ationsequid quam

fugia nihicienis nem esto quibusa ersperr orerore peribus, eium nosandi tempore non et

la doluptat.

Bo. Dus es qui as dis aut accusantum ea nis simet, sandiat dolorumquia as rem fuga.


Hilliqu recently istiandis spent inciuntia several et days quunteseque at the edge of rehendis the Great ea Smoky vellace rcipide llament, Like medieval sunt monks, the loggers kept silence at the table, in this case

faccaboria Mountains saped National quo te nis Park. et Breakfast digendio. naturally Pa voluptat became eicteca an issue borentiundel if because ipsam the quo cooks and their helpers wanted the men to eat and leave

minisque a day’s ped plan ma included ande prernate hiking. The quis menu quo at omnimagni the restaurant nonem played dolori on ullestis quickly. coria With the volupta amount of food prepared every day, the cooks needed

spicabo the reptae theme enditatur of logging sam which quiatibusam – many people ius, might sita not volore, know ersperi – was quam, to minimize ut et imusdam, the time spent cleaning up.

con posandi

one reason


for the creation of this national park in the first place.

Of course, Paul would have made short work of it. Too bad he was a only

Terribly decimated by huge logging companies and, aided by sawmill

companies, the old-growth forests fell to the logger’s axe over

Ore vel ea con conem idempos ametum fugit quam, sum lat lam, num figment lam invellorrum of the collective imagination. As for me, I shared my Black Bear

quia quam, con excesti alit re dolut eaque cum is maiostruntia nestorunt Camp eaque Skillet ommodit with someone else. And enjoyed every bite.

and over again. Trees that stood for hundreds of years, measuring


25 feet



et ero excepror

at their base,




in the course of an afternoon.It took a One recipe often served was SAWMILL GRAVY, a version of which I used

Vel lot of inciliqui elbow grease aut elitem to do this rae kind magniet of work, quae requiring eum harchil thousands molor of rem doluptae to eat sit as es a child, quisque made with ground beef and served over rice, not biscuits.

volorit calories qui per consequi day. The food ut amusandite served up in logging eaqui ut camps quatur sounds audae like sera vent. Legend has it that a cookee made it one day with coarse cornmeal, there

Ovid something ut aut impossible faccuptatur, these eliquodis days, when eumet our greatest sum physical imaioribus exertion

est eos being ab ipit no pliquid flour at hand. The men grumbled and noted the mouthfeel

endicta seems to et be fugiae turning vel on maio iPhones eaquamet or iPads. harcient.

resembled sawdust. Hence the name.

Optaqui optatamuscid moloris volorit empeles aut eribus eum labora nos derumquae

Legends and folklore provide wonderful entrées into the heart of many Serves 4

cultures. And in the United States we’ve generated a few of these

1 pound mild sausage, crumbled

delectable tall tales. Take the mythical lumberjack Paul Bunyan, who

stands heads above the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow and 2 ½ T. all-purpose flour

other similar characters. Lumberjacks created Paul and, with each telling,

he grew bigger. And hungrier. Take the story of his birth, for one:

1 cup milk plus 2 T.

… it took five giant storks, working in relays, to deliver Paul to his parents.

And what a baby Paul was; his lungs were so strong that he could empty a

whole pond full of frogs with one holler when he was hungry. It took a whole

herd of cows to keep his milk bottle filled and he could eat forty bowls of

porridge just to whet his appetite.

A lumberjack’s appetite in itself could be the stuff of plenty of legends.

The average man put away 8000 calories a day, in the form of beans

(usually served at every meal), meat, rice, potatoes, bread, biscuits,

cakes, cookies, and pies, according to Maureen M. Fischer in Nineteenth-Century

Lumber Camp Cooking, a book written for elementary

school kids.Obviously the cooks found their work cut out for them.

In 1918-1919, 100 loggers lived and worked in the Scott Bog area of

Connecticut. EVERY DAY the cook there rustled up 75 – 100 pounds

of beef, a bushel of cookies, 3 bushels of potatoes, 30 pies (apple, mince,

cherry, raisin, lemon, and prune*), 21-pound cans of condensed milk, 2 gallons

of tomatoes, 3 gallons of canned apples, 16 – 20 big double loaves of bread,

200 doughnuts, 10 yeast cakes, 40 pounds of sausage, 25 pounds of liver and

two gallons of molasses. (From “Loggers and River Drivers,” Fairbanks

Museum, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, p. 6)

½ t. freshly ground black pepper

Fry sausage in heavy cast-iron skillet until well browned.

Remove meat, leave drippings. Stir flour into drippings until

all lumps disappear. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly

until smooth and thickened. Stir in sausage and black pepper.

Serve over fresh hot biscuits.

1 2

3 4


The lumberjack opens his eyes wearily, body sore from the previous

day’s 16 hours of labor. The air is crisp and thick, weighed down

heavily by the early morning moisture of the forest. There is a

stillness that he loves about this time of day. It’s just before the

others have risen. It’s before the saws begin to feed their endless

appetite of oak, ash, fir, and pine. Lifting the dark, gritty, scalding

coffee to his lips, he mentally counts the days he has been gone from his

family. He silently laments how many

more lay ahead of him before he can

see his wife. Because the job is all

there is. The job means security for

his family. The job means he may

one day own his own mill. But the job

is never done.

Finishing his coffee, he pulls on his

boots and reaches for his single-bitted

axe. It fits in his hand perfectly, the

handle worn and shaped by sweat,

blood, and an incalculable number

of swings. His calloused thumb

passes gently over the edge, checking

for nicks that can be quickly filed off.

His mind begins to prepare for the

day. He pushes all thoughts of family

to the side, suspending actual time

because there is only the job. He joins his crew in the back of the wagon pulled

by the ancient gray draft horse. In an hour they’ll be far from camp, wrestling

with their two-man saws, dancing with death in a ballet of wood chips, falling

giants, and meager pay. This is his life and he would choose no other.

He is a lumberjack.

These days, you’re more likely to see burly, bearded men debating the

amount of citrusy hops in their favorite microbrew, holding their mugs

with soft, unworked hands and dressed in pristine imported flannel

shirts than a real lumberjack. Gone are the vast camps of adventurers,

miscreants, wanderers, misfits, and day-laborers that sought a paycheck

felling timber. Men that reshaped the face of this country with their sweat,

unbreakable backs, and a desire to keep the lumber industry alive and

well. As far as tough trades go,

lumberjacks are near the top of the list.

In the 1800s up through the 1940s,

from Washington State to Maine,

Michigan to Louisiana, hordes of men

would descend upon the endless

forests. With little more than hand

tools, they cleared thousands upon

thousands of acres of land. They

dropped trees of staggering size.

They moved them to the intersecting

network of rivers and tributaries, and

floated them to their sawmill

destinations. At no part of that

process did they not risk their lives,

often for pennies a day,

even by today’s standards.

Across the country, ancient vegetation

like the giant Sequoias of California succumbed to the endless barrage

of saws often wielded by large teams of men. But the epicenter of the

logging world, Bangor, Maine, was known for cutting and shipping more

timber than any place on the planet. As the 19th century wore on and

American expansionism moved ever westward, it was accompanied

by the nomadic lifestyle of the lumberjack.

5 6

Long before the mechanized efficiency of heavy equipment, loggers would

make use of horse or cattle drawn grease-laden skidders to transport the

timber to a nearby river. Standing amidst the floating giants, men would

leap from log to log. They pushed, pulled, and relieved the river of jams

using tools like a spear-and-hook-tipped pole called a peavey. These were

the “log drivers” responsible for getting the wood to a downstream mill.

Originally referenced as loggers, the term “lumberjack” was born in

Canada. It typically refers to the old-school badasses that didn’t have the

luxuries of modern equipment. They traveled from camp to camp,

job to job in order to make a living. Some names for specific jobs in the

logging industry contained just as much character as the men that

occupied them. High climbers, river rats, catty-man, chasers, choker

setters, faller, bucker, and hook tenders were but a few of the jobs

available if you had the stones.

But put a bunch of hard working men in the same area, give them

a little Devil Juice, and you know you’re going to get something

dangerously fun. Many of the men would engage in competitions to see

who was the best in the camp; this is a tradition that can be seen to this

day at many modern county fairs or even on ESPN. Two-man saw

competitions, chainsaw speed cutting, axe throwing, log rolling, and

climbing are but a few challenges that have all experienced revivals in the

quest for cash and notoriety.

Maybe one of the most legendary lumberjacks in history was a Maine

native named Albert Lewis “Jigger” Johnson. In fact, remember those

craft-beer swilling phonies mentioned earlier in this article? They would

have been reduced to crumbling messes if they read the first paragraph

on Jigger’s Wikipedia page:

“Albert Lewis Johnson (1871 – 1935), better known as Jigger Johnson,

also Wildcat Johnson, Jigger Jones, or simply Th e Jigger, was a

legendary logging foreman, trapper, and fire warden for the U.S.

Forest Service who was known throughout the American East for

his many off-the-job exploits, such as catching bobcats alive

barehanded, and drunken brawls.”

This is our kind of guy. Hundreds of tales arose about Jigger’s exploits.

Some stories were based in fact considering he was one of the most

respected foremen on logging jobs in the East. However, there were

many more stories about his ferocious nature when wronged (or drunk).

While searching for some employees that left camp without permission,

Johnson stormed into a local pub. He then grabbed a peavey and started

swinging at any man that stood in his way. The pub’s massive Canadian

bouncer tried to stop Johnson, but was no match. Jigger tossed him

across the room, placed him on a hot stove, then after he had warmed

up, Johnson hit him with a kerosene lamp, setting him ablaze. Needless

to say, the rogue employees went back to the job.

Jigger Johnson was an iconic representative of the lumberjack culture

of the day: Work hard, treat people fairly, and stay until the job is done.

No exceptions.

Today, logging is still a cornerstone of development in this country.

Clearing land will always be needed. However, jobs that once needed large

crews of men can now often be done with a handful of skilled people

running dozers, feller bunchers, and diesel powered hauling equipment.

Armed with huge chainsaws that would make video game heroes blush,

there is still a vibrant community of men (and of course some women)

with forearms like steel springs, weathered skin, and that thousand yard

stare known only by those that have live a long hard life.

It’s doubtful the world will see another set of men like the lumberjacks

of the 19th century; but this country wouldn’t exist without them. Here’s

to all the fallers, buckers, and river rats that helped to literally build this

country with their bare hands.

7 8

The best part about camping with Kampgrounds of America is that we’re your home base to some of the most beautiful and

breathtaking natural wonders in the U.S. That includes hiking experiences you won’t forget, from the east coast to the west coast and

everywhere in between. Depending on your level of hiking expertise, you may be fully outfitted for a memorable all-day adventure,

or you may just be trekking out a mile or two to see some beautiful vistas. No matter what, there are a few essentials that you

don’t want to forget. Comfortable, supportive walking or hiking shoes — check. Water — double check.

However, something some people neglect is an assortment of yummy snacks.

When you’re out there on the trail, your body exerts a lot of enegy. It’s crucial to keep it fueled so that you can keep yourself energized and

moving, no matter how far the winding path takes you. Now’s not the time to skimp on healthy fats, complex carbs and salt. As you chug along, your

body will be sweating and working. Healthy snacks will help you make it that extra mile. Plus, what better way to enjoy a gorgeous waterfall or an

incredible view than with a snack in hand.If you’re looking for a few good snack ideas to take along on a hike, here are eight foods that will make your

snack breaks almost as enjoyable as the trail.



Our old friend peanut butter is chock full of

energizing goodness — proteins, calories

and the healthy kind of fat. These

ingredients act as a natural fuel,

plus they keep you full. Combine

that with potassium-rich bananas,

which provide a sweet contrast

and fight off muscles cramps after

your day of climbing. If you’ve got a

peanut allergy, you can substitute the

peanut butter with any nut butter you like.

Add some granola or one of your favorite whole

grain cereals if you like a little extra crunch!


This protein-packed treat has been a favorite

among hikers for years. Not

only is it delicious and easy to

pack, but it also helps refuel the

muscles that you’ve been using

and the protein can help to keep

your blood sugar at healthy

levels during your trip. Just don’t

overload on jerky, as that extra

sodium could end up making you drink up your

whole water supply. There are many varieties, so

hit your local grocery store and find a jerky that

fits your needs and your taste buds!

365 100% Natural

Creamy Peanut Butter

16 oz | $4.49


There’s a reason this classic snack

got its name. The mixture of dried

fruit, nuts and yes, sometimes

candy, will give you a huge boost

of energy. Just don’t pick out the

sugar-filled chocolate and eat only

that. You have to get the healthy,

protein-packed stuff in you too!



Nuts are another great option if you’re looking Forest Berry Trail Mix

14oz | $9.99

for a lot of protein. Nuts and seeds are easily

portable, plus there are tons of options available.

After you down a handful of cashews or chomp on

some pumpkin seeds, your tired muscles are sure to thank you.

Have a variety of favorites? Combine them to make your own nutty mix!

Fruit, with its naturally occuring

sugars and an extra dose of

hydration, will always make the

perfect snack for any occasion.

May we suggest cutting up your

favorite fruit and mixing it with a

little cinnamon or cayenne pepper

for an added kick? You could even

EPIC PROVISIONS freeze some grapes the night before to give

Bison Bacon Cran Bar yourself a fun frozen treat that’ll keep you cool.

1.3 oz | $2.99 If you’re afraid of your fruit getting too squishy


or going bad, you can always opt for energy- MAVUNO HARVEST

Organic Dried Mango

Rolled oats, nuts and a little bit of

dense dried fruit like raisins, craisins,

2oz | $3.49

sweetness — there are so many

banana or apple chips.

things to love about granola. It’s


easy to find, full of flavor and won’t

go bad no matter how long your


hike lasts. If you want to bypass

Vegatables may be the thing you

extra ingredients or sugar that

avoided on your plate when you

your body doesn’t need, avoid the

were a kid, but veggies are packed

store-bought granola, and make your

with nutrients that boost your

own instead. It’s easy to make, and you

immunity and help with digestion.

can fill it with your favorite assortment

Hearty vegetables like carrots, celery

and broccoli keep well on the trail

of ingredients.

without having to be refrigerated. You

NATURE'S PATH can also bring along cucumbers, which are

Pumpkin Seed and Flax mostly water and will help keep you hydrated.

Granola Add a little hummus for added protein to any

11.5oz | $3.49 of these options, and you’ve got a powerhouse

9 snack for your hike.



Fresh Produce

Prices Vary

Recipes to Fuel your Next Adventure

11 12




This truly is the BEST beef jerky recipe! It’s full of awesome savory

flavors, includes no added sweeteners, and it’s irresistibly delicious!


• 2 pounds flank steak (or eye or round or top round steak)

• 1/2 cup low-sodium soy sauce

• 2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce

• 2 teaspoons coarsely-ground black pepper

• 1 teaspoon liquid smoke

• 1 teaspoon onion powder

• 1 teaspoon seasoned salt

• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder


1. Thinly-slice the steak into 1/8-inch thick strips, either with the grain

(which will result in a chewier beef jerky) or against the grain (which

will be more tender). I recommend popping the steak in the freezer

for 15-30 minutes before slicing so that it is easier to cut. (Or the

butchers working behind the meat

counters at most grocery stores will also do this for you if you ask.)

2. Transfer the strips of steak to a large ziplock bag*. This will make the

marination process a lot easier.

3. In a separate small mixing bowl, whisk together the remaining

ingredients until combined. Pour the mixture into the ziplock bag

with the steak, seal the bag, and toss until the steak is evenly coated.

4. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 1 day.

5. If you’re making the jerky in a dehydrator, lay the strips out in a

single layer on the trays of your dehydrator. Then follow the

dehydrator’s instructions to cook the beef jerky until it is dry and

Prep Time: 8 minutes

Cook Time: 8 hours

Total Time: 8 hours 10 minutes

Yield: 20-24 servings

firm, yet still a little bit pliable. (With my dehydrator, that meant

cooking the jerky on medium heat for about 8 hours. But cooking

times will vary based on the thickness of your meat, and the

heat/brand of your dehydrator.) Remove jerky and transfer

to a sealed container. Refrigerate for up to 1 month.

6. If you’re making the jerky in the oven, heat oven to 175°F. Adjust

the racks to the upper-middle and lower-middle positions. Line two

large baking sheets with aluminum foil, and place wire cooling racks

on top of each sheet. Lay the strips out in a single layer on the wire

racks. Bake until the beef jerky until it is dry and firm, yet still a little

bit pliable, about 4 hours, flipping the beef jerky once about halfway

through. (Cooking times will vary based on the thickness of your

meat.) Remove jerky and transfer to a sealed container.

Refrigerate for up to 1 month.


a slightly-sweet granola bar made with good-for-you ingredients

including rolled oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts,

almonds, banana and dried fruit. No sugar, no weird stuff.


• 360 g mashed ripe banana

about 3 large

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 200 g porridge oats / quick

cook oats

• 90 g dried fruit apricots,

raisins, cranberries, etc


• 50 g walnuts chopped

• 75 g sunflower seeds

• 80 g pepita seeds

• 60 g sliced almonds

• 35 g flax seeds

• 1 teaspoon cinnamon

• 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F. Lightly grease a large

rectangular baking dish (approximately 9" x 13" / 23 x 33 cm)

and line with a piece of parchment paper (with overhang so the

bars are easier to remove.)

2. In a large bowl, mash the banana until smooth. Stir in the vanilla.

This will add some sweetness rather than sugar.

3. Add the remaining ingredients to the banana mixture and stir until

fully combined. You'll end up with a heavy thick mixture.

4. Spoon the mixture into the prepared dish. With lightly wet hands,

smooth out until even and uniform. Press down on the dough

until compacted.

5. Bake for 22 to 26 minutes, until firm and lightly golden along the


6. Place the dish on a cooling rack for 10 minutes, then carefully slide

a knife to loosen the ends and gently lift out. Place the slab on a

cooling rack until completely cool.

7. Once cool, slice into bars. I like to use a pizza slicer as it easily

cuts through the dried fruit and nuts. A bread knife also works well.

Leftovers can be wrapped up and stored in the fridge for a week, or

stored in the freezer for 4 to 6 weeks.

13 14


Approximate nutritional info (per bar, based on 14 large bars): 186

calories, 8.7 grams fat, 22 grams carbs, 4.7 grams fibre, 6 grams

sugar, 6.6 grams protein.




Cooked on Coals to serve 8—If you want to try your hands at baking

bread outdoors, this campfire flatbread recipe is a great place to start.

No fancy wilderness oven required; the flatbread gets cooked straight

on the coals! Seriously, cooking bread on coals is a game changer.

The char adds the most delightful smoky flavour. And it’s not hard.


• 500 g plain white flour plus extra for dusting

• 500 g strong white bread flour

• 10 g powdered dried yeast

• 20 g fine salt

• 325 ml warm water

• 325 ml natural yoghurt warmed

• 2 tbsp good olive oil plus extra for coating


• Sturdy bowl

• Silicon mat or other clean surface to roll the breads on

• Rolling pin - or a wine bottle


1. To make the dough in a food processor: Place the flours, yeast,

and salt in the bowl of a food processor. In a jug, combine the

water, yoghurt, and olive oil and mix well. Start the food processor.

As it's running, pour the liquid ingredients into the shoot and

let the food processor run for a bit, until everything is well mixed.

Remove the dough from the food processor, knead a couple times

to form a ball. Place the dough in a clean bowl.

2. To make the dough by hand: Mix the flours, yeast, salt, water and

yoghurt in a bowl to form a sticky dough. If it seems really dry, and

you’re having trouble working all the flour into the dough, add more

water, a little bit at a time. Add the oil, mix it in. Knead until smooth

and silky. Shape the dough into a round, then place in a clean bowl.

3. Leave the dough to rise, covered with cling film or a plastic bag,

until doubled in size.

4. Deflate the dough, then if you have time, leave to rise a second,

third, even a fourth time (this improves the dough but is by no

means essential).

5. While all of this is happening. Get your fire going with some high

quality hardwood. Let it roar. Wait for a good amount of wood to

burn down into embers. This can take a couple hours so make sure

you have something nice to drink and enjoy the fire while you wait!

6. Tear off pieces the size of small lemons (or smaller, or larger, if you

like) one at a time, shape into a round, then using plenty of flour,

roll out to a 3-4mm thickness.

7. Arrange your fire so that you have a nice pile of embers ... I usually

create a pile of embers with the main fire burning next to it. Place

the rolled dough directly on the coals. After a short while you'll see it

start to bubble up. Before it goes really crazy, flip it over to cook the

other side, removing any embers that may have stuck to the dough

(see video). If all goes well your flatbread will puff up like a balloon!

Remove the bread from the fire, brush with olive oil (this isn't

essential but it sure is nice), and place in a teatowel while you

make the remaining flatbreads. Keep stacking the flatbreads in the

teatowel as you go which will keep the breads soft and warm.


The catch-all ingredient list of this minestrone soup makes it perfect for

backpacking. All the veggies offer a feeling of freshness, the white beans

serve up the protein, and the rich vegetable broth brings it all together.


• 1 small onion

• 1 medium zucchini

• 1 celery stalk

• 1 carrot

• 1 (15oz) can cannellini beans,


• 1 (15oz) can diced tomatoes

• ½ cup elbow pasta shells


• ½ teaspoon garlic powder

• ½ teaspoon dried oregano

• ½ teaspoon dried thyme

• ½ teaspoon sea salt

• ¼ teaspoon red pepper


• 2 vegetable bouillon cubes

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

1. Slice carrots, onions, celery, and zucchini into small, thin, uniform

pieces. Place the vegetables onto dehydrator trays making sure

none of the pieces overlap.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Dehydrating Time: 10 hours

Total Time: 10 hours 125 minutes

Yield: 2 servings

2. Drain the canned beans and spread in an even layer on

a dehydrator tray.

3. Spread the tomatoes in an even layer on a dehydrator tray.

4. Dehydrate at 135F for 10-12 hours, until the veggies are

completely dried.

5. Divide the dehydrated vegetables, pasta shells, garlic powder, oregano,

thyme, salt, red pepper flakes between two resealable bags or

containers along with 1 veggie bouillon cube per serving. Place olive

oil in a small sealable container.

6. In camp, add the contents of the bag to a cook pot along with 2 cups

water per serving (enough to cover the pasta). Bring to a boil, then

simmer for 8 minutes, or until the pasta has cooked through and

the veggies have rehydrated, adding more water if necessary.about 4

hours, flipping the beef jerky once about halfway through. (Cooking

times will vary based on the thickness of your meat.) Remove jerky

and transfer to a sealed container. Refrigerate for up to 1 month.


Dried weight: 2.1 oz per serving (not including olive oil or packaging)

Calories: 483kcal | Carbohydrates: 69g | Protein: 20g | Fat: 14g |

Fiber: 21g | Sugar: 9g

15 16




Yield: 4 servings


You can cook this chilli on a campfire in a dutch oven or make it at home

in your kitchen then dehydrate. I almost always have a couple portions of

dehydrated vegetarian chilli around for those impromptu wild camping

trips. Guaranteed deliciousness on the trail.


• 2 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil

• 1 medium red onion chopped

• 1 red pepper chopped

• 1 green pepper chopped

• 1 carrot chopped

• 4 cloves garlic minced

• 2 teaspoons sea salt

• 1 to 2 large sweet potatoes peeled and cut into cubes

• Zest and juice of 1 lime

• 2 tins diced tomatoes

• 3 tins black beans drained

• 1 jalapeno chili pepper seeded

and chopped

• 1 tablespoon cumin

• 1 tablespoon chili powder

• 1 teaspoon cocoa powder

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 1 tsp Mexican oregano

• 1 tsp brown sugar or more to



At home

• Warm the oil in a large pan over medium heat (this can be done on a

stovetop or in a dutch oven set over your hot embers of a campfire)

and add the onion, red pepper, green pepper, carrots, garlic, and

salt. Saute until soft, about 4 minutes.

• Add the sweet potato and lime zest, and cook 10 to 15 minutes

more, continuing to stir occasionally.

• Add the jalapeno, cumin, chill powder, cinnamon, cocoa and

oregano, stir and cook for a minute or two.

• Add the tomatoes, black beans, lime juice and sugar.

Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook for 20-40 minutes,

until the sweet potatoes are very soft.

• For dehydrated Veggie chilli

• Let the chilli cool thoroughly.

• Spread the chilli on dehydrator trays covered with non-stick sheets

or parchment paper.

• Dehydrate at 63C/145F for 8-10 hours, until totally dry (to speed

things up a bit, you can check the chilli after a few hours, peel the

partially dried chilli off these sheet, and finish drying on the mesh

dehydrator mats).

• Once totally dry, pack the chilli into zip lock bags or use a vacuum

sealer which will allow for a longer shelf life.

At Camp

• Put the veggie chilli in a pot and pour water over to cover.

• Place the pot on your stove and heat until boiling.

Let simmer for 5-10 minutes.

• Remove from the heat and cover. Let sit for another 5-10

minutes to rehydrate completely. Cover with garnishes and enjoy!

17 18




makes it taste


better than the same


prepared and


19 20

21 For Educational Purposes Only

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