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CNR IMOB OBJET became the new address of design

CNR İMOB OBJET, the new favorite of furniture, home textile and decoration sector, hosted thousands of

visitors at CNR Expo Istanbul Expo Center between November 5-10. The products of more than 500 brands

were exhibited at the fair attended by professional buyers from more than 100 countries.

CNR İMOB OBJET (Istanbul Furniture, Home Textile, Design, Decoration and Lighting Fair) fair, organized

by Pozitif Fuarcılık, one of CNR Holding companies, with the support of KOSGEB, won the admiration of exhibitors

and visitors. The exhibition hosted thousands of industry professionals at CNR Expo Istanbul Exhibition

Center for 5 days were presented the products of more than 500 brands to the visitors and the products

of these brands were met with great interest from the visitors. More than 20,000 people visited the fair, which

was attended by more than 2,000 foreign visitors, including 300 VIPs.

Sector stakeholders met in one platform

Turkey's only international sector fair CNR İMOB OBJET; has become the center of attention of the world furniture,

home textile and decoration sector. This fair brought together domestic and foreign importers, exporters,

manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, chain stores, interior designers and decorators, hotel purchasers,

public institutions and designers manufacturers of furniture, home textiles, glassware, decorative products

in the same platform.

102 Ocak - Şubat 2020 www.perdedergisi.com

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