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China is in
R+T Asia experiencing unabated growth / German Pavilion facilitates market entry
Asia's leading trade fair for sun protection and doors/gates is experiencing a run: compared with the previous event,
20 per cent more exhibition space has already been sold four months before the start of the trade fair (24 to 26 February
2020). R+T Asia has set records galore in the last few years. The 15th edition in March 2019 was the most successful
event ever with 642 exhibitors. International companies appreciate R+T Asia for providing the opportunity for entry
into Asian market or use it to cultivate customer contacts in the ASEAN region. Over and beyond the trade fair, manufacturers
and retailers also meet one another in matchmaking and hosted buyer programmes.
Manuela Keller, Project Manager for R+T Asia is delighted: "R+T Asia is developing very well and has been a fixed date
for the industry for many years. The growing interest among international companies satisfies the increasing demand
for quality and know-how from China - a win-win situation for both sides."
The following international companies, for example, have already registered: DongWon Industry, Vertilux, Winplus,
Forest Group, Teh Yor, Hansoltex, Wintec Korea, Macco, Ateja Tritunggal, Standard Business Development, S.A.Recasens,
Kirayteks Tekstil, Hansol IMB, Gerhard Geiger Antriebstechnik, BMP Europe, Tachikawa, Resstende and Sauleda.
German Pavilion
The joint stand funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics represents a good opportunity for German companies
to enter the market or create a broader market presence. The National Federation of
Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT) and the Federal Association for Manufacturers of Roller Shutters and Sun Protection
(BVRS) jointly promoted the inclusion of R+T Asia in the foreign trade fair programme of the German federal
government. Every year since 2006, companies have exhibited under the motto "Made in Germany" in the German
Pavilion which occupies the best position in the international hall. The services relating to participation in the German
Pavilion include a lower participation fee. Stand construction and furniture are already included in this fee. An interpreter
is available on the spot for discussions with customers while a meeting lounge is integrated in the stand concept.
More information on R+T Asia can be found at: and on the German Pavilion at:
124 Ocak - Şubat 2020