Beauty Turkey August 2020

Beauty Turkey August 2020

Beauty Turkey August 2020


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44 Beauty Güzellik

Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan

Which Aesthetic Operations

have Increased during the

Coronavirus Period?

Stating that there was a significant increase in aesthetic

operations during this period, underlining the importance

of safe conditions for operations, Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan

said, “We stipulated that the coronavirus test be performed

three days before the operation. In this process, the patient

rooms and all usage areas of the operation units were made

extremely healthy and hygienic with extra security measures.”

As a result of the researches, we see that it causes both physical

and mental morale during the times we are locked at home.

Accordingly, Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan informed us about the most

demanded aesthetic operation for this period, as follow, “We see

that the weight gained in this process causes the deterioration

of the body shapes of our patients. These areas are often waist,

belly, back, gynecomastia, jowl, inner arms, inner legs, inner

knees, dicks and hips. Laser lipolysis, one of the operations we

perform on these areas, is a body shaping operation where we

have achieved very successful results. Laser fat melting with laser

lipolysis is basically a process of melting the fat in the desired

area using laser technology. Used in many branches of medicine,

laser now serves as aesthetically pleasing. With a very thin fiber

optic cable, laser energy is transferred to the area of lubrication,

allowing the fat to be broken down and lost. By converting some

of this energy into heat under the skin, it provides tightening

and recovery of the loose skin. It is not always possible to get

results that prevent sagging with the classical liposuction

application. In cases where only lipolysis will be applied, that is,

when the fat tissue is melted, the lymphatic system is excreted

from the body. It also occurs naturally by the lymphatic way.

The most convenient way is fat melting with laser lipolysis. The

application that should be combined with classical liposuction

is when the procedure will be performed with large volumes. At

the end of this process, bruising and swelling will be minimized.

Combining laser and classical liposuction is at the forefront

where sagging and loosening occurs, such as the inside of

the leg and arms. Even for these regions, this combination is

unrivaled. As a result, the reason for the squeezing, according

to the researches, has shown that the fat cells are dysfunctional

and dispersed after laser energy is applied.

Koronavirüs Döneminde

Hangi Estetik

Operasyonlar Arttı?

Bu dönemde estetik operasyonlarda ciddi bir artış olduğunu

belirten Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan öncelikle operasyonlar için

güvenli koşulların öneminin altını çizerek “ Opersayon’dan

üç gün önce Koronavirüs testinin yapılmasını şart koştuk.

Bu süreçte operasyon ünitelerinin hasta odalarının ve tüm

kullanım alanlarının ekstra güvenlik tedbirleriyle son derece

sağlıklı ve hijyenik duruma getirildi” dedi.

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