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Baby-Kid-Fuar-2025-ilan.pdf 1 3.12.2024 16:03
10-13 December 2025, İstanbul
1.000 40.000 65.000 20.000 120+
Exhibitor SQM Exhibition Showcased Trade Visitors Countries
Brands Area
SS26 Models from
Merinos Atatürk
Congress and Culture
Tri Elektronik was established by Remzi Büyüknalçacı in 1972. It stepped into the printing
sector with the manufacturing of steel cliché first in 1991. We started exporting raw
material of steel cliché in 1996. We started domestic distribution of VISPROX pad printing
and screen printing inks in 2000. Right after this development we signed sales and service
agreement of pad printing machines with Comec Italia SRL in 2004. We continued to take
our recognized place in the sector as Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. in 2010. We started
to make assembling of EAZY 90 in 2013 and EAZY 130 machines provided from 100%
Comec Italia SRL in 2015. We are proudly continuing to be a company improving its
customer potential with the fame every day thanks to our adherence to quality, customer
satisfaction and brand reliability from the very first day. We have currently been operating
in the printing industry and manufacturing imports of main elements such as machinery
and inks and manufacturing of consumables such as silicon pads and steel clichés. We
have also been providing the service and after sale services of the materials that we sell.
+90 537
264 78 58
+90 212
264 87 77
İkitelli Org. San.Blg.
Atatürk Bulvarı 14.Cad. Mutsan san.Sit.
10.Blok No:26-28
Başakşehir İstanbul/Türkiye
The company manufactures exclusive products. We
set out to be the leading name of the sector in the field
of Lux children’s wear with the most different, most
assertive and stylish designs, without compromising
our quality. The Pixina brand is a new brand
established by Junior Berra, one of the leading names
in the industry, since 2017. Pixina, which appeals to
the upper segment by producing luxury collections,
prepares its most special designs in order to lead
the children’s fashion. The brand, which completely
focuses on quality in the entire process from design
to production, aims to set trends, not follow trends.
Pixina’s V.I.P collections are waiting to meet you at
their stores in Laleli, Istanbul.
Компания производит эксклюзивную
продукцию. Мы поставили перед собой
цель стать ведущим именем сектора в
области детской одежды класса люкс с
самыми разными, самыми напористыми
и стильными дизайнами, не идя на
компромиссы с нашим качеством. Бренд
Pixina — это новый бренд, основанный
Junior Berra, одним из ведущих имен
в отрасли, с 2017 года. Pixina, которая
обращается к верхнему сегменту,
производя коллекции класса люкс,
готовит свои самые особые дизайны,
чтобы возглавить детскую моду. Бренд,
который полностью фокусируется
на качестве во всем процессе от
проектирования до производства,
стремится задавать тенденции, а не
следовать им. V.I.P коллекции Pixina
ждут вас в своих магазинах в Лалели,
2024 December 2
+90 534
291 80 58
+90 534
291 80 58
Kitap Kasım Mah. Kızıltaş Sok. No:30
Fatih / İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
P: +90 534 291 80 58
Best Kids, which in its branding period positioned itself
as “Türkiye’s pioneering brand in child fashion”, follows
world trends, and its young and dynamic team prepares
classic and unusual designs with the chic and comfortable
suited for modern life. Best Kids produces the modern
style of classic and casual children’s wear by combining
attention to detail with quality fabrics and today presents
its collections designed according to various customer
demands to its clients through its selling points abroad
and all over Türkiye.
Our company, following technological innovations in our
sector closely and regarding investments in training as
the most important investments, continues on its way by
acting on this understanding with a management policy
that always maintains top quality standards.
2024 December 4
+90 532
172 32 05
444 59 44
Merkez Mah.Fırın Sok.
Meşrutiyet Mah.
Şair Nigar Sokak
Est. 1998
5.3 CM 4.5 CM
9.3 CM
8.2 CM
Est. 1998
3 CM
Tugi Kids draws attention as a brand that has been operating
in the children's clothing sector since 1998 and
produces textile products specially designed for children
between the ages of 2-18. Inspired by the imagination of
children, the company produces its clothes by combining
high technology with quality raw materials offered
by nature. In this way, it gains the trust of families by
offering both healthy and durable products.
With an annual production capacity of 280,000 units
and 416 corner systems, the company makes a name for
itself not only in the local market but also on a global
scale. Designs that combine elegance and comfort, where
children can move freely, are delivered to consumers
with the assurance of a lifetime warranty.
Tugi Kids adopts a sustainable production approach for
a better world and future generations. Accompanying
every moment of children with its high quality products,
the brand aims to be a companion that colors their
3.6 CM
Tugi Kids привлекает внимание как
бренд, работающий в секторе детской
одежды с 1998 года и выпускающий
текстильную продукцию, специально
предназначенную для детей в возрасте от
2 до 18 лет. Вдохновленная воображением
детей, компания производит свою
одежду, сочетая высокие технологии с
качественным сырьем, предлагаемым
природой. Таким образом, она
завоевывает доверие семей, предлагая
полезные и долговечные изделия.
Благодаря годовой производственной
мощности в 280 000 единиц и 416
угловым системам компания заявляет
о себе не только на местном рынке,
но и в мировом масштабе. Дизайны,
сочетающие в себе элегантность и
комфорт, где дети могут свободно
двигаться, предоставляются
потребителям с пожизненной гарантией.
Tugi Kids придерживается подхода
устойчивого производства для
лучшего мира и будущих поколений.
Сопровождая каждый момент жизни
детей своей высококачественной
продукцией, бренд стремится стать
спутником, который раскрашивает их
2024 December 6
Acar Kids Group of Companies, whose foundations date back to 1999, continues to operate in various sectors. Baby-child textile production, which it offers
under its flagship Acar Kids brand, is its largest field of activity.At Acar Kids, each collection has a story that touches the fun dreams of children. Offering new
designs for the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons every year, the brand meets its global buyers on the world stage with its collections inspired by international
trends in developing children's fashion.While it offers comfort and elegance together in the daily clothes it produces for girls and boys aged 0 - 12,
it prioritizes health criteria in its products.
The company, which continues its production activities with more than 1000 employees in its factories located in the provinces of Istanbul, Bursa, Amasya and
Giresun, continues to serve the children's industry with the WEWE, HELLO GUES and WORRN brands it manages, in addition to ACAR KIDS.It exports to
28 countries by serving international visitors from Acar Kids and Hoppix wholesale stores located in Zeytinburnu, Istanbul. It serves the end consumer from 18
retail stores in Turkey and 3 abroad. It communicates with the whole world at Acar Kids Group of Companies continues to invest in its brands
and companies in line with its vision and missions, with the knowledge it has acquired over the years and the market dominance it has gained.
2024 December 8
+90 546
502 67 33
+90 850
441 72 27
Maltepe Mah.
Aile Bahçesi Litros Yolu Sok.
No:10 İç Kapı No:1
Zeytinburnu / İSTANBUL
H. Ferruh Işık
on behalf of İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik
Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Managing Editor (Responsible)
Mehmet Söztutan
Mehtap Akyel
Ali Erdem
Design & Graphics
Sena Ergin
International Relations
İsmail Çakır
Tayfun Aydın
İsmail Özçelik
Finance Manager
Cuma Karaman
Head Office
İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık
İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti.
İhlas Holding Yenibosna Merkez Mah.
29 Ekim Cad. No:11 Medya Blok Kat:1
Bahçelievler / İstanbul
Tel: +90 212 454 22 22
Fax: +90 212 454 22 93
Wrapping Up 2024 with
Gratitude and Excitement
As we approach the end of another remarkable year, I am filled with immense
gratitude for the opportunities, connections, and accomplishments we’ve
shared in 2024. This year has been a testament to the strength and resilience
of the baby and kid products sector, and I am proud that Baby & Kid Store
magazine has continued to serve as a trusted voice within this vibrant
One of the highlights of this season is our participation in the CBME
- Children, Baby, and Maternity Expo, set to take place in Istanbul. As
always, we are excited to be part of this prestigious event with a standout
stand, where we will meet our valued partners, showcase different issues
of our magazine, and exchange ideas for the future. This fair is not just an
exhibition but a celebration of innovation, communication, networking, and
collaboration in the world of children’s products.
As we prepare for an exciting 2025, I want to take a moment to wish you and
your loved ones a new year filled with peace, love, prosperity, and joy. May
the coming year bring new opportunities and success to all corners of our
industry, as well as health and happiness to families everywhere.
It is another pleasure to announce that we have already prepared an excellent
program for the coming year. We will make an excellent start with Pitti
Bimbo Florence and with BabyKid Spain and FIMI Valencia. You will see
everywhere throughout the year. Let’s run together.
Thank you for your continued support and trust in Baby & Kid Store
magazine. Together, let’s make the future even brighter for the little ones we
care so deeply about.
THE BRIGHT Pamina takes WORLD its name OF PAMINA from the young princess character in
Pamina Mozart’s takes opera its name “The from Magic the Flute”. young A princess real princess character who overcame in
Mozart’s many opera difficult “The trials Magic and Flute”. reached A real a happy princess ending. who overcame
many As difficult a brand, trials we and wanted reached to be a the happy victory ending. song of the story. We wanted
THE BRIGHT WORLD As a OF brand, to PAMINA be we remembered wanted to be as the glow victory of song celebrations, of the story. awards, We wanted and beautiful
Pamina takes its name to be from remembered moments the young to remember. as princess the glow character of We celebrations, dreamed in Mozart’s of awards, an undying opera and shine “The beautiful for Magic all the
Flute”. A real princess moments who children overcame to remember. of many the world. difficult We dreamed Since trials the and of first an reached undying day, we a happy shine have designed ending. for all the all our
As a brand, we wanted children to be collections the of victory the world. with song the Since of dream the the story. first of a We child’s day, wanted we smile. have to designed be remembered all our as
the glow of celebrations, collections awards, Every with and collection the beautiful dream we have moments of a designed child’s to smile. remember. over the years We has dreamed a special of an story.
undying shine for all Every the children We collection are of the the we dress world. have with designed Since the the big over first bow the day, in years the we glamorous have has a designed special fairy story. all tales, our we
collections with the dream We are of are the a the child’s dress dress smile. with of the the happy big bow girl in who the makes glamorous her dreams fairy tales, come we true, we
Every collection we have are the designed are dress the of name over the the happy of the years girl designs has who a that special makes leave her story. a dreams mark We in are come this the world. true, dress we with
the big bow in the glamorous are the Sparkling name fairy of tales, the fabrics, designs we are princess the that dress leave tulle, of a mark the glitter happy in falling this girl world. like who stardust, makes her huge
dreams come true, we Sparkling are the bows... name fabrics, We of the are princess designs a sparkling tulle, that world! leave glitter a mark falling in like this stardust, world. huge
Sparkling fabrics, princess bows... tulle, We are glitter a in sparkling falling communication like world! stardust, with huge the bows... whole We world are at a sparkling our address
We are
communication with the whole world at our address
We are in communication
with the whole world at our address
امل pamina املرشق
عامل pamina املرشق
أخذت بامينا اسمها من شخصية األمرية الشابة يف أوبرا موزارت “الفلوت السحري”. أمرية حقيقية تغلبت
ىل ا العديد من أخذت بامينا اسمها من شخصية األمرية الشابة يف أوبرا موزارت “الفلوت السحري”. أمرية حقيقية تغلبت
عىل العديد من
لتجارب الصعبة ووصلت إىل نهاية سعيدة
للقصة. أردنا أن نتذكرنا بوهج االحتفاالت
ووصلت إىل
أردنا أن
عالمة تجارية،
لجميع أطفال
أردنا أن
بتألق ال
التي ال
بتألق ال ميوت لجميع أطفال العامل. منذ
لقد حلمنا
التي ال
ليوم األول،
الفستان ذو القوس الكبري
لها قصة
مر السنني
بتصميمها عىل
األول، صممنا
ل مجموعة
القوس الكبري
السنني لها
بتصميمها عىل
الساحرة، نحن
مجموعة قمنا
يف القصص
نحن فستان الفتاة السعيدة التي تحقق أحالمها، نحن أسامء
يف هذا
ترتك بصمة
مثل غبار النجوم، األقواس الضخمة... نحن
يف هذا
التي ترتك
ألقمشة الرباقة،
األقمشة الرباقة، التول األمرية، الربيق املتساقط مثل غبار النجوم، األقواس الضخمة... نحن
عامل متأللئ
مع العامل أجمع عىل عنواننا
حن عىل
.نحن عىل اتصال مع العامل أجمع عىل عنواننا
Сияющий мир Памины
ющий Памина мир получила Памины свое название от имени героини принцессы оперы Моцарта
ина “Волшебная получила свое флейта”. название Она от настоящая имени героини принцесса, принцессы которая оперы прошла Моцарта множество
лшебная трудных флейта”. испытаний Она и настоящая в конце стала принцесса, счастливой. которая прошла множество
дных Как испытаний бренд, мы и в хотели конце стала стать счастливой.
гимном победы этой сказки. Мы хотели быть
бренд, известными мы хотели яркими стать праздниками, гимном победы наградами этой сказки. и прекрасными Мы хотели моментами,
естными которые яркими запомнятся. праздниками, Мы мечтали наградами о неугасающем и прекрасными блеске для моментами, всех детей мира.
орые С самого запомнятся. начала Мы мы мечтали разрабатывали о неугасающем все наши блеске коллекции, для всех представляя детей мира. улыбку
амого ребенка. начала мы разрабатывали все наши коллекции, представляя улыбку
енка. Каждая коллекция, над которой мы работаем имеет свою особую историю. Мы
дая – это коллекция, великолепное над которой платье мы с большим работаем бантом имеет из свою сказок, особую мы – историю. платье счастливой Мы
о великолепное девочки, у которой платье сбываются с большим бантом мечты, из мы сказок, – имя, мы связанное – платье с счастливой незабываемыми
очки, дизайнами у которой в этом сбываются мире. мечты, мы – имя, связанное с незабываемыми
айнами Сияющие в этом ткани, мире. фатины принцессы, падающие как звездная пыль - блестки,
ющие огромные ткани, банты... фатины Мы принцессы, – это яркий падающие мир! как звездная пыль - блестки,
омные банты... Мы – это яркий мир!
2024 December 12
2023 December
2023 December 52
+90 543
212 65 77
+90 543
212 65 77
Factory & Showroom:
Gultepe Mah.
Sehit Ozcan Demirci Cad.
Resat Barut Is Merkezi
No: 12 Besyol / Sefakoy /
Istanbul / TURKIYE
Tel: +90 532 404 20 05
Osmanbey Showroom: Laleli Showroom:
Mesrutiyet Mah. Koska Cad. No: 42
Sair Nigar Sokak Kat: 1 Laleli / Fatih /
No: 22 Kat: 1
Istanbul / TURKIYE
Osmanbey / Sisli / Tel: +90 534 054 47 43
İstanbul / TURKIYE
Tel: +90 533 492 93 12
2024 December 14
Elsima is a textile brand which produces modern child's pyjamas
and sweatsuits in Türkiye. Elsima produces pyjamas and sweatsuits
between 1 and 18 ages. The company creates new collections as
Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter in 4 seasons. The company
was founded in 1995. Unique design, quality products, best price
and health of children are vision of Elsima. Today, Elsima exports its
products 63 countries. The company aims to be one of the well-known
kids brand in the World.
Elsima — текстильный бренд,
производящий современные детские
пижамы и спортивные костюмы в
Турции. Elsima производит пижамы
и спортивные костюмы для детей от
1 до 18 лет. Компания создает новые
коллекции как Весна-Лето и Осень-
Зима в 4 сезонах. Компания была
основана в 1995 году. Уникальный
дизайн, качественная продукция,
лучшая цена и здоровье детей – это
видение Elsima. Сегодня Elsima
экспортирует свою продукцию в 63
страны мира. Компания стремится
стать одним из самых известных
детских брендов в мире.
2024 December 16
Founded in 2014, Monita Kids produces children’s
evening dresses. Following the trends in Middle East,
Asia and Russia especially the European market from
labor to production, from raw materials to marketing,
Monita Kids is a company with domestic capital. Monita
Kids is customer-oriented, innovative, constantly
evolving, not only by following the requirements of the
era, but is also candidate to play a role in setting these
requirements. Monita Kids, which makes production
that considers children’s satisfaction and likes, gives
importance to children’s sensitivities, health values and
physical comfort. Monita: “While we are at the beginning
of the production process, we are starting to make our
fabric and accessory choices in accordance with health
values. We take care to ensure the physical comfort of our
clothes, to ensure the flexible movement of children to
check the manikin rehearsals and physical forms to use
the appropriate form. We are producing in our factory in
Kucukcekmece and we are meeting the consumers with
our stores in Laleli and Yesildirek, Istanbul.”
Основанная в 2014 году, компания Monita Kids производит
детские вечерние платья. Следуя тенденциям Ближнего Востока,
Азии и России, особенно европейского рынка, от труда до
производства, от сырья до маркетинга, Monita Kids - это компания
с отечественным капиталом. Monita Kids ориентирована на
клиента, инновационна, постоянно развивается, не только следуя
требованиям эпохи, но и претендуя на то, чтобы сыграть свою
роль в установлении этих требований. Monita Kids, производящая
продукцию с учетом детских предпочтений, придает большое
значение чувствительности, ценности здоровья и физическому
комфорту детей. Монита: «Пока мы находимся в начале
производственного процесса, мы начинаем выбирать ткани и
аксессуары в соответствии с ценностями здоровья. Мы заботимся
о том, чтобы обеспечить физический комфорт нашей одежды,
чтобы обеспечить гибкость движений детей, чтобы проверить
репетиции на манекене и физические формы, чтобы использовать
соответствующую форму. Мы производим продукцию на нашей
фабрике в Кючукчекмедже и встречаемся с потребителями в
наших магазинах в Лалели и Есильдиреке, Стамбул».
2024 December 18
. .
+90 212
470 71 35
+90 530
065 20 45
. Cennet Mah.
. Osmangazi Sok. No:12
. Küçükçekmece - İstanbul
Sultanmektebi Sok.
Sultanhan No:19/22-23
Koska Cad. No:42/B .
Laleli / İstanbul .
Türkiye .
Biyo Kids
Founded in 1990 and exporting to Europe and
America for many years, our company has prepared
its collection in 2005 with the name of Biyokids and
Biyoteks. We produce quality products which are
suitable for human health with materials that do
not contain carcinogens and we export to Europe,
Asia and Russia, we continue our works by giving
distributorship in domestic and abroad ...
Biyo Kids
Основанная в 1990 году и много лет
экспортирующая в Европу и Америку,
наша компания подготовила свою
коллекцию в 2005 году под названием
Biyokids и Biyoteks. Мы производим
качественную продукцию, подходящую
для здоровья человека, из материалов,
не содержащих канцерогенов, и
экспортируем в Европу, Азию и Россию,
продолжаем свою работу, предоставляя
дистрибьюторские услуги в стране и за
2024 December 20
+90 530
450 86 20
+90 212
527 84 34
Sururi Mah.
Sultan Mektep Sok. Arkadaş Han No:11
Yeşildirek - Fatih
İstanbul / Türkiye
Наш основатель начал свою коммерческую деятельность в 1994
году. Он работал торговым представителем, региональным
менеджером и генеральным директором в нескольких компаниях.
Работал в отделах продаж и закупках оптово-розничной отрасли.
Используя все свои знания, он сделал шаг в индустрию детской
одежды в 2012 году. Он начал работать в индустрии детской
одежды с розничного магазина площадью 300 м². С 2012 года по
сегодняшний день он сотрудничал и продолжает вести дела с
самыми красивыми и самыми качественными брендами Турции
и мира.
Он продолжает поставлять миру сертифицированную детскую
одежду из органических и модальных тканей под брендом
BabyCosy в качестве компании Babeks Textile, Industry and Trade
Limited в 2020 году. У нашей компании есть филиал в Австралии
и выставочный зал в Мертере / Стамбул. Мы экспортируем 90%
нашей продукции.
Мы ведем бизнес с 70 странами, в частности с Канадой, Россией,
Казахстаном и европейскими странами. Мы занимаемся
контрактным производством для важных брендов Турции и мира.
Our founder has started his trade life in 1994. He
performed as sales representative, area manager and
general manager in several companies. He worked in sales
departments and buying departments of wholesale and
retail industry. Using all of his knowledge, he took a step
to baby clothing industry in 2012. He started to operate
in baby clothing industry with a 300 m 2 retail store. Since
2012 until today, he did and still does business with most
beautiful and most quality brands of Türkiye and the
He continues to provide certificated organic and modal
fabric baby clothes to the World with BabyCosy brand as
Babeks Textile, Industry and Trade Limited Company in
2020. Our company has a branch office in Australia and
a showroom in Merter/Istanbul. We are exporting 90% of
our production.
We are doing business with 70 countries notably Canada,
Russia, Kazakhstan and European countries. We are
doing contract manufacturing to the important brands of
Türkiye and the World.
We provide our services with a 2,000 m2 production
facility and 1,200 m2 storage area.
As a family company, (Aras Bebe) entered the business
world under a modest atelier environment in 1989 and it
grew in the developing sector always with stable and resolute
steps. In 1993, it took important steps for institutionalization
and it managed to become stronger after problematic
periods. It provided the sector with new products in the
following years and therefore increased the continuity and
satisfaction of its customers.
In its general directorate department that Aras Bebe created
with its equity capital, it serves in a closed area of 600 m2.
Aras Bebe has adhered to the principle of continuous
solidarity and team spirit with its employees, its qualified
& expert personnel, an approximate production capacity of
100 thousand pieces a year and exportation to 20 countries,
it is proud of providing quality and baby-friendly products
to the sector.
Aras Bebe provides its customers with advantageous
products that conform to quality standards together with
their Conformity Certificates for European Standards, it
has adhered to the principle of end-user satisfaction and
aims at making “Ease for Mothers and Comfort for Babies”
a standard.
We hereby extend our gratitude to all our customers that
carried us to this point during our journey of 36 years.
Будучи семейной компанией, (Aras Bebe) вошла в мир
бизнеса в скромной обстановке ателье в 1989 году и
росла в развивающемся секторе всегда стабильными и
решительными шагами. В 1993 году компания предприняла
важные шаги по институционализации и смогла
укрепиться после проблемных периодов. В последующие
годы компания обеспечила сектор новыми продуктами и
тем самым повысила постоянство и удовлетворенность
своих клиентов.
Отдел генеральной дирекции, который Aras Bebe создала за
счет собственного капитала, занимает закрытую площадь
в 600 м2.
Aras Bebe придерживается принципа постоянной
солидарности и командного духа со своими сотрудниками,
квалифицированным и квалифицированным персоналом,
приблизительной производственной мощностью 100 тысяч
штук в год и экспортом в 20 стран, она гордится тем, что
предоставляет качественные и безопасные для ребенка
продукты в секторе.
Aras Bebe предоставляет своим клиентам выгодные
продукты, соответствующие стандартам качества, вместе
с сертификатами соответствия европейским стандартам,
придерживается принципа удовлетворенности конечного
потребителя и стремится сделать «Легкость для матерей и
комфорт для младенцев» стандартом.
Мы выражаем благодарность всем нашим клиентам,
которые привели нас к этому моменту на нашем 36-летнем
2024 December 24
Компания продолжает свое производство бесперебойно с его обширной
производственной площадью и командой. Он тщательно отбирает все
расходные материалы, которые использует в своих продуктах, не нарушая
принципа безусловного удовлетворения потребностей клиентов, а также
увеличения производственных мощностей, разработки продуктов.
Компания начала приобретать профессиональный опыт в области
детской обуви и текстиля в Стамбуле с 1990 года, а в 2003 году она
продемонстрировала свой опыт и знания в этом секторе с продукцией
Papulin Luxury Baby Booties. Он неуклонно продолжает свой путь, основав
Ötre Tekstil Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi для своих новых проектов в
2022 году.
Детские пинетки, которые мы производим для малышей от 0 до 12
месяцев, имеют сертификаты ISO13485:2016 и ISO9001:2015. Мы также
подчеркиваем важность, которую мы придаем здоровью детей, используя
наши органические продукты. Компания предоставляет услуги из
Стамбула во многие районы Турции. Экспортируется во многие страны
мира, особенно в Италию, Сербию, Нидерланды, Германию, Англию,
Грецию, Болгарию, Румынию, Беларусь, Чехию, Россию, Казахстан,
Узбекистан, Азербайджан, Иран, Ирак, Ливан, Южную Аравию, Катар. ,
Дубай, Бахрейн, Палестина, Израиль, Тунис, Ливия, Алжир и Марокко за
The company continues its production uninterruptedly with
its wide production area and team. It carefully selects all the
supply materials it uses in its products, without compromising
the principle of unconditional customer satisfaction, along
with production capacity increase, product development. The
company started to gain professional experience in baby shoes
and textile sector in Istanbul since 1990, and in 2003 it showed
its experience and knowledge in the sector with Papulin Luxury
Baby Booties products. It continues on its way steadily by
establishing Ötre Tekstil Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi
for its new projects in 2022.
The baby booties we produce for 0-12 months old babies have
ISO13485:2016 and ISO9001:2015 Certificates. We also emphasize
the importance we attach to baby health with our organic
products. The company provides services from Istanbul
to many parts of Türkiye. It exports to many countries in the
world, especially Italy, Serbia, Netherlands, Germany, England,
Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Belarus, Czech Republic, Russia,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, S.
Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, Bahrain, Palestine, Israel, Tunisia, Libya,
Algeria and Morocco abroad.
2024 December 26
+90 546
727 85 46
+90 546
727 85 46
Kaynarca Mah
Meşru Sok. Selçuk İş Merkezi
No: 5/4 Pendik
İstanbul / Türkiye
2024 December 28
As İsmail Korkmaz Tekstil Socks company, we
have been serving since 2015.
As the Pamukca team, we are a service sector
where you can easily order for your wholesale
and retail purchases with our professional team
in the baby socks industry since 2017.
Customer satisfaction is our primary goal and we
continue our work focused on 100% customer
satisfaction. Your satisfaction is our success.
Our goal is to bring together different, reliable
socks and underwear brands and deliver them to
you in the fastest and most reliable way.
We thank you for choosing us.
Since 2015, we have been serving all manufacturers
and wholesalers in Europe, the Middle East,
Russia, Eastern bloc countries and Turkey.
+90 505
536 42 05
Sururi Mah. Katırcıoğlu Sok.
Yeşildirek Han No: 11 - 26
Eminönü / Fatih / İstanbul
Baby Fashion Trends:
What’s In Style for the Little Ones?
Current baby fashion trends celebrate
individuality, comfort, and sustainability.
With options ranging from
vintage-inspired looks to eco-friendly
fabrics, parents have an abundance of
stylish choices for dressing their little
ones. As the market grows, it’s clear
that baby fashion is not just about
aesthetics but also about embracing
thoughtful, functional, and meaningful
The world of baby fashion has evolved
tremendously over the years, becoming
a blend of practicality, comfort, and
style. Today, parents are increasingly
interested in dressing their little ones
in trendy yet functional attire. Here’s
a look at the latest baby fashion trends
that are making waves in 2024:
1. Sustainable and Organic Fabrics
As sustainability continues to dominate
the fashion world, baby clothing is no
exception. Parents are opting for outfits
made from organic cotton, bamboo,
and other eco-friendly materials. These
fabrics are not only gentle on delicate
baby skin but also promote an environmentally
conscious lifestyle.
2. Neutral and Earthy Tones
Gone are the days when baby wardrobes
were dominated by pinks and blues.
Neutral and earthy tones like beige,
2024 December 30
olive green, and soft pastels are now
trending. These versatile shades are perfect
for mix-and-match outfits, offering
a minimalist and chic look.
3. Gender-Neutral Styles
Modern parents are embracing gender-neutral
clothing for their babies.
Overalls, rompers, and bodysuits in
unisex colors and patterns are gaining
popularity. This shift not only simplifies
shopping but also allows for hand-medowns,
making it a practical choice.
4. Mini-Me Outfits
Matching outfits for parents and babies
continue to be a heartwarming trend.
From coordinated casual wear to matching
formal attire, the mini-me concept
is a delightful way for families to showcase
their bond in style.
5. Vintage-Inspired Looks
Retro styles are making a comeback in
baby fashion. Think knitted cardigans,
gingham prints, and ruffled details. These
timeless pieces not only look adorable
but also evoke a sense of nostalgia.
6. Functional Designs
Functionality is key when it comes
to baby clothing. Trendy outfits now
include features like snap closures for
easy diaper changes, adjustable straps,
and stretchy fabrics that accommodate
growing babies.
7. Bold Prints and Patterns
Animal motifs, geometric designs, and
whimsical prints are adding a fun element
to baby wardrobes. These bold
patterns bring vibrancy to outfits and
make them stand out in photos and
everyday wear.
8. Accessories to Complete the Look
Headbands, bow ties, baby hats, and
tiny shoes are essential accessories that
complement outfits. These items add
personality and can easily elevate even
the simplest onesie into a stylish ensemble.
9. Seasonal Collections
Brands are increasingly launching seasonal
collections tailored for babies.
Light, breathable fabrics dominate summer
collections, while cozy knits and
fleece-lined outfits are perfect for winter.
Seasonal themes like florals, nautical
prints, and festive patterns ensure that
babies are dressed appropriately for any
10. Personalized Clothing
Customization is another trend gaining
traction. Parents are opting for clothes
with their baby’s name, initials, or cute
phrases embroidered or printed on
them. These personalized touches make
outfits unique and memorable.
Keep an eye out for these trends to ensure
Zeynep Giyim, which has been operating in the ready-to-wear sector since 1970, continues to grow steadily for 3 generations
with its factory in Istanbul .The company, which manufactures a wide variety of products with its experienced team, also
carries out strong, long-term sustainable works with many international brands. Zeynep Giyim markets its collections with a
wide range of products under the ZEYLAND and MININIO brands in the domestic market as well as abroad. The company,
which always prioritizes being innovative and sustainable, allocates 20% of its turnover to R&D for this purpose. With the
Oeko-Tex class 1, GOTS and Sedex certificates available in its factory, it provides a reliable guarantee to the companies
it cooperates with a responsible and sustainable supply environment. Zeynep Giyim makes private label and white label
production for many international baby and children’s brands and also presents its own collection in various baby boutiques
in Türkiye, abroad and online store.
Zeynep Giyim, которая работает в секторе готовой одежды с 1970 года, продолжает неуклонно расти на протяжении 3
поколений благодаря своей фабрике в Стамбуле. Компания, которая производит широкий спектр продуктов со своей
опытной командой, также ведет активную, долгосрочную устойчивую работу со многими международными брендами.
Zeynep Giyim продает свои коллекции с широким ассортиментом продуктов под брендами ZEYLAND и MININIO
на внутреннем рынке. так и за границей. Компания, которая всегда отдает приоритет инновациям и устойчивому
развитию, для этой цели выделяет 20% своего оборота на исследования и разработки. Имея сертификаты Oeko-Tex
класса 1, GOTS и Sedex на своем заводе, он дает компаниям, с которыми он сотрудничает, надежную гарантию
ответственной и устойчивой среды поставок. Zeynep Giyim производит продукцию под собственной торговой маркой и
white label для многих международных детских и детских брендов, а также представляет свою собственную коллекцию в
различных детских бутиках в Турции, за рубежом и в интернет-магазине
+90 534
889 56 29
+90 212
656 37 77
15 Temmuz Mah.
Koçman Cad. No:44
İstanbul / Türkiye
Junior Berra
Since 2017, it has been among the
leading brands of the sector in
children’s clothing. Working on special
occasion dresses for girls, the company
designs and manufactures all its
products in-house and brings them
together with global buyers. Offering
its designs to all countries of the world
with its skilled staff, Junior Berra’s
central store is located in Fatih. Junior
Berra, which prioritizes health from
the fabric it uses in its R&D studies to
the choice of accessories, produces by
giving importance not only to elegance
but also to comfort. The brand, which
closely follows the world fashion, is
aware of the fact that there is a different
fashion sense for each region, and can
offer its customers designs and a wide
range of products that will appeal to its
target audience.
Junior Berra
С 2017 года он входит в число ведущих
брендов сектора детской одежды. Работая
над платьями для особых случаев для
девочек, компания разрабатывает и
производит всю свою продукцию внутри
компании и поставляет ее покупателям
по всему миру. Предлагая свои дизайны
во все страны мира с помощью своего
квалифицированного персонала,
центральный магазин Junior Berra находится
в Фатихе. Junior Berra, которая ставит
здоровье на первое место, начиная от
ткани, которую она использует в своих
исследованиях и разработках, и заканчивая
выбором аксессуаров, производит
продукцию, уделяя внимание не только
элегантности, но и комфорту. Бренд,
который внимательно следит за мировой
модой, осознает тот факт, что в каждом
регионе существует свое чувство моды, и
может предложить своим клиентам дизайны
и широкий ассортимент продукции, которые
понравятся его целевой аудитории.
2024 December 34
+90 534
921 98 98
+90 534
921 98 98
berra kidstoptan
P:+90 534 291 80 58
Freesure Baby Shoes
The company started production in the eighties with a mother’s
hobby and limited capacity. The first workshop of Freesure Baby
Shoes, which was established in 1992, grew in 1994 and became
a completely domestic company which brought an innovative
approach to the sector, producing baby shoes with its increasing
production capacity and quality with today’s technological
opportunities. While creating the awareness that babies also
have a fashion, considering the health of the most precious assets
which cannot express their discomfort, the company accepts as
an indispensable principle to produce without using any materials
which are harmful to their skin and nature. It offers models
produced in accordance with baby foot anatomy, comfort and
elegance in summer and winter collections, in 4 different sizes,
taking into account the foot sizes of babies aged 0-12 months
before walking. The company, which continues its production
with modern technologies with the principle of absolute customer
satisfaction, reaches tiny feet with its dealers in many countries of
the world while producing in Türkiye.
Freesure Baby Shoes
Компания начала производство в восьмидесятых годах из-за
маминого хобби и ограниченных мощностей. Первая мастерская
Freesure Baby Shoes, основанная в 1992 году, выросла в 1994
году и превратилась в полностью отечественную компанию,
которая привнесла в отрасль инновационный подход, производя
детскую обувь с растущими производственными мощностями и
качеством с сегодняшними технологическими возможностями.
Создавая понимание того, что дети также имеют моду, считая
здоровье самым ценным активом, который не может выразить
их дискомфорт, компания принимает в качестве обязательного
принципа производство без использования каких-либо
материалов, которые вредны для их кожи и природы. Предлагает
модели, изготовленные в соответствии с анатомией детской
стопы, комфортом и элегантностью летней и зимней коллекций,
в 4-х разных размерах, с учетом размеров стопы малышей в
возрасте 0-12 месяцев до начала ходьбы. Компания, которая
продолжает свое производство с использованием современных
технологий с принципом абсолютной удовлетворенности
клиентов, достигает крошечных ног со своими дилерами во
многих странах мира, производя в Турции.
Vişne Bebe
Fatihim Tekstil started its activities in
1987. The company manufactures and
wholesales baby and children's clothes
between 0-16 years old. Fatihim Tekstil
exports its products to more than 40
countries around the world. Fatihim
Tekstil, which attaches importance to all
health elements and quality standards in
production, draws an active profile not
only in the country but also abroad, providing
added value to both the country's
economy and the sector with its exports.
Expressing that building a brand requires
continuity at every opportunity, İsmail
Çolak, Vice Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş. states that
they are involved in every channel that
will benefit the Vişne Bebe brand and
support branding, and that they will be
on the agenda with continuous innovations
in order to move the brand forward.
Компания Fatihim Tekstil начала
свою деятельность в 1987
году. Компания занимается
производством и оптовой продажей
детской и младенческой одежды в
возрасте от 0 до 16 лет. Fatihim Tekstil
экспортирует свою продукцию в
более чем 40 стран мира. Компания
Fatihim Tekstil, придающая большое
значение всем элементам здоровья и
стандартам качества в производстве,
привлекает активное внимание не
только в стране, но и за рубежом,
обеспечивая своим экспортом
дополнительную ценность как
для экономики страны, так и для
отрасли. Говоря о том, что создание
бренда требует непрерывности
при любой возможности, Исмаил
Чолак, заместитель председателя
совета директоров Fatihim Tekstil
A.Ş., заявляет, что они вовлечены
во все каналы, которые могут
принести пользу бренду Vişne
Bebe и поддержать брендинг, и
что они будут на повестке дня с
постоянными инновациями, чтобы
продвигать бренд вперед.
2024 December 44
Started in 2002 in the baby equipment sector and registered the
TommyBaby brand in 2011, the company offers solutions to parents
as a reliable brand in products for babies and children aged 0-10.
The company provides healthy, safe and quality alternatives with a
wide range of products from baby strollers to equipment, cribs and
baby safety products. While all products are tested and produced in
accordance with international standards, the company stands out as a
brand that delivers quality solutions from Türkiye to the world.
Основанная в 2002 году в секторе детского
оборудования и зарегистрировавшая бренд TommyBaby в 2011 году,
компания предлагает родителям решения как надежный бренд в области
товаров для младенцев и детей в возрасте от 0 до 10 лет. Компания
предлагает здоровые, безопасные и качественные альтернативы с широким
ассортиментом продукции - от детских колясок до оборудования, кроваток
и средств безопасности для малышей. Вся продукция тестируется и
производится в соответствии с международными стандартами, поэтому
компания выделяется как бренд, поставляющий качественные решения из
Турции по всему миру.
Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti was founded in 1994. It is intended for children from 0 to 3 years old: it produces, exports and imports
children’s textiles, children’s cosmetics, child care products, children’s equipment, toys... Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı is the address of about 10,000 types of
products and 120 brands from bodies to pacifiers, from bassinets to strollers. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has more than 900 dealers in Türkiye. It exports
to more than 40 countries in the Middle East and Europe overseas. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı is a unique company providing services in the spotlight of
the world in Istanbul, which will be preferred by those who want to open children’s stores and develop their companies in this area. Bebe Çeyiz
Sarayı is a brand that brings stability, reliability, quality and global children’s brands under one roof and has many years of experience. This
brand is a product of 100% domestic capital and is a registered trademark of “Sebi” in Türkiye.
+90 533
386 84 29
+444 61 53
Sururi Mah.
Katırcıoğlu Sok. Bebehan No:12/A
eminönü Fatih/istanbul Türkiye
+90 533
386 84 29
+444 61 53
Sururi Mah.
Katırcıoğlu Sok. Bebehan No:12/A
eminönü Fatih/istanbul Türkiye
Adding the highchair group to its production range under the Monita umbrella,
the company prioritizes quality, comfort and elegance in its designs. The products
of the company, which always considers customer satisfaction and reliability,
attract great attention in the domestic and international markets.
Aiming to maximize quality and satisfaction with its unique designs, the company
continues to develop
itself continuously.
2024 December 50
. .
+90 212
470 71 35
+90 530
065 20 45
. Cennet Mah.
. Osmangazi Sok. No:12
. Küçükçekmece - İstanbul
Sultanmektebi Sok.
Sultanhan No:19/22-23
Koska Cad. No:42/B .
Laleli / İstanbul .
Türkiye .
Our company, which was established in 2010, has set out to offer you the best quality
and the best price by researching and developing products with a concept that will
facilitate the lives of our mothers and 0-3 year old babies in this period. By developing
its product network day by day, our Moje Baby products have brought us a wellknown,
accepted and trusted mission in all regions of Türkiye. Our goal is to further
develop this network and to reach further points with the best product and best service
Our products are produced with baby’s health in mind. There are no carcinogenic
additives harmful to health in our products. In addition, our products in a separate
group consisting of products used in their original state in unprocessed nature are
included in our product range with the organic name. We choose all our products from
products that will not harm the nature, Nature and the environment are as important
to us as our babies. All of our products are manufactured in Türkiye and are carried out
within our own organization.
Наша компания, основанная в 2010 году, стремится предложить вам лучшее качество
и лучшую цену, исследуя и разрабатывая продукты с концепцией, которая облегчит
жизнь наших матерей и детей в возрасте от 0 до 3 лет в этот период. Развивая свою
продуктовую сеть изо дня в день, наши продукты Moje Baby принесли нам хорошо
известную, признанную и надежную миссию во всех регионах Турции. Наша цель
- дальнейшее развитие этой сети и достижение новых точек с лучшим пониманием
продуктов и услуг.
Наша продукция производится с заботой о здоровье ребенка. В нашей продукции
нет вредных для здоровья канцерогенных добавок. Кроме того, наши продукты в
отдельной группе, состоящей из продуктов, используемых в их исходном состоянии
в необработанном виде, включены в наш ассортимент с названием органик. Мы
выбираем все наши продукты из продуктов, которые не нанесут вреда природе, Природа
и окружающая среда так же важны для нас, как и наши дети. Вся наша продукция
производится в Турции и осуществляется нашей собственной организацией.
2024 December 52
. . +90 530 976 02 85 +90 212 507 94 20 .
A.Nafız Gürman Mah.
Ahmet Kutsi Tecer Cad.
No:38/1 Merter/ İstanbul
. .
The company, which manufactures and sells children’s clothing under the brand name of GOLD KIDS, started its activities in the
ready-made clothing sector in 2012. We are engaged in the production and wholesale of evening dresses.
We have Showrooms and Sales Stores at 3 different points in Istanbul, Türkiye, namely Laleli, Beyazıt and Merter. All our production
works are carried out in our factory in Istanbul.
Model and design works reflect today’s color and fashion on fabrics with special designers under the name of “GOLD KIDS”.
The company produces evening dresses and dresses for girls under the age of 13, including (6-24 Months Baby) + (1-5-13 Years Old
Our 4-series products, consisting of 5 pieces, consist of infants: 6-24 months, children: 1-5 years / 6-10 years / 2-6 years / 7-10 years /
4-8-9-13 years old.
2024 December
2024 December
+90 530
590 86 20
+90 535
057 85 72
Koska Cad. No:42/A
Mahmutpaşa Cad. Tayahatun Mah.
No:11/A Fatih / İSTANBUL
Goose is a girls’ brand based in Istanbul, Turkey.
Mahinur Sari, our Co-Founder, and Head Designer, is
an interior architect and a mother of two. She began
designing for her daughter back in 1999 with love and
care. Mahinur Sari is a perfectionist and a staunch
advocate of women’s empowerment. She is dedicated
to inspiring new generations.
Goose stands for promoting women’s sense of self-worth,
their ability to determine their own choices,
and their right to influence social change for themselves
and others. Our mission is to provide an opportunity
for girls to not only discover who they are today
but also to create the women they’ll become tomorrow.
Fashion is a form of art, and exposing girls to art plays
a crucial role in their personal development.
Goose is one of the leading designer girls’ fashion
brands globally. Goose designs are featured on many
red carpets around the world, including Hollywood,
Paris, Sydney, and many others.
At Goose, more than 75% of our employees are
women. Positive energy always radiates around the
office, and our team is dedicated to making an impact.
We ethically source our fabrics and handcraft each
design in Europe with the utmost precision. The finest
silk layers in each masterpiece provide a comfortable
feel. There is a reason why we take pride in the quality
of our products. Currently, we have 5 Goose stores, 76
employees, and our products are sold in 35+ countries
through more than 50 multi-brand stores. Additionally,
we have delivered to over 100 countries through our
website. Goose has showrooms in London, Milan,
Istanbul, New York, and Toronto.
Goose è un marchio per ragazze con sede a Istanbul, in
Turchia. Mahinur Sari, il nostro co-fondatore e capo designer,
è un architetto d’interni e madre di due figli. Ha iniziato
a disegnare per sua figlia nel 1999 con amore e cura.
Mahinur Sari è una perfezionista e una convinta sostenitrice
dell’emancipazione delle donne. Si dedica a ispirare
le nuove generazioni.Goose promuove il senso di autostima
delle donne, la loro capacità di determinare le proprie
scelte e il loro diritto di influenzare il cambiamento sociale
per se stesse e per gli altri.La nostra missione è offrire alle
ragazze l’opportunità non solo di scoprire chi sono oggi,
ma anche di creare le donne che diventeranno domani. La
moda è una forma d’arte e esporre le ragazze all’arte gioca
un ruolo cruciale nel loro sviluppo personale.
Goose è uno dei principali marchi di moda femminile firmati
a livello globale. I disegni delle oche sono presenti su molti
tappeti rossi in tutto il mondo, tra cui Hollywood, Parigi,
Sydney e molti altri.In Goose, oltre il 75% dei nostri dipendenti
sono donne. L’energia positiva si irradia sempre in
tutto l’ufficio e il nostro team si impegna a lasciare il segno.
Proveniamo eticamente i nostri tessuti e realizziamo a
mano ogni disegno in Europa con la massima precisione. I
migliori strati di seta in ogni capolavoro offrono una sensazione
confortevole. C’è un motivo per cui siamo orgogliosi
della qualità dei nostri prodotti.
Attualmente abbiamo 5 negozi Goose, 76 dipendenti e
i nostri prodotti sono venduti in oltre 35 paesi attraverso
più di 50 negozi multimarca. Inoltre, abbiamo consegnato
in oltre 100 paesi attraverso il nostro sito web. Goose ha
showroom a Londra, Milano, Istanbul, New York e Toronto.
2024 January 46
+90 538
411 67 15
+90 538
411 67 15
Dikilitaş Mah. Hakkı Yeten Cad.
. No: 10F İç Kapı No: 24, 34349
Nişantaşı: Halaskargazi, Rumeli Cd. No:23,
34371 Şişli/İstanbul
Galataport: Kılıçali Paşa, Meclis-i Mebusan Cd.
10, F D:015, 34425 Beyoğlu/İstanbul
Vadi İstanbul: Ayazağa, Vadistanbul AVM,
Azerbaycan Cd. No:3/C İç kapı no:260
1.Kat, 34396 Sarıyer/İstanbul
Fulya: Dikilitaş Mah Hakkı Yeten Cad.
No: 10F, Kat -1, 34349 Beşiktaş/İstanbul
We Make Kids Today
Chic And Elegant
‘Doctor Junior’, the licensed brand of Uzanlar Tekstil
Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, which started its
commercial activities in Istanbul Sultanhamam in
1984, continues its commercial life in the field of
‘boys’ wear. The company. which has 38 years of
sectoral experience, continues its wholesale activities
of concept boys’ clothes with the brand ‘Doctor
Junior’ notably in the Turkish market, USA, England,
Germany. France, Norway, Spain, Greece, Romania,
Poland, Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia,
Lebanon, Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Congo,
Nigeria, Australia, etc. On the other hand, It also
makes contract manufacturing for other companies
operating in these countries. The company, which
plans to open retail sales points in the domestic
market in its mid-term target for 2020- 2025,
aims to become one of the important
companies of the country in “Boys
Stylish Clothing” and “Boys’
Dally Wear by using online sales
+90 530
877 82 22
+90 530
877 82 22
Laleli Shop:
Mimar Kemalettin
Mah. Koska Cad.
No:40-42 Laleli
İstanbul / Türkiye
Yeşildirek Shop:
Hobyar Mah.
Hocahanı Sok. Diri
Han 503-504 Yeşildirek
İstanbul / Türkiye
Yarımburgaz Mah.
2.Aydoğdu Sok.
İstanbul / Türkiye
Üçdal Tekstil started its business in 1971 with the production of
underwear and has reached the present day by expanding its product
group and capacity. Üçdal Tekstil, which has managed to put quality and
customer satisfaction consistently at the forefront of production, has
attracted great attention in both the domestic and foreign markets with
the brand “BRIX by Üçdal”, launched in the late 1990s. 80. Üçdal Tekstil
produces underwear and pajamas for men, women and children which
are sold domestically and exported to the United States, Russia, Ukraine,
Israel, Africa, North Africa, the Balkans, Italy, Saudi Arabia and
other Middle Eastern countries .
Brix by Üçdal
Üçdal Tekstil begann seine Tätigkeit 1971 mit der Herstellung von
Unterwäsche und hat sich bis heute durch die Erweiterung seines
Sortiments und seiner Kapazitäten weiterentwickelt. Üçdal Tekstil, dem
es gelungen ist, Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit in den Vordergrund
seiner Produktion zu stellen, hat mit der Ende der 1980er Jahre
eingeführten Marke „BRIX by Üçdal“ sowohl auf dem inländischen als
auch auf dem ausländischen Markt große Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Üçdal
Tekstil stellt Herren-, Damen- und Kinderunterwäsche sowie Schlafanzüge
her, die auf dem heimischen Markt verkauft und in die USA,
nach Russland, in die Ukraine, nach Israel, Afrika, Nordafrika, auf den
Balkan, nach Italien, Saudi-Arabien und in andere Länder des Nahen
Ostens exportiert werden.
2024 Mach 60
+90 544
306 87 39
+90 212
428 32 20
Firüzköy Bulvarı
No:18 Avcılar
Sururi Mah.
Sultanmektep Sok.
Uğurhan No:8/1
Yeşildirek / Eminönü
İstanbul / Turkey
Gathering the Apparel Industry Under One Roof,
IFCO Demonstrates Türkiye’s Production and Design Power
İstanbul Fashion Connection Apparel & Fashion Exhibition
(IFCO), which will organize its 7th season in February, is
organized by ITKIB Fuarcılık A.Ş., a subsidiary of Istanbul
Apparel Exporters’ Association (IHKIB) between 5-8 February
2025. Hosting a wide range of product groups, brands and
trend areas in 8 halls, IFCO brings together over 500 exhibitors
with over 30 thousand visitors at Istanbul Expo Center.
IFCO, which grows its target every season it is organized and
is followed with interest in the fashion industry, is preparing
to shape the fashion world again. The companies participating
in the Fair, which appeals to many markets, offer quality,
design and creativity to its professional visitors while creating
new business opportunities in the meetings held.
Invited buyers from more than 100 countries, mainly from the
EU, Russia, CIS, Middle East and North Africa, specialized in
product groups, will be able to find all the products they are
looking for in the wide range of products exhibited at IFCO
and will contribute positively to Türkiye’s exports with the
commercial connections that will be formed.
IFCO Offers Different Commercial Experiences to Its Visitors
with Its Wide Product Range
More than 500 companies from the leading companies of
the ready-to-wear retail sector with Women’s - Men’s - Kids
Wear, Leather and Fur Garments, Denim and Sportswear,
Evening Dresses and Suits, Underwear and Hosiery product
groups will participate in the fair. IFCO appeals to the apparel
sector in a wide range such as domestic and foreign large ready-to-wear
manufacturers, international chain stores, department
store purchasing managers, managers of international
brands and chains that make collections for their own brands,
managers of stores specializing in certain product groups,
managers of online sales platforms, importers, wholesalers,
distributors, designers, and those who have their own brand
Combinations to Stamp Baby & Kids Fashion at IFCO
The fashion industry, which stands out in the global arena,
İstanbul Fashion Connection Apparel & Fashion Exhibition
IFCO will be held at Istanbul Expo Center on February 5-8,
2025. IFCO will bring the sector together with the intense participation
of baby and kids wear companies in the first edition
of 2025. Baby and kids wear manufacturers aim to increase
their export volume with the İstanbul Fashion Connection
Apparel & Fashion Exhibition (IFCO).
Türkiye’s Leading Brands at IFCO
In the Brands Special Section, there are companies that have
become brands in the apparel sector, export to many parts of
the world and stand out with their collections. IFCO, which
hosted many local brands that have the capacity to export to
all over the world in previous years, is the meeting place for
local brands that want to expand their international customer
networks this season.
Türkiye’s Leading Designers Are Together Again at The Core
At the IFCO fair, visitors can also visit The Core Istanbul area,
which is specially reserved for Turkish fashion designers, and
examine the latest trend designs of Turkish fashion designers.
Bringing together Türkiye’s leading fashion designers and
apparel brands with international buyers and enabling brands
and designers to turn their collections into commercial activities,
The Core Istanbul at IFCO Fair attracts great interest
from visitors.
The leading underwear and hosiery companies of the sector
present their latest fashion products to the visitors at Linexpo,
which is under the roof of IFCO.
In the Fashionist section under the roof of IFCO, important
brands in the evening dress, wedding dress and groom’s suit
category add color to the fair with their different designs,
innovative colors and dynamic styles.
IFCO Fair, which reveals the strength of the Turkish Ready-to-Wear
and Apparel Industry, is more assertive with its
Prepared by Istanbul Moda Academy (IMA), the fashion education
platform of today and the future, the trend area combines
timeless designs, trends that will inspire the industry,
sustainable principles and fashion trends with the themes of
the next season. The Trend Area, which will be presented to
exhibitors and visitors, will be positioned as the most vibrant
showcase of IFCO Fair.
At the IFCO Fair, which reveals the power of the Turkish
ready-to-wear and apparel industry, seminars and programs
will be organized by important names in the industry. In the
seminars where all developments in the fashion industry
will be discussed, the themes will be conveyed with the latest
fashion trends. From organic and sustainable products to
technological and digital approaches and season-independent
designs, many topics will be discussed.
Full of fashion innovations, trends, colors, patterns and
innovative developments, IFCO will keep the pulse of the
ready-to-wear industry at Istanbul Expo Center between 5 - 8
February 2024.
Advertising 12+
A Celebration of Tradition and Modernity
Craftsmanship Meets Contemporary Design
Spanish baby and kidswear is characterized by its attention to
detail and premium craftsmanship. Many brands emphasize
the use of high-quality fabrics, delicate embroidery, and classic
silhouettes, while seamlessly integrating modern trends to
meet evolving consumer preferences. Renowned labels like
Mayoral, Pili Carrera, and Nanos have become synonymous
with excellence, offering collections that range from traditional
formalwear to casual everyday outfits.
Spanish baby and kidswear: A perfect fusion of tradition,
quality, and modern innovation showcased globally at Baby
KidSpain + FIMI
Spain’s Unique Legacy in Children’s Fashion
Spain has established itself as a global leader in baby and
kidswear, combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary
designs. Known for its intricate detailing and timeless
elegance, Spanish children’s fashion appeals to parents seeking
high-quality, stylish, and functional clothing for their little
ones. The country’s rich cultural heritage and innovative
spirit are beautifully reflected in its thriving children’s fashion
Focus on Sustainability and Innovation
In recent years, sustainability has taken center stage in Spain’s
children’s fashion sector. Many brands are now adopting
eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and bamboo,
as well as sustainable production methods. These practices
resonate with today’s environmentally conscious parents, who
value both the aesthetic and ethical qualities of the clothes
they buy for their children.
A Platform for Excellence: Baby Kid Spain + FIMI
The Baby Kid Spain + FIMI fair is a cornerstone event for
Spain’s children’s fashion industry, showcasing the latest
trends and collections to a global audience. Held annually, this
prestigious fair brings together top brands, emerging designers,
and international buyers, creating a vibrant platform for
networking and innovation. Attendees can explore a diverse
range of styles, from luxurious occasion wear to chic, practical
everyday pieces.
The fair also highlights Spain’s commitment to fostering creativity
and collaboration within the industry. Its focus on innovation
and sustainability attracts global attention, solidifying
Spain’s position as a leader in the children’s fashion market.
Global Recognition and Growing Demand
Spanish children’s fashion has a strong presence in international
markets, with exports reaching Europe, the Americas, and
Asia. The distinctive blend of tradition, quality, and modernity
sets Spanish brands apart, making them a top choice for
parents worldwide.
As Spain continues to shine on the global stage, its baby and
kidswear industry stands out for its unique combination of
heritage, style, and forward-thinking practices. From the
runways of Baby Kid Spain + FIMI to boutiques around the
world, Spanish children’s fashion remains a symbol of elegance
and innovation.
valencia . spain
A Global Benchmark of Style and Quality
A Focus on Quality and Sustainability
Italian children’s clothing is renowned not just for its aesthetic
appeal but also for its exceptional quality. Many Italian brands
prioritize the use of organic and eco-friendly materials, ensuring
both comfort and safety for the little ones. This commitment
to sustainability resonates with today’s environmentally
conscious consumers, making Italian brands a preferred
choice in many international markets.
Innovative Designs for a Growing Market
Italy’s baby and kidswear sector stands out for its innovative
designs that cater to a diverse range of preferences. From
chic formal wear to playful everyday outfits, Italian designers
masterfully balance style with practicality. Brands like Il Gufo,
Monnalisa, and Dolce & Gabbana Kids lead the charge, creating
collections that captivate both children and their parents.
Italian baby and kidswear: Where timeless elegance meets
sustainable innovation, setting global standards in children’s
Italy’s Unrivaled Legacy in Children’s Fashion
Italy has long been synonymous with elegance, innovation,
and craftsmanship in the fashion world. When it comes to
baby and kidswear, Italian brands consistently set global
trends, blending timeless designs with contemporary flair.
From luxurious fabrics to sustainable production practices,
the Italian baby and children’s fashion sector continues to be a
beacon of excellence, attracting discerning parents and buyers
A Thriving Export Market
Italy’s children’s fashion industry is also a significant player in
the global market. With strong export demand from Europe,
Asia, and the Americas, Italian brands frequently grace the
runways of international fairs such as Pitti Immagine Bimbo.
These events provide a platform for Italian companies to
showcase their creativity and forge connections with buyers
As Italy continues to lead the way in baby and kidswear, its
rich heritage, combined with forward-thinking approaches,
ensures its place as a global trendsetter for years to come.
Merinos Atatürk
Congress and Culture
A Fusion of Innovation and Practicality
American baby and kidswear: A blend of comfort, creativity,
and sustainability, shaping global children’s fashion
The Rise of American Children’s Fashion
The United States has emerged as a powerhouse in baby and
kidswear, offering a unique blend of creativity, practicality,
and accessibility. With its diverse cultural influences and
ever-evolving trends, the American children’s fashion market
caters to a wide array of styles and preferences, making it a
global leader. From classic designs to bold, modern aesthetics,
American brands continue to push the boundaries of innovation
in this growing sector.
Comfort Meets Functionality
One defining characteristic of American baby and kidswear
is its focus on comfort and functionality. Parents in the U.S.
prioritize practical designs that allow children to move freely
and comfortably while still looking stylish. This demand has
inspired brands to create versatile collections that cater to
everyday wear, special occasions, and even active lifestyles.
Brands like Carter’s, OshKosh B’gosh, and Tea Collection are
known for blending comfort with trendy designs, ensuring
children are dressed for any occasion.
Sustainability at the Forefront
The American children’s fashion industry is increasingly embracing
sustainability, a trend that resonates with environmentally
conscious consumers. Many U.S. brands now use organic
cotton, recycled materials, and ethical production practices to
reduce their environmental footprint. Initiatives like these not
only appeal to parents but also reflect a broader commitment
to creating a greener future.
A Vibrant Market for All Tastes
From casual streetwear to luxurious couture, the U.S. offers a
wide spectrum of options in children’s fashion. The rise of independent
and boutique labels has also enriched the market,
introducing unique, handcrafted pieces that appeal to niche
audiences. Designers are continually inspired by the diverse
cultural fabric of the country, resulting in collections that
celebrate individuality and creativity.
Showcasing Talent at the New York Children’s Show
The New York Children’s Show is a key event that highlights
the dynamism of the American baby and kidswear industry.
This prestigious trade fair attracts leading brands, buyers,
and fashion enthusiasts from around the world, offering a
platform to showcase the latest trends and innovations. The
show underscores the U.S.’s influence in the global market,
connecting domestic brands with international opportunities
and strengthening the country's reputation as a trendsetter in
children’s fashion.
Global Appeal
American baby and kidswear is in high demand across the
globe, with exports reaching markets in Europe, Asia, and
South America. This global appeal is fueled by the industry's
ability to adapt to diverse consumer needs while maintaining
its distinctive style and quality.
As the industry continues to grow, American children’s fashion
stands out for its innovation, inclusivity, and commitment
to meeting the needs of modern families worldwide.
CBME Türkiye: A Global Hub for the
Children, Baby, and Maternity Sector
As the calendar winds down, the Children, Baby, and
Maternity Expo (CBME) Türkiye is gearing up to welcome
visitors and exhibitors from across the globe.
Scheduled for 11-14 December, this highly anticipated event
stands as one of the leading platforms for the baby and maternity
products industry, attracting a diverse array of brands,
buyers, and innovators to Istanbul, a city that bridges continents
and cultures.
Why CBME Türkiye is Unmissable
CBME Türkiye has earned its reputation as a premier event
for industry professionals. The expo serves as a launchpad
for cutting-edge products and solutions designed to meet the
needs of modern families. It’s a place where trends are set,
ideas are exchanged, and businesses grow. From baby gear and
clothing to maternity products and toys, the expo covers every
aspect of this dynamic sector.
Global Reach and Local Impact
This year’s expo is expected to feature hundreds of exhibitors
from numerous countries, presenting a rich variety of
high-quality and innovative products. With Türkiye’s strategic
location and its thriving manufacturing sector, CBME Türkiye
is not only a key marketplace for regional players but also a
gateway for global brands seeking to enter the lucrative Eurasian
What to Expect in December
- Innovative Product Launches: Many exhibitors use CBME as
a stage to unveil their latest designs and collections, making it
an exciting opportunity to discover what’s new in the industry.
- Networking Opportunities: From retailers and distributors
to designers and entrepreneurs, the expo brings together a
vibrant mix of attendees eager to forge connections.
- Knowledge Sharing: Workshops, seminars, and panel discussions
are integral to the event, offering insights into emerging
trends, consumer behavior, and sustainability practices.
For Industry Professionals and Beyond
Whether you’re a buyer searching for the next bestseller, a
manufacturer showcasing your products, or a parent curious
about the latest trends, CBME Türkiye promises a dynamic
and enriching experience. The event is a testament to the
industry’s dedication to innovation, quality, and meeting the
evolving needs of families.
As Istanbul prepares to host this iconic event, all eyes are on
the Children, Baby, and Maternity Expo. It’s more than just a
trade show—it’s a celebration of the industry that nurtures the
youngest members of our society.
Mark your calendars, and get ready to be inspired!
10-13 December 2025, İstanbul
1.000 40.000 65.000 20.000 120+
SQM Exhibition
SS26 Models
Trade Visitors
+90 212
510 27 57
Mağaza1 Store1
/ Store1
Yol Sok. No:42
Mağaza2 / Store2
Sururi Mağaza2 Mah. / Tarakçı Store2
Cafer Sururi Sok. Mah. No:15/A Tarakçı
Cafer Sok. No:15/A
Mağaza / Store
Telsiz Mağaza Mah. / Store
Mağaza3 / Store3
Balıklı Telsiz Duaçınarı Mah.
Store3 Mah.
No:42 Balıklı Vişne Duaçınarı Yolu Cad. Zeyinburnu No:216/1 Sok. Mah.
No:42 YVişne ı lCad. Zeyinburnu
d ıNo:216/1
r ı m
Y ı l d ı r ı m