Inżynieria Ekologiczna Nr 2

Inżynieria Ekologiczna Nr 2

Inżynieria Ekologiczna Nr 2


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39. Malina, G., Grotenhuis, J.T.C., Rulkens, W. H.,1996b: „Simulation of bioventing in soil columns<br />

contaminated with model hydrocarbons”, Procc. 3-rd Int. Symposium on Environmental Contamination<br />

in Central and Eastern Europe – Warsaw ’96, Marriot Hotel, Warsaw.<br />

40. Malina, G., Grotenhuis, T., Cuypers, C., Rulkens, W.,1995a: „Measurement of Toluene Bioconversion<br />

during Ventilation in a Bench-Scale Soil Column ”, w: „In Situ Aeration: Air Sparging,<br />

Bioventing, and Related Remediation Processes”, Hinchee, R.E., et al (eds), Battelle Press, USA,<br />

str. 377-382.<br />

41. Malina, G., Grotenhuis, T., Cuypers, C., Rulkens, W.,1995b: „Bioventing and soil vapour extraction<br />

of decane in a bench-scale soil column”, w: „ Contaminated Soil ‘95”, van den Brink et al.<br />

(eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. II, str. 1291-1292.<br />

42. Malina, G., Szczepañski, A.,1994: „Likwidacja zanieczyszczeñ substancjami ropopochodnymi w<br />

œrodowisku wodno-gruntowym”. Monografia. PIOŒ, Biblioteka Montoringu Œrodowiska, Warszawa.<br />

43. Malina, G., 1993: „Mikroorganizmy i ich rola jako wskaŸniki zmian w œrodowisku wodno-gruntowym.”,<br />

w: Mat. Sympozjum nt. „Biologia i Monitoring Wód Podziemnych ”, Kowalczyk, E., Szczepañski,<br />

A. (eds), Czêstochowa, str. 8-18.<br />

44. Miller, R.N., Vogel, C.C., Hinchee, R.E., 1993: „A field scale investigation of petroleum hydrocarbon<br />

biodegradation in the vadose zone enhanced by soil venting at Tyndall AFB, Florida”, w: „In<br />

Situ Bioreclamation. Applicatons and Investigation for Hydrocarbon and Contamnated Site Remediation”,<br />

Hinchee, R.E., Olfenbuttel (eds), Butterwrth-Heineman, Boston, USA, str. 283-302.<br />

45. Mitchell, P., 1979: „Keilin’s Respiratory Chain Concept and its Chemiosmotic Consequences”, w:<br />

„Science”, vol. 206 (7), str. 1148-1159.<br />

46. Moore, A.T., Taat, J., Rodewijk, F.H.J., 1994: „Advancement of Technology for the In-situ Remediation<br />

of Contaminated Soil Using Soil Vapor Extraction”, NISRP Final Report no. 8956, Delft<br />

Geotechnics, Holandia.<br />

47. Mous, S.L.J., Keizer, M.G., Malina, G., de Wit, J.C.M., (w przygotowaniu): „Optimum experimental<br />

design of a column experiment for estimating parameters in a venting model using an inverse<br />

modeling approach”.<br />

48. Norris, R.D., at al., 1994: „Handbook of bioremediation”, CRC Press Inc., USA.<br />

49. Palmer Ch.M., 1992: „Principles of contaminant hydrogeology”. Levis Publishers, USA.<br />

50. Pedersen, T.A., Curtis, J.T., 1991: „Soil extraction technology”, Noyes Data Corporation, NJ,<br />

USA.<br />

51. Porta, A., 1993: „A review of European bioreclamation practice”, w: „In Situ Bioreclamation.<br />

Applicatons and Investigation for Hydrocarbon and Contamnated Site Remediiation”, Hinchee,<br />

R.E., Olfenbuttel (eds), Butterwrth-Heineman, Boston, USA, str. 1-13.<br />

52. Reinbold, K.A., Hassett, J.J., Means, J.C., Banwart, W.L., 1979: „Adsorption of energy-related<br />

organic pollutants: A literature review”, US EPA-600/3-79-086, ERL Athens, Georgia.<br />

53. Robinson, K.G., Farmer, W.S., Novak, J.T., 1990: „Availability of sorbed toluene in soils for<br />

biodegradation by acclimated bacteria”, w: „Wat. Res.”, 24 (3), str. 345-350.<br />

54. Roy, W.R., 1992: „Adsorption-Desorption Methodologies and Selected Estimation Techniques<br />

for Transport-Modeling Parameters”, w: „Migration and Fate of Pollutants in Soils and Subsoils”,<br />

Petruzzelli, D., Helfferich, F.G. (eds), NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag.<br />

55. Rulkens W.H., Grotenhuis, J.T.C., Tichy, R., 1993: ”Methods for cleaning contaminated soils and<br />

sediments”. Dept. of Environmental Technologu, WAU, Maszynopis.<br />

56. Sikkema, J., 1993: „Microbial transformation of tetralin”, PhD Thesis, Wageningen Agricultural<br />

University.<br />


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