Pobierz czasopismo - Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie
Pobierz czasopismo - Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie
Pobierz czasopismo - Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie
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80<br />
Aspiracje<br />
theatres in Epidaurus and Thessaloniki (in 2001-2005),<br />
directed by Yorgos Kimoulis.<br />
Jan Ekier<br />
From the Conservatory to University:<br />
Some Memories and Reflections<br />
In his lecture, delivered at the inauguration of the academic<br />
year at the Frederic Chopin University of Music,<br />
Professor Jan Ekier presents his relations with the<br />
school – going back already three-quarters of a century<br />
– beginning with private tuition with its professors: K.<br />
Sikorski and Z. Drzewiecki, in the pre-war times, through<br />
his entry exam, piano studies, award in the Chopin<br />
Competition, extramural degree and post-war beginnings<br />
of his teaching at the State Academic School<br />
of Music, until his retirement after chairing the First<br />
Piano Department for thirty-six years. The text includes<br />
countless facts, also anecdotes, and is an opportunity to<br />
encounter a great artist and to become familiar with his<br />
biographies’ historic background.<br />
It’s been 50 years...<br />
Professor Kazimierz Gierżod in conversation with<br />
Zofia Peret-Ziemlańska<br />
An interview with Kazimierz Gierżod – pianist, educator<br />
and musical activist – on the 50th anniversary of<br />
the beginning of his music career, addresses his interests,<br />
functions (he is Professor Emeritus of the Academy<br />
of Music and twice its Rector), music career and extensive<br />
concert performances and educational activity.<br />
Bogusław Deptuła<br />
Pawlak the Great<br />
In his review of Włodzimierz Pawlak’s retrospective<br />
exhibition at the Warsaw Zachęta Gallery, the author<br />
discusses different stages of the painter’s career: from<br />
his expressive painting of the 1980s, inspired by the<br />
aesthetic of obliterated inscriptions on street walls, to<br />
painting inspired by theories of Władysław Strzemiński<br />
and Kazimierz Malewicz. He points out the special role<br />
of technique and form in Pawlak’s art. From the very<br />
beginning, Pawlak has consistently displayed his admiration<br />
of paint: material paint, but also as the painting’s<br />
tissue, without which it would be hardly conceivable.<br />
Pawlak’s recent explorations have brought him back<br />
to the very banal, almost bordering on perversion. He<br />
squeezes paint from the tube or throws a piece of string<br />
dipped in blue paint at the canvas, making the most primitive<br />
marks, such as painters or builders use in their<br />
work. The only thing that an intelligent painter can do<br />
today is to divagate on and to express doubt about painting,<br />
pictures and a wish to paint one’s own complete<br />
and finished picture, which is no longer possible since<br />
we have been too involved in the history of the genre.<br />
Joanna Stacewicz<br />
A Place Apart of the Inner Landscape:<br />
On Teresa Pągowska<br />
A separate world of Teresa Pągowska’s painting was<br />
born at a junction of great traditions and electrifying<br />
discoveries. Originating in Colourism, gaining independence<br />
in a meeting with art informel and clashing with<br />
the experience of new figuration, within a period of fifty<br />
years her art continued to find for itself autonomous<br />
formal shape and a characteristic system of signs. Pągowska’s<br />
manner of expression required a large space<br />
of the cycle, in which she could develop subsequent<br />
instalments of her great story of a woman. The world<br />
of her private experiences and emotions – a “psychological<br />
profile” in a number of scenes – was presented<br />
in Monochromes and Magical figures. Another “reason”<br />
for Pągowska’s paintings was also a small universe of<br />
homely objects and beloved animals, giving an impulse<br />
to a complex “depiction of reality”. In her explorations<br />
as painter Pągowska tried to blend the rational and the<br />
irrational, at the same time progressing towards some<br />
sources of mystery and simplicity. With their dazzling<br />
composition and colour solutions her outstanding canvases<br />
have become part of the canon of great classics<br />
of contemporary art.<br />
Piotr Rogacz<br />
Obligatory Package<br />
Four years after the 100th anniversary of the Academy<br />
of Fine Arts in Warsaw, the Faculty of Painting organized<br />
an exhibition called 100% Painting to mark its 60th anniversary. The show was held in the actual painting<br />
studios that are still used today. Its authors decided to<br />
present the history of the Faculty displaying works by<br />
professors, assistants and graduates of particular studios,<br />
as well as pointing out a number of phenomena<br />
that have been characteristic of Polish painting in the<br />
last sixty years. Unfortunately, the limited range of the<br />
show, obscure selection criteria and superficial treatment<br />
of problems faced by generations of Polish artists<br />
have amounted to a rather unsatisfactory result. While<br />
paying too much attention to the historical aspect of the<br />
presentation (showing previous generations of painters),<br />
the authors forgot that it is not only tradition that<br />
builds the school’s strength, but primarily the achievements<br />
of the most recent graduates.<br />
Małgorzata Komorowska<br />
Honorary Doctorate for Bernard Ładysz<br />
On 6 May 2008 the Frederic Chopin University of Music<br />
in Warsaw conferred an honorary doctorate on Bernard<br />
Ładysz, the renowned singer. Ładysz is a colourful character:<br />
a zhulik from Wilno’s Zarzecze, as he likes to call<br />
himself, a choir boy from the Bernadine Church, a soldier<br />
in the Third Brigade of the Home Army (AK), who<br />
escaped the bullets of an execution squad, the Kaluga<br />
prisoner, a lumberjack singing under the whip, then –<br />
in post-war Poland, deprived of his Wilno homeland –<br />
an insubordinate student of the Frederic Chopin Academic<br />
School of Music, and a popular singer, performing<br />
mass and soldiers songs. At the same time, though, he<br />
kept winning singing competitions in Poland and abroad.<br />
He has a splendid fruity voice, strong and perfectly<br />
natural. As a bass singer, he seems to have been unparalleled<br />
both in and outside of Poland in the previous<br />
fifty years. In 1956, he received the prestigious Primo<br />
Premio Assoluto at the International Music Competition<br />
in Vercelli, Italy, which made him world famous.