Živé kino Praha - 1 - MFDF Jihlava
Živé kino Praha - 1 - MFDF Jihlava
Živé kino Praha - 1 - MFDF Jihlava
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Living Cinema—Film Screenings<br />
in Public Spaces<br />
August 20—28/2010<br />
For the third time, the City of Prague lives with the documentary film in August.<br />
Living Cinema – the first official accompanying event of the <strong>Jihlava</strong> International<br />
Documentary Film Festival 2010, is screening outstanding documentaries directly<br />
in the streets of Prague. By screening films in places that have a relation to their<br />
subject or location, the City itself becomes an exceptional screening area; a unique<br />
mirror that expands, shifts and changes the meaning of the films in a thoughtprovoking<br />
way. The following films are programmed for this year´s Living Cinema:<br />
The portrait of a world famous architect Jan Kaplicky The Eye over Prague (by Olga<br />
Špátová) focuses on a scandal of his never-realized project of the new building<br />
for the Czech National Library (August 20, Letná, next to the Špejchar tram stop).<br />
Farewell, Sun (by Martin Řezníček) portraits a great Czech painter Alén Diviš known<br />
for his melancholic art (August 21, riverbank under the Palacký Bridge). Films Diary<br />
of Grandmother Němcová, the audiovisual mosaic of joys and concerns of an old<br />
woman from Zbraslav, and I Love my Boring Life, a diary of her daughter-in-law in<br />
beautiful cinematic images (awarded the Best Czech Documentary Film at the <strong>Jihlava</strong><br />
IDFF 2009), constitute a diptych of a fascinating family history (both by Jan Gogola,<br />
Jr.; August 25. Zbraslav, The City Garden). CERN or The Factory for the Absolute (by<br />
Jan V. Sacher) discovers what the modern science can learn about the beginnings<br />
of this world (August 26, next to the building of the National Technical Library<br />
in Dejvice). And the documentary comedy Czech Peace (by Vít Klusák and Filip<br />
Remunda) presents the circumstances of how the American radar hasn´t been built<br />
in Czech Republic (August 28, Mahler´s Park, under the Žižkov TV tower).<br />
14 th Ji.hlava International<br />
Documentary Film Festival<br />
26/10—31/10 2010<br />
www.dokument-festival.cz<br />
Filmové projekce<br />
ve veřejném prostoru<br />
20.— 28. srpna<br />
— první doprovodná akce 14. <strong>MFDF</strong> <strong>Jihlava</strong> 2010<br />
— již potřetí v Praze<br />
— dokumentární filmy prorůstají Prahou<br />
— dokumentární filmy na místech, o nichž jsou<br />
anebo s nimiž tématicky souzní<br />
— film jako živá forma komunikace<br />
s nečekanými pohyby města<br />
— vyražte do ulic myslet filmem!<br />
— vstup zdarma pro každého<br />
— promítáme za každého počasí