hudobno-dramatické umenie

hudobno-dramatické umenie

hudobno-dramatické umenie


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2. Španielsky tanec<br />

2.1 Vytváranie partnerskej súhry a zmysel pre kolektívny prejav<br />

2.2 Základné prvky, motívy španielskeho tanca<br />

2.3 Dôraz na špecifické držanie tela, hlavy, rúk (napätie), práca dolných a horných<br />

končatín, vytočenie a vtočenie dlaní, potlesky, drobné dupy a ich obmeny s akcentom<br />

na párne a nepárne doby, na mieste, z miesta s natáčaním do strán<br />

2.4 Dievčatá: práca s vejárom, vlnenie panvou, s natáčaním a vytáčaním do strán, široké<br />

držanie sukne (bočné) – vejárový pohyb<br />

2.5 Chlapci: natáčanie a lúskanie prstami s výpadmi jednou nohou vpred i vzad v otáčaní<br />

o 360 o , dôraz na synkopické tlieskanie (pokriky)<br />

3. Floor Stretches<br />

Isolation Flex<br />

Variation on neutral Knee Pulse<br />

Pelvis Lift and Body Roll<br />

Stretch for inside thing muscle of legs<br />

Maximum Second Position extention stretch<br />

Point and Flex Feet- Second Position<br />

4. Standing centre on floor<br />

Plies- Demi, Grande, 5th<br />

Grande Plie combination<br />

Forward Bend, Relax and Pulse and Beginnigg Stretches on 8<br />

Turntable Stretch<br />

Stretches with Degagé and Table Top, with Pliés<br />

Prance 60, 90 and with Plié<br />

Flic Double Front, Side, Back, Change<br />

Passe, Point and Flex Extention 90, front, side, back<br />

Kick High , front, side, Kick ball change<br />

Percussive Isolatio Progression<br />

Head Isolations forward, back, head side Tild<br />

Head Isolations Square<br />

Shoulder Isolations, forward, up, down, pull back<br />

Rib-Cage Isolations with Pelvis Isolations Contract and Release<br />

Pelvis Isolations Hip Lift quickly<br />

Isolation Coordination<br />

Feet Passe Exercise Turned Out<br />

Leg Swings – Attitude back, front<br />

Legs- Flex Battement Forward, Second, Back<br />

5. Walking<br />

Jazz Walk Combinations front with catch step<br />

Passe Step Back<br />

Bounce Walk and Turns<br />

Jazz Walk – flat foot and Turns<br />

Afro Jazz Walk and jumps<br />

Triplet Walk with Turn, Jumps and Port de bras<br />

Kich ball change with Triplet turns<br />

Jazz Triplet with Hip Isolations<br />


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