HCS 449 Week 5 Discussion Question 3

What new roles are emerging in the health care industry? Explain the reason for the role, the impact on the organization, the regulatory issues that may be faced, and the competencies needed to maintain the role.

What new roles are emerging in the health care industry? Explain the reason for the role, the impact on the organization, the regulatory issues that may be faced, and the competencies needed to maintain the role.

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<strong>HCS</strong> <strong>449</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 5 <strong>Discussion</strong> <strong>Question</strong> 3<br />

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What new roles are emerging in the health care industry? Explain the<br />

reason for the role, the impact on the organization, the regulatory<br />

issues that may be faced, and the competencies needed to maintain the<br />


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