Po Ut St Å t Pi I.A

Po Ut St Å t Pi I.A

Po Ut St Å t Pi I.A

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<strong>St</strong>redná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická Košice, Komenského 44I.FTriedny : Greňová Marta, Ing.41a0123456789101112<strong>Po</strong><strong>Ut</strong><strong>St</strong>7:10 - 7:558:00 - 8:45 8:50 - 9:3574A74B74AELKELKELKF1<strong>Pi</strong>F2<strong>St</strong>F3<strong>Pi</strong>24 1. skINFGr59 2. skSTNOg61 61ELK ELK<strong>Pi</strong><strong>Pi</strong>41B251389:45 - 10:30SJLSTNOBNHšRiSk7 1. skANJKv38A 2. skANJSh6211:00 - 11:4538AFYZNEJPl1. skSf61 2. skANJSh6111:55 - 12:40ELK<strong>Pi</strong>49 1. skNBVCe138 2. skETVSk7 1. skANJKv59 2. skMEIMi12:45 - 13:3038B28bNEJNEJ1. skSf2. skDiTVSTNTSVHi25 1. skINFRi29 2. sk59 1. skMEIMi41B 2. skSJLHš13:40 - 14:2526ANEJGr41B 1. skSJLHš2. skDi14:30 - 15:0015:00 - 15:4515:45 - 16:3016:30 - 17:1517:15 - 18:00Št<strong>Pi</strong>Rozvrh vytvorený: 21.9.201259MATMi59MATMi4059DEJMEIPsMiTVTSVHi41BPRAPRASJLHš112 F1PRAOg131 F2Kj120 F3<strong>Pi</strong>7 1. skANJKv61 2. skANJSh62FYZPl6141BELKSJL<strong>Pi</strong>HšaSc Rozvrhy

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