G L A S I L O Z D R A V N I Š ... - Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije

G L A S I L O Z D R A V N I Š ... - Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije

G L A S I L O Z D R A V N I Š ... - Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije

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160Navodila avtorjemRok za oddajo vseh prispevkov zaobjavo v reviji Isis je do 10. v mesecu(prejeto v uredništvu) za naslednjimesec. Članke lahko pošljete popošti na naslov uredništva, po faksuali po elektronski pošti. Da bi seizognili podvajanju dela, predlagamo,da članke oddajate v elektronskiobliki (disketa, CD, e-pošta).Dolžina člankov je omejena na največ30.000 znakov - štetje brez presledkov(velikosti 12 pp, oblika pisavetimes new roman). Lahko priložitefotografije, diapozitive ali digitalnefotografije (velikost najmanj300 dpi).Prispevku priložite svoj polni naslov,davčno številko, davčno izpostavo,popolno številko tekočega aližiro računa, naziv banke.Navodila o navajanjusponzorjevNa koncu prispevka so lahko navedenaimena farmacevtskih podjetij,delovnih organizacij, matičnih delovnihorganizacij, kjer ste zaposleni,društev, združenj in ostalih pravnihter fizičnih oseb, ki so po vašemmnenju kakorkoli prispevala knastanku prispevka. Uredništvo sipridržuje pravico, da bo imena objavljalov enotni obliki.Navodila za objavljanjeprispevkov v rubriki“strokovna srečanja”Dolžina prispevkov je omejena nanajveč dve strani v reviji Isis, objavljenaje lahko le ena fotografija, ki sevšteva v skupno dolžino. To pomeni,da ima prispevek brez slike lahkonajveč 10.000 znakov - štetje brezpresledkov (velikosti 12 pp, oblika pisavetimes new roman), oziroma11.500 znakov - štetje s presledki.Prispevek s sliko ima lahko največ9.000 znakov - štetje brez presledkov(velikosti 12 pp, oblika pisave timesnew roman), oziroma 10.500 znakov- štetje s presledki. Vsako poročilo iztujine mora obvezno vsebovati kratekzaključek, kaj pomeni srečanjeza stroko v Sloveniji: ali in kje oziromakako je mogoče izsledke prenestiv slovenski prostor. V primeru, daje slovenska stroka v svetovnem vrhu,je potrebno v zaključku na kratkopovzeti njeno vlogo v ustreznem merilu.Prispevkov, ki ne bodo upoštevalizgoraj navedenih navodil, uredništvone bo objavilo oziroma bo avtorjeprosilo za dopolnitve.The President of the MedicalChamberMarko Bitenc, M.D., M.Sc.E-mail: marko.bitenc@zzs-mcs.siThe vice-president of the MedicalChamberAndrej Možina, M.D.The vice-president of the MedicalChamberProf. Franc Farčnik, M.S., Ph.D.The President of the AssemblyPrim. Anton Židanik, M.D.The vice-president of the AssemblyŽivo Bobič. S.D.Executive board of the MedicalChamber of SloveniaThe president of theEducational councilProf. Matija Horvat, M.D., Ph. D.The president of the Professionalmedical committeeProf. Vladislav Pegan,M.D., Ph. D.The president of the Primaryhealth care committeeGordana Živčec Kalan, M. D.The president of the Hospitalhealth care committeePrim. Andrej Možina, M.D.The president of the Dentistryhealth care committeeProf. Franc Farčnik, M.S., Ph.D.The president of the Legal-ethicalcommitteeŽarko Pinter, M.D., M.Sc.The president of the SocialeconomiccommitteeJani Dernič, M.D.The president of the Privatepractice committeeIgor Praznik, M. D.The Secretary GeneralBrane Dobnikar, L.L.B.Public Relations DepartmentElizabeta Bobnar Najžer, B.A.Legal and General AffairsDepartmentVesna Habe Pranjič, L. L. B.Finance and AccountingDepartmentJožica Osolnik, Econ.Health Economics,Planning and AnalysisDepartmentNika Sokolič, B. Sc. Econ.Training and ProfessionalSupervision DepartmentMojca Vrečar, M. B. A.The Medical Chamber of SloveniaFounded in 1893 as The Medical Chamber for the Carniola Province.The Medical Chamber of Slovenia was subsequently founded in 1992.TasksThe Medical Chamber of Slovenia is an independent professional organisationof medical doctors and dentists. Membership is an honour andobligation for all those that work as physicians or dentists in Sloveniaand have a direct contact with the patients.The Medical Chamber of Slovenia protects and represents the interestsof the medical profession, and helps to ensure the correct behaviour ofdoctors and uphold their reputation by:. Having and issuing a Code of Medical Ethics, monitoring the behaviourof doctors and administering any measures necessary for violationsof the Code. . Maintaining a register of members and issuing membershipcards. . Issuing, extending and revoking the doctors’ licences forindependent work. . Participating in the development of the undergraduateeducation programme for doctors. . Managing (planning, monitoringand supervising) the secondments of the two year compulsorypostgraduate training in hospitals; secondments for specialisations; otherpostgraduate professional training, and examination. . Organisingprofessional seminars, meetings and other types of professional medicaldevelopment. . The professional auditing and appraisal of each doctorpractising in Slovenia. . Participating in the preparation of regulations,planning and staffing plans in health care issues. . Determiningdoctors’ fees and participating in agreeing the prices of health care services.. Representing the interests of doctors in determining contractswith the Institute of Health Insurance of Slovenia. . Participating in thenegotiation of collective contracts, and agreeing them on behalf of privatedoctors as employees, thereby managing the value of medical professional’salaries. . Providing legal assistance and advice to memberson insurance against medical compensation claims. . Maintaining aWelfare Fund to help members and their families. . Monitoring thedemand for doctors and helping unemployed doctors find job. . Assistingmembers to find suitable locums during their absence. . Publishingactivities, editing activities; issuing a free journal to members, publishingbooks and other publications. . Encouraging co-operation betweenmembers and arbitrating in disputes. . Encouraging the culturaland social activities of members; organising the cultural, sporting andother social events and activities. . Monitoring alternative methods oftreatment. . Deterring prohibited and unacceptable medical practices.. Providing a free permanent consulting service to members. . Undertakingother tasks pursuant to legal regulations and the statute.ISIS januar 2004

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