Revija Svitanje - Jesen 2012

Letnik VIII, številka 3

Letnik VIII, številka 3


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i o d i n a m i k a<br />

Dinamiziranje<br />

škodljivcev<br />

Eileen Getting<br />

Biodinamične tehnike težijo k temu, da s<br />

pomočjo prehrane in biodinamičnih preparatov<br />

ustvarijo uravnovešeno rast in okrepijo odpornost<br />

rastlin na škodljivce. Škodljivci najprej napadejo<br />

oslabljene rastline in s tem sodelujejo pri naravni<br />

selekciji. Kadar se pojavi težava s škodljivci, se<br />

vprašajte, kakšen je osnovni problem ali stresni<br />

dejavnik. Odpravite vsakršno neravnovesje,<br />

preden uporabite ekološke metode zatiranja<br />

škodljivcev.<br />

Včasih, kljub vsem našim poskusom, škodljivec še<br />

naprej ostane. V takem primeru bi lahko razmislili<br />

o uporabi biodinamične metode dinamiziranja.<br />

Kaj je dinamiziranje?<br />

Dinamiziranje vključuje škodljivca s tistega področja,<br />

ki ga obdelujemo. Pepel pripravimo tako, da<br />

ujamemo škodljivca in ga zažgemo. Pepel, ki ga pri<br />

tem dobimo nato poškropimo okoli okuženega področja.<br />

Čas škropljenja je specifičen za posamezen<br />

tip škodljivca in odvisno je od tega, kateri planetarni<br />

vplivi uravnavajo njihovo reprodukcijo:<br />

• živali – ko je Venera v konstelaciji s<br />

škorpijonom;<br />

• krilate žuželke – ko je sonce v dvojčkih in<br />

luna v vodnem znamenju;<br />

• žuželke s trdim ovojem – ko je sonce v biku<br />

in luna v biku;<br />

• polži in slinarji – ko je sonce v raku in luna v<br />

vodnem znamenju;<br />

• semena pleveli – ob polni luni.<br />

Kako naredimo pepel<br />

Škodljivca, ki smo ga ujeli, bomo morda morali<br />

shraniti v zamrzovalniku do primernega časa za<br />

zažiganje. Za večje živali, kot so na primer lisice,<br />

moramo uporabiti kožo. Za manjše žuželke pa je<br />

potrebno zbrati več primerkov. Če imate opravka s<br />

plevelom, potrebujete zrelo seme.<br />

6<br />

Biodynamic seed saving<br />

Seed saving has been an agricultural practice<br />

for thousands of years and has created<br />

millions of varieties of food plants. However,<br />

during the 20th century a rapid decline in the<br />

number of varieties occurred as monopolies<br />

took over the world seed supply market.<br />

Why save seed?<br />

There is a need to preserve genetic diversity for<br />

food security – we need varieties that will cope<br />

with changing climates and new pests and diseases.<br />

By saving the seed from your healthiest<br />

plants season after season you will be rewarded<br />

with plants that have adapted to your particular<br />

growing conditions. To reduce our ecological<br />

footprint, we should aim to produce plants<br />

locally.<br />

It’s fun and educational for children to understand<br />

where food comes from. <br />

Peppering<br />

Biodynamic techniques aim to create balanced growth<br />

and strengthen a plant’s pest defence mechanisms<br />

through nutrition and BD preparations. Pests<br />

preferentially attack stressed and weak plants, and by<br />

doing so, are participating in the process of natural<br />

selection. Whenever you see a pest problem, ask yourself<br />

what is the underlying problem or stressor. Address any<br />

imbalances before using organic pest control methods.<br />

Sometimes, despite trying everything the pest remains a<br />

problem. At this point you may consider using the biodynamic<br />

method of peppering.<br />

What is peppering?<br />

Peppering energetically excludes a specific pest from<br />

the area you treat. The pepper is prepared by capturing<br />

a pest and burning it to ash. The ash is then sprinkled<br />

like pepper around the perimeter of the affected area. The<br />

timing is specific to the type of pest and what planetary<br />

influences rule their reproduction.

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