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Trường ĐH Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu<br />

Khoa Điện-Điện tử<br />

;chuong trinh den giao thong co hien thi thoi gian dem nguoc.<br />

;ket noi port 1 voi dãy led mo phong den giao thong.<br />

;ket noi port 0 voi ngo vao du lieu led 7 đoan, port 2 với ngo vao chon led.<br />

;===================================================================<br />

biendem equ 20h ;dinh nghia cac bien<br />

bientrangthai equ 21h ;trang thai hien tai cua he thong<br />

thoigian1 equ 22h ;thoi gian hien thi o huong 1<br />

thoigian2 equ 23h ;thoi gian hien thi o huong 2<br />

xanh1 equ 15<br />

vang1 equ 5<br />

xanh2 equ 10<br />

vang2 equ 3<br />

org 0000h<br />

sjmp start ;nhay den chuong trinh chinh<br />

org 000bh ;dia chi vecto ngat timer0<br />

ljmp dengiaothong ;nhay den chuong trinh phuc vu ngat timer0<br />

;------------------------------------------------- khoi tao timer 0 dem thoi gian<br />

start: mov tmod,#01h ;khoi tao timer0 mode1<br />

mov th0,#high(-50000)<br />

mov tl0,#low(-50000)<br />

setb et0 ;cho phep ngat timer0<br />

setb ea ;cho phep ngat toan bo<br />

setb tr0 ;chay timer0<br />

;-------------------------------------------------- khoi tao cac gia tri ban dau<br />

mov biendem,#0<br />

mov bientrangthai,#0<br />

mov thoigian1,#1<br />

;-------------------------------------------- chuong trinh chinh thuc hien quet hien thi<br />

begin: mov r0,#45h ;lay dia chi cuoi cua ram hien thi<br />

mov r2,#11111110b ;chon led dau tien<br />

rep: mov p2,r2<br />

mov a,@r0<br />

mov p0,a<br />

lcall delay<br />

mov p0,#0ffh<br />

dec r0<br />

mov a,r2<br />

rl a<br />

mov r2,a<br />

jb acc.6,rep<br />

sjmp begin<br />

;-------------------------------------------- chuong trinh ngat dieu khien den giao thong<br />

dengiaothong:<br />

push 00h<br />

push acc<br />

mov tl0,#low(-50000)<br />

mov th0,#high(-50000)<br />

inc biendem ;tang bien dem<br />

mov a,biendem<br />

cjne a,#20,finish<br />

mov biendem,#0<br />

dec<br />

thoigian1<br />

- 39 - Thực hành Vi xử lý

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