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QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N!<br />

H≠¨ng xu©n ng‰t ngµo ch≠a qua, th∏ng Ba Æ∑ g‰i v“ th¯ ∏nh<br />

næng giao mÔa e †p, Æãp tuy÷t vÍi nh≠ nÙ c≠Íi bıng s∏ng<br />

trn g≠¨ng m∆t hπnh phÛc.<br />

N„i Æ’n hπnh phÛc lπi ngh‹ tÌi hµnh tr◊nh m∂i mi’t theo<br />

ÆuÊi hπnh phÛc cÒa con ng≠Íi. C„ nh˜ng ng≠Íi hπnh phÛc<br />

khi Æ≠Óc hy sinh cho ng≠Íi th©n yu, ng≠Íi næm gi˜ nhi“u<br />

thµnh c´ng nh≠ng v…n ch≠a t◊m th†y hπnh phÛc, lπi c„ ng≠Íi<br />

hoµi nghi hπnh phÛc. MÁi ng≠Íi mÁi kh∏c nn suy ra hπnh<br />

phÛc lµ c„ thÀt.<br />

H∑y ÆÂng hµnh vÌi Travellive th∏ng 3/<strong>2018</strong> Æ” th†y hπnh phÛc<br />

c„ th” chπm tÌi theo nh˜ng c∏ch thÀt g«n gÚi, dung dfi mµ<br />

chºng käm ph«n th®ng hoa. Xem c∏ch nhi’p ∂nh gia ng≠Íi<br />

Bÿ thËt ln: "ß©y lµ mÈt chuy’n Æi c˘c k˙ hπnh phÛc cÒa t´i"<br />

sau hµnh tr◊nh tÌi Ethiopia bªng xe Jeep, theo ch©n Hoµng<br />

L Giang tha th»n mÈt m◊nh Î ß´ng ¢u... Æ” th†y rªng hπnh<br />

phÛc c„ th” ki’m t◊m chÿ bªng mÈt chuy’n Æi.<br />

ßi thÀt xa Æ” trÎ v“. Ngæm nh˜ng c∏nh hoa ban nÂng nµn trn<br />

phË Hµ NÈi hay sµ vµo th≠Îng th¯c m©m c¨m mÔa hà mi“n<br />

Bæc vÌi m„n canh cua, thfit luÈc, cµ ph∏o, d≠a chua do ch›nh<br />

tay mã n†u... cÚng lµ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m hπnh phÛc s©u sæc.<br />

VÀy nhä, Æıng ch«n chı n˜a, h∑y tÀn h≠Îng hπnh phÛc<br />

nh˜ng ngµy th∏ng Ba theo c∏ch mµ Travellive muËn chia sŒ<br />

cÔng qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂!<br />

BAN BI£N TÜP<br />

Our dear readers!<br />

March, along with the sweet scent of Spring comes the<br />

mild sunshine of the early Summer that is as bright as a<br />

shining smile on a happy face.<br />

We human have been on the pursuit of happiness for how<br />

long, no one can remember. Some feel it when they devote<br />

everything to their beloved ones. Others, though achieved<br />

many successes in lives, did not succeed in finding<br />

Happiness. And some even doubt the existence of it. But<br />

no matter the different thoughts between every one of us,<br />

Happiness is real.<br />

Follow us in this March issue to experience joy in<br />

simple ways. See how a trip to Ethiopia on a Jeeps can<br />

make a Belgium photographer be filled with excitement:<br />

"This is the most wonderful trip of my life", we follow<br />

travel blogger Hoang Le Giang on his lonesome wander<br />

through Eastern Europe... to enjoy the simple pleasure<br />

of traveling.<br />

Leave to return, to contemplate the blossoming orchid<br />

trees on the streets of Hanoi, to enjoy summer home-made<br />

meals with crab soup, boiled pork, pickled vegetables and<br />

firecracker eggplants... to feel Happy!<br />

Do not wait any minute now, let's enjoy every moment of<br />

Happiness this March with Travellive!<br />


12<br />


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