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Jeonju Ultimate Music Festival p. 28<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Hot Days,<br />
Cool Nights~<br />
Exploring Jeonju's Nightlife p. 20<br />
Cooking<br />
Jeonju p. 34<br />
Let's Go<br />
Gochang! p. 40<br />
Namwon,<br />
City of Love p. 42
Jeonbuk Life<br />
Cover Story<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s International <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11<br />
Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284<br />
전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)<br />
PHONE 063-280-6112<br /><br /><br /><br />
Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> is published by the Jeonbuk Center<br />
for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.<br />
Manager Peter Yi<br />
Managing Editor Axel Lemus<br />
Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
ART & DESIGN<br />
Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim, Alexandra Prévôt, Joon-beom Chu,<br />
Axel Lemus, Laura Bowles, Betsey Jeanne Norman, Aaron<br />
Snowberger, Nicholas Haslam, Valerie Merrick, Jiwoo Lee,<br />
Taeha Jeong, Yuchang Choi, Seula Kim, Darian Figuera<br />
Seong Jin Kim, Umesh Sampath, Dianne Pineda-Kim,<br />
Caitlin Cobb, Saia Ali, Shida Huggins<br />
Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do<br />
Center for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA). Our goal is to<br />
spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as<br />
well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea<br />
and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.<br />
Hot Days, Cool Nights<br />
Location: Shinsigaji, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do<br />
Cover Models: Saia Ali and Shida Huggins<br />
Photograph by Umesh Sampath<br />
Story by Betsey Jeanne Norman<br />
When thinking of Jeonju and the surrounding cities,<br />
one usually thinks of Hanok village, day markets and<br />
lively festivals. To be sure, Jeonbuk province has so<br />
much to offer for the curious traveler or adventurous<br />
native. However, once the lights go down and the<br />
festival goers return home, wandering feet may find<br />
it difficult to pick their next destination.<br />
Read the story on page 20.<br />
To get involved, email<br />
2 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
소식<br />
NEWS<br />
Compiled by Axel Lemus<br />
Korean Conversation Class for International Students<br />
Adapting to a new culture, eating new food, and working within a new<br />
educational system are just some of the difficulties that international<br />
students face. Out of these challenges, there is no one much greater than<br />
overcoming the language barrier. Language plays a vital role at all levels<br />
of human interaction: from simply asking for directions, to understanding<br />
cultural nuances that help strengthen long-term friendships.<br />
Recognizing the importance of language for improving quality of life,<br />
the <strong>JB</strong>CIA will be hosting Korean conversational classes for the region’s<br />
international students. The classes will be during the <strong>2018</strong> fall semester,<br />
from September to December, and will include cultural excursions within<br />
Jeonbuk, birthday celebrations, and more!<br />
Application: July ~ August <strong>2018</strong><br />
Schedule: <strong>2018</strong> Fall (Sept ~ Dec)<br />
(two 2-hour sessions per week)<br />
Levels: 4 classes<br />
(2 beginner, 2 intermediate)<br />
Class Size: 15 ~ 20 students<br />
For further details, check the center’s<br />
website at<br />
<strong>JB</strong> Life New Contributors<br />
Valerie Merrick<br />
Valerie is new to Korea, having moved in January<br />
<strong>2018</strong>. She teaches at an English-language<br />
school in Jeonju. Out of the classroom she<br />
enjoys cooking vegetarian food, relaxing at Spa<br />
LaQua, and meeting the artists of Seohak-dong.<br />
Nicholas Haslam<br />
Nicholas teaches English in Jangsu County and<br />
lives in Namwon. Hailing from New Zealand, he<br />
enjoys being a good ambassador of his country for<br />
his students. His other interests include running,<br />
hiking and learning Korean.<br />
Darian Figuera<br />
Darian is a 23 year old student from Venezuela<br />
majoring in quantum systems at CBNU. He is<br />
also a chef specialized in international cuisine.<br />
His culinary experience led to his love and<br />
appreciation for Korean culture and traditions<br />
Taeha Jeong<br />
Taeha is a senior at Global Prodigy Academy in Jeonju.<br />
Sometimes he can be slow like a snail, but he finishes<br />
his work diligently like an ant. He likes to watch movies,<br />
especially sci-fi movies. He wishes to major in Biology<br />
at college.<br />
Yuchang Choi<br />
Yuchang is a junior at Global Prodigy Academy. As a child,<br />
he spent 5 years in Singapore to study English. He spent<br />
the last 3 years working as a teen reporter in the Herald<br />
Times. He also became a chief editor in a local teen English<br />
newspaper.<br />
Seula Kim<br />
Seula is a junior at Global Prodigy Academy who is fond<br />
of watching soccer, baseball, and basketball. She wants<br />
to major in architecture and build houses for abandoned<br />
dogs and cats. Her only wish is that there would be no<br />
abused animals.<br />
Korean Preview<br />
Jeonju International Film Festival<br />
12-13 쪽<br />
JIFF 표제: 이야기의 다른 면<br />
번역 : 배재경 (교류협력팀)<br />
전주 국제 영화제(JIFF)의 기획 단계 동안, 간부들은<br />
지역과 국제의 남녀노소 관객들을 위한 더 매력적인 극장<br />
체험을 만들어 내는 것에 열심이었습니다. 하지만 개봉<br />
첫날 모든 영화 표가 매진되고 임시로 만든 전주 돔 밖에<br />
엄청난 인파가 줄을 서면서, 그들의 우려는 사라졌습니다.<br />
극장을 더 상호작용이 이루어지게 만들려는 그들의 전략은<br />
효과적이었다.<br />
5월 3일부터 12일까지 계속된 JIFF는 재미있고 실속있는<br />
내용을 원하는 관객들에게 시사하는 바가 큰 영화를 보다<br />
가까이에서 전달했습니다. 이 영화제는 다큐멘터리와 단편을<br />
포함한 260개가 넘는 타이틀을 수여했으며 전 세계에서<br />
온 20명이 넘는 배심원들이 영화 제작자들에게 명망 있는<br />
상을 수여했다. 한국과 국제적인 특징, 단편 영화, 그리고<br />
다큐멘터리가 모두 경쟁의 일부였다.<br />
반가운 변화<br />
"이것은 더 큰 부산 국제 영화제와 매우 다른 축제입니다."<br />
라고 개막날 밤 이충직 축제감독은 말했다. “서로 다른 두<br />
도시의 차이도 반영되어 있습니다. 부산은 스펙터클하고<br />
규모가 큰 반면 전주는 작은 도시입니다. 부산은 국제적으로<br />
유명한 게스트가 함께하는 스펙터클하고 상업적인 이벤트에<br />
집중한다면, 우리는 처음 혹은 두 번째 작품인 독립영화와<br />
감독들의 새로운 목소리를 발견하는 것이 목표입니다.”<br />
그는 정부, 특히 한국의 문재인 대통령의 예술에 대한<br />
폭넓은 지원과 전주 홍보에 더 많은 관심을 보여 준 공로를<br />
인정했다. "오늘날 우리 정부는 우리가 국가로서의 역사를<br />
되돌아볼 수 있도록 돕고 있고, 저는 매우 희망적이고 이것은<br />
기적입니다.” 그는 영어로 바꿔 말하면서 "트럼프 대통령과<br />
김정은 국방위원장 사이에 그런 일이 일어날 줄은 꿈에도<br />
생각지 못했습니다."라고 덧붙였다.<br />
"전반적으로, 다양한 관점과 시도를 느낄 수 있었고, 축제<br />
프로그램에서 영화 제작자들의 열렬한 노력을 느낄 수<br />
있었습니다."라고 심사 위원단의 김대환 감독은 말했다. ■<br />
JIFF 표제: 전주 국제 영화제<br />
안 프랑스의 손길<br />
14-15 쪽<br />
번역 : 배재경 (교류협력팀)<br />
전주 국제 영화제 동안, 한국과 미국 다음으로 가장 대표적인<br />
나라는 프랑스였다. 44편의 프랑스 영화가 전주 관객들에게 선<br />
보였다. 그것들 중 한 편은 특히 제 관심을 끌었고 저는 이 훌륭한<br />
다큐멘터리 영화의 세 감독을 만날 기회를 가졌다.<br />
Jean Douchet의 Restless Child (L’enfant agité)는 세 젊은<br />
감독들이 자신들의 영화를 소개하기 위해 자발적으로 JIFF에<br />
초대 받아 만든 최초의 다큐멘터리 영화이다. 그들은 “ 사람들은<br />
영화 비평가의 지루한 전기를 볼 것이라고 생각하지만, 결국<br />
그들은 재미있어 합니다.!”라고 언급하면서 다른 사람들에게<br />
자신들의 영화에 대해 말하기를 좋아한다.<br />
프랑스에서는 영화 평론가들이 중요하다. 비록 여러분이 영화<br />
평론가가 되고 싶지 않더라도, 여러분이 보는 영화를 비판적으로<br />
보는 법을 배울 필요가 있다. Fabien Hagege, Vincent Hasser,<br />
and Guillaume Namur는 영화에 대한 그들의 시각을 바꾼<br />
Jean Douchet를 접하기 바로 직전 파리 교외에서 서로<br />
만났습니다.<br />
국가대표 축구 32-33 쪽<br />
번역 : 송기섭(운영지원팀)<br />
여러분은 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 스포츠를 추측할 수 있나요?<br />
네, 축구입니다. 저를 포함해서 한국에 있는 많은 사람들이<br />
축구를 좋아하고, 여러분도 축구를 즐기는 사람일 것입니다.<br />
월드컵 시즌이 다가오면서 많은 사람들이 더 흥분하고<br />
있습니다. 한국 축구 대표팀은 1986년 멕시코 월드컵부터<br />
올해 <strong>2018</strong>년 러시아 월드컵까지 총 9차례 월드컵 본선 진출을<br />
달성하며 월드컵에서 가장 자격 있는 팀이 됐습니다. 아시아<br />
지방 한국인들이 축구를 좋아하는 주요한 이유 중 하나는<br />
한국과 일본에서 공동으로 열린 2002월드컵 때문입니다. 한국<br />
팀은 이탈리아를 꺾고 준결승에 진출했습니다.<br />
<strong>2018</strong>년 러시아 월드컵이 올 6월부터 7월 중순까지 열렸습니다.<br />
첫 번째 한국 경기는 6월 18일 스웨덴과 열렸습니다. 두 번째<br />
경기는 6월 24일 멕시코와의 경기였습니다. 그리고 마지막<br />
경기는 6월 27일에 세계에서 가장 강한 축구 팀 중 하나인<br />
독일과의 경기였습니다. 한국은 첫 두 경기를 졌지만 독일과의<br />
경기에서 2대 0으로 이겼습니다. 대부분의 월드컵 예선 팀들은<br />
실제 경기를 치르기 전에 친선 경기를 합니다. 한국 대표팀은<br />
5월 28일에는 온두라스와, 6월 1일에는 보스니아와, 7일에는<br />
볼리비아와 각각 전주와 대구 월드컵 경기장에서, 그리고<br />
오스트리아 인스브루크 월드컵 경기장에서 맞붙었습니다.<br />
전주 월드컵 경기장은 2002년 월드컵을 위해 지어졌고 항상<br />
리그 최고의 팀들 중 하나로 평가되는 국내 프로 축구 팀인<br />
전북 현대 자동차의 본거지입니다. 전주는 스포츠를 좋아하는<br />
것으로 유명하고 4만명을 수용할 수 있는 경기장에서 경기를<br />
할 때마다 자리가 매진됩니다. 전주 월드컵 경기장은 한국의<br />
전통 가옥인 한옥의 독특한 디자인으로 유명합니다. ■<br />
이 영화의 놀라운 점은, 비록 당신이 영화 평론가나 심지어<br />
일반적인 영화에 대해 아무것도 모른다 해도, 당신은 도시를<br />
오가며 여행하고 음식을 즐기고 이탈리아의 축제에도 가는<br />
프랑스 남자를 보면서 진심으로 웃을 수 있다. 당신은 단순히<br />
그의 인생철학에 매혹 당할 수도 있다. 쾌락주의자인 Jean<br />
Douchet는 이탈리아 식당에서 밥을 먹으면서 “Pour bien<br />
voir, il faut commencer à bien vivre”(영화를 잘 보기<br />
위해서는 잘사는 것부터 시작해야 합니다.)라고 말했다.<br />
진짜 Jean Douchet은 Nouvelle Vague에 속해 있었고<br />
그의 친구들 중에서 영화를 만드는 것에는 그다지 관심이<br />
없었지만 영화를 보고, 논평하고, 공유하는 것에는 관심이<br />
있었다. 오늘날 프랑스에서는 매일 약 15편의 영화가<br />
개봉되고 있어 비평가들은 빠르기 위해 짧은 글을 써야 하고,<br />
매우 깊은 평론을 쓰는 Jean Douchet부류의 평론가들은<br />
사라지는 경향이 있다. ■<br />
4 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Hot Days,<br />
Cool Nights<br />
전주얼티밋뮤직페스티벌<strong>2018</strong><br />
보도자료<br />
28-31 쪽<br />
주말밤의 투어 20-24 쪽<br />
번역 : 박재은 (교류협력팀)<br />
전주와 그 주변 도시들을 생각하면, 보통 한옥마을, 재래시장,<br />
활기 찬 축제를 생각하게 됩니다. 확실히 전라북도는<br />
호기심 많은 여행자나 모험심 많은 현지인에게 제공할 것이<br />
많습니다. 하지만, 일단 전등이 꺼지고 축제에 참가하는<br />
사람들이 집으로 돌아오면, 돌아다니는 사람들은 그들의<br />
다음 목적지를 고르는 것이 어려울 수도 있다.<br />
전라북도의 축제는 해가 질 때까지 멈추지 않으며, 여러분도<br />
마찬가지이다. 전주 시가지의 번화한 거리에 자리 잡고<br />
있거나, 많은 야간 시장과 술 마시는 거리의 구불구불한 길<br />
사이에 숨어 있는 것은 보석들이다. 우리가 새로운 것을 찾고<br />
있는 방문하는 신입생과 전라북도 출신의 사람들을 위한<br />
몇몇 장소를 소개할 때 우리와 함께 여행을 하세요.<br />
우리는 모두 그곳에 가 본 적이 있고, 주말이고, 당신은 방금<br />
당신의 친구들을 만났다. 누군가 말하는 첫 번째 것은 “우리<br />
어디가니?” 다음 답은 “나도몰라” “어디 가고싶어? 그리고<br />
당신이 신의 영감을 기다리는 동안 어색한 침묵의 의무적인<br />
5분이 있다. 이것은 전 세계적으로 흔한 문제이고 한국에<br />
갈 곳들이 영어로 정보를 얻을 수도 없을 수도 있기 때문에<br />
외국인으로서 더욱 심각한 문제입니다.<br />
전주의 밤 문화 거리, 신시가지에서 갈 만한 멋진 술집들의<br />
목록을 작성했다.이 술집들이 전주에서 즐거운 시간을 보낼<br />
수 있는 마지막 장소는 결코 아니다.<br />
그러나 신시가지에서 시작할 수 있다. 그리고 아마도<br />
그 정보는 다음 날 밤 밖에서 특별한 장소를 찾고 있는<br />
사람들에게 도움이 될 것이다. ■<br />
전주 남부 야시장과 청년몰<br />
번역 : 박재은(교류협력팀)<br />
25-27 쪽<br />
한국에는 "불금"이라는 속어가 있다. 이 문구는 사람들이 퇴근<br />
후 금요일 밤에 술을 마시고 논다는 문화에서 유래되었다.<br />
평소처럼 가족 친화적인 한옥 마을로의 금요일의 뜨거운<br />
여행을 제외하고 인기 있는 장소인 전주 남부 야시장은 이<br />
지역에서 제공하는 모든 것을 조금씩 즐길 수 있는 곳이다.<br />
남부 시장<br />
남부 시장은 조선 중기에 도시의 남문 근처 상인들의<br />
비공식적인 모임 장소로 처음 만들어졌다. 일제 강점기 때,<br />
“남부 시장”이라고 이름 지어졌고, 1979년에 정식 시장으로<br />
지정되었다. 낮 시간의 남부시장은 단지 다양한 상인들이 옷,<br />
음식, 그리고 가정용품을 매우 싼 가격에 파는 재래시장이다.<br />
시장은 예상했던 것과 정반대로 매우 조용하고 고요하다.<br />
나는 상인들이 상품을 광고하고 방문객들을 끌어들이기 위해<br />
소리치는 상상을 했다. 보통, 상인들이 어색한 표정을 짓기<br />
때문에 소비자들은 더 낮은 가격을 흥정하곤 했다.<br />
오늘날, 사람들은 주차장과 온라인 옵션이 있는 좀 더 편리한<br />
쇼핑 장소를 선호하면서, 한때는 붐비고 상냥하던 이곳을<br />
낮에는 다소 쓸쓸하게 만들었다. 시장의 활기를 되찾기 위해,<br />
행정 기관은 2013년 남부 야시장 사업을 홍보하기 시작했다.<br />
이후 많은 노력으로 몇 년 동안 전주는 천만 명이 넘는<br />
관광객을 끌어 모았다. 매년 한국인 5명 중 1명꼴로 전주를<br />
찾아 이 숨겨진 보석을 찾는 사람이 늘고 있다는 뜻이다.<br />
남부 야시장<br />
남부 시장은 전주의 남문을 완전히 둘러싸고 있고 입구가<br />
많다. 그것은 매우 찾기 쉽다. 그냥 사람들을 따라가기만<br />
하면 된다. 내가 처음으로 밤 시장 안으로 걸어 들어갔을<br />
때, 그곳은 뉴욕이나 런던의 새해만큼 붐볐다. 골목은 좁고<br />
사람들은 줄을 지어 천천히 움직인다. 2미터마다 많은 포장마차<br />
(Pojangmacha)를 놓고 고기 굽는 냄새로 사람들을 유혹한다.<br />
사람들이 많은 가운데서도, 모든 음식 카트 옆에 쓰레기통이<br />
놓여 있어 보도가 깨끗하게 유지된다. 음식 카트 옆에서 말린<br />
생선, 농기구, 쇠 식기류를 파는 전통 상점들이 보인다.■<br />
가장 한국적인 도시 전주, 그리고 화려한 라인업으로 찾는<br />
JUMF<strong>2018</strong>! 가장 한국적인 도시 전주에서 다가오는 8월,3일,<br />
4일 5일 3일간 <strong>2018</strong>전주얼티밋뮤직페스티벌 (JUMF<strong>2018</strong>)<br />
이 개최된다. 전주얼티밋뮤직페스티벌(JUMF)은 올해로 3<br />
회째 맞이하는 호남지역 최대 규모의 뮤직 페스티벌이다.<br />
‘얼티밋(Ultimate)’ 이라는 단어에서 유추할 수 있듯,<br />
인디에서 오버, 록에서 힙합까지 다양한 장르를 포괄하며<br />
국내 최고의 아티스트들과 함께 다양성을 갖춘 무대로<br />
궁극의 페스티벌을 지향한다. 올해도 이승환, 장기하와<br />
얼굴들, 국카스텐, 아이콘, 이수, 린, 10cm, 멜로망스,<br />
데이브레이크, 로꼬, 헤이즈, 잔나비 등 K-POP 아이돌부터<br />
인기 아티스트들이 전주얼티밋뮤직페스티벌을 찾는다.<br />
또한 올해 JUMF는 해외 아티스트 참여도 기타리스트<br />
빅토르 스몰스키가 이끄는 독일의 심포닉 메탈밴드<br />
ALMANAC, 그리스 전통악기 부주키를 이용한 하이브리드<br />
코어록 밴드를 자랑하는 Tri-state-corner, 일본 모던록의<br />
라이징스타 Memai Siren, The winking owl 그리고 2010년<br />
EMERGENZA페스티벌 월드챔피언에 오른 일본의 Hanato<br />
chiruran이 작년에 이어 올해도 초청되어 무대에 오른다.<br />
획일화된 사회와 많은 정보, 매일 빠르게 바뀌어 가는 시대<br />
속에서 페스티벌은 고단하고 반복되는 일상 속에서 일탈을<br />
꿈꾸게 하는 하나의 매개체이다. 스탠딩 존의 관객들이<br />
가수들과 가까이 호흡하고 피크닉 존에서는 텐트와 돗자리를<br />
펴고 여유롭게 음악을 즐기며 가족, 연인, 친구들과 야외에서<br />
삼삼오오 모여 음악에 취한다. 특히 공연장에서는 아티스트와<br />
관객들이 서로 같은 감정을 공유하며, 반복되고 고단한<br />
일상을 잠시 잊고 특별한 추억을 만든다.<br />
<strong>2018</strong> 전주얼티밋뮤직페스티벌(JUMF<strong>2018</strong>)은 본 공연<br />
외에도 다양한 즐길 거리를 제공하며 명실상부 여름 대표<br />
축제로써의 입지를 다져왔다. 특히나 지역민들이 함께 나선<br />
‘JUMF 야시장’에서는 다양한 먹거리와 함께 헤나·<br />
캐리커처 등을 체험할 수 있는 플리마켓을 운영하여<br />
맛과 멋의 도시 전주의 위상을 알리기도 했다.■<br />
Korean Preview<br />
사랑의 도시, 남원 투어<br />
번역 : 도형석 (국제진흥팀)<br />
42-46 쪽<br />
Namwon,<br />
City of Love<br />
전라북도 남서쪽 구석에 있는 요천 강을 따라 뻗어 있는 곳이<br />
남원시이다. 놀라움으로 가득 차서, 도시의 작은 크기보다 훨씬<br />
더 많은 것을 말해 준다. 남원은 전라북도에 사는 사람이나<br />
멀리서 오는 여행객들이 꼭 가 봐야 할 곳이다.<br />
전라북도 거주민 혹은 멀리서 온 여행객 누구든지. 한국의 혼이<br />
살아 숨 쉬는 자연의 자연경관을 통해 도시의 서쪽에서부터<br />
동쪽까지의 여행기를 읽어보자.<br />
남원의 서쪽에는 1597년, 임진왜란 때 잔혹하게 죽은<br />
남원시민들의 기념지인 만인의 총이 있다. 전쟁 일화가 새겨진<br />
기념비석 하단을 보는 시간을 갖고, 도시를 지키며 숨을<br />
거두었던 전사자들의 유해가 있는 언덕을 올라가 보자.<br />
만인의 총 뒤로는 산책로와 휴양시설이 있는 작은 교룡산이<br />
우뚝 솟아 있다. 교룡산 또한, 역사적으로 아주 중요한 곳으로,<br />
산기슭을 가로지르는 인상적인 성벽은 이곳을 여행하기에<br />
충분한 가치가 있게 한다. 성벽 안에는 선국사가 있는데,<br />
성벽이 건축된 16세기보다 더 오래된 역사를 가진 사찰이다.<br />
여러분이 남원의 서쪽부터 여행을 시작하면, 내가 그랬던<br />
것처럼 점심시간이 됐다는 것을 깨달을 것이다. 남원의<br />
대표적인 관광명소인 광한루원으로 가보자. 주변을 둘러보면,<br />
수많은 추어탕 집 중 하나를 골라 남원의 유명한 요리인<br />
뜨끈하고 맛있는 추어탕을 먹어보자. 현식당은 남원에서<br />
가장 잘 알려진 추어탕 식당이고 서비스가 훌륭합니다.<br />
추어탕 한 그릇(리필 서비스 포함)의 가격은 8000원이다.<br />
광한루원의 아름다운 정원은 600년전 건축 이후부터<br />
관광객들을 불러모았다. 전설은 조선왕조 그때쯤<br />
만들어졌는데, 광한루원에 온 지방 관리의 아들 이몽룡이<br />
순수한 아름다움으로 남원에 정평이 난 춘향과 사랑에 빠진<br />
이야기이다. 그 다음 이야기는 이별과 춘향의 영웅적인<br />
진실성을 말하고, 서사시로 전해지고, 한국 역사에서 가장<br />
중요한 전통 가극 중 하나이고 유명한 판소리인 춘향가에서<br />
이 이야기는 불리어지고 있다.<br />
또한, 춘향의 이야기는 광한루원 뿐만 아니라 강을 건너는<br />
춘향테마 공원에서도 이어져 ‘사랑의 도시’라는 별명에<br />
영감을 주게 했다. 춘향의 이야기를 자세히 알 수 있고 공원을<br />
걸으며 중요한 순간을 따라갈 수 있다.<br />
공원 옆으로, 잘 만들어진 소나무 숲길로 가다 보면<br />
전망대카페가 있다. 커피를 마시고 경치를 구경하기에<br />
안정맞춤인 장소이다. 카페위로 잠깐 더 걸으면, 정상의<br />
팔각정, 혹은 팔방탑이 있다.<br />
만약 언덕이 여러분을 부른다고 느껴진다면, 북동쪽에 있는<br />
강을 따라 춘향 관광지를 지나는 간선도로를 짧게 드라이브<br />
한 후, 주천면을 지나 육모정에 올라가보자. 남원의 서쪽<br />
입구로 잘 알려진 지리산 국립공원에 있다. 7월과 8월에는<br />
가족단위의 관광객들이 피서를 온다. 아이들은 물놀이를<br />
하고 부모들은 이야기하고 휴식을 취하려 참을 수 없는 여름<br />
더위로부터 산으로 탈출한다.<br />
바로 위로는 구룡계곡으로 올라가는 길이 있다. 산책로는<br />
인상적인 구룡강을 따라 강의 하류에는 폭포에서부터 흘러온<br />
깊은 지하 샘이 보인다. 산책은 약 2시간 정도로 쾌적하게<br />
걸을 수 있는 거리다. 또한 육모정은 시내버스(3번)을 타고<br />
가거나, 자전거를 이용해도 좋다. 자전거를 이용할 수 없다면,<br />
광한루원 앞에 있는 요천강가에서 대여가 가능하다.<br />
남원은 작은 도시이지만 볼거리가 많다. 아주 중요한 역사적<br />
의의, 주요 관광지의 중심성, 그리고 지리산 국제공원과의<br />
인접성으로 모든 여행객들에게 독특하고 가치 있는 여행지가<br />
된다. ■<br />
전라북도의 가장 서쪽 등대<br />
어청도<br />
번역 : 최지혜(국제진흥팀)<br />
47 쪽<br />
여러분이 전라북도를 탈출하려고 할 때, 그것은 여전히 문을<br />
두드린다. 도장 수집에 사용 된 아름다운 한국 여권 중 하나를<br />
발견했을 때, 나는 새해 첫 해돋이를 즐기기 위해 속초에 있는<br />
등대를 방문하고 있었다. 이것은 "등대 여권"이라고 불리며<br />
스탬프을 찍을 수 있는 한국의 아름다운 등대 15 곳을 설명한다.<br />
군산의 작은 섬인 어청도의 존재를 그렇게 알게 되었다. 나는<br />
거기에서 스탬프를 모으기로 결심했다! 그러나 어청도에 대한<br />
접근은 선유도만큼 쉽지 않았고 (페리, 버스 또는 차로) 영어로<br />
되어있는 정보도 없었다. 나는 인터넷에서 페리 일정을 마침내<br />
발견했고 (한국어로) 섬에서 최소한 한 식당과 마을을 찾을 수<br />
있을 것 같은 사진도 몇 장 봤다.<br />
섬은 매우 아름답다. 한국의 작은 보석이다. 그것은 믿을 수<br />
없을 정도로 평화롭고 조용하다. 섬에서 자동차와 오토바이는<br />
운행하지 않는다.(보트에서 무거운 짐을 운반하는 데 사용되는<br />
두 개는 제외). 당신이 보는 곳은 모두 녹색이다. 사실, 계단이나<br />
경로의 대부분은 식물로 뒤덮여 있었다.<br />
1912년에 지어진 등대는 내게 그 섬의 가장 큰 매력이었다.<br />
바다를 바라보는 작은 등대(12m)를 해 질 녘에는 세계 어느<br />
곳에도 가고 싶지 않을 것이다. ■<br />
번역 :도형석(국제진흥팀)<br />
40-41 쪽<br />
전주에서 남서쪽으로 약 90분간 버스를 타고 가는 고창은 한국의<br />
농촌 지역의 대표적인 예이다. 학원 농장이 엄청난 인기를 끌고<br />
있는 TV드라마 '도깨비'에 출연한 이후에도, 그 지역은 많은<br />
국제적인 방문자들에게는 상대적으로 애매한 입장에 놓여 있다.<br />
그래서 <strong>JB</strong>CIA에서는 고창의 전원적 매력을 보여주고 도농 간<br />
교류를 위한 두 가지의 특별한 이틀간의 프로그램인 " 렛츠 고<br />
고창!"을 기획했다.<br />
첫 이틀 간의 여행은 5월 12일과 13일의 토요일과 일요일이었고,<br />
두 번째 여행은 6월 16일과 17일의 토요일과 일요일이었다. 두<br />
개의 다른 주제에 따라, 참가자들은 첫 여행에서 고창의 갯벌,<br />
광대한 보리밭, 그리고 전통 방식의 소금 생산을 체험했다. 두<br />
번째 여행에서 유네스코에 지정된 고인돌 유적지와 두부 공장에<br />
다녀왔다. 참가비가 1인당 겨우 10,000원인 이 여행은 모든<br />
다양한 활동과 맛있는 신선한 음식을 고려해 볼 때 아주 멋진<br />
여행이었다!<br />
우리는 고창의 자연을 경험하기 위해 전주의 번화한 도시<br />
생활에서 멀리 떨어져 있다. 모두가 그보다 훨씬 더 많은 것을<br />
가지고 떠났다고 말해도 괜찮을 것 같다. ■<br />
6 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
요리와 여행 일기<br />
번역 :<br />
박형원 (국제진흥팀)<br />
34-35 쪽<br />
외국인 전북 주민<br />
17 쪽<br />
아론 스노버거씨의 이야기<br />
번역: 박형원 (국제진흥팀)<br />
전주요리 프로그램 진행자인 신경숙씨의 첫인상은 아주<br />
좋았다. 내 자신, 내 남자 친구 그리고 방문할 친구를 위해<br />
요리 수업을 예약하는 중이었다. 유창한 영어로 신경숙씨는<br />
나에게 이용 가능한 날짜와 시간, 가격, 그리고 무엇을<br />
기대해야 하는지를 알려 주었다. 그녀에게 채식주의자<br />
식단을 알려 주었음에도 불구하고, 무례하게도 나는 식사<br />
중에 고기나 생선을 거절하는 것이 두려웠다. 그러나 요리<br />
교실에 관한 어떠한 두려움도 그녀를 직접 만나고 나선<br />
사라졌다. 그녀는 친절하고 활기차며 박식했다. 내가 잘<br />
하고 있다는 것은 분명했다.<br />
간단한 소개를 마친 후 [우리의 요리 수업을 담당하는]<br />
요리사는 우리의 샐러드를 위한 상추를 따기 위해 채를<br />
들고 우리에게 정원을 보여주었다. 그녀는 남자친구와 같이<br />
사용하라고 준 채를 나 혼자 쓰고 있는 것을 보고 웃었다.<br />
우리가 발효 식품이 담긴 많은 용기 근처에서 상추를 따는<br />
것을 끝냈을 때, 그녀는 오랜 친구처럼 우리를 놀렸다.<br />
다음으로, 진짜 요리가 우리에게 정원에 있는 그녀의<br />
조리장에서 일하라고 시키면서 시작되었다. 우리가 젓가락을<br />
사용해보지 않았음에도 그녀의 명랑한 목소리는 우리를<br />
달랬고, 그녀가 요리를 통해 우리를 안내하고 필요할 때<br />
챙겨주는 나의 어머니처럼 느끼지 않을 수 없었다.<br />
그녀는 우리에게 오이에 버섯과 계란을 넣는 법, 두부와<br />
가지를 튀기는 법 (각 면에 밀가루를 묻히지 마세요-모든<br />
채소들을 그릇에 담아 골고루 밀가루가 묻을 수 있게 흔들면<br />
됩니다.) 그리고 참기름을 듬뿍 넣은 볶음 요리하는 법을<br />
우리에게 보여주었다. 실제 요리 시간은 30분밖에 걸리지<br />
않았다. 우리가 음식을 다 만들자, 그늘 아래에서 그녀의<br />
자녀들이 준비해 놓은 테이블로 옮겼다.<br />
각각의 요리가 자연스러운 아름다움으로 빛을 발하는 동안,<br />
요리사는 정원에서 나온 야채들과 요리를 결합하여 한 걸음<br />
더 나아 갔다. 잠시 앉아서 특별한 요리를 감상한 후, 우리는<br />
모든 음식을 시식하기 시작했다. 그것은 보기보다 훨씬<br />
더 맛있었다. 친구들의 사랑과 준비과정에 참여한 요리사<br />
덕분에 한 입 한 입이 훨씬 더 맛있었다. 요리사는 요리<br />
외에도 신선한 블루베리 주스, 김치 및 크림 감자 수프의 두<br />
종류의 쌀을 제공했다. 나는 그 수프가 한국에서 맛 본 그<br />
어떤 것과도 다르다는 것을 알았고, 당연히 식사에서 가장<br />
좋았던 것 중 하나였다. 우리가 먹을 때, 그녀는 요리사가<br />
우리와 함께 멋진 경험을 나누려는 의지를 더 잘 이해할<br />
수 있도록 통역을 계속해 주었다. 우리는 좋은 친구들처럼<br />
먹었고, 때로는 사색하고, 다른 사람과 수다를 떨었다.<br />
이 모든 것을 통해 우리는 한국 요리, 그리고 식도락가의<br />
가정생활에 대해 더 많이 배웠다. 내 친구는 한국에 며칠밖에<br />
없었지만, 내가 왜 이 나라를 사랑하는지 이해했다는 것을<br />
알 수 있었다.<br />
우리는 운 좋게도 이렇게 친밀한 환경에 들어갈 수 있었고,<br />
한국의 음식과 사람들의 아름다움에 대한 영원한 기억을<br />
얻을 수 있었다. ■<br />
현재 한국에 거주하는 외국인은 218만 명으로 전체 인구의<br />
4.21%를 차지한다. 하지만, 그들 모두가 평생 머무는 것은<br />
아니며, 몇 년간의 휴식 후에 오고 가는 것이기 때문에<br />
한국에 오랫동안 머무는 사람들은 적다. 이것은 현재<br />
한국에서 12년을 보내고 있는 교육자이자 프리랜서인 아론<br />
스노우버거씨의 이야기이다.<br />
아론은 대학에 가서야 비로소 아시아 문화와 처음으로<br />
인연을 맺었다. 그는 대학에서 3년간 중국어를 공부했는데,<br />
그때 아시아에 가는 것을 처음으로 고려했다. 대학 시절<br />
중국을 두 차례 방문했고, 산동성 웨이팡에서 한 달간<br />
고교생들에게 영어를 가르쳤다. 아론은 대학을 졸업한 후<br />
관광 비자로 3개월간 일본에 갔다. 그의 일본 관광 비자가<br />
만료되려고 할 때 그는 아시아에 머물기로 결정했습니다.<br />
외국인 대다수에게 이런 일이 일어났다면, 그들은 자기<br />
나라로 돌아가려고 하였을 것이다. 그러나 아론의 결정은<br />
남들과 달랐다.<br />
결정을 내린 후에, 두 가지 제안을 받은 곳인 일본에서 직장을<br />
구했다. - 하나는 시골의 한 초등학교에서, 다른 하나는<br />
도시에 있는 방과 후 학습 센터에서 일하는 것이었다. 비록<br />
그가 일본에 머물기 위해 그 직업들 중 하나를 선택했어야<br />
하는 것 같지만, 결국 그는 두 가지를 모두 거절했다. 하지만<br />
왜 그랬을까? 음, 그는 여름 캠프에서 가르치기 위해 전주<br />
대학교에서 일자리 제의를 받았다. 그리고 몇 년 동안 다양한<br />
환경을 통해, 그는 결국 그곳에서 정규 영어 회화 강사 일을<br />
할 수 있게 되었다.<br />
산업미술의 미래 18-19 쪽<br />
번역 : 최지혜 (국제진흥팀)<br />
버려진 공장이나 제조 공장에 관해서는 실제로 예술적이라고<br />
할 수 있는 것이 없다. 산업 공간, 기계 고장 및 잔존하는 강철<br />
장비로 인해 작업을 완료해야하는 차갑고 무관심한 장소로만<br />
간주된다. 그러나 그들이 말하는 것처럼, 심지어 황량하고<br />
예기치 않은 곳에서도 모든 것에는 아름다움이 있다. 이것은<br />
전주시가 보여주고자 하는 것으로 시간이 지남에 잊힌 듯한<br />
오래된 공장이 재건되어 사람들이 무료로 미술전을 즐길 수<br />
있는 곳으로 바뀌었다는 것이다. 팔복 공장(FoCA)은 철도의<br />
측면에 자리 잡고 있으며 전주의 근대화와 산업화의 전환점을<br />
상징하는 거대한 복합 단지에 둘러싸여 있다.<br />
1979년, 팔복동에 있는 솔렉스 공장은 카세트테이프가<br />
인기를 끌면서 설립되었다. 이전에는 아시아 전역에<br />
카세트와 비디오테이프를 제작하고 수출했다. 하지만, 세상이<br />
디지털화되면서 카세트테이프는 다른 많은 쓸모없는 기술<br />
도구들과 같은 운명을 공유했다.<br />
김승수 전주문화재단 이사장은 “25년간 공장은<br />
솔렉스 공장이 떠난 후 새 주인을 기다렸습니다.<br />
그리고 이제 다시 태어났기 때문에, 팔복동의<br />
아이들을 위한 무한한 상상의 예술 놀이터가<br />
생겨났습니다. 전주 주민들에게는 비-루틴<br />
공간인 카페와 미술관을 제공합니다. 가장 중요한<br />
것은 실험적인 예술 창작 공간이 될 것이며<br />
모든 예술가들의 마음의 본거지가 될 것이라는<br />
점입니다.”라고 말했다.<br />
FoCA는 재능 있는 전도유망한 사람들과 전주와<br />
그 너머에 자리 잡은 현대 예술가들의 본거지이다.<br />
재능 있는 예술가와 상상력이 뛰어난 걸작을 상주<br />
프로그램과 회전 전시를 통해 알 수 있다..■<br />
그의 이야기를 들었을 때, 내 마음 속에 한가지 의문점이<br />
떠올랐다. 아론의 부모님으로부터 그의 결정에 대한 반대<br />
의견이 있었는가? 대답은 “아니”였다. 취업 제의를 받았을<br />
때는 일본에 머물거나 한국에 갈 계획이라고 부모님께<br />
말했다. 놀랍게도, 아론은 자신의 부모님이 자신의 결정을<br />
큰 반대 없이 존중해 주었다. 아론은 유치원보다 대학생을<br />
더 선호했기 때문에 전주대의 여름 캠프 영어강사로 한국에<br />
가기로 결정했다.<br />
"전라북도는 한국에서 가장 좋은 음식을 생산하는 지역 농장과<br />
지역 음식이 있는 한국의 곡창지대입니다."<br />
12년간 한국에 체류해 온 아론은 전주에 정착했다. 그는<br />
전라북도를 정말 좋아한다고 말했다. 그는 음식, 교통 수단,<br />
그리고 다른 많은 것들을 좋아한다. 현재 글로벌 천재 프로디지<br />
아카데미에서 컴퓨터과학, 그래픽 디자인을 가르치고, 전주<br />
대학교에서 영어를 가르치고 있으며, 그래픽 디자인과 웹<br />
사이트 프로그래밍 분야에서 프리랜서로 활동하고 있다. 그는<br />
또한 이 JEONBUK <strong>LIFE</strong> 잡지의 레이아웃을 디자인했다. 그는<br />
한국인과 결혼했고 두 명의 자녀가 있다. 아론은 언젠가는<br />
자녀들의 교육을 위해 미국으로 돌아갈 계획이지만 한국으로<br />
돌아와 전주에서 여생을 보내고 싶다고 말한다. ■<br />
Editor's Letter<br />
j<br />
j<br />
A Different Kind of <strong>Summer</strong><br />
far cry from our mental images of fun under the<br />
sun, of toes dipping on the sand and the waters, and<br />
spending the days in complete insouciance—summer in<br />
Jeollabuk-do brings with it blistering heat and infamous<br />
hotter, activities are heading outdoors, and in this issue, we want to<br />
capture this joie de vivre or the joy of living this temporary respite from<br />
the bitter winter colds and moody overcast skies that come once the<br />
rainy season kicks in.<br />
A<br />
humidity we all want to avoid. But as the days are getting longer and<br />
We hiked to the mountains and crossed the seas to see the storied<br />
lighthouses in Eochong-do. We explored Namwon, the “City of Love,”<br />
and sipped coffee under a pergola and took in the views of a massive<br />
garden. We marveled at the talents of young indie artists in Palbokdong<br />
and experienced the rural life in Gochang. More importantly,<br />
however, we warded the heat off with a satisfying bottle of cold beer<br />
and danced the night away in the bars at Shinshikaji, Jeonju’s most<br />
happening night spot. We also wandered off to the Nambu Night<br />
Market to shop and eat local delicacies. This is the other side of<br />
summer we wanted to explore, the burgeoning nightlife of Jeonju<br />
that is mostly known for the traditional Hanok Village.<br />
So whatever you choose to do—either embrace the sun and all its frizz<br />
and frazzle, or shield yourself by crawling out at night—take your time,<br />
enjoy the moment and soak all that this summer has to offer.<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
<strong>JB</strong> Life Editor<br />
8 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
In This Issue<br />
Nightlife Festivals Namwon Gochang<br />
Jeonju - p. 20-33<br />
Jeollabuk-do - p. 10-11, 28-31 The City of Love Tour - p. 42-46 Let's Go Gochang! - p. 44-45<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s offerings do not stop<br />
when the sun goes down, and neither<br />
should you. Nestled in the busy streets<br />
of Jeonju’s New City or hidden amongst<br />
the winding path of the many night<br />
markets and drinking streets are gems<br />
waiting to be explored.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> is a time of year that brings<br />
harsh sun rays, mosquitos, and the<br />
universal desire to seek shelter in<br />
a cool place. While these truths are<br />
unavoidable, embrace the season’s<br />
positive aspects and visit one of<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s various summer festivals.<br />
In Jeollabuk-do’s southeast corner,<br />
sprawling along the Yocheon river,<br />
lies the city of Namwon. Full of<br />
surprises, it speaks far more than its<br />
small size. Namwon is a must-visit for<br />
any Jeollabuk-do resident or traveller<br />
coming from further afar.<br />
Roughly a 90-minute bus ride<br />
southwest from Jeonju, Gochang stands<br />
as a primary example of rural Korea. The<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA set out to showcase Gochang’s<br />
rural charm and increase urban/rural<br />
interchange through special two day<br />
programs: Let’s Go Gochang!<br />
4Noteworthy<br />
j<br />
34<br />
taste<br />
a<br />
Upcoming Festivals p. 10<br />
JIFF p. 12<br />
The Other Side of the Story<br />
JIFF p. 14<br />
The French Touch in JIFF<br />
18<br />
Experience<br />
Cooking Jeonju p. 34<br />
An Experience<br />
Temp of the Day Café p. 36<br />
A Garden Escape<br />
Manoah Café p. 38<br />
In the Mood for Love<br />
40<br />
Travel<br />
Dining at JIFF p. 16<br />
Hyoo-il Siktak<br />
Resident Spotlight p. 17<br />
Living as a Foreigner<br />
in Jeollabuk-do<br />
Palbokdong Art p. 18<br />
Feature Story p. 20<br />
Hot Days, Cool Nights<br />
Shinsikaji Nightlife<br />
A<br />
Let's Go Gochang! p. 40<br />
Namwon, City of Love p. 42<br />
Eochong-do Island p. 47<br />
Nambu Night Market p. 25<br />
Creative Corner p. 48<br />
JUMF Music Festival p. 28<br />
Jeolla Dialect 뜬금없다 p. 51<br />
World Cup Dreams p. 32<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Movies p. 51<br />
Upcoming <strong>Summer</strong> Festivals<br />
Words by Axel Lemus<br />
Contributed to by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Muju<br />
Jeonju<br />
Jinan<br />
Jeonju<br />
7.12 - 7.17<br />
8.3 - 8.5<br />
8.5 - 8.6<br />
8.9 - 8.11<br />
World TaeKwonDo<br />
culture Expo<br />
Jeonju Ultimate<br />
Music Festival<br />
<strong>2018</strong> Watermelon<br />
Festival<br />
<strong>2018</strong> Jeonju Gamaek<br />
Festival<br /><br />
무주군 설천면 무설로 1482<br />
1482 Museol-ro,<br />
Seolcheon-myeon, Muju<br />
The city where Taekwondo<br />
was founded, Muju, hosts the<br />
World Taekwondo Expo every<br />
year. Over 2,000 participants<br />
from 31 countries join the<br />
Taekwondo competitions,<br />
seminars, and performances<br />
in Muju. Cultural tourism<br />
events also enable visitors<br />
to see and learn more about<br />
Jeollabuk-do and Jeonju.<br /><br />
Jeonju Sports Stadium<br />
(종합경기장)<br />
JUMF is the biggest multigenre<br />
music festival in Korea<br />
featuring genres such as rock,<br />
hip-hop, EDM, and pop—<br />
hence the term “Ultimate” in<br />
its name. It will feature some<br />
of the hottest Korean indie,<br />
pop, and rock groups, as well<br /><br />
Donghyang Chaeryeon Park<br />
(동향면 동향체련공원)<br />
This festival is dedicated to<br />
Korea’s favorite summertime<br />
food, the watermelon! Visitors<br />
can come to get a taste of<br />
Jinan’s specialty watermelon,<br />
see watermelons from around<br />
the world, enjoy watermelon<br />
art, and more!<br /><br />
Jeonju Sports Stadium<br />
(종합경기장)<br />
Ever craved a refreshingly cheap<br />
beer on a hot summer night?<br />
Then the Jeonju Gamaek Festival<br />
is right for you! Gamaek is an<br />
abbreviation for gagae maekju or<br />
"store beer" and refers to a Jeonju<br />
tradition of small neighborhood<br />
stores also functioning as local<br />
as some unique European<br />
watering holes. The festival<br />
and Japanese bands.<br />
seeks to celebrate this unique<br />
Article on pages 28-31.<br />
July<br />
aspect of Jeonju while providing<br />
guests with a way to cool down!<br />
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />
2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />
World TaeKwonDo Culture Expo<br />
9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />
초복 (Hot day #1) On the hottest summer<br />
days, enjoy the<br />
16<br />
23<br />
17<br />
24<br />
traditional<br />
chicken<br />
stew<br />
삼계탕<br />
to beat<br />
the heat.<br />
18<br />
25<br />
19<br />
26<br />
20<br />
중복 (Hot day #2)<br />
27<br />
21<br />
28<br />
22<br />
29<br />
Jinan Watermelons<br />
Jeonju Ultimate Music Festival (JUMF)<br />
30 31 1 2 3 4 5<br />
10 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
<strong>Summer</strong> is a time of year that brings harsh sun rays, mosquitos, and the universal desire to seek shelter in a cool place. While<br />
these truths are unavoidable, embrace the season’s positive aspects and visit one of Jeollabuk-do’s various summer festivals.<br />
imsil<br />
Saemanguem<br />
muju<br />
Jeonju<br />
8.11 - 8.14<br />
Pilbong Village<br />
Good Festival<br /><br />
Pilbong Cultural Zone<br />
임실군 강진면 강운로 272<br />
Since 1996, the Pilbong<br />
Village Good Festival has<br />
showcased local Nong-ak<br />
(traditional farmer’s music)<br />
which is listed in the UNESCO<br />
List of Intangible Cultural<br />
Heritage of Humanity. The<br />
festival offers guests the<br />
chance to experience this<br />
traditional music form and<br />
also participate in seminars,<br />
see exhibitions, and more!<br />
8.17 - 8.19<br />
Saemangeum Nomad<br />
Burn Festival<br /><br />
/nomadfestivalmanager/<br />
군산시 옥도면 야미도리 166<br />
새만금 오토캠핑장<br />
The 2nd Annual Nomad Burn<br />
Festival will feature a parade,<br />
EDM DJs at night, and plenty<br />
to do, see, and burn! There<br />
will be runway models, K-pop<br />
performances, camping and<br />
showering facilities, and plenty<br />
of food and drink vendors<br />
for the anticipated 1,000+<br />
participants.<br />
9.1 - 9.9<br />
<strong>2018</strong> Muju Firefly<br />
Festival<br /><br />
326-17 Hanpungnu-ro, Muju<br />
The Muju Firefly Festival invites<br />
visitors to witness the beauty of<br />
the fireflies that inhabit Muju’s<br />
pristine environment. The<br />
highlight of the festival starts<br />
when the sun sets and the<br />
fireflies light up the nighttime<br />
sky. Other activities about the<br />
local culture and ecosystem are<br />
also available.<br />
August<br />
9.15 - 16<br />
3rd Jeollabuk-do Int'l<br />
Exchange Festival<br />
The Int'l Exchange Festival<br />
stimulates mutual exchange,<br />
understanding, empathy and<br />
harmony among foreigners<br />
from various countries and<br />
the residents of Jeollabuk-do.<br />
This festival provides a<br />
platform for international<br />
exchange in Jeollabuk-do<br />
and the global capacities of<br />
residents through personal<br />
experiences and exchanges.<br />
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />
Jinan Watermelons<br />
Pilbong Village Good Festival<br />
Jeonju Gamaek Festival<br />
6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />
말복 (Hot day #3) Saemangeum Nomad Festival<br />
13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />
Or take a dip in a<br />
cool valley stream<br />
20 21<br />
to relax.<br />
22 23 24 25 26<br />
Muju Firefly Festival<br />
27 28 29 30 31 1 2<br />
15th-16th <strong>JB</strong> Int'l Exchange Festival <br />
3 (10) 4 (11) 5 (12) 6 (13) 7 (14) 8 (15) 9 (16)<br />
The Other<br />
Side of the<br />
(JIFF) Story<br />
The 19th Jeonju International Film<br />
Festival ends with a big success<br />
Words by<br />
Dianne<br />
Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos courtesy<br />
of JIFF<br />
During the planning stages of<br />
the Jeonju International Film Festival<br />
(JIFF), executives were particularly<br />
keen on creating more engaging<br />
cinema experiences for locals and international<br />
audiences, young and old alike. On the opening<br />
day, however, all their concerns for guest turnout<br />
vanished as soon as all the movie tickets were<br />
sold out and an immense crowd lined up outside<br />
the makeshift Jeonju Dome that was brimming<br />
with festivities. Their main strategy proved to be<br />
effective: to make cinema more interactive.<br />
JIFF, which ran from May 3rd to 12th, brought life and<br />
frenzy to the traditional town of Jeonju with various<br />
activities that delivered thought-provoking films<br />
closer to an audience that’s thirsty for entertaining<br />
and substantial content. The festival presented over<br />
260 titles, including documentaries and shorts, with<br />
over 20 jurors coming from all over the world who<br />
awarded prestigious recognition and prizes to the<br />
filmmakers. Korean and international features, shorts,<br />
and documentaries were all part of the competition.<br />
A welcome change<br />
“This is a very different festival from the larger<br />
Busan [International Film Festival],” the director<br />
of the festival Lee Choong-jik, said during the<br />
opening night. “The difference is also reflecting<br />
two very different towns: Busan is spectacular and<br />
big while Jeonju is a small city, so Busan tends to<br />
have spectacular and commercial events filled with<br />
international famous guests, while we concentrate<br />
on independent films and directors—mostly on<br />
their first or second feature—aiming to discover<br />
new voices.”<br />
He gave credit to the government, especially to<br />
the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-In, for<br />
providing extensive support to the Arts and for<br />
giving more attention to promoting Jeonju. “Our<br />
government today is helping us reflect on our<br />
history as a country, and I am very hopeful. It is a<br />
miracle,” he adds switching to English, “between<br />
Trump and Kim I would have never thought it<br />
would happen!”<br />
12 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
A star-studded affair<br />
Several media entities and fans flocked to the Jeonju<br />
Dome on the afternoon of May 3 to get a glimpse<br />
of Korean stars and international filmmakers at<br />
the red carpet event. Famous names that drew<br />
particular interest were critically acclaimed actor<br />
Jung Woo Sung, Hallyu (Korean pop culture wave)<br />
actress Goo Hye Sun (who became famous after<br />
appearing in “Boys Over Flowers”), and household<br />
K-Drama actresses Nam Gyu Ri and Chae Soo-bin.<br />
Other notable actors that graced the red carpet<br />
are: Ryu Hyun Kyung, Ahn Sung Ki, Kim Sang Ho,<br />
Joo Jae-yoon, and many more.<br />
"This is a very different<br />
festival from the larger Busan<br />
International Film Festival."<br />
Social Awareness<br />
Twelve awards were announced across five categories<br />
on May 9 during the closing ceremony. The Grand Prize<br />
for the International Competition and Korean category<br />
went to Marcelo Martinessi’s “The Heiresses” and Jung<br />
Hyungsik’s “The Land of Seonghye,” respectively. The<br />
former tells of a story about discrimination against<br />
women based on personal experiences. It was noted<br />
by jurors as having “a solid structure, daring story, and<br />
challenging spirit.” The latter was cited for its excellent<br />
“mature cinematic language.”<br />
The Best International Picture went to Shevaun<br />
Mizrahi’s “Distant Constellation,” which presented<br />
captivating reflections of life and the surrealist<br />
movement set at a retirement home in Istanbul.<br />
The International Competition’s Special Jury Prize<br />
went to Malene Choi Jensen’s “The Return,” a story of<br />
two Korean adoptees from Denmark who returned<br />
to Korea in search of their biological parents.<br />
Several other winners delved in presenting social<br />
commentaries as well, with topics such as labor<br />
issues, minorities, crime, war, and inequality.<br />
Engagement & entertainment<br />
JIFF took their concept a bit further this year by adding<br />
activities that added to the storytelling experience<br />
of traditional cinema. On the streets of Gaeksa were<br />
live bands and performers busking on stage, while<br />
talks, interviews, and conferences were held inside<br />
several venues. Naver Live was also a helpful tool<br />
in sharing the thoughts of the filmmakers to a much<br />
wider audience online. These innovative activities<br />
opened up Jeonju to the world stage, and brought a<br />
deeper understanding of life through films that can<br />
prove invaluable for young people.<br />
“Overall, I could feel diverse perspectives and<br />
attempts, as well as vigorous efforts from the<br />
filmmakers in the festival program,” director Kim<br />
Daehwan from the jury said. “I hope the JIFF will<br />
continue to bring hope to directors in the future.”<br />
DIANNE PINEDA-KIM is a digital content editor for a mobile news<br />
app, a copywriter for an e-commerce company in Singapore, and<br />
a pop culture and travel writer for Seoul-based websites.<br />
Arts & Culture<br />
"People think they<br />
are going to watch a<br />
boring biography of a<br />
film critic… but in the<br />
end, they have fun!"<br />
THE<br />
14 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11<br />
French<br />
Touch<br />
in JIFF<br />
A peek inside<br />
the thoughts<br />
of three French<br />
directors who<br />
participated<br />
in JIFF<br />
D<br />
uring the Jeonju<br />
International Film Festival<br />
(JIFF), the most represented<br />
country after Korea and<br />
the USA, was France. Forty-seven French<br />
films were shown to Jeonju audiences.<br />
Among them, one in particular caught<br />
my attention and I had the chance to<br />
Words by Alexandra Prévôt Photos by Alexandra Prévôt and Maxime Dewalhens<br />
meet the three directors of this excellent<br />
documentary movie.
Jean Douchet, Restless<br />
Child (L’enfant agité)<br />
"Jean Douchet, Restless Child" was the first<br />
documentary movie made by the three<br />
young directors that were spontaneously<br />
invited to JIFF to introduce their film. They<br />
like to tell others about their film, saying,<br />
"People think they are going to watch a About the Movie<br />
boring biography of a film critic… but in<br />
the end, they have fun!"<br />
“Jean Douchet” is a movie they produced<br />
themselves little by little, saving money<br />
In France, cinema critics are important.<br />
Even if you don’t want to become a<br />
for months to be able to spend it on their<br />
movie. It took them four years to complete<br />
cinema critic, you need to learn how to<br />
have a critical look at the movies you<br />
watch. Fabien Hagege, Vincent Hasser, and<br />
it. They did not have a lot of confidence<br />
because they felt they were too young,<br />
but they continued to follow their dream.<br />
Guillaume Namur met in a Parisian suburb<br />
just before they encountered Jean Douchet,<br />
a man that changed their vision of cinema.<br />
They knew very well the life and work of<br />
Jean Douchet and deeply wanted to share<br />
their knowledge about this unique man,<br />
About the Man<br />
The real Jean Douchet belonged to the<br />
this "master," that was already 80 years<br />
old when they first met him. There are<br />
Nouvelle Vague and is one of the only<br />
ones among his friends that was not<br />
no books, and just a few movies about<br />
a man who created a new method to<br />
understand movies through "cinéclubs"<br />
(film clubs), or how to learn<br />
about movies without realizing<br />
you are actually learning.<br />
What is amazing with this<br />
movie, is that even if you<br />
know nothing about<br />
cinema critics, or even<br />
about cinema in general,<br />
you can still enjoy it<br />
by watching a French<br />
man enjoying food,<br />
traveling from city to city, or even to<br />
that interested in making movies, but in<br />
watching, commenting on, and sharing<br />
movies. Today in France, around 15 films<br />
come out everyday, so critics have to write<br />
very short comments in order to be fast,<br />
and critics of the kind of Jean Douchet,<br />
that are very deep, tend to disappear.<br />
How can one show what this man has been<br />
doing? Filming him in a film club didn’t<br />
work out because the charisma of Jean<br />
Douchet and the live interactions between<br />
him and the spectators are hard to show<br />
on the screen. So the directors decided to<br />
give their own perspective, filming their<br />
own discussions with Jean Douchet, to<br />
festivals in Italy, and laughing heartily. see a side of him through Jean Douchet’s<br />
You might just be seduced by his life friends and people who knew him.<br />
philosophy. The hedonist Jean Douchet<br />
said while eating at an Italian restaurant, Their goal was to allow reality to enter<br />
“Pour bien voir, il faut commencer à bien the movie. They didn’t plan every scene of<br />
vivre”. (To watch [movies] well, you have the movie but let the spontaneity of life<br />
to start by living well).<br />
appear. It is a non-traditional movie, very<br />
refreshing and deeply French, too—both<br />
in the music and the method of filming<br />
people talking and debating about their<br />
Alexandra Prévôt is a French ideas. After watching it, surely, you will<br />
children’s books writer and a French want to watch a few Nouvelle Vague<br />
language teacher based in Gunsan. movies and finish by eating a good meal.<br />
Dining At JIFF<br />
A Late Sunny Holiday Morning<br />
This unassuming restaurant not only serves great food and Drink<br />
but also opens opportunities for fortuitous conversations<br />
Words and Photos by Jiwoo Lee<br />
Located on Gaekridan-gil near CGV<br />
in Gaeksa, the home to dozens<br />
of small cafés and restaurants,<br />
Hyoo-il Siktak (Holiday Table)<br />
is one of the most popular restaurants in<br />
the area. The owner named it Hyoo-il Siktak<br />
hoping that “people could enjoy her food like<br />
they would on a late sunny holiday morning.”<br />
It is a small restaurant with, fittingly, one big<br />
dinner table that would go well with a turkey.<br />
At Hyoo-il Siktak, there is only one item on<br />
the menu that changes everyday. Usually, rice<br />
dishes, especially rice gratin are served.<br />
It is hard to notice Hyoo-il Siktak among<br />
kitsch, colorful restaurants with blaring<br />
K-POP music. Here at Hyoo-il Siktak you find<br />
something else: sitting around the dinner<br />
table with you are complete strangers, the<br />
kitchen where the owner is busily preparing<br />
the food is in full view from the table, and<br />
playing in the background is a delicate piece<br />
of music that mixes right in with soft talking<br />
voices of customers. The owner thinks “it is<br />
a wonderful experience” that these people<br />
who don’t know each other “just start talking<br />
and get close.” She explained,<br />
“During last Jeonju International<br />
Film Festival, two ladies visited my<br />
restaurant and they happened to sit<br />
in front of each other. They exchanged<br />
a conversation over movies and got<br />
close. They spent the rest of film<br />
festival together watching movies.<br />
We’ve kept in touch ever since, and<br />
during this year’s festival, they visited<br />
my restaurant again. I even went to<br />
the bus terminal to see them off. It<br />
was truly a wonderful experience to<br />
meet someone in that way.”<br />
“I want to<br />
recommend Hyoo-il<br />
Siktak to people with a<br />
big heart and who want<br />
to have a quiet and<br />
soothing moment.”<br />
When she first opened her restaurant in<br />
January of 2017, she wanted it to be “quiet<br />
and not too crowded, but memorable<br />
enough to keep people coming again and<br />
again”, and just as she wanted, Hyoo-il Siktak<br />
is quiet but memorable. Looking through<br />
the window wall facing the busy street<br />
gives you a detached, soothing feeling. It is<br />
nice to sit back and relax under soft, yellow,<br />
lamp light when everything is moving so<br />
quickly outside—there’s no need to hurry<br />
when you’re dining here. When asked who<br />
she wants to invite to come to the restaurant,<br />
she answered, “I want to recommend Hyoo-il<br />
Siktak to people with a big heart and who<br />
want to have a quiet and soothing moment.”<br />
You can also catch the owner’s effort behind<br />
the calm atmosphere by discovering all<br />
the small decorations. There is a dog figure<br />
napping on top of tissues. On the drawer next<br />
to the table is a calendar with cute characters<br />
on it. Right in front of the window wall, there<br />
is a mirror with small light bulbs tangled<br />
around it. The owner said she’s “always liked<br />
to decorate things and collected decorations<br />
for quite a while.” She added, “there was an<br />
accident a while ago, and that destroyed a lot<br />
of decorations I collected. But I’m still thankful<br />
that one gift from my regular customer didn’t<br />
get destroyed. They bought a vintage lP record<br />
for me when they visited Dongmyo market in<br />
Seoul. It means a lot to me.” It is not just the<br />
decorations, but also her warm effort that<br />
makes the restaurant special.<br />
JIWOO LEE is a graduate of Global<br />
Prodigy Academy who plans to major<br />
in engineering and has interests in art.
Resident Spotlight<br />
Living as a foreigner in Jeonbuk<br />
The story of Aaron Snowberger, a foreign Jeonbuk Resident<br />
Words byTaeha Jeong<br />
Photos byAaron Snowberger<br />
According to a Korea Times<br />
article published in January<br />
<strong>2018</strong>, there are now 2.18<br />
million foreigners residing<br />
in South Korea, which accounts for 4.21% of<br />
total South Korean population. However, not<br />
all of them come to stay for their lifetimes;<br />
they come and go after a few years of<br />
residence—and that is what makes those<br />
who stay in South Korea for a long time<br />
unique. This is the story of Aaron Snowberger,<br />
an educator and a freelancer who is spending<br />
his 12th year in South Korea now.<br />
When Aaron went to university, he first made<br />
his connections with Asian culture. He studied<br />
Chinese for three years, and that was when<br />
he first considered going to Asia. He then<br />
took two trips to China, and taught English<br />
to high schoolers for a month in Weifang,<br />
Shandong province. After graduating, Aaron<br />
went to Japan for three months on a tourist<br />
Visa to travel. It was then, when his Japanese<br />
tourist Visa was about to expire, that he<br />
decided to stay in Asia. If this had happened<br />
to the majority of foreigners, they would have<br />
chosen to return to their home country, but<br />
Aaron’s decision was unique.<br />
He started to look for job opportunities in<br />
Japan where he received two offers—one<br />
at an elementary school in the countryside,<br />
the other at an after-school learning center<br />
in the city. Even though these were good<br />
opportunities, in the end, he rejected both<br />
of them. Why? He'd also received a job offer<br />
from Jeonju University, for a summer camp.<br />
And through a variety of circumstances over<br />
the next few years, he was eventually able<br />
to acquire a full-time conversational English<br />
teaching job there, where he still works.<br />
When I heard his story, a question popped<br />
into my mind—was there any opposition<br />
from Aaron’s parents about his decision?<br />
“Not really,” he said. When he received his job<br />
offers, he told his parents that he planned<br />
to either stay in Japan or go to Korea. To my<br />
surprise, his parents respected his decision<br />
without (much) resistance! Eventually Aaron<br />
chose Korea because he preferred university<br />
students to kindergartners. But ironically, he<br />
ended up teaching English to elementary<br />
students anyway at that first Jeonju University<br />
summer camp and for a few years after that.<br />
Aaron also shared with me his experiences<br />
with being a foreigner in Korea.<br />
“A Foreigner!”<br />
This sentence is still one of the most<br />
common phrases he hears when he<br />
walks on the street. But even though he<br />
is accustomed to hearing it, it still irritates<br />
him because “foreigner” makes it sound<br />
like he doesn't belong. Racism in Korea is<br />
decreasing with the increasing population<br />
of foreigners in South Korea, but he still<br />
experiences some bias (both positive and<br />
negative) during his daily life. One of the<br />
most frequent and common stereotypes of<br />
foreigners, especially Western people, is that<br />
all Westerners have fluent English skills, and<br />
they wish to speak English. In the end, lots<br />
of Koreans want Western people to teach<br />
English when in fact they have something<br />
else that they want to do.<br />
“Everyone wants me to be an<br />
English teacher, but I don’t<br />
really want to be one!”<br />
In addition, Aaron told me that he actually<br />
prefers to speak more Korean than English<br />
because he wants more practice to learn<br />
the language. However, sometimes when<br />
he walks into McDonald’s or other small<br />
cafés, for example, workers there speak in<br />
English to him even when he speaks Korean<br />
(apparently they also want to practice their<br />
language skills). Even when he is with his<br />
friends, the same thing happens. This is one<br />
of the hardships that many foreigners who<br />
study Korean experience. But it is not largely<br />
recognized in Korean culture.<br />
“Jeollabuk-do is the<br />
breadbasket of Korea;<br />
local farms Here Produce<br />
the best Foods in Korea.”<br />
Aaron, who has stayed in South Korea for<br />
12 years, has settled in Jeonju. He said he<br />
really loves Jeollabuk-do. He loves the food,<br />
transportation, and lots of other things!<br />
Currently he teaches Computer Science and<br />
Graphic Design at Global Prodigy Academy,<br />
English at Jeonju University, and works as<br />
a freelance graphic designer and website<br />
programmer. He also designed the layout for<br />
this JEONBUK <strong>LIFE</strong> magazine! He married a<br />
Korean citizen and has two children. Aaron<br />
said he plans to go back to the US for his<br />
children’s education someday, but he wishes<br />
to come back to Korea and spend the rest of<br />
his life here in Jeonju. <br />
TAEHA JONG is a senior at Global<br />
Prodigy Academy in Jeonju. He wishes<br />
to major in Biology at college.<br />
Paint-br<br />
Arts & Culture<br />
Instead of<br />
assembly lines<br />
and machines,<br />
you’ll find art,<br />
coffee, and<br />
unique spaces<br />
everywhere<br />
you turn in this<br />
revitalized<br />
old factory.<br />
팔복예술공장<br />
[54844] 전북 전주시<br />
덕진구 구렛들1길 46<br />
(063) 211-0288<br /><br />
@foca_palbok<br />
/palbokart<br />
10:00am - 6:00pm<br />
Open daily<br />
M, W opens 9:00pm<br />
Sat opens 7:00pm<br />
Free Entry<br />
The Future of<br />
A R<br />
from an<br />
Industrial Past<br />
Words by Dianne<br />
Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos by Seong<br />
Jin Kim<br />
T<br />
There’s nothing really quite artsy about an<br />
abandoned factory or a manufacturing plant: with<br />
its industrial space, broken down machineries,<br />
and leftover steel equipment that render it<br />
merely as a cold, indifferent place where work needs to get<br />
done. But as they say, there’s beauty in everything—even in<br />
the desolate and unexpected. This is what the city of Jeonju<br />
wants to show when an old factory that seemed to have<br />
been forgotten by time was rebuilt and turned into a place<br />
where people can enjoy art<br />
exhibits for free. The Palbok A place with a rich history<br />
Factory of Contemporary Arts<br />
(FoCA) sits on the side of the In 1979, the Solex factory in Palbok-dong was established when<br />
railroad and surrounded by a the cassette tape became popular. It used to produce and export<br />
sprawling complex that used cassette and video tapes throughout Asia. However, as the world<br />
to symbolize a turning point turned digital, the cassette tapes shared the same fate as the<br />
in Jeonju’s modernization other many obsolete tools of technology.<br />
and industrialization.<br />
Jeonju Cultural Foundation Chairman Kim Seung-soo shared,<br />
“For 25 years, the factory waited for a new owner after the<br />
departure of Solex Factory… And now that it is reborn, it opens<br />
up an infinite imaginary art playground for the children of<br />
Palbok-dong. For the residents of Jeonju, the space provide<br />
cafés and art shops, which are non-routine spaces. Most<br />
importantly, it will become place of experimental art creation<br />
and the home of all artists' minds.”<br />
Here are things you can do in this off-beaten destination that<br />
will surely make your summer days worthwhile:<br />
18 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Soak in the Art<br />
FoCA is home to the work of talented<br />
up-and-coming, as well as established<br />
contemporary artists in Jeonju and<br />
beyond. There are resident shows<br />
and rotating exhibition where you<br />
can get to know talented<br />
artists and their imaginative Take photos, &<br />
masterpieces in different lots of Them<br />
forms: paintings, installations,<br />
and graffiti.<br />
For those looking to add a little<br />
something extra to their Instagram feed<br />
Chill out at<br />
or simply to make memories, FoCA is rife<br />
the cafÉ<br />
with interesting backgrounds and photoworthy<br />
spaces. There are colorful spots in<br />
For a quick cup of coffee or and outside the building, and if you go<br />
a refreshing drink, head over to the second floor, there are containers,<br />
to the Sunny Café which in pocket garden, and a runway that are<br />
itself, is also an art space. dedicated for picture-taking. But if you<br />
The high ceiling is decorated want more compelling shots, you can find<br />
with upcycled materials, unique spots on the farther right side of<br />
repurposed machine parts, the factory, where old, rusty structures<br />
and old cassette tapes are still stand. Take note though that you can<br />
put on display. Even though only take photos with your mobile phone<br />
this old factory building is inside the museum. DSLR and hand-held<br />
now transformed into a hip digital cameras are prohibited.<br />
café, it still bears a touch<br />
of nostalgia of an efficient, Buy arts & crafts<br />
productive place.<br />
For those who want to bring a piece of<br />
art in their home, you can buy trinkets,<br />
handmade, DIY arts and crafts on display<br />
inside the café. On some weekends,<br />
several groups hold an open flea market<br />
on the grounds of the factory.<br />
DIANNE PINEDA-KIM is a digital content editor for<br />
a mobile news app, a copywriter for an e-commerce<br />
company in Singapore, and a pop culture and travel<br />
writer for Seoul-based websites.<br />
Feature Story<br />
Hot Days, Cool<br />
Location: S&S 전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산중앙로 42<br />
20 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Nights<br />
Words by<br />
Betsey Norman<br />
In Shinshikaji, there’s no<br />
shortage of things to do<br />
after sunset. Here are pubs<br />
and bars to ease you into<br />
the other side of Jeonju’s<br />
bustling night vibe.<br />
Photos by<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim (Locations)<br />
Umesh Sampath (Models)<br />
When thinking of Jeonju<br />
and the surrounding cities, one<br />
usually thinks of Hanok village,<br />
day markets and lively festivals. To<br />
be sure, Jeollabuk-do has so much<br />
to offer for the curious traveler or<br />
adventurous native. However, once<br />
the lights go down and the festival<br />
goers return home, wandering feet<br />
may find it difficult to pick their next<br />
destination.<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s offerings do not<br />
stop when the sun goes down, and<br />
neither should you. Nestled in the<br />
busy streets of Jeonju’s New City or<br />
hidden amongst the winding path<br />
of the many night markets and<br />
drinking streets are gems waiting<br />
to be explored. Take a journey with<br />
us as we introduce some places for<br />
both the visiting newcomer and<br />
the Jeollabuk-do native looking for<br />
something new.<br />
Feature Story<br />
Weekend Night Crawl<br />
We’ve all been there before, it’s the weekend and you’ve just met<br />
with your friends. The first thing anyone says is, “Where are we<br />
going?” followed by an “I don’t know, where do you want to go?”<br />
and a mandatory five minutes of awkward silence while you wait<br />
for divine inspiration. It’s a common problem around the world<br />
and even worse as an expat since the places to go in South Korea<br />
may or may not have information available in English.<br />
We compiled a list of several great bars to visit in Shinshikaji,<br />
the “nightlife” street of Jeonju. These bars are by no means the<br />
end all be all of places to have a good time in Jeonju, or even<br />
in Shinshikaji but it’s a start, and perhaps the information will<br />
be helpful for those of you looking for a specific type of venue<br />
on your next night out.<br />
Lord Movie<br />
Situated a few minutes walk away from the main street, Lord<br />
Movie is an Instagram oasis. With movie posters covering the<br />
walls, movie memorabilia haphazardly strewn about and even<br />
menus done up in movie bills of recent releases, the theme of<br />
“Lord Movie” is not exactly subtle. And yet it works, the quirky<br />
clutter of movie paraphernalia combined with cool interiors,<br />
outdoor settings, excellent drinks, and good service make this bar<br />
a great choice for those that want to hang around one bar with a<br />
group of friends, or have a quiet night with their significant other.<br />
The menu offers a decent selection of both imported and local<br />
beer, but the real star here are the cocktails. Along with classics<br />
like Long Island, the bar also offers hard-to-find drink specials<br />
like the viral Chocolate Cake Shooter or a Cherry Brandy<br />
Frappuccino, if one is feeling adventurous. Wine, non-alcoholic<br />
cocktails, and bottles of liquor are also on the menu.<br />
True to its name, Lord Movie shows movies. There are several<br />
screens throughout the bar that run the same movie, with low<br />
sound or muted. During the summer, the walls of the bar are<br />
taken up and the outdoor seating offers prime view of the<br />
large drive-in style movie screen outside.<br />
All in all, Lord Movie is a great place to go for a date, ladies’<br />
night, birthday party, or just a quiet night out with friends.<br />
22 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Public<br />
Modeled after the quintessential British-style pub, Public’s<br />
atmosphere is a bit more mellow than its house-music blaring<br />
neighbors, the crowd is usually more mature as well. But the doesn’t<br />
mean it’s any less lively on the weekends. Public is known for its<br />
large selection of imported beer, great food and good atmosphere,<br />
not to mention comfortable seating and easy-to-find location.<br />
The menu offered at Public might run you a little more than<br />
some of the other establishments in Shinshikaji, but it’s worth<br />
the extra few thousand won. The bartenders at Public take their<br />
drink-making seriously and every cocktail and beer is made, or<br />
poured, to perfection. One of the more unique menu items is the<br />
Craft Tester, a flight of samples of the craft beer offered at the bar.<br />
Not a beer person? That’s okay, Public has plenty on the menu<br />
for you as well. The White Melon Ball is a cocktail that tastes like<br />
an alcoholic version of the Melona ice cream bar. They also serve<br />
the classics, like a gin and tonic or fresh apple martini.<br />
Whether you are there to start your night out, grab a drink with<br />
your date, or meet up with friends on a weekday, Public has got<br />
what you need.<br />
Public<br />
전주시 완산구 효자동 3가 1535-2 101호<br />
063-229-5842 • /publicpub21<br />
11am - 4am (opens 4pm Mondays)<br />
Cocktail 8-16,000₩ • beer 6-9,000₩ • Utensils 6-18,000₩<br />
Location: S&S 전주시<br />
완산구 홍산중앙로 42<br />
Go here for: a lively place to start the night out on a<br />
weekend or a quiet place to meet friends on a weekday.<br />
Special Notes: The Pizza here is legendary. Grab a pie<br />
with your drinks and you won’t regret it.<br />
Lord Movie<br />
전주시 완산구 홍산남로 73 / 효자동3가 1539-2 라라빌딩 6층<br />
010-2166-4004 • /mylordmovie<br />
6pm - 3am<br />
Cocktail 8-13,000₩ • beer 5-8,000₩ • Utensils 12-23,000₩<br />
Go here for: an interesting place to hang out with your<br />
friends that’s also very Instagrammable.<br />
Special Notes: Movies on the small screen year-round;<br />
movies on the big screen outdoors during the summer.<br />
Feature Story<br />
Mansion<br />
Not a bar, not a club, Mansion is technically a lounge that<br />
guarantees an enjoyable night out on the weekend. Live DJs<br />
start from doors open at 11pm and continue until the early<br />
morning. The music is a mix of styles, with an emphasis on<br />
hip-hop and electronic music. Good beats, a nice location, and<br />
an accommodating atmosphere make Mansion a great place<br />
for a night out or a special event, such as a birthday party.<br />
The booth tables seat up to eight guests with smaller tables<br />
available that can be combined to fit more.<br />
Birthday party supplies are allowed (cake, poppers, hats, etc.). One<br />
of the more interesting features of the lounge is the open wall<br />
that faces the main street of Sinshikaji. Since Mansion is on the<br />
second floor, guests can look out onto the street and get a breath<br />
of fresh air after pulling some killer moves on the dance floor.<br />
This feature makes Mansion a favorite option during summer. Be<br />
warned that the place doesn’t really start to get busy until after<br />
midnight, so if you are going with just one or two people it’s best<br />
to leave Mansion until later in the night.<br />
These are only three of the many great options available in<br />
Shinshikaji, and more are popping up each month as we venture<br />
into summer. Lord Movie, Public, and Mansion may not be the<br />
only places to go, but these three are a good bet to ensure a<br />
great night out. That being said, please act and drink responsibly.<br />
Mansion<br />
전주시 완산구 홍산중앙로 39 / 효자동3가 1535-2 2층<br />
063-237-1535<br />
11pm - last customer (10,000₩ cover charge)<br />
beer 5,000₩ (1/entry) • Shots 1/ 6,000₩ • 3/ 10,000₩<br />
Go here for: a dance/party or if you are having an<br />
event (like a birthday)<br />
Special Notes: “Table Service”<br />
(Min) 2 bottles (1 champagne, 1 liquor) @ 170,000₩<br />
(Max) 8 bottles (4 champagne, 4 liquor) @ 520,000₩<br />
Reservations: Dae-Hyun at Arena97 on Kakaotalk<br />
BETSEY JEANNE NORMAN is a high school teacher at<br />
Chonbuk National University High School and a prolific<br />
fiction writer soon to publish her own book.<br />
24 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Jeonju<br />
Nambu<br />
Night<br />
Market<br />
And Chungnyun Mall<br />
Words and Photos by Seula Kim<br />
Background Image by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Jeonju Nightlife<br />
H O T F R I D A Y<br />
Jeonju Nambu Night Market(남부야시장) and Chungnyun Mall(청년몰)<br />
In Korea, we have the slang phrase “hot Friday”,<br />
or bul-geum in Korean. This phrase comes from<br />
the culture where people drink and hang out on<br />
Friday night after work. One popular attraction on<br />
a hot Friday other than the usual family-friendly<br />
trip to Hanok Village is the Jeonju Nambu Night<br />
Market, a place where you can enjoy a little bit<br />
of everything that this region has to offer.<br />
Nambu Market<br />
Nambu market was first built during the middle<br />
of the Joseon Dynasty as a place that gathered an<br />
informal group of merchants near the city’s south<br />
gate. During the Japanese colonial era, it was<br />
named “Nambu Market” and it became an official<br />
city market in 1979.<br />
During the daytime, it’s just a traditional market<br />
where various tradesmen sell clothes, food, and<br />
household items at a very cheap price. The market<br />
is very quiet and still, the exact opposite of what<br />
I expected. In my imagination, salespeople shout<br />
out to advertise their goods and attract visitors.<br />
Usually, customers would bargain for a lower price<br />
as merchants made awkward faces.<br />
Today, people prefer more convenient shopping<br />
places that have parking lots and online options,<br />
leaving this once crowded and amiable place rather<br />
lonesome during the day. To revive the lively spirit<br />
of the market, the Safety Executive government<br />
organization began promoting the businesses of<br />
Nambu Night Market in 2013.<br />
With much effort, Jeonju has attracted over ten<br />
million tourists in the following years. This means<br />
that one in every five people in Korea visits Jeonju<br />
every year, and more people are starting to discover<br />
this hidden gem.<br />
These once glorious markets are revived<br />
to provide a great night out whether<br />
you want to get a taste of different<br />
delicacies, shop, or simply hang out.<br />
26 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Location: 전라북도 전주시 완산구 풍남문 2길 53 남부시장<br />
Nambu Night Market<br />
Chungnyun Mall<br />
Nambu Market completely surrounds Jeonju’s south<br />
gate and there are many entrances to it. It is very easy<br />
to find—just follow all the people. When I first walked<br />
inside the night market, it was as crowded as the<br />
New Year in New York or London. The alley is narrow<br />
and people move slowly in lines. A number of pocha<br />
(pojang macha), or food carts, are placed every two<br />
meters and attract people with the smell of roasting<br />
meat. Even with the crowds, the walkways are kept<br />
clean with trash cans placed beside every food cart.<br />
Beside the food carts, I saw traditional stores selling<br />
dried fish, farming tools, and iron cookware.<br />
Hours: Nambu Night Market (전주 남부 야시장) is<br />
open every Friday and Saturday from 7pm to 12am<br />
in the summer and from 6pm to 10pm in the winter.<br />
While I was hanging around, I found the Chungnyun<br />
Mall, located upstairs on the second floor above the<br />
market. There are many maps on the first floor that<br />
will show you where to find the mall. The map of<br />
the Nambu night market is drawn on the wall of the<br />
Chungnyun mall. As you can see, blue and dotted<br />
lines that are crossing the streets represent the<br />
pocha that I have mentioned earlier.<br />
The mall was very quiet as if I was in a whole<br />
different world. It is a commercial space created by<br />
young adults to actualize their dreams. The mall<br />
was part of a business operated by the government<br />
in 2011 until 2013, and afterwards Chungnyun<br />
mall was still run by young adults without any<br />
governmental financial support.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong><br />
Winter<br />
Fri & Sat<br />
Fri & Sat<br />
7pm - 12am<br />
6pm - 10pm<br />
SEULA KIM is a junior at Global Prodigy<br />
Academy in Jeonju. She is an animal lover who<br />
plans to take up architecture in the future.<br />
There are cafés, restaurants, handicraft workshops,<br />
bookstores, and game shops for people to take a break.<br />
Even though some people might find the price of food<br />
and goods expensive, it is still fun to look around at<br />
the workshops and food carts. The revival of Nambu<br />
market means a lot to wholesalers and even Jeonju<br />
citizens. What a nice way to spend a Hot Friday!<br />
Music Festival<br />
Words by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Pictures courtesy of JUMF<br /><br />
During the hottest<br />
part of the summer, in one of Korea’s hottest cities,<br />
the coolest Live Music Festival in Jeollabuk-do will be<br />
held for the third year running. JUMF (Jeonju Ultimate<br />
Music Festival) was designed around three concepts that<br />
characterize both the festival and the city in which it is held:<br />
FUN, FOOD, and FEELING.<br />
JUMF is the biggest multi-genre music festival on the Korean peninsula<br />
featuring genres such as rock, hip-hop, EDM (electronic dance music), and<br />
ballads—hence the term “Ultimate” in its name. The music festival will<br />
showcase a line-up of some of Korea’s best bands, as well as a handful of<br />
unique Japanese and European groups. Currently in its third year, JUMF is<br />
hosted by Jeonju MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation) and will be held<br />
over a three day period during the first weekend in August (from Friday,<br />
August 3rd to Sunday, August 5th).<br />
The nights are grouped into related musical genres. Many of the groups are<br />
returning to JUMF again from previous years, but there is a good selection<br />
of JUMF newcomers as well.<br />
So if you love music and big parties, if you want to cool off in the hot summer<br />
with some hot Korean music, and if you want to experience the thrill of<br />
Jeonju’s newest big festival, set aside some time during the first weekend<br />
of August for JUMF. Ticket prices are very reasonable for a 3-day music<br />
festival and include discounts under the right circumstances or<br />
with certain cards.<br />
JUMF<br />
Friday<br />
JUMF Friday begins with a bang (or rather, with a<br />
beat) as a selection of hip-hop, rap, and R&B artists<br />
take the stage. Ikon from YG Entertainment, Loco,<br />
Heize, and rapper Kim Ha On lead the way, with<br />
EDM group Idiotape to follow. Korean rock festival<br />
regular Romantic Punch is sure to light up the<br />
stage, along with Eurpoean group Tri State Corner<br />
which plays a unique style of "bouzouki rock" with<br />
Greek's traditional instrument. Later in the evening,<br />
a selection of modern, soft rock, and britpop style<br />
groups will cool things down again. Iksan's native<br />
“Starfish” is also set to make an appearance.<br />
Saturday<br />
JUMF Saturday is THE rock show, and as with any<br />
good rock show, you can expect things to get hot<br />
with roaring guitar riffs and blazing pyrotechnics.<br />
JUMF Saturday's rock roots go deep with a number<br />
of bands having their origins in the 1980s and 90s,<br />
“the golden age of Korean rock.” Saturday night will<br />
also see German metal band Almanac and Japanese<br />
hard rock band Memai Siren take the stage. Noteable<br />
Korean bands include Lee Seung Hwan, Guckkasten,<br />
Kiha & the Faces, Daybreak, Black Syndrome, Pia,<br />
Galaxy Express, Harry Big Button, and Crackshot.<br />
Genres include hard rock, metal, and thrash metal.<br />
Out-of-Towners<br />
Visitors from out of town will note that the JUMF<br />
website features a unique “Jeonju Tour” section with<br />
information for various restaurants, guest houses,<br />
and tour locations throughout Jeonju. Presenting a<br />
ticket to JUMF can also score festival-goers a 20%<br />
discount on all the accommodations listed on the<br />
website. JUMF will also provide intercity shuttle<br />
buses to and from the festival. Regions serviced<br />
include Seoul, Gwangju, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan,<br />
and Jeollabuk-do.<br />
30 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Sunday<br />
JUMF Sunday will cool things down again with<br />
more mello modern rock ballads and indie pop<br />
music. Many of Sunday’s artists will be familiar due<br />
to having recorded songs for numerous television<br />
OSTs (original soundtracks). Notable artists on<br />
Sunday include Isu of MC the Max, Lyn, 10cm, and<br />
Melomance whose hit song “Gift” ruled the K-pop<br />
charts for weeks in late 2017, beating out popular<br />
idol groups like Wanna One, BTS, and Twice.<br />
Festival Amenities<br />
Festival amenities include a medical booth to<br />
both sides of the stage, free showering facilities,<br />
designated smoking spaces, a Lost & Found,<br />
security lockers, and handphone charging stations.<br />
At the east end of the stadium, a merchandise shop<br />
and fan signing area will be set up off for fans to<br />
meet their idols. Audience members can cool off<br />
in a water tunnel, or as water cannons mounted<br />
to the stage blast streams of water into the sky.<br />
The stadium grounds are dividied into five<br />
sections with three purposes: the front<br />
Standing Zone is for concert goers<br />
to get up close with the music;<br />
and the back four zone are<br />
checker-boarded into two<br />
Camping (Tent) Zones<br />
and two Mat Zones.<br />
Food & Drink<br />
Inside the stadium, there will be a plethora of good<br />
eats, fast foods, and cold drinks including chicken, hot<br />
dogs, dukbokki, takoyaki, beer, coffee, and patbingsu.<br />
Three dedicated Heineken pavilions will surround the<br />
festival’s “Picnic zone” toward the back of the stadium,<br />
with Heineken and JUMF parasols set up nearby to<br />
provide a nice place to cool off with a cold beverage.<br />
AARON SNOWBERGER is a freelance graphic designer and<br />
WordPress web developer. He teaches Computers and Design<br />
at Global Prodigy Academy and English at Jeonju University.<br />
Sports<br />
World Cup Dreams<br />
A first-hand account of the Korean national soccer team’s<br />
defense against Bosnia in the Jeonju World Cup Stadium.<br />
Words and<br />
Photos by<br />
Yuchang Choi<br />
Can you guess the most popular sport<br />
around the world? It is soccer. I'm sure<br />
many people in Korea, including myself,<br />
love soccer, and you might be someone<br />
who enjoys it too. With World Cup season upon us,<br />
many have become more excited. The national soccer<br />
team of South Korea has qualified for the World Cup<br />
nine times from the 1986 Mexico World Cup to this<br />
year’s <strong>2018</strong> Russia World Cup. This makes Korea the<br />
most qualified team in the World Cup in the Asian<br />
region. One of the main reasons why Koreans love<br />
soccer so much is because of Korea's success in the<br />
2002 World Cup which was held jointly in Korea and<br />
Japan. The South Korean team managed to enter the<br />
semi-final by defeating Italy.<br />
The <strong>2018</strong> Russian World Cup is happening this June<br />
to mid-July. The first Korean game was held on June<br />
18th against Sweden. The second game was against<br />
Mexico on the 24th of June. And the last game was<br />
against Germany which is one of the strongest soccer<br />
teams in the world on June 27th. (And although Korea<br />
lost its first two games, its upset of Germany 2:0 in<br />
the final match of the first round knocked the German<br />
team out of the tournament altogether. It was quite<br />
a dramatic defeat.) Most of the World Cup qualifying<br />
teams play friendly games before going on to the<br />
actual matches. The Korean national team decided<br />
to play matches with Honduras on May 28, Bosnia<br />
on June 1, and Bolivia on June 7 in the World Cup<br />
stadiums of Daegu, Jeonju, and Innsbruck, Austria.<br />
32 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
The Jeonju World Cup Stadium was built for<br />
the 2002 World Cup and is home to the Jeonbuk<br />
Hyundai Motors, the local pro soccer team which<br />
always ranks as one of the top teams in the national<br />
league. Jeonju is known for its love of sports, and<br />
whenever the Korean national team plays a game in<br />
the Stadium, which can host 40,000 people, its seats<br />
are mostly sold out. The Jeonju World Cup Stadium<br />
is also famous for its unique design inspired by the<br />
Korean traditional housing style, Hanok.<br />
Korea vs. Bosnia<br />
The game between Korea and Bosnia was held on<br />
Friday, June 1st, and I went to the Jeonju World<br />
Cup Stadium to watch the game. When I first<br />
arrived at the stadium, there were lots of people<br />
waiting in line. I sat in the west side of the stadium.<br />
Many people came with their families, friends, or<br />
colleagues, and they all looked excited in their<br />
red colors. The game started after both countries’<br />
national anthems were played. I saw lots of<br />
foreigners who might live in Jeonju or came from<br />
other parts of the country. There were also a few<br />
Bosnian soccer fans in the soccer stadium, wearing<br />
the Bosnian colors and uniform. I admired their<br />
patriotism and their interest in sports.<br />
The game wasn’t as smooth nor as satisfying as<br />
I expected in the beginning. Lee Jae-sung scored<br />
Korea’s only goal at 30 minutes in the first half.<br />
However, I enjoyed the game and I wished I could<br />
have another opportunity to watch another game<br />
next time.<br />
Korean’s World Cup<br />
Performance<br />
I personally really liked the game. Even though my<br />
team lost, I still learned the real spirit of sport. If I<br />
have another opportunity, I will visit the World Cup<br />
Stadium and watch more games. Unforunately, in<br />
the <strong>2018</strong> World Cup, the Korean national team did<br />
not manage to qualify in the group stage. However,<br />
the Korean team beat one of the best teams in the<br />
world, Germany, 2:0. This unbelievable result has<br />
generated lots of attention for our team. This was<br />
a historic accomplishment for the Korean team.<br />
Results: Croatia and France battled for the World<br />
Cup in the Final with France emerging as champion.<br />
YUCHANG CHOI is a junior at Global Prodigy<br />
Academy in Jeonju. He has experience as a chief<br />
editor of a local teen English newspaper.<br />
Experience<br />
Culinary & Travel Diary<br />
This cooking, art, and culture experience offers a deeper<br />
understanding and more engaging discovery of Jeonju<br />
Words by Valerie Merrick with introduction by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos by Valerie Merrick and Suk-kyong Shin<br />
How to truly explore a place<br />
can be a tricky subject<br />
because there isn’t really<br />
one right way to do it. For<br />
one, seeing a destination through a tried<br />
and tested itinerary will only give you<br />
a surface glance and a limited, clichéd<br />
experience. For another, there’s something<br />
more fulfilling with having a profound<br />
and more nuanced understanding of the<br />
culture, tastes, and character of the place.<br />
Cooking Jeonju aims to create memories<br />
that will last a lifetime through a unique<br />
exposure to Korean food and art. “I have<br />
dreamed of introducing the real side of<br />
Korean culture for more than 25 years.<br />
Through cooking classes with local<br />
master chefs, I would like to bridge two<br />
or multiple cultures for them to be aware<br />
of their strengths while interacting<br />
and communicating with one another,”<br />
said Suk-Kyong Shin, whose extensive<br />
background in cultural anthropology and<br />
intercultural relations has enhanced her<br />
knowledge and passion as storyteller,<br />
translator, and local culinary coordinator<br />
of Cooking Jeonju.<br />
Nobody talks about her pride for Jeonju’s<br />
rich gastronomic culture and mastery<br />
like Ms. Shin who founded the company<br />
not with financial gain in mind, but to<br />
foster camaraderie and understanding<br />
among people who come from different<br />
walks of life. “I would also like to<br />
bring cross-cultural awareness among<br />
native Koreans as well, so they could<br />
be equipped with the understanding<br />
of diversity and have proper tolerance<br />
towards the differences within us and<br />
make Korean cities, at least where I live,<br />
become truly culturally rich.”<br />
In this article, Valerie Merrick, an Englishlanguage<br />
teacher in Jeonju, shares her<br />
experiences and thoughts about joining<br />
the Cooking Jeonju Tour.<br />
34 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
010-5703-6599<br /><br /><br />
/cookingjeonju<br />
@cooking_jeonju<br />
Learning the beauty<br />
of cooking<br />
Feels like home<br />
A taste that captures<br />
the heart<br />
My first interaction with the program<br />
coordinator of Cooking Jeonju, SukSuk, was<br />
great. I was booking the cooking class for<br />
myself, my boyfriend, and a visiting friend.<br />
In perfect English, SukSuk informed me<br />
about the date and times available, the<br />
prices, and what I should expect. Despite<br />
informing SukSuk of our vegetarian diets,<br />
I was afraid of having to rudely decline<br />
meat or fish during the meal. But any<br />
fears I had about the cooking class melted<br />
away once I met SukSuk in person. She<br />
was kind, lively, and knowledgeable. It was<br />
clear that I was in good hands.<br />
After a taxi ride from Jeonju to Samnye, we<br />
entered the gate leading to the house and<br />
were overcome by the tranquil beauty. The<br />
gardens, lawn, and beautiful house exuded<br />
hominess, with trinkets and handmade art<br />
in abundance. I knew then that I had been<br />
invited into a special place.<br />
VALERIE MERRICK is a new<br />
transplant to Korea, having moved<br />
from the US in January of <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
She currently teaches kids of all ages at a local<br />
English-language school in Jeonju.<br />
After a brief introduction, the chef [in<br />
charge of our cooking class] showed us<br />
to the garden with strainers to collect<br />
lettuce for our salads. SukSuk laughed at<br />
my independence as I took the strainer<br />
that was intended to be shared with my<br />
boyfriend as my own!<br />
She teased me like an old friend as we<br />
finished picking the lettuce near the many<br />
containers of fermented foods. Next, the<br />
real cooking began, as the chef put us to<br />
work at her cooking station in the garden.<br />
Her bubbly voice coaxed us on despite our<br />
novice use of chopsticks, and I could not<br />
help but feel she was, in some ways, like my<br />
own mother as she both guided us through<br />
cooking, and took over when necessary.<br />
She showed us how to stuff cucumbers<br />
with mushrooms and egg, how to fry tofu<br />
and eggplant (do not bother breading<br />
each piece in flour—put all the vegetables<br />
in a bag and shake with flour until they<br />
are covered!), and how to make a delicious<br />
stir-fry with copious amounts of sesame<br />
oil. The actual cooking took only thirty<br />
minutes. As we completed each dish, she<br />
moved it over to the table her children<br />
were preparing nearby under the shade.<br />
While each dish radiated with natural<br />
beauty, the chef took things a step further<br />
by incorporating plants from her garden<br />
in the plating. After sitting for a moment<br />
to take in the special meal, we began<br />
to sample every dish. It was even more<br />
delicious than it looked. Each bite tasted<br />
even richer because of the love from my<br />
friends and the chef that went into the<br />
preparation. In addition to our dishes,<br />
the chef also provided two types of rice,<br />
fresh blueberry juice, kimchi, and a creamy<br />
potato soup. I found the soup to be unlike<br />
anything I had tasted in Korea, and it was<br />
easily one of my favorite parts of the meal.<br />
As we ate, SukSuk continued interpreting,<br />
allowing us to better understand the<br />
chef and her willingness to share such<br />
a wonderful experience with us. We ate<br />
like good friends do, reflective at times<br />
and talkative at others. Through it all we<br />
learned more about Korea, cooking, and the<br />
home life of this foodie family. My friend<br />
had only been in Korea for a few days, but<br />
I could see that she understood why I loved<br />
this country. We were lucky to have been<br />
allowed in to such an intimate setting and<br />
to have been given a lasting memory of the<br />
beauty of Korea’s food and people.<br />
Relax<br />
전북 전주시 덕진구 원동로 45<br />
(원동 378-3번지)<br />
063-214-8226<br />
@ondo_of_the_day<br />
A Garden<br />
Words by<br />
Dianne<br />
Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos by<br />
Seong Jin Kim<br />
There’s no one way to perfectly describe<br />
그날의 온도 (The Temperature of the Day) because<br />
of its ever-changing features. In summer mornings,<br />
you can smell the inviting fragrance of freshly cut<br />
and dewy grass creating a tranquil, countryside<br />
environment that takes you far from the city’s<br />
hustle. In the evenings, the sky is decorated with<br />
stars lighting the expansive space below. While in<br />
winter, the wide fields are blanketed with sparkling<br />
white snow, making the water fountain freeze and<br />
the tall glass windows misty. When spring comes,<br />
however, the trees bear pear flowers and all the<br />
different colors alchemize, giving the café yet<br />
another new face. This place, after all, embodies its<br />
unique yet perfectly fitting name.<br />
Breathtaking views<br />
“Here, I wake up to the sound of the birds chirping<br />
and see my dogs galloping around the big garden.<br />
Every day, I can see the sun rise and set,” President<br />
Kim Yujin said. “I have always dreamed about<br />
working in a place that I love, and for me this is it.”<br />
There’s so many things to love about this<br />
destination that sits on the edge of Jeonju. One<br />
thing that many visitors will notice once they<br />
arrive is the vast, open space. The café is composed<br />
of three floors with the last one being a breezy<br />
rooftop where guests can take in the views. The<br />
building occupies a whopping 5,000평 (Korean<br />
unit of measure for land where 3.3 sq.m is 1평),<br />
and is surrounded by lush greens.<br />
“From the moment you open the<br />
door, you will feel like you’re in<br />
another place like a park or a<br />
picnic place,” Ms. Kim shared, “We<br />
want people to feel that way.”<br />
Inspired by the stunning natural scenes of Jeju<br />
Island and community-centered parks in Canada<br />
(where Ms. Kim studied), the café evokes the<br />
feeling of freedom in the outdoors while keeping<br />
a modern, chic interior design.<br />
36 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Escape<br />
This café has a wide, open space and a cozy terrace<br />
that’s perfect for lounging in the summer sun<br />
One with nature<br />
The café deviates from the usual small,<br />
cozy, and kitschy coffee places that’s the<br />
trend among the millennial youth these days.<br />
But whether old or young, people from all over<br />
Jeonju and beyond drive to this place to not only<br />
commune with nature but also to indulge in great<br />
coffee and luscious baked goods. The brownies and<br />
pastries are made of organic wheat, organic sugar,<br />
and other good, non-artificial ingredients, whereas<br />
the chocolates come from France and Belgium.<br />
“I want people<br />
to enjoy coffee with<br />
a nice view, feel relaxed,<br />
enjoy the sunset, and have<br />
memories of this place<br />
with a warm feeling."<br />
As for the near future, the<br />
café’s president says that a<br />
baking studio, restaurant, and a wedding events<br />
place are in the works. “I want people to enjoy coffee<br />
with a nice view, feel relaxed, enjoy the sunset, and<br />
have memories of this place with a warm feeling.<br />
I hope to continue making this place meaningful.”<br />
DIANNE PINEDA-KIM is a digital content editor for a mobile news<br />
app, a copywriter for an e-commerce company in Singapore, and<br />
a pop culture and travel writer for Seoul-based websites.<br />
Relax<br />
This cafÉ has a charming atmosphere for long,<br />
warm, lazy Sundays, and cool summer nights.<br />
In the Mood for Love<br />
Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim • Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />
카페마노아 전주시 완산구 삼천동2가 226-3번지 • @cafe_manoah_<br />
Wedding/party reservations: 063-227-1788 •<br />
Tucked on the street of Samchon-dong is a<br />
curious building that sits on top of a little hill on<br />
the side of the road. One might expect to hear mass<br />
or see church-goers spilling out from its arched<br />
open entrance, or mistake the tower-like structure<br />
to ring bells. No, it’s not a place of worship, but<br />
with its all-white facade, wooden accents, Lancet<br />
windows, and its loyal following of coffee lovers—<br />
it might as well could have been one.<br />
Café Manoah is a good example of how Jeonju<br />
preserves traditional architecture while breathing<br />
new life into it to fit the ever-changing tastes of the<br />
community. The main building was built in 1974,<br />
which was then used as an office and a school for art<br />
and nature the following year. Its name couldn’t have<br />
perfectly described this small yet charming respite<br />
from its neighboring busy streets. Manoah, a Hebrew<br />
figure from the Bible, literally means “rest” or “quiet.”<br />
38 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
The café before remodeling<br />
“I want people to think of it not just as a café but also<br />
as a place that gives pleasure, rest, and memories.”<br />
A place of rest<br />
“I want people to think of it not just as a café<br />
but also as a place that gives pleasure, rest, and<br />
memories,” said Ho Jun-young (허준영), the owner<br />
who revamped the old structure into a Frenchstyle<br />
café and opened it in November last year.<br />
You’ll feel like you’re transported in the countryside<br />
when you reach the café’s main entrance. The wide,<br />
landscaped garden, plants growing by the side of<br />
the fences, a decorative red bench, and a bike with<br />
a basket full of flowers provide a welcoming scene<br />
to all its visitors. But inside, the ambience changes<br />
into an elegant and solemn space that’s perfect for<br />
savoring a cup of coffee. Some of the popular drinks<br />
aside from its caffeinated drink variations include<br />
refreshing glasses of grapefruit, lemon, and berry<br />
ades that make soothing thirst-quenchers. The drinks<br />
are perfect for knocking back after a homemade<br />
pastry, cake, or light brunch menu, of which there’s<br />
a great little selection. There’s also beer and wine<br />
in the offering for those who want a little more kick.<br />
A dreamy wedding venue<br />
At the back of the café there’s another garden<br />
with a lovely pergola sitting cozily in the middle<br />
flanked by al-fresco style chairs. The white hanging<br />
light bulbs, lace curtains billowing softly as the<br />
wind blows, and flowers make a picture-worthy<br />
backdrop and a beautiful mood for those who<br />
want to propose or couples who are planning to tie<br />
the knot. It offers an idyllic setting for a wedding<br />
ceremony or a garden reception, which the café<br />
makes available for reservations.<br />
But for those who are just looking to take the perfect<br />
photo for Instagram, there is a wall on the side of the<br />
café that’s covered with pastel flowers, which many<br />
social media-savvy visitors often enjoy. Mr. Ho said, “Well,<br />
I've noticed that customers are always surprised when<br />
they first enter the café. The tend to say 예쁘다 (pretty)!”<br />
With its relaxing garden views, simple yet satisfying<br />
menu, and friendly service, this chapel-looking café<br />
is heavenly in every way.<br />
DIANNE PINEDA-KIM is a digital content editor for a mobile news app, a copywriter for an e-commerce company in<br />
Singapore, and a pop culture, travel, and entertainment writer for Seoul-based websites.<br />
Exploring Rural Jeollabuk-do:<br />
Let’s Go Gochang!<br />
Words by Axel Lemus • Photos by Umesh Sampath<br />
To the outside world, Korea invokes the<br />
image of a rapidly modernized country<br />
making great strides in entertainment,<br />
cosmetics, and technological innovation.<br />
While Korea’s modern face is worthy of admiration, the<br />
country’s long agricultural history has traditionally taken<br />
a backseat; with many younger Koreans living lives<br />
disconnected from those of their more rustic ancestors.<br />
It was with these thoughts in mind that I found myself<br />
alongside Korean families, their tireless children, and<br />
foreigners from all over on a bus bound to Gochang.<br />
The <strong>JB</strong>CIA takes locals and<br />
foreigners to experience<br />
life in the countryside.<br />
Let’s Go Gochang?<br />
Roughly a 90-minute bus ride southwest from<br />
Jeonju, Gochang stands as a primary example of<br />
rural Korea. Even after gaining much attention<br />
following the Hagwon Farm’s appearance as<br />
one of the locations in the immensely popular<br />
television drama “Goblin,” the county lies in relative<br />
obscurity to many international visitors. Thus, the<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA set out to showcase Gochang’s rural charm<br />
and increase urban/rural interchange through two<br />
special two-day programs: “Let’s Go Gochang!”<br />
The first two-day trip was on Saturday and Sunday,<br />
May 12th and 13th, and the second trip was on<br />
Saturday and Sunday, June 16th and 17th. Following<br />
two different themes, the programs took participants<br />
to explore Gochang’s mudflats, immense barely field,<br />
and salt production tradition on the first trip; and<br />
to the county’s UNESCO-registered Dolmen site and<br />
a tofu production plant on the second trip. With a<br />
participation fee of only 10,000 KRW per person, the<br />
trip was a great steal considering all of the diverse<br />
activities and delectable fresh food!<br />
40 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Connecting Rural and City,<br />
Jeollabuk-do and the World<br />
The passage of time living in a foreign land can<br />
bring many joys and surprises but it also leaves<br />
a longing—a longing for something familiar, a<br />
longing for being seen as something more than just<br />
as a foreigner. Time wears on people in different<br />
ways; many even start to focus exclusively on the<br />
negative aspects of their new home countries.<br />
Despite this, there are moments that remind you<br />
why you made your decision to pack all your<br />
belongings and leave for a strange, new territory.<br />
Such moments come to me in the form of sharing<br />
warm meals and stories with others.<br />
It was there over the dimly lit barbeque, through<br />
the billowing smoke, that it felt as if we were not<br />
a group of “foreigners” and “Koreans”; we were just<br />
human beings, with similar dreams and hopes,<br />
similar fears and moments of happiness, just people<br />
trying to get by, who took the time to learn about a<br />
world much greater than themselves.<br />
We were taken far from the bustling city-life of Jeonju to<br />
experience Gochang’s natural offerings. I think it’s safe<br />
to say that everyone left with much more than that.<br />
AXEL LEMUS is an international student at Chonbuk National University majoring in International Studies. He has<br />
translated to English (from Korean) <strong>JB</strong>CIA’s programs and events in this issue.<br />
Explore Jeollabuk-do<br />
In Jeollabuk-do’s southeast corner,<br />
sprawling along the Yocheon river, lies<br />
the city of Namwon. Full of surprises,<br />
it speaks far more than its small<br />
size. Namwon is a must-visit for any<br />
Jeollabuk-do resident or traveller coming<br />
from further afar. Read on as we journey<br />
from the west to the east of the city,<br />
through a natural cityscape where the<br />
heartbeat of the Korean soul lives on.<br />
Words & photos by Nicholas Haslam<br />
42 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Namwon,<br />
City of Love<br />
From West to East: A Tour Around Namwon,<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s hidden gem<br />
2<br />
1<br />
3 4 5 6 남원<br />
7 8<br />
Explore Jeollabuk-do<br />
2 Gyoryongsan<br />
1 Maninuichong Memorial Ground<br />
On the west side of Namwon is Maninuichong (만인의총), a memorial ground for the<br />
citizens of Namwon who perished in the brutal Seige of Namwon in 1597, during<br />
the Imjin Waeran invasion from Japan. Take your time looking at the stone carvings<br />
illustrating the battle at the base of the memorial, and then walk up to the mound<br />
which holds the remains of those who died protecting the city. A peaceful place, the<br />
immaculately kept grounds invite people of all generations to relax and escape the<br />
bustle of the city. Maninuichong stands as a powerful reminder of Namwon’s past, and<br />
is only a stone’s throw away from Namwon Station, making this a practical first stop<br />
for anyone arriving in the city by train.<br />
Behind Maninuichong rises the sharp<br />
outline of Gyoryongsan (교룡산), a<br />
small mountain with bush tracks and<br />
recreational facilities. It’s also a place<br />
of deep historical significance, and the<br />
impressive fortress wall skirting the base<br />
of the mountain makes it well worth a<br />
trip here. Within the fortress walls is<br />
Seonguksa (선국사), an old Buddhist<br />
temple which has a history dating well<br />
before the sixteenth-century construction<br />
of the fortress. A short, steep walk past the<br />
temple takes you up to the craggy peak,<br />
which offers spectacular views over the<br />
city from the west.<br />
3 Hyeonsikdang<br />
By starting your tour on the west side of Namwon, you will<br />
probably realize at this stage, like I did, that it’s time for lunch.<br />
Make your way towards Gwanghalluwon (광한루원), Namwon’s<br />
representative tourist site. In the surrounding area, treat<br />
yourself to one of the many chueotang (추어탕) restaurants,<br />
and enjoy a steaming bowl of the delicious loach soup – a<br />
cuisine which Namwon is famous for. Hyeonsikdang (현식당)<br />
is the best-known chueotang restaurant in Namwon, and the<br />
service is excellent. A bowl (with refill service) of chueotang<br />
with rice costs 8,000 KRW.<br />
44 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
4<br />
Gwanghalluwon<br />
Garden<br />
The beautiful garden of Gwanghalluwon<br />
has attracted tourists since its creation<br />
almost six hundred years ago. Legend<br />
has it that at about that time, in Korea’s<br />
Joseon dynasty, a young man named<br />
Yi Mongryong, the son of the local<br />
governor, came to this garden and fell in<br />
love with Chunhyang, a girl renowned in<br />
the area for her pure beauty. The ensuing<br />
tale, which tells of the pair’s separation<br />
and Chunhyang’s heroic faithfulness,<br />
reaches epic proportions and is told<br />
in the famous pansori “Chunhyangga,”<br />
one of the most important traditional<br />
operatic compositions in Korean history.<br />
5 Chunhyang Theme Park<br />
The Chunhyang story also inspired the Namwon’s nickname as the<br />
“City of Love,” a symbol enduring not only at Gwanghalluwon, but also<br />
at the Chunhyang Theme Park, which is directly across the river from<br />
the garden. Here, you can learn more about the Chunhyang story and<br />
follow its key moments as you walk around the park.<br />
6 Jeonmangdae Cafe<br />
Next to the park, a well-constructed path winds up through<br />
pine forest to Jeonmangdae (전망대) café. This is a perfect<br />
place to relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy the view. A short<br />
walk above the café takes you to the peak’s palgakjeong<br />
(팔각정), or eight-sided pagoda, on the summit. At night<br />
the path is well-lit, and so I recommend visiting in the late<br />
evening, as the city and the river are bathed one last time<br />
in deep yellow before the sun finally disappears behind<br />
the distant hills.<br />
Explore Jeollabuk-do<br />
7 Yungmojeong<br />
(Jirisan National<br />
Park entrance)<br />
If you feel the hills calling, venture<br />
along the main road that passes the<br />
Chunhyang tourist area along the river<br />
in a northeast direction. After a short<br />
drive, turn left through Jucheon township<br />
(주천면) and up the hill to Yungmojeong<br />
(육모정), which is best known as<br />
Namwon’s western entrance to Jirisan<br />
National Park. In July and August,<br />
families come here to enjoy piseo<br />
(피서), which is best described as an<br />
escape from the overbearing summer<br />
heat towards mountain valleys, where<br />
parents come to talk and relax while<br />
their children play in the water.<br />
8 Guryong Valley & Waterfalls<br />
Just above this area is a track leading up the Guryong valley. The walk<br />
follows the impressive Guryong river to its terminus: a deep underground<br />
spring which flows out of the ground in a series of waterfalls. The walk<br />
can be comfortably completed in under two hours. Yungmojeong can<br />
also be reached by local bus (number 3), or even by bike. Bikes, if not<br />
available at your accommodation, can be rented from a stall by the<br />
Yocheon river in front of Gwanghalluwon.<br />
9 Accommodation<br />
Although Namwon is a small city, it has plenty to offer.<br />
Its key historical significance in Korean history, the<br />
centrality of its main tourist sites, and its proximity to<br />
Jirisan National Park make it a unique and rewarding<br />
destination for any traveller. Accommodation options<br />
are diverse, but there are great options close to<br />
the central city: Mua Guesthouse offers affordable<br />
dormitory-style accommodation in a relaxed<br />
atmosphere with very friendly native Englishspeaking<br />
hosts. Hampawoo Lodge (함파우숙박동)<br />
offers a unique experience for those wanting to<br />
experience the traditional comforts of Korean hanokstyle<br />
housing at an affordable price.<br />
This article is intended to give an<br />
overview of Namwon for visitors,<br />
and to provide information on some<br />
of the city’s highlights. However, the<br />
city has so much more to offer than<br />
my modest account, so take your<br />
time visiting Namwon, wandering its<br />
streets and discovering its treasures,<br />
and perhaps you too will fall in love<br />
with the City of Love.<br />
Nicholas Haslam teaches<br />
in Jangsu and lives in Namwon.<br />
From New Zealand, he enjoys being<br />
an ambassador of his country for his students. His<br />
interests include running, hiking and learning Korean.<br />
46 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Eochongdo<br />
The western Most<br />
lighthouse of<br />
Jeollabuk-do<br />
Words and Photos by<br />
Alexandra Prévôt<br />
A trip to this lovely Gunsan island<br />
will refresh your body and mind<br />
A calm summer retreat<br />
I took my camping stuff and left for a<br />
weekend to Eochongdo. The boat trip lasts<br />
two and a half hours on the Yellow Sea. I<br />
had already taken a boat on this sea twice<br />
to go to China and I feel that this sea is quite<br />
calm for those who might be sea sick. On<br />
the boat, you can choose between a room<br />
with standard seats or smaller rooms with<br />
ondol where you can sit or lay down on the<br />
floor. You can also go outside anytime to<br />
admire the view and breathe the fresh air.<br />
The island is very beautiful. It is a little gem<br />
of Korea. It is incredibly peaceful and quiet.<br />
No cars nor motorbikes run on the island<br />
(except two that are used to transport heavy<br />
packages from the boat). Everywhere you<br />
look is green. Actually, most stairs and paths<br />
are invaded by plants.<br />
You should be fit to enjoy the island because,<br />
except for the tiny village where you can enjoy<br />
a delicious Korean fish soup, steep hills are<br />
everywhere, offering astonishingly different<br />
views of the island, but quite tiring hikes also.<br />
When you try to escape Jeollabuk-do, it will still<br />
knock at your door. I was visiting a lighthouse in Sokcho<br />
to enjoy the first sunrise of the year, when I found one<br />
of those lovely Korean passports used to collect stamps.<br />
This one was called a "Lighthouse passport" which<br />
describes 15 beautiful lighthouses of Korea where you<br />
can collect stamps. That's how I discovered the existence<br />
of Eochongdo, a small island in the Gunsan sea. I decided<br />
to collect a stamp there! But it was not so easy because<br />
access to Eochongdo is not as simple as it is to Seonyudo<br />
(by ferry, by bus, or by car now) and there is no information<br />
in English. I finally found a ferry schedule on the Internet (in<br />
Korean) and saw a few pictures that made me think I could<br />
find at least one restaurant and a village on the island.<br />
The lighthouse, built in 1912, was the<br />
best attraction on the island. It is a small<br />
lighthouse (12m) facing the sea, and at<br />
sunset, you would not want to be anywhere<br />
else in the world.<br />
Be careful though if you go for a weekend<br />
and have something important planned on<br />
Monday—the boat may be cancelled and you<br />
will just have to wait until the next day to take<br />
the next boat. There is no other way to reach<br />
the mainland. This happened to me, and I got<br />
stuck on the island and missed a day of work!<br />
Alexandra Prévôt is a French<br />
children’s books writer and a French<br />
language teacher based in Gunsan.<br />
Schedule:<br />
http://cafe.naver.<br />
com/4718772/125<br />
Ticket: (24,500₩ / one way)<br />
Gunsan Coastal Ferry Terminal<br />
Guesthouses: from 50,000₩<br />
Creative Corner<br />
A Look<br />
Outside<br />
Words by<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
Photography by<br />
Umesh Sampath and<br />
Seong Jin Kim<br />
is a Ph.D. Student at<br />
CBNU in Electronic<br />
Engineering by day and a wandering<br />
photographer on weekends.<br />
KIM SEONG JIN is a<br />
BMW Service Adviser,<br />
businessman, and a<br />
photography hobbyist.<br />
48 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
These photos capture the ever-changing scenes of the season: day, night,<br />
calming, and stimulating. Yet they all have one thing in common—that<br />
summer’s beautiful colors are beyond compare.<br />
Here in Jeollabuk-do, we’ve enjoyed (or dreaded) the remnants of the<br />
cold winds after winter and the end of spring. In the next few months,<br />
temperatures will start to peak from warm, humid, to (God forbid) unbearable<br />
heat. It’s the inevitable arrival of summer, and as the cities become a melting<br />
pot, these photographers capture the enthralling beauty of nature, the sun<br />
and its bright sceneries through their lenses. As the weather shifts, we<br />
remember those long, lazy summer days and the still, cool nights.<br />
Creative Corner<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Memories<br />
By Darian Figuera<br />
<strong>Summer</strong><br />
What a peculiar effect you produce in me<br />
How I delight in your warm nights<br />
Under the light of that moon that knows how much I miss her<br />
When your full moon rises in the dark beauty of the night<br />
When your stars shine like live fires of hope<br />
When the vastness of her eyes consume my reason<br />
The memories of a future at her side flood my heart<br />
<strong>Summer</strong>, everything in you evokes her name<br />
Your fragrances only bring me her memories<br />
That fills my life with subtle splendor<br />
While your waves hit my heart like the soft sweetness of her embrace<br />
<strong>Summer</strong><br />
I will not deny I did not understand the meaning of your essence<br />
I did not understand what you are worth to me<br />
The reason behind your nature<br />
But it is you, summer, who has not allowed my soul to wander alone<br />
It's you who brought me to her<br />
Who showed me the melody behind her voice<br />
The immensity of her soul<br />
It is you, summer, who has drawn her smile in my gaze<br />
A smile that has remained on my soul<br />
Like a spark of light<br />
That illuminates my nights away from her<br />
Writing to love has acquired a new meaning<br />
A value beyond the wishes<br />
Because my love has become her<br />
And you, summer, are the craftsman of this miracle in my heart<br />
DARIAN FIGUERA is a 23-year-old student from<br />
Venezuela who majors Quantum Systems in CBNU.<br />
He is also a chef who specializes international cuisine.<br />
When this warm summer night<br />
Say goodbye with the murmur of the waves<br />
When the sun that you are<br />
Rises above all other stars<br />
The warmth of your love will enliven the passion that was born in me<br />
And I will see the beauty of each thing<br />
Under the immense blue sea that the sky is<br />
Because summer is everything but the memories of you that live on me<br />
…<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> is when I met your name<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> is when you found my heart<br />
50 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 11
Iksan<br />
Gunsan<br />
Wanju<br />
County<br />
Jeolla Dialect<br />
Jeonju<br />
Gimje<br />
전라 사투리<br />
Buan<br />
County<br />
Jeongeup<br />
Imsil<br />
County<br />
Gochang<br />
County<br />
Sunchang<br />
County<br />
Jinan<br />
County<br />
Jangsu<br />
County<br />
Namwon<br />
Muju<br />
County<br />
Every region has its own unique dialect. Embracing it is to embrace<br />
딜꼬<br />
the local people, language, and culture in a warm and useful way. This<br />
edition’s featured phrase is….<br />
This phrase can easily be used to spice up any<br />
conversation with a local. “딜꼬” is a local variant<br />
of “데리고” in standard Korean, which is used<br />
alongside “가다” or “오다” to mean to take or bring<br />
someone along.<br />
“오늘 영화관에 가는데 민수 딜꼬 와라! ”<br />
“I am going to the movies today. Bring Minsoo along! ”<br />
“알겠어~민수한테 물어볼께!”<br />
“Okay~ I’ll ask Minsoo!”<br />
Upcoming <strong>Summer</strong> Movies<br />
Compiled by Aaron Snowberger<br /><br />
Ani<br />
Action<br />
SF Fantasy Thriller<br />
7.18<br />
7.25<br />
7.25<br />
8.1<br />
8.8<br />
The Incredibles 2<br />
Mission Impossible<br />
Fallout<br />
In-Rang<br />
(AKA "Jin-roh")<br />
Along with<br />
the Gods<br />
The Spy Gone<br />
North<br />
In "Incredibles 2," Helen gets<br />
the stage, leaving Bob at<br />
home with Violet and Dash<br />
to navigate the day-to-day<br />
heroics of "normal" life.<br />
It's a tough transition,<br />
complicated by the fact that<br />
the family is still unaware<br />
of Jack-Jack's emerging<br />
superpowers. When a new<br />
villain hatches a dangerous<br />
plot, the family and Frozone<br />
must work together again.<br />
When an IMF mission ends<br />
badly, the world is faced with<br />
dire consequences. As Ethan<br />
Hunt takes it upon himself<br />
to fulfill his original briefing,<br />
the CIA begins to question<br />
his loyalty and his motives.<br />
Hunt finds himself in a race<br />
against time, hunted by<br />
assassins and former allies<br />
while trying to prevent a<br />
global catastrophe.<br />
Korean SF movies are<br />
rare, but "In-rang" is a new<br />
blockbuster based on the<br />
Japanese anime "Jin-roh".<br />
The live-action movie has<br />
been produced in a Korean<br />
setting. In 2029, after<br />
declaring a five-year plan<br />
reunite the two Koreas, the<br />
human weapon "In-rang" is<br />
drawn into a confrontation<br />
with the government and<br />
anti-government forces.<br />
Korean-made fantasy movies<br />
are also rare. But with the<br />
success of the first movie, the<br />
feeling of strangeness about<br />
the genre is disappearing.<br />
This sequel is based on Joo<br />
Ho-min's popular webtoon<br />
of the same name. In the<br />
last 49th trial, reincarnation,<br />
Atsumi Sangha tells of a<br />
secret singer who meets<br />
"Sungjusin" and remembers<br />
his past from 1,000 years ago.<br />
This thriller is about an<br />
espionage war between South<br />
Korea and North Korea. It was<br />
received favorably at the 71st<br />
Cannes Film Festival. In the<br />
mid-1990s, the Angi Spy, who<br />
discovered the reality of the<br />
North Korean nuclear program<br />
under the cryptic name "Black<br />
Vengeance," recalls a story that<br />
begins as he sensed a secret<br />
deal between the South and<br />
the North.<br />
Do you Know Jeollabuk-do?<br />
Iksan<br />
Gunsan<br />
Wanju<br />
County<br />
Muju<br />
County<br />
Gimje<br />
Jeonju<br />
Jinan<br />
County<br />
Buan<br />
County<br />
Jeongeup<br />
Imsil<br />
County<br />
Jangsu<br />
County<br />
Gochang<br />
County<br />
Sunchang<br />
County<br />
Namwon<br />
1. Which city was the<br />
birthplace of the<br />
Joseon period?<br />
2. Which town is best<br />
known for its wide<br />
open plain that shows<br />
a unique view of the<br />
horizon in Korea?<br />
3. Which county<br />
surrounds Jeonju<br />
and is the center<br />
of local foods?<br />
4. Which city sees both<br />
the Geumgang and<br />
Mangyeonggang<br />
Rivers flowing<br />
through it?<br />
5. Which county<br />
includes one<br />
of Korea's ten<br />
natural wonders?<br />
6. Which city is<br />
located the shortest<br />
geographical<br />
distance from China?<br />
7. Which city is<br />
famous for Pansori,<br />
Chunhyang's, and<br />
Heungbu's stories?<br />
Quiz<br />
8. Which town is<br />
best known for<br />
Naejang Mountain?<br />
9. Which county is<br />
scattered with<br />
mountains ranging<br />
over 1000m?<br />
10. Which county is<br />
famous for Maisan<br />
Mountain?<br />
11. Which county sees<br />
3 million tourists<br />
per year for skiing<br />
and other outdoor<br />
activities?<br />
12. Which county is<br />
most well-known<br />
for its cheese?<br />
13. Which county is<br />
famous for its red<br />
pepper paste and<br />
mineral springs?<br />
14. In which county<br />
was a stone fortress<br />
built "just in case" of<br />
Japanese invasion?<br />
Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon<br />
8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang