2019 JB LIFE! Magazine Fall Edition

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Finding Vegan Eats in Jeonju p. 40<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

A Nomadic Journey<br />

Jeonju's First Craft Brewery p. 26-32<br />

Second Life for<br />

Used Books p. 20-21<br />

Extend the lives of Trees<br />

Thrift Store<br />

Challenge p. 22-25<br />

Pre-used clothes help the environment<br />

Plastic cup ban p. 33<br />

Say 'No' to Plastic in Cafés<br />

Mai Mountain p. 54-55<br />

Our planet<br />

2023 새만금 World<br />

Scout Jamboree p. 5

Jeonbuk Life<br />

Jeollabuk-do’s International <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16<br />

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284<br />

전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)<br />

PHONE 063-280-6112<br />

www.jbcia.or.kr/<br />

jblife.magazine@gmail.com<br />

Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> is published by the Jeollabuk-do Center<br />

for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.<br />


Manager Peter Yi<br />

Managing Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

> Survey<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

ART & DESIGN<br />

Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr<br />


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Holly Hanger, Shermamatova<br />

Aizharkyn, Aaron Snowberger, Bree Dunn, Bee<br />

Mackie, Valerie Merrick, Daniel Kilduff<br />

We would love to hear your thoughts<br />

and feedback on how we can improve<br />

your <strong>JB</strong> Life experience!<br />

Please fill out the survey at the link<br />

(QR Code) below!<br />


Seong Jin Kim, Umesh Sampath, Bree Dunn,<br />

Bee Mackie, Marlie Janse Van Vuuren<br />

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do<br />

Center for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA) which is a<br />

specialized public diplomacy agency established by the<br />

Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread<br />

news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well<br />

as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and<br />

abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.<br />

※ Jeonbuk is an abbreviation of Jeollabuk-do.<br />

To get involved, email jblife.magazine@gmail.com<br />

2 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

In This Issue<br />

International Craft Beer Brunch Cafés <strong>Fall</strong> Festivals<br />

<strong>JB</strong>CIA News & Outreach - p. 10-15<br />

6Noteworthy<br />

Korean summaries p. 6<br />

Jeonbuk News p. 10<br />

International Agreement<br />

with Russia p. 12<br />

GLEE Youth Trip p. 14<br />

Global Youth Leaders

Letter from the Editor<br />

Turning of the Leaves<br />

In Korea, the leaves are not only the ones changing this<br />

<strong>Fall</strong>. The alchemy of yellow, red, brown, and orange colors<br />

spreading all over mountains and foliage call for the change of<br />

seasons—and a deeper reflection about the beauty of nature.<br />

As the temperatures shift, our moods turn nostalgic as well as<br />

retrospective: where has the year gone, and most importantly,<br />

where will it take us? This <strong>Fall</strong> issue, we turned our pages a<br />

sources for meaningful conversations about our environment.<br />

It’s the season of harvest and ultimately, of gratitude towards<br />

the abundance that nature has given us. But what have we<br />

given to it back in return? We bring forth these questions<br />

through a story on secondhand clothing and used bookstores,<br />

on how patronizing them can help reduce textile waste and<br />

promote mindful shopping. We got to know a local craft beer<br />

owner who adheres to eco-friendly practices and discovered<br />

restaurants that offer delicious, healthy organic fare.<br />

I<br />

Being the modern, economic power that it is, Korea has provided<br />

incredible solutions to the citizen’s everyday problems, however,<br />

it still has a long way to go when it comes to dealing with<br />

plastic. Fortunately, the government is implementing new rules<br />

and regulating single-use-plastics that are commonly found in<br />

cafes and shops. We revisit these developments as a reminder<br />

to everyone to support establishments that have a heart for<br />

nature—and to tell you, please bring your own tumblers and<br />

eco bags when you go out on a grocery or coffee run! Little<br />

changes can make a difference.<br />

D<br />

After we trekked the glorious Maisan mountain, we realized<br />

that we’re only a small part of the vastness of nature.<br />

Through <strong>Fall</strong>, nature reminds us that what was once green<br />

and vibrant can turn wrinkled and brittle. But not all is futile.<br />

Nature also tells us that even in this time of “death,” there is<br />

always rebirth. We are all part of this wonderful cycle. Soon,<br />

the withered leaves will bloom and flourish once again. All<br />

that’s fallen will be replenished. We should do our part to<br />

make sure that it happens for generations to come.<br />

A<br />

O<br />

a<br />

c<br />

4 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16<br />

Dianne<br />

<strong>JB</strong> Life Editor

경영기획팀<br />

임소빈(24) 전북대학교 신문방송학과<br />

전라북도 국제교류센터 경영기획팀에서 두 달간의 인턴생활을 마친 임소빈입니다<br />

:) 설렘과 걱정 섞인 마음으로 첫 출근을 했던 7월 첫날이였는데, 어느덧<br />

인턴생활도 마무리만을 남겨두고 있어서 시원섭섭한 마음입니다. 졸업 전에<br />

직무경험도 쌓고, 평소 관심 있었던 공공외교와 국제교류 분야의 사업들을 직접<br />

체험하고 싶어서 지원했었는데, 전북국제교류센터에서 그 이상의 값진 경험을<br />

얻어가는 것 같습니다. 사실 처음하는 직장생활이기도 했고, 생각지 못했던<br />

경영기획팀 배정이라, 잘 할 수 있을지 걱정의 마음도 있었지만, 팀원분들의<br />

배려속에서 새로운 환경과 업무에 자연스럽게 적응할 수 있었습니다. 제가 2<br />

달간 근무한 경영기획팀은 국제교류센터의 전반적인 운영·규정,행정업무 및<br />

현재 진행되고 있는 센터의 모든 사업들을 뒷받침해주는 주요업무들을 담당하고<br />

있는 부서입니다. 덕분에 저는 이곳에서 센터운영과 홍보, 사업진행에 관련하여<br />

두루 배울 수 있었고, 특히 올해부터 새 단장 한 ‘우리글로벌라운지’를 맡겨주셔서<br />

라운지와 센터의<br />

홍보, 이벤트를 전담하게 되었습니다. 아직도 라운지의 프로그램들이 하나씩<br />

하나씩 완성되어갈 때 마다 느꼈던 보람과 기쁨의 감정들이 생생히 기억에<br />

The 'Land of Hope' SaeManGeum is suitable for realizing<br />

남아있습니다. 비록 두달이라는 짧은 기간이였지만, 어깨너머로나마 국제교류, 안미경(23) 전주대학교 물류무역학과<br />

공공외교분야의 일들을 살펴볼 수 있었고, 취업을 준비하고 있는 저에게 많은<br />

In 동기부여가 the 10 되었습니다. square-kilometer 함께하는 동안 항상 웃으며 wide 격려해주시던 campsite, 센터장님과, the 첫 사회생활을 scouts 경험할 would 수 있는 좋은 기회가 있어 운 좋게도 저는 2개월 동안<br />

경영기획팀을 비롯한 모든 직원분들께 감사드립니다! 전라북도국제교류센터, 전라북도국제교류센터 국제진흥팀에서 인턴생활을 했습니다. 처음에는 “내가<br />

enjoy the creative programs offered by newly established<br />

그리고 경영기획팀!! 항상 응원하겠습니다~!<br />

잘 할 수 있을까”, “내가 이 팀에 도움이 될 수 있을까”라는 생각에 두려움과<br />

Global Youth Leader Center and different types of<br />

www.2023wsjkorea.org<br />

걱정이 앞섰습니다. 하지만 저의 걱정과 다르게 www.facebook.com/2023JEONBUKSaeManGeum<br />

업무에 있어 서투른 부분을<br />

leisure 교류협력팀 activities.<br />

하나하나 자세히 설명해주셔서 일하는 느낌보단 배운다라는 느낌을 받았습니다.<br />

DREAM<br />

이은주 (24) 전주대학교<br />


사회복지학과<br />

출근을 시작할 때는 무척이나 더웠던 날씨가 이제는 꽤 선선해지고 있어, 오지<br />

않을 것 같았던 마지막 출근날이 벌써 코앞이라는 게 더욱 실감이 납니다.<br />

전북국제교류센터에서 인턴으로 보냈던 시간은 저에게 정말 좋은 기억이자 좋은<br />

경험으로 남았습니다. 저는 국제교류센터의 교류협력팀에 속해 다양한 업무를<br />

맡으며 많은 것을 보고 배우는 뜻깊은 시간을 보냈습니다. 전에는 단편적으로만<br />

알고 있었던 센터의 숨겨진 면들을 이번 기회를 통해 속속들이 볼 수 있었고,<br />

덕분에 국제교류센터에 대해 더욱 깊이 이해할 수 있었습니다. 많은 인턴들이<br />

짧은 시간 머물다 떠나지만, 그럼에도 정말 잘해주셨던 교류협력팀 팀장님과<br />

팀원분들, 그리고 전라북도국제교류센터 직원분들에게 감사의 말씀을 드리고<br />

싶습니다. 감사합니다!<br />


조영상(26) 군산대학교 경영학과<br />

Outdoor and indoor adventure programs<br />

2개월이라는 짧은 기간 동안 전라북도국제교류센터라는 좋은 곳에서, 좋은<br />

분들과 함께 첫 인턴 생활을 경험했습니다. 다른 부서 인턴들과 달리 자리 이동이<br />

많았지만, 그만큼 타 부서의 일을 간접적으로 경험할 수 있는 기회가 주어져서<br />

더 많이 배우고 느낄 수 있었습니다. 처음 일을 시작할 때는 큰 기대 없이 ‘사소한<br />

일이라도 배우면 좋겠다.’라는 생각을 가졌지만, 많이 배우고 가라는 직원분들의<br />

말씀과 함께 업무에 관련된 것들을 많이 알려주셔서 직무와 관련된 다양한 업무<br />

경험을 할 수 있었습니다. 직접 전라북도 영어홍보잡지 번역을 해서 잡지 속에<br />

제 이름을 낼 수 있는 좋은 경험을 가질 수 있었고, 그 외에도 사업 공고문,<br />

지원계획서, 결과보고서, 보도자료 등과 같은 사무적인 일과 더불어 교육장 실습<br />

운영 방법 등과 같은 실무적인 일을 배울 수 있었습니다. 짧은 기간이었지만,<br />

좋은 분위기 속에 많이 웃을 수 있었고, 많은 경험을 할 수 있어서 좋았습니다.<br />

잘 챙겨주신 센터장님과 직원분들께 다시 한 번 감사드립니다.<br />

국제진흥팀<br />

고 현(25) 전북대학교 중어중문학과<br />

2023 SaeManGeum<br />

국제진흥팀에서 2개월 동안 인턴 생활을 하면서, 비록 짧은 시간이었지만 정말<br />

많은 부분을 배웠습니다. 다른 기관에서 인턴을 하는 주변 친구들의 대부분은<br />

th<br />

25 World Scout Jamboree<br />

the dreams of World Scout Jamboree.<br />

August, 2023<br />

일을 주시지 않아서 자기 공부만 하고 온다는 말을 많이 들었는데, 저는 그와<br />

정반대로 다양한 업무들을 하며 실질적인 사무업무와 많은 경험을 쌓았습니다.<br />

특히 모로코 왕위즉위 20주년 행사, 전라북도 청소년 모의 유엔회의와 같은<br />

행사에 직접 참가하였습니다. 행사의 준비부터 진행, 종료 후까지의 업무를<br />

하면서, 제가 참여한 행사가 성공적으로 진행 되어서 매우 뿌듯하였습니다. 정말<br />

보람찬 인턴 생활을 할 수 있도록 가족같이 잘 챙겨주신 센터장님, 국제진흥팀<br />

및 직원분들께 너무 감사드립니다.<br />

인턴생활동안 앞으로의 인생목표에 대해 생각해보며 취업을 위해 어떠한<br />

능력을 갖춰야하는지에 대해 곰곰이 생각해보는 계기가 되었습니다. 업무에<br />

관한 이야기뿐만 아니라 인생에 관한 조언도 아낌없이 해주신 덕분에 다양한<br />

시각으로 사회를 바라볼 수 있는 시선이 생겼다는 느낌을 받기도 했습니다. 평소<br />

전라북도 국제교류센터에 대해 관심이 있었다면 꼭 인턴생활을 경험해보시길<br />

추천 드립니다.<br />

Jeollabuk-do<br />

Invitation to a dream space, Jeollabuk-do Province ‘SaeManGeum’<br />

Innovative and creative capacity empowerment<br />

안녕하세요! 전라북도국제교류센터 인턴 이은주라고 합니다. 인턴으로 첫<br />

programs based on the spirit of scouting<br />

at the pristine nature of fourteen cities and<br />

counties in the region<br />


Future-oriented programs using<br />

high-technology gadgets and IT programs<br />


Experience learning programs on theauthentic<br />

Korea culture and traditions with locals<br />


여름의 마지막 날들 (번역 김나은)<br />

남은 여름을 최대한 활용하고자, 우리는 휴식을<br />

취하고 따뜻한 햇볕을 쬐기 위해 짧은 당일치기<br />

여행을 가기로 결정했다. 전주에서 차로 45분에서 1<br />

시간 정도 거리에 있는 고속도로를 타고 전라북도의<br />

휴양지인 부안군까지 바닷물의 아름다움과 농촌의<br />

평온함이 어우러진 고속도로를 탔다. 우리가 더 멀리<br />

나아갈 때, 자연은 우리처럼 스트레스를 받는 도시<br />

사람들을 울퉁불퉁 뻗은 산과 나무들을 지나치며<br />

우리를 감싸주었다. 부안이 도시의 소음에서 멀리<br />

벗어나 자연과 교감하고 궁극적으로는 초대장 '힐링<br />

메카'로 여겨지는 것도 이 때문이다. 그리고 한국에서<br />

"힐링"이라는 용어가 유행이고 마케팅 제품과<br />

서비스에서 꽤 많이 사용되는 단어가 되었지만,<br />

이러한 완화는 부안을 완벽하게 의인화한다.<br />

부안의 주요 명소 중 하나는 변산반도 국립공원으로,<br />

해안과 산중턱을 모두 갖춘 유일한 국립공원으로<br />

여겨진다. 1988년 대한민국 제19대 국립공원으로<br />

지정되었다. 이 공원에는 독특한 바위로 만들어진 세<br />

개의 주요 산봉우리가 있다. 의산봉(508m), 신선봉<br />

(486m), 산선봉(459m) 등이 있다. 여기서 당신은<br />

산의 경치와 경외심을 불러일으키는 광대한 바다라는<br />

세계 중 최고를 즐길 수 있다. 바닷가 주변을 걷다 보면<br />

바닷물 침식으로 형성된 절벽, 파도에 의해 형성된 암반,<br />

저조기에 보이는 바다동굴 등 자연적인 암반 형성이<br />

눈에 띈다. 이러한 자연의 경이로움은 "채석강"이라고<br />

불리는데, 그 유래는 고대에는 달빛과 암석 형성을<br />

보기 위해 배를 타고 바다로 나가는 것을 즐겼던 중국<br />

시인 이태백의 글에서 유래되었다고 여겨진다. 최고의<br />

경치를 보기 위해, 방문객들은 종종 해가 지기 전에<br />

이곳에 온다. 하늘이 회색 돌과 어우러지는 놀라운<br />

따뜻한 색으로 변할 때. 오후에 오면 먼저 공원을<br />

둘러보고 부안의 자랑거리로 여겨지는 최고의 해산물<br />

요리를 시식할 수 있는 해안가 식당으로 향한다.<br />

헌 책에게 두번째 삶을<br />

주어 나무의 수명을<br />

연장시키자 (번역 성아영)<br />

전라북도, 특히 전주시는 시민들을 위한 자연친화적<br />

환경 조성에 힘쓰고 있다. 녹색지대에 지어진<br />

아파트 단지에 지속 가능한 ‘에코시티’ 를 건설하는<br />

주요사업은 2017년에 끝났다. 깨끗하고 안전한<br />

도시를 만들기 위한 또 다른 노력은 제품, 옷,<br />

상품과 책들을 재활용하고 재사용하는 것이다.<br />

이 기사에서 내가 쓰고 싶은 것은 책을 아끼고<br />

재사용하는 것이 환경에 미치는 거대한 영향력에<br />

관한 것이다. 오래된 책들을 던져버릴 때 슬픈<br />

기분을 느끼지 않는가? 그저 책을 다시 사용하고<br />

재활용하는 것만으로도 얼마나 많은 나무들이<br />

지켜질지, 녹색 환경이 생겨날지 상상해보자.<br />

헌책방에 오래되었지만 소중한 책을 내주거나<br />

그곳에서 헌책을 구매하는 것은 돈을 아끼고, 지식을<br />

나누고, 도시를 친환경적으로 유지할 수 있는 가장<br />

좋은 방법 중 하나일 뿐 아니라 당신이 그 책 속에서<br />

편지지 혹은 유용한 노트를 발견하는 식의 특별한<br />

방법으로 세대간의 소통 도구가 될 수 있다. 특히,<br />

소중히 여겨진 책은 그 책 나름의 매력을 갖게되고,<br />

오래된 페이지는 누군가 여러분 앞에서 호기심과<br />

흥미로움을 가지고 읽었을때, 오랜 시간의 낭만적인<br />

분위기를 느끼게 해준다. 게다가, 책을 만드는데<br />

베어지는 나무들의 수를 줄일 수 있다. 수백만그루의<br />

나무가 잘려나가고 있고, 제조공장들의 많은<br />

에너지가 책을 만드는데 소모된다. 그리고 버려진<br />

책들에서 나온 쓰레기들이 지하수,지구와 자연에<br />

큰 오염을 발생시킨다. 그렇기에, 전주시 자체에는<br />

다양한 중고서적들을 찾을 수 있는 서점들이 많이<br />

있다. 그 대부분이 객사에 있는데 굿윌스토어의 3층,<br />

알리는 중고서점 등이 있다.<br />

중고 할인 상점의 도전 (번역 김찬권)<br />

여러분은 단순히 인스타그램이나 다른 SNS<br />

를 훑어보거나 헤시테그 #ootd (최신의상),<br />

#fashiongoals(페션의종착지), #dailylook(일상복)<br />

을 통해 유명인들 사이에서 유행하고 있는 최신 패션<br />

경향을 파악할 수 있다. 세계적으로 사람들은 패션에<br />

관심을 갖게 되고 그것은 큰 돈 벌이가 된다. 더 많은<br />

사람들이 유행을 따른다는 것은 더 많은 옷이 소비된다는<br />

것이다. 이것은 빠른 흐름의 유행이 가진 모순으로 의류<br />

제조업체는 빠른 유행의 지역에서 의류를 대량으로<br />

생산하고 단지 빨리 대체한다는 것을 의미합니다.<br />

페스트 페리(Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing,<br />

University of Manchester) 교수는 이러한 경향의<br />

미래에 대해 다음과 같은 독단적인 정의를 내렸다. “빠른<br />

패션은 패션쇼나 유명인들의 유행에 영감을 받아 새로운<br />

스타일로 만들어진 제품들을 속도와 저비용에 중심으로<br />

배송하기 위함이다. 그러나 이것은 특별히 환경에<br />

악영향을 끼친다. 그 이유는 디자인 가게로부터 상품을<br />

받는 데까지 걸리는 시간과 비용을 줄이라는 압박을<br />

가함으로써 환경적인 측면은 덜 고려되기 때문이다”<br />

빠르게 변하는 패션 제품을 산다는 것의 의미는 단지<br />

유행에 따르기 위해 이러한 악순환을 부추기는 것이라<br />

할 수 있다. 그러나 우리는 수세기 동안 발생해왔던<br />

이러한 문제들을 변화시키기 위해 우리가 할 방법이<br />

없다는 생각을 멈춰서는 안된다. 우리는 예전에<br />

유행했던 의류, 재활용 의류 그리고 불필요하게 빠르게<br />

제작된 옷 구매를 거부하는 “컨셔스 패션(Conscious<br />

fashion)”을 끊임없이 지지함으로써 이러한 악순환<br />

저지를 도울 수 있다. 몇몇 회사들은 친환경 패션, 의류<br />

생산 과정의 쓰레기와 독성 화학물의 제거 반복을 통해<br />

이러한 요청에 주의를 기울이고 있다. 여러분들은<br />

환경에 대한지지 뿐만 아니라 소비자들의 현명한<br />

소비에 대한 용기를 북돋기 위해 이러한 일들을 하고<br />

있는 회사나 단체를 찾아 볼 수 있다.<br />

6 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

플라스틱은 이제 그만! :카페에서<br />

플라스틱 컵 금지 (번역 한호수)<br />

A Nomadic Journey (번역 정서희)<br />

전주는 한옥마을, 비빔밥, 한지 등 많은 즐길 거리가 있는 과정에 주로 초점을 맞춘 3달간의 속성 프로그램을<br />

것으로 유명하다. 그러나 현재 전주 최초의 공식 수제 맥주 마치고 나서, 뮌헨에서 양조에 관한 최신이론을<br />

집이 새롭게 문을 연 이후, 많은 사람들은 수제맥주와 학습했고, 그곳에서 그가 양조업을 시작하는데 필요한<br />

수제피자의 맛에 빠졌고, 웨딩 거리에 있는 이 새로운 실질적인 지식과 경험을 얻을 수 있었다.<br />

공간은 예기치 않게 전주에 가면 방문해야 할 곳 리스트에<br />

올랐다. 노매딕 맥주회사는 창업자겸 양조업자인 존 6개월간의 양조학교 수강과 마스터-브루어 자격증을<br />

가렛과 공동창업자 겸 피자셰프 한나 리 가렛의 합작의 소지한 존은 자신의 고향인 미시간주로 돌아와 일자리를<br />

결과이다. <strong>2019</strong>년 4월에 개업하여, 불과 몇 달밖에 되지 찾기 시작했고, 새로 습득한 기술을 실험해보았다.<br />

않았지만 이들은 몇 년 전부터 이 꿈을 현실로 만들기 그들이 돌아온지 채 몇주 밖에 되지 않아 그는 Bell’s<br />

위해 노력해왔었다. 지금 지역 주민과 관광객 모두에게 맥주를 열기 위해 팀의 일원으로 일하게 되었다.<br />

큰 히트를 쳤음에도 존과 한나는 미래에 대한 계획을 대부분의 다른 양조산업에 있는 사람들처럼, 존은<br />

여전히 진행 중이다. 나는 그들과 함께 그들의 여행에 바닥에서부터 시작했지만 그는 손이 더럽혀지는 것조차<br />

대해, 그리고 그 여행이 어떻게 그들을 여기까지 오게 행복해했다. 왜냐하면 양조과정의 모든 면을 알기를<br />

했는지에 대해 이야기할 기회가 있었다.<br />

원했기 때문이다. 그가 보조 양조업자로서 자신의<br />

첫번째 공식적인 양조법 만들기까지 일년반 동안, 그는<br />

2010년, 존은 미국에서 전주로 건너와 영어를 화장실 청소와 마루 닦기 에서부터 경력을 쌓았다.<br />

가르쳤으며, 곧바로 이 도시와 사람들 그리고 문화에 Bell’s양조업장 에서 보낸 시간은 그가 양조업에 맛을<br />

빠져들기 시작했다. 존은 몇년 동안 전주에 머물렀는데, 보게 하였고, 더 많은 것에 목말라하게 만들었다.<br />

그 기간 동안 재봉사로 일하고 있던 한나를 만나<br />

두 사람은 사귀기 시작했다. 존은 평소에는 영어를 존은 맥주공장을 운영하는 기초적인 부분을<br />

가르치고, 자유시간에는 그의 아파트에서 양조를 하기 배우면서 주 양조업자로 일할 수 있는 장소를 찾기<br />

시작했다. 그후 2년동안 존은 몇 통의 맥주를 만들었고, 시작했다. 그는 여러 공장에 지원서를 냈고, 많은<br />

실수를 통해 배우며, 양조에 대한 지식을 갈구하게 제안들을 받았지만, 한나와 그의 마음을 끈 회사는<br />

만들었다. 이를 해소하기 위해 그는 온라인을 통해 막 멕시코에서 개업한 회사였다. 이 회사는 그가 가진<br />

Siebel World Brewing Academy를 수강하였다. 모든 지식과 경험을 쏟아 부을 수 있는, 정확하게 그가<br />

존과 한나는 2013년에 결혼을 했는데 결혼을 결정하기 찾던 기회였고, 그가 맥주공장을 홀로 담당하여 나아갈<br />

전 그들은 양조업자가 되겠다는 그의 꿈에 대해서 수 있는 시간이었다. 그는 이것을 많은 장애물들을<br />

이야기 하였다. 그들은 2014년에 존이 온라인으로 극복해야 하는 매우 도전적인 경험이었다고 회상했다.<br />

양조-전문가-프로그램을 수강한 Siebel’s학교가 있는 하지만 그 모든 과정을 통해 존은 자신의 맥주공장을<br />

시카고로 떠났다. 그는 양조가 되어가는 과학적인 시작하는데 준비가 됐다고 확신했다.<br />

한국은 2018년부터 식당과 카페에서 플라스틱 컵의<br />

사용을 제한했다. 한국 환경부의 재활용 촉진과 자원<br />

절약에 관한 법률에 따르면, 합성 수지로 만든 컵은<br />

오직 테이크아웃 음료에만 사용할 수 있다. 처음에는,<br />

12개의 커피 프랜차이즈와 5개의 패스트 푸드점이<br />

2018년 환경부와 일회용 제품 소비를 줄이는데<br />

자발적으로 합의했다. 그 이후로도 많은 가게들이<br />

동참했다. 그 합의안에는 개인 텀블러를 가지고 온<br />

고객들에게 할인 혜택내용, 주문을 받을 때 일회용<br />

컵대신 머그컵을 권하는 내용, 사용한 일회용 컵을<br />

전문 재활용 업체에 보내는 내용 등이 포함되어 있다.<br />

심지어 이 법에 따라서는 매장 내에서는 플라스틱<br />

컵을 단 한 명도 사용할 수 없으며, 사용할 경우 매장<br />

크기에 따라 5만원에서 50만원까지 벌금이 부과된다.<br />

요즘은 카페나 패스트 푸드점에서 플라스틱 컵을 볼<br />

수 없다. 모든 커피점에는 주문대 근처에 관련된<br />

팻말이 있다. 커피를 주문하기 전 팻말을 볼 수 있고,<br />

잠시라도 플라스틱 컵을 사용할 수 없다. 만약 30분<br />

이내나 금방 떠날 계획이라면, 커피점은 머그컵이나<br />

재사용 컵 사용을 제안할 것이고, 음료를 다 마시지<br />

않았다면 기꺼이 테이크 아웃용 플라스틱 컵으로<br />

바꿔줄 것이다. 처음, 일부 커피점과 식당에서는<br />

재사용 컵의 부족 문제로 종이컵을 사용하기도<br />

했다. 한국에서 종이컵이 법적으로 일회용 컵이라고<br />

정해지지 않았기 때문이다. 그래서 환경부 인한<br />

법에 의해 종이컵, 머그컵, 금속컵을 사용할 수 있게<br />

되었으며, 플라스틱 빨대의 사용도 줄어들었다.<br />

현재, 음료가 많이 소비되는 가게들은 합의안에<br />

동의했고 재활용 컵에 음료를 따라 준다. 실제로<br />

농식품부 자료에 따르면, 카페와 식당의 1회용 컵<br />

소비량이 1년에 72%(2018년 7월~<strong>2019</strong>년 5월)<br />

감소했고, 테이크 아웃 컵을 포함한 전체 플라스틱<br />

컵 사용량은 14.4%까지 감소했다.<br />


가을의 상징 (번역 김태형)<br />

한국의 모든 산과 나무가 빨간색 갈색 노란색으로<br />

물들면서 가을의 시작을 알립니다. 하지만 가을의<br />

시작을 알아차릴 수 있는 사실이 한가지 더 있습니다.<br />

바로 감입니다. 추석 기간동안 가족들이 모여 추석<br />

(명절)을 즐기는 시간을 제외하고는 감이 익어가는<br />

것은 가을이 시작된다는 것을 의미합니다.달콤하고<br />

맛있는 감은 자연의 경관을 아름답게 주황색으로<br />

물들입니다.특히 시골에서는 매우 많이 자라 어떤<br />

감은 떨어지기도합니다. 어떤 가정에서는 잼, 식초,<br />

시럽, 간식, 디저트 혹은 차로 만들기 위해 감을 말리는<br />

것을 흔히 볼 수 있습니다. 감의 장점은 끝이 없습니다.<br />

근육통증, 두통, 치질, 코막힘, 화상 심지어 위암에도<br />

도움이 되는 것으로 알려졌습니다.<br />

감과 관련된 유명한 민속설화가 있습니다. 이 설화는<br />

큰소리로 우는 아기를 달래는데 어려움을 겪는 한<br />

어머니로부터 시작합니다. 엄마가 아기를 겁주기위해<br />

호랑이가 오고 있다 하였음에도 불구하고 계속<br />

울었습니다.그리고나서 엄마는 말린 감을 의미하는 “<br />

곶감!!”을 외치자 아기는 울음을 그쳤습니다. 호랑이는<br />

자신이 온다하여도 울음을 멈추지 않던 아기가 곶감이<br />

온다하자 울음을 멈춘 것을 보자 호랑이는 곶감이<br />

무서워졌습니다. 그 시각 호랑이를 소로 착각하고<br />

들어온 도둑은 호랑이 등 뒤로 올라탔습니다. 겁에 질린<br />

호랑이는 마을 밖으로 뛰쳐나갔고 그의 등뒤에 있던<br />

도둑을 곶감이라 착각하였습니다.<br />

전주에 위치한 이 카페는 다양한 방법으로 감 음식을<br />

제공합니다. 홍시궁은 홍시의 이름을 딴 카페입니다.<br />

커피음료 외에도 빙수와 비슷한 홍시눈꽃빙수,<br />

홍시라떼, 홍시타르트, 홍시잼토스트 그리고 홍시<br />

찹쌀떡을 판매합니다. 이 카페는 전통한옥을 기반으로<br />

지어졌고 젊은 사람들이 즐길 수 있도록 이야기와<br />

문화를 가지고있고 신선한 과일을 제공합니다.<br />

모든 것을 충족시킬 수 있는<br />

식사의 즐거움 (번역 김새한)<br />

전주는 의심할 여지없이 전통적인 한국 음식과 문화를<br />

경험하기에 국내에서 제일 좋은 장소 중 하나입니다,<br />

그러나 많은 사람들이 이 전통적인 도시에도 숨은<br />

보석같은 커피숍들이 있는 활발한 카페 문화가 있다는<br />

것을 모르고 있습니다. 다양한 지역에 현대적이고,<br />

산업적이며, 소박한 특징을 지닌 카페들이 있으며,<br />

젊고, 젊게 사는 사람들에 의해 이러한 카페들이<br />

인스타그램에 포스팅됩니다. 브런치 현장 또한 다르지<br />

않습니다. 수년간, 브런치 레스토랑은 이곳에서 찾기<br />

힘든 곳이었고 숨겨진 장소였으며, 브런치를 좋아하는<br />

사람들의 미각을 충족키지 못 해왔습니다. 요즘은,<br />

레스토랑 오너들이 이러한 요구에 귀를 기울여서 ‘<br />

아침도 아니고, 점심도 아닌’ 브런치 식사를 서브<br />

합니다. 그래서 밀레니엄 허브인 객사의 이 곳은<br />

조명이 밝고 예술적으로 꾸며진 공간의 아름다움과<br />

맛있는 브런치를 결합하여 주말에 활성화됩니다.<br />

지나가는 사람을 멈춰서게 하는 기이한 카페에 관한<br />

것이 있습니다. Praktik은 크기가 작을 수 있지만<br />

아름답고 아늑한 인테리어로 매력적입니다. 가식을<br />

벗은, 이 놀랍도록 간단하지만 화려한 커피숍에는<br />

하루 종일 사람들이 볼 수 있는 넓은 유리창이<br />

있습니다. 따뜻하고 가정적인 분위기이며 커피와<br />

케이크는 어느 때도 제공될 것입니다. Praktik은 항상<br />

좋아하는 새우 아보카도 토스트, 계란 크로와상, 지옥<br />

계란, 구운 치즈 샌드위치 및 다양한 맛있는 컵 케이크,<br />

디저트 및 달콤한 옵션을 포함한 가볍고 가정적인<br />

브런치를 원한다면 좋은 선택입니다. 인테리어는<br />

브런치 플레이트만큼이나 아름답습니다. 주변에는<br />

불필요한 장식이나 주름이 보이지 않습니다. 조용한<br />

환경은 양조장과 책을 즐기기에 완벽합니다. 브런치<br />

경험을 더욱 즐기고 싶다면 넓은 창문 옆에 앉아<br />

햇빛의 따뜻함을 느끼고 평화롭게 대화를 나누십시오.<br />

비건 식당 리뷰 (번역 윤기현)<br />

한국에서 일정한 식단을 유지한다는 것이 굉장히<br />

어렵다는 것은 누구나 다 알고 있는 사실이지만, 고기와<br />

생선이 없는 식단은 특히 육류중심의 나라에서 훨씬 더<br />

어렵다. 요즘 점점 더 많은 사람들이 환경을 위해, 고통<br />

받고 있는 동물들을 줄이기 위해, 그리고 건강을 위해<br />

육류와 생선을 포기하고 있다. 그렇지만 몇몇 사람들은<br />

자신의 식단에 달걀과 우유를 포함하여 어떠한 동물성<br />

제품도 허용하지 않는다(완전 채식 식단). 서울과<br />

부산에서는 최신 트랜드인 이러한 식단들을 받아들이고<br />

있다는 것이 전혀 놀랍지 않지만, 한국 음식의 수도인<br />

전주에서도 또한 채식주의자들이 고를 수 있는 몇<br />

가지의 맛있는 선택들이 있다.<br />

개인적으로 전주에서 내가 가장 좋아하는 곳은<br />

감로현이다. 대단한 비건 식당은 아니지만, 비건식<br />

세트메뉴를 할인해서 제공하고 있다. 감로현의 세프이자<br />

주인인 조현주 사장은 자신의 텃밭에서 자란 채소들로<br />

약용 음식을 개발하는데 힘을 쏟고 있다. 이런 방식의<br />

음식은 대부분 각 요리의 건강적인 요인들을 높이<br />

평가하는 나이가 많으신 분들에게 인기가 있다. 조<br />

사장이나 직원들이 여러분께 기쁘게 음식에 대해 설명해<br />

줄것이다. 조 사장의 요리에 대한 기술과 꼼꼼함은 이<br />

식당을 다른 식당들과 다르게 만들었다. 게다가 계절에<br />

맞춰 조 사장은 제철에 가장 좋은 재료를 넣어 매번<br />

약간씩 다른 메뉴를 제공을 한다.<br />

러빙헛 레스토랑은 전 세계에 어디에서든지 찾아볼 수<br />

있지만, 각각 식당마다 독특하고 그 식당 주인들에게<br />

자신만의 요리 기술들을 선보일 수 있도록 허락하고 있다.<br />

웨딩거리 중심에 위치한 진미식당에서는<br />

채식주의자들을 위한 중국음식을 제공한다. 인기 있는<br />

노마딕 브루잉에서부터 그 길 아래쪽에 위치해 있으며<br />

1976년 이후로 맛있는 중국음식을 제공해 왔다.<br />

8 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

태권도원 + 축제 (번역 이성아)<br />

무주 반디랜드 + 춪제 (번역 이미원)<br />

우리 고장 마이산 (번역 한리나)<br />

2014년 태권도가 생활 문화 유적지 스포츠로<br />

자리 잡을 수 있는 세계 유일의 전문 태권도 장인 ‘<br />

태권도원’이 무주에 설립되었다. 이는 세계에서 가장<br />

큰 태권도 훈련 공간으로 면적이 18 홀 골프 코스 2<br />

개를 합한 크기 내지 뉴욕 센트럴 파크 면적의 70%<br />

에 이른다. 총 4571개의 좌석, 많은 대형 훈련 시설,<br />

영화관, 야외 훈련장, 태권도 박물관, 태권도 체험<br />

센터를 보유하고 있어 대형 스포츠 장으로서 손색이<br />

없다. 또한, 5대의 셔틀 버스가 운행되고 있어 버스를<br />

타고 산 정상의 모노레일까지 올라간 후 열차를<br />

타고 100m 정도 더 가면 백운산 정상에 다다르는데<br />

이 곳에 위치한 전망대와 커피숍에서 무주<br />

주변의 병풍처럼 펼쳐진 경관을 설치 망원경으로<br />

둘러보거나 사진으로 담을 수 있다.<br />

태권도원에서는 <strong>2019</strong>년 8월 31일부터 9월 2<br />

일까지 태권도 문화 축제와 더불어 전라북도 태권도<br />

학원들을 위한 품띠 승격 심사를 주관하였다. 태권도<br />

축제가 품띠 승격 심사 기간과 일치하면서 많은<br />

사람들이 방문하였고 푸드 트럭, 옥외 마켓, 게임,<br />

태권도 경기장과 박물관 사이의 대형 야외 축제<br />

무대에서 열린 경연을 즐겼다. 태권도 경연 심사는<br />

세 분야로 나뉘어져 개최되었는데 먼저 “태권도<br />

레볼루션”으로 전통 사물놀이, 발레, 비보이 댄스와<br />

같은 예술 공연과 태권도가 결합된 융복합 창작<br />

콘텐츠 경연이 있었다. 둘째, “태권도 배틀 킥 잇”<br />

은 수준급 기술이 결합된 경연이었으며 마지막으로<br />

“킹 오브 더 팀”의 경우 초·중등부 및 고등·대학·<br />

일반부로 각각 나뉘어져 격파 경연을 펼쳤다.<br />

매해 열리는 무주 반딧불 축제와 동일 기간에 열린<br />

이 행사는 입장료가 무료였을 뿐만 아니라 무주 와인<br />

동굴의 와인을 포함하여 많은 무주 지역 상품의<br />

특성을 잘 반영했다.<br />

해마다 9월 첫 주가 되면 한국 천연기념물 제332호로<br />

지정된 반딧불 축제를 보기위해 많은 관광객들이<br />

무주로 모여드는 것을 볼 수 있다. 또한 무주군에는<br />

일년 내내 박물관 일일 운영시간동안 체험할 수 있는<br />

실내 반딧불 체험관과 연구소가 있는 국내 유일의<br />

곤충박물관이 있다.<br />

반디랜드 곤충박물관은 아이들이 여러 종류의<br />

무해한 곤충들과 애벌레들을 만지고 놀 수 있는<br />

곤충 체험공간을 마련하고 있다. 박물관안의 곤충들<br />

대부분은 예술품처럼 액자 안에 전시해 놓았다. 전<br />

세계로부터의 다른 2,000여종의 13,500 진기한<br />

곤충들이 있을 뿐만 아니라 국내 가장 큰 곤충 표본이<br />

있고, 식물원에는 150 가지의 열대식물이 있다.<br />

생태계 주제의 3D 영화를 보여주는 돔 상영관이 있다.<br />

무주 반딧불 축제는 여러 날에 걸쳐 열리는데, 저녁<br />

8시 이후에 다른 세 종류의 반딧불들이 어두운<br />

밤하늘에 반짝이기 시작할 때 아주 재미있어진다.<br />

관광객들이 반딧불이의 비행을 체험할 수 있는<br />

장소로 이동하기 위해서는 티켓이 필요하다(티켓<br />

예매를 추천한다). 그러나 무주시의 중심인 축제장<br />

(반디랜드에서 약 8km)에 온 관광객들은 전형적인<br />

한국 축제와 같이 많은 야외 볼거리와 냄새, 맛 등의<br />

축제를 자유롭게 즐길 수 있다.<br />

무주는 반딧불축제를 해마다 개최한다. 세계적으로<br />

증가하고 있는 환경오염의 심각성에 대한 관심을<br />

높이기위해서 해마다 반딧불축제를 열고 있다.<br />

반딧불이는 깨끗한 환경에서만 살 수 있는 환경지표<br />

곤충이다. 그래서 전라북도에 많은 곳들이 더 이상<br />

반딧불이들이 서식할 수 없다. 무주는 국내에서<br />

반딧불축제와 같이 정기적으로 반딧불이를 볼 수<br />

있는 마지막이자 가장 좋은 장소 중 하나일 수 있다.<br />

한국은 대도시와 소도시, 지역 농산물과 비닐 포장의<br />

과용, 그리고 거대한 산과 심각한 공기의 질로 대조를<br />

이룬다. 이렇게 된 데에는 분명한 잘못이 있다. 그러나<br />

친환경을 실천하고 그 기준을 완벽하게 지키는 일은 모든<br />

사람에게나 모든 장소에서 현실적이지도 않고 가능할<br />

수도 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한국에 살거나 방문했을<br />

때 누릴 수 있는 특권이라면 다양하고 멋진 풍경을 맘껏<br />

볼 수 있고 자연 속에서 실제로 체험 할 수 있다는 점이다.<br />

전라북도는 경이로운 자연의 놀라움을 뽐내고 있고,<br />

진안은 자연의 위대한 보석을 지닌 완전 조용한<br />

소도시이다. 많은 하이킹 명소와 야외 활동이 있다.<br />

그러나 등산객들이나 방문객들에게 가장 매력적인 곳은<br />

마이산으로, 퇴적암으로 된 매우 높은 두 개의 봉우리는<br />

신비로운 말의 귀 모양을 하고 있다. 두 개의 입구가<br />

있는데 남쪽에서 북쪽으로 가는 입구를 추천한다.<br />

가는 길에 탑사를 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 600미터이상을<br />

오르는 일은 쉽지 않고, 하이킹 장비를 완전 갖춘<br />

사람들의 수는 매우 위협적으로 느껴질 수도 있지만,<br />

여러분은 제 길을 갈 수 있고, 초보자이든 전문가이든<br />

모두가 즐길 여유가 있다. 비록 정상에 오르지 못한다<br />

해도 가는 동안 보상을 받을 것이다; 구불구불한 언덕의<br />

전망, 야생동물의 관찰 그리고 소풍을 즐기는 사람들과<br />

함께 할 수도 이다. 마지막으로 이 등산로가 전혀 오를 수<br />

없다고 여겨지면 봄을 기다려 벚꽃 길을 걸을 수도 있다.<br />

우리의 신체적 건강에 분명 이로울 뿐 아니라,<br />

하이킹은 인간과 환경의 조화로운 관계를 밝혀주는<br />

행위이다.진안에서 몇 분만 머물러도 상쾌한 숨을<br />

쉴 수 있고, 더 명료하게 생각할 수 있으며, 더욱<br />

편안함을 느낄 것이다. 가능한 한 환경을 보호하고<br />

자연을 보존해야할 중요함을 깨닫게 한다. 환경<br />

개발과 자연 훼손이 없는 이 고장을 상상해보라.<br />


Jeonbuk news<br />

Translated by Aaron snowberger<br />

고창군, ‘재활용 동네마당’ 10개소에 설치<br />

Gochang county installed 10 new ‘Recycling Yards’<br />

By Sunggyu Kim<br />

www.jjan.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2060080&replyAll=&reply_sc_order_by=C<br />

Gochang county announced on September<br />

6th that it has installed 10 new ‘recycling<br />

yards’ as collection facilities in areas such<br />

as farming and fishing villages where<br />

it is currently difficult to separate and<br />

discharge recycling products.<br />

The ‘Neighborhood recycling yard<br />

installation project’ has been set up to<br />

promote recycling in areas that currently<br />

lack such facilities. The military has<br />

invested 150 million KRW this year to<br />

complete the installation of these 10 new<br />

collection yards. In the second half of the<br />

year, the installation company plans to<br />

examine the problems after the operation<br />

of the new facilities and gradually expand<br />

it to other locations in the county.<br />

An official commented on the project:<br />

“We expect that the installation of these<br />

neighborhood recycling yards with<br />

reduce illegal dumping and burning of<br />

municipal waste, as well as improve the<br />

collection rate of recyclable products.”<br />

전주 중심지에 바람길 숲 조성, 도심 허파 만든다<br />

Creating a Wind Road Forest in the Center of Jeonju<br />

By Sejong Baek<br />

www.jjan.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2060185&replyAll=&reply_sc_order_by=I<br />

TTo help mitigate the fine dust and<br />

heat island phenomenon in Jeonju that<br />

worsens every year, the city will develop<br />

a wind forest path that circulates fresh<br />

air along Baekje-daero.<br />

On August 8, the city announced that<br />

as part of its 10 million garden city<br />

project, the city will invest 20 billion<br />

won, including 10 billion won from the<br />

national budget, to create a ‘city wind<br />

road forest’ that creates green spaces<br />

filled with flowers and trees throughout<br />

Baekje-daero. The total area of the green<br />

space to be created is 20 ha??? To this<br />

end, 980 million won will be invested this<br />

month to finalize the design of the space.<br />

The city plans to remove the wide<br />

concrete path that currently sees low<br />

pedestrian traffic from Myeongjugolne<br />

Street to Jungne Street. It will expand<br />

various green spaces such as roadside<br />

trees, green strips, and wall greenery along<br />

the roadside. Additionally, the government<br />

will introduce a LID (Low Impact<br />

Development) technique to establish the<br />

urban wind road forest, and provide a<br />

community green space that matches the<br />

surrounding environment while reducing<br />

radiant heat in the city. The city plans<br />

to minimize sidewalk blocks and cement<br />

spaces and to create green spaces that<br />

directly connect with the citizens.<br />

The expectation is that if the windy and<br />

urban forests and parks are connected<br />

in a linear manner, fresher cleaner air<br />

from within the forests outside the city<br />

can be brought into the city center to<br />

promote air circulation and reduce fine<br />

dust. In particular, the natural areas<br />

the city is interested in rest within and<br />

surrounding Jeonju such as Moaksan,<br />

Godeoksan, Mukbangsan, Gunjisan,<br />

and Hwangbangsan, as well as Jeonju’s<br />

waterways like Mangyeonggang,<br />

Jeonjucheon, Samcheon, and<br />

Soyangcheon. The city explains that green<br />

areas and urban roadside trees with enable<br />

Jeonju to become an ecological city.<br />

An official from Jeonju’s Ecocity Bureau<br />

said, “We will proceed with the service<br />

by fully gathering opinions from local<br />

government offices, shops, hospitals,<br />

residents, and experts in each area. We<br />

will try to live in a reduced and pleasant<br />

urban environment.”<br />

10 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Stories from Jeollabuk-do<br />

Imsil: Countryside<br />

Experience<br />

Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

Photo by Seong Jin Kim<br />

Locals, international tourists, residents,<br />

and students were welcomed to a<br />

weekend event in Imsil which aimed to<br />

bridge city life with countryside living.<br />

Guests were treated to an experience of<br />

communing with Imsil’s breathtaking<br />

nature spots, a tour of the Imsil Cheese<br />

Village, and a day of pizza and pastamaking,<br />

swimming, clean-up drive, and<br />

traditional Korean games. Capping off the<br />

event was a barbecue party and concert<br />

that featured talents from neighboring<br />

counties and local celebrities. The event<br />

was hosted by a multi-purpose center<br />

which organizes classes and Imsil<br />

experiences like Imsil cheese and pizza<br />

making, blueberry ice cream making,<br />

organic beauty creams making, and<br />

other cooking classes that are available<br />

for both adults and children.<br />

다목적 센터, 전북 임실군 성수면 도인 4길 3<br />

AUGUST 17, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Words by<br />

Aaron<br />

Snowberger<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> Leaves<br />

Viewing<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> is the season for outdoor adventures!<br />

As the weather cools down, skies dry up and<br />

the sun rises higher, stretching shadows,<br />

expanding horizons, and casting golden<br />

rays across all nature's wonders. The rice<br />

crop is thick, golden, and heavy, and ready<br />

for harvest. Persimmon and chestnut<br />

trees, unable to bear their ripening loads<br />

any longer, begin dropping their products<br />

to earth. <strong>Fall</strong> festivals abound - there's one<br />

at least every weekend in a different area<br />

of Jeollabuk-do (check our <strong>Fall</strong> 2018 issue<br />

for a full guide). But possibly the best, most<br />

worthwhile experience any traveler or<br />

adventurer can undertake in this season<br />

is a fall leaves viewing excursion. In fact,<br />

Jeollabuk-do is home to some of the most<br />

beautiful maple-filled mountains in all<br />

of Korea. Naejang Mountain in Jeongeup<br />

is one of the most popular fall tourist<br />

destinations, and Jiri Mountain near<br />

Namwon is equally splendid. So take<br />

some time to explore one (or both) of these<br />

wonders of nature this fall.<br />


Head to the North: Jeollabuk-do expands their<br />

global exchange cooperation with Russia.<br />

12 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Written by The Jeollabuk-do Department of<br />

International Cooperation Office<br />

Translated by Peter Yi<br />

Jeollabuk-do signed international<br />

exchange cooperation with<br />

Priomorsky Krai, Russia on 5th of<br />

September. Jeollabuk-do set up<br />

the goal for unique and differentiated<br />

mutual exchange and regional<br />

development in future.<br />

Jeollabuk-do administration made decision<br />

to extend global exchange network with<br />

Priomorsky Krai Russia, which is a centre<br />

region of the New Northern Policy under<br />

the Korean government's diplomatic<br />

strategy, for implementing the new era of<br />

Peace and Prosperity.<br />

During meeting Governor Song invited<br />

delegation of Priomorsky Krai which is<br />

consist of relevant experts, businessmen,<br />

and buyers to the <strong>2019</strong> International<br />

Fermented Food Expo, and he proposed<br />

to perform mutual exchange in<br />

Taekwondo and Tourism also.<br />

Governor Kozhemyako responded to<br />

Song’s proposal, and made his statement<br />

that "We are pleased that the Governor<br />

of Jeollabuk-do and its delegation visited<br />

Priomorsky Krai, and I think and hope<br />

this meeting served as a momentum to<br />

proceed practical exchange for various<br />

fields on both regions. Also I will dispatch<br />

the delegation of Priomorsky Krai to <strong>2019</strong><br />

International Fermented Food Expo, and<br />

I will implement mutual exchange and<br />

cooperating between Jeollabuk-do and<br />

Primorsky Krai in fields of Culture, Art<br />

Tourism, and Sports.”<br />

Jeollabuk-do delegation participated<br />

on <strong>2019</strong> Eastern Economic Forum,<br />

which is held for securing the driving<br />

method in Far East Development that<br />

is top priority task of Russian Federal<br />

government. Jeollabuk-do will intends<br />

to plan a specific measure of mutual<br />

growth with exchange regions by<br />

establishing differentiated regional<br />

diplomatic strategy after analyzing<br />

diplomatic policies of two countries.<br />

Governor Song visited Vladivostok, and<br />

he held a meeting with vice mayer of<br />

Vladivostok for inviting and dispatching<br />

traditional performance group to<br />

Jeonju International Sorifestival and<br />

Vladivostok Festival, also he suggested<br />

mutual exchange for cultural exchange<br />

workshop with Korean-styled lecture of<br />

traditional culture.<br />

Jeollabuk-do delegation got to start<br />

cultural exchange at Korean ethnic<br />

school in Ussuriysk of Primorsky Krai<br />

which is very well-known for anti-<br />

Japanese movement in modern history<br />

of Korea. Delegation of Jeollabuk-do<br />

delivered a hanging board, which was<br />

written by Governor Song, to Korean<br />

ethnic school in Ussuriysk<br />

Jeollabuk-do decorated multipurpose hall<br />

of the Korean ethnic school in Ussuriysk<br />

with Jeollabuk-do Han-ji(Korean<br />

traditional craft paper). So they provided<br />

opportunities for experiencing the<br />

Korean tradition to locals in Ussuriysk<br />

after delivering a hanging board.<br />

Jeollabuk-do will intend to plan<br />

promoting traditional culture of Korean<br />

and Jeollabuk-do to Korean ethnic school<br />

in Ussuriysk through Jeollabuk-do center<br />

for international affairs.<br />


Section: Culture<br />

Promoting Jeonbuk in Geneva<br />

GLEE: Students Travel to Switzerland to Promote Jeollabuk-do<br />

Experiences & Interview<br />

Hello, we are GLEE, students in<br />

Jeonbuk National University.<br />

GLEE means “Global Youth Leader<br />

Centre to make the Economy in Jeonbuk<br />

Enhanced.” Our team visited Switzerland<br />

from July 24th to August 5th.<br />

motivation for the trip<br />

The 25th World Jamboree will be held in<br />

Jeonbuk Saemangeum. The Jamboree Team<br />

suggested that they will build the Global<br />

Youth Leader Centre by 2023. This centre<br />

will be used as the Jamboree Headquarters<br />

and also as the hub of Scout activities. Our<br />

team designed our Switzerland trip with<br />

the topic of “Sustainable management<br />

and Development of Jeonbuk Tourism.”<br />

For the entire period of the trip, we visited<br />

the Swiss Kandersteg International Scouts<br />

Centre (KISC). There, we were able to get<br />

the information about the future direction<br />

for the Global Youth Leader Centre. We<br />

experienced the scout’s program and<br />

interviewed many experts from many<br />

areas such as tourism quality certification<br />

policy, scout centre administration, and<br />

design thinking.<br />

In KISC, we experienced the ‘Jucinator’,<br />

which taught us to reduce food waste in<br />

our lives by making eco-friendly smoothies;<br />

‘Bat watching’ with bats in their natural<br />

environment; ‘Cheesery Hike’, in the<br />

mountainous neighborhood of Kandersteg;<br />

‘Rowing Boats at Oeschinensee’ where we<br />

boated alone in the lake; and ‘Rodelbahn’<br />

which is a big ride down a mountain.<br />

We also conducted interviews with<br />

the Guest Service Director, the Human<br />

Resources Director, the Program Director,<br />

and the Internal Director at KISC. We had<br />

additional interviews with ‘STV’ (related<br />

to tourism quality certification), the ‘Swiss<br />

Scout Foundation’, and the ‘University of<br />

St. Gallen’ (with the Design Thinking lab).<br />

Finally, we visited ‘Sion’ castle, Vevey’s<br />

Vigneron Festival, and Swiss National Day<br />

in Bern with our Swiss Travel Passes.<br />

Promoting Jeollabuk-do<br />

During our time in Switzerland, we had several<br />

opportunities to promote Jeollabuk-do.<br />

In KISC's ‘International Evening’ program,<br />

we introduced Korea and Jeollabuk-do.<br />

‘International Evening’ was held for people<br />

from various countries to bring traditional<br />

goods and foods and introduce their<br />

cultures. Our team prepared a Korean paper<br />

fan making program using hanji. In that<br />

way, we were able to introduce Korea and<br />

Jeollabuk-do to people. After that, we also<br />

promoted Jeollabuk-do in Kandersteg, Bern,<br />

Geneva, St. Gallen, and to our Airbnb host<br />

and the experts we interviewed.<br />

what we learned<br />

We went to Switzerland to seek ways<br />

to utilize Saemangeum after the World<br />

Jamboree. But as we experienced many<br />

different things, we also learned a lot. We<br />

learned about teamwork and different<br />

education systems. But we also realized<br />

the importance and necessity of public<br />

diplomacy in this era of soft power. At the<br />

University of St. Gallen, we learned about<br />

Design Thinking for promotion and that<br />

Jeollabuk-do needs to cooperate and<br />

communicate with win-win strategies like<br />

KISC does. Through this trip, we considered<br />

how Jeollabuk-do would develop further<br />

and each of our team members grew.<br />

14 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Switzerland!<br />

안녕하세요 저희는 4명의 전북대학교 학생으로 이루어진<br />

GLEE 팀입니다. GLEE라는 팀명은 “Global Youth<br />

Leader Centre to make the Economy in Jeonbuk<br />

Enhanced.”라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 7월 24일부터<br />

8월 5일까지의 스위스 해외연수를 마치고 돌아와, 저희가<br />

경험하고 배운 내용들에 대해 나누고자 합니다.<br />

전라북도 글로벌 체험 연수를<br />

가게 된 동기와 했던 활동들<br />

제 25회 세계잼버리가 2023년에 전라북도 새만금에서<br />

개최됩니다. 성공적인 대회 개최를 위해 잼버리추진단은<br />

2023년까지 글로벌 청소년 리더센터를 건립할<br />

예정이라고 하는데요. 이 글로벌 청소년 리더센터는<br />

2023 잼버리에서 대회 운영 본부로 사용될 뿐만<br />

아니라 폐회 이후에 전 세계 청소년들의 스카우트<br />

활동 중심지로서 사용된다고 합니다. 저희 팀은<br />

이러한 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터의 지속가능한 운영과<br />

센터를 통한 전북지역의 관광산업 발전을 주제로 삼고<br />

스위스로의 연수를 기획했습니다. 감사하게도 전라북도<br />

인재육성재단에서 주최하는 대학생 그룹과제 해외연수<br />

프로그램에 합격하였고 스위스로 연수를 다녀올 수<br />

있었습니다. 전체적인 연수 진행을 위해 글로벌 청소년<br />

리더 센터가 모델로 삼고 있는 스위스 칸더스텍 세계<br />

스카우트 센터에 방문하였고, 여러 프로그램 체험과<br />

인터뷰 진행을 통해 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터가 어떠한<br />

방향으로 나아가면 좋을지에 대해 조사할 수 있었습니다.<br />

이 외에도, 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터에 도입되면 좋을<br />

정책과 제도들과 관련된 스위스의 전문기관들에 방문해<br />

전문가 분들과 인터뷰를 진행하였습니다.<br />

프로그램 체험, 인터뷰, 그 외 탐방내용<br />

저희 팀이 칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터(KISC)<br />

에서 체험한 프로그램을 소개해드리자면, 지역의<br />

로컬푸드를 사용하고 자가발전을 통해 스무디를<br />

만드는 juicinator, 자연 속에서 박쥐들을 만날 수 있는<br />

bat watching, 산지지형을 이용하고 지역주민들과<br />

협업하는 프로그램인 cheery hike, 자연경관을<br />

감상하며 호수에서 직접 노를 저으며 배타기를 체험할<br />

수 있었던 외시넨호수 보트체험, 그리고 rodelbahn<br />

이라는 놀이기구 체험 등이 있었습니다. 이 외에<br />

international evening이라는 프로그램도 있었는데<br />

이에 대해서는 아래의 ‘전라북도 홍보 활동’ 부분에서<br />

더 자세히 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다.<br />

더불어 인터뷰 진행을 통해 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터가<br />

어떠한 방향으로 나아가면 좋을지에 대해 조사했다고<br />

말씀드렸는데요. 저희는 지금까지 말씀드린 칸더스텍<br />

세계 스카우트센터의 여러 자원봉사자들과 인터뷰를<br />

진행했고, 스위스 스카우트 재단과 스위스 관광연방인<br />

STV, 그리고 Design Thinking으로 유명한 St.Gallen<br />

대학교에서 인터뷰를 진행했습니다. 이외에도<br />

전북지역의 관광산업 발전을 위해 스위스 통합 교통권인<br />

스위스패스를 이용하여 몽트뢰의 시옹성을 견학했고<br />

브베와 베른에서는 축제를 탐방하기도 했습니다.<br />

전라북도 홍보 활동<br />

스위스에서의 해외 연수를 진행하며, 전라북도를<br />

홍보할 수 있는 기회들이 여러 번 있었습니다. 특히<br />

칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터에서는 International<br />

Evening이라는 프로그램에 참가해, 대한민국을<br />

알리고, 나아가 전라북도에 대해 알릴 수 있었습니다.<br />

각 나라의 스카우트 대원들이 자신의 국가를 대표하는<br />

물건 혹은 음식들을 가져와 자국의 문화에 대해 알릴<br />

수 있는 시간이었는데요. 저희 팀은 한지로 만들어진<br />

부채를 가져가 저희 부스에 방문하는 친구들이 한지를<br />

조각내어 동백꽃을 부채 위에 붙일 수 있도록 하는<br />

체험 활동을 준비해 갔습니다. 한국을 잘 모르던<br />

친구들, 혹은 대략적인 정보만 알고 있던 친구들에게<br />

그 시간을 통해 한국과 전라북도에 대해 더 깊이 알릴<br />

수 있었습니다. 칸더스텍에서의 홍보 활동 이후, 베른,<br />

제네바, 세인트 갈렌을 오가며 길거리에서도 머물고<br />

있던 숙소의 호스트에게도, 인터뷰에 응해주신 많은<br />

전문가 분들에게도 전라북도에 대해 알릴 수 있는<br />

뜻깊은 시간을 보냈습니다. 일제 강점기 시기에 많은<br />

독립 투사 분들이 하셨던 일. 한국을 세계에 알리는 일인<br />

공공외교를 직접 해외에 나가 해볼 수 있는 기회에 감사한<br />

시간이었습니다.<br />

해외 연수를 통해 배운점<br />

저희 팀원들은 잼버리 이후 부지 활용 방안 모색이라는<br />

공동의 목표를 가지고 해외연수를 다녀왔습니다.<br />

하지만 각자 전공도 관심 있는 분야도 다른 4명의 친구가<br />

모였기에 해외연수를 통해 팀원들 각자가 느끼고 배워온<br />

것이 다 달랐습니다. 누군가는 리더로서 갖추어야 할<br />

덕목을, 누군가는 한국의 교육시스템이 나아가야할<br />

방향을, 누군가는 팀 활동의 중요성을 배웠는데요.<br />

각각의 생각과 지식의 바탕이 다 달랐지만, 공통적으로<br />

해외 연수를 하면서 배운 한 가지가 있습니다. 바로<br />

소프트 파워가 중요해지고 있는 이 시대에 공공외교가<br />

얼마나 중요한지에 대한 깨달음이었습니다. St. Gallen<br />

대학교 방문을 통해 창의적인 방식으로 공공외교를<br />

활성화시킬 수 있는 방안과 전라북도 관광, 자원을 활용한<br />

홍보 아이디어를 얻을 수 있었습니다. 공공외교에 대한<br />

부분뿐만 아니라 칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터가 지역<br />

상생을 위해 노력하는 모습을 보며 한 지역이 발전하기<br />

위해서는 도민과의 협업과 소통이 중요하다는 것을<br />

느꼈고, 이를 어떻게 전라북도에 적용시켜야 할지에<br />

대한 방안을 생각해볼 수 있는 시간이었습니다. 이번<br />

기회를 통해 전라북도의 발전 방향성에 대해 고민함과<br />

더불어 각자가 성장할 수 있는 계기가 되었습니다.<br />


Switzerland!<br />

안녕하세요 저희는 4명의 전북대학교 학생으로 이루어진<br />

GLEE 팀입니다. GLEE라는 팀명은 “Global Youth<br />

Leader Centre to make the Economy in Jeonbuk<br />

Enhanced.”라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 7월 24일부터<br />

8월 5일까지의 스위스 해외연수를 마치고 돌아와, 저희가<br />

경험하고 배운 내용들에 대해 나누고자 합니다.<br />

전라북도 글로벌 체험 연수를<br />

가게 된 동기와 했던 활동들<br />

제 25회 세계잼버리가 2023년에 전라북도 새만금에서<br />

개최됩니다. 성공적인 대회 개최를 위해 잼버리추진단은<br />

2023년까지 글로벌 청소년 리더센터를 건립할<br />

예정이라고 하는데요. 이 글로벌 청소년 리더센터는<br />

2023 잼버리에서 대회 운영 본부로 사용될 뿐만<br />

아니라 폐회 이후에 전 세계 청소년들의 스카우트<br />

활동 중심지로서 사용된다고 합니다. 저희 팀은<br />

이러한 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터의 지속가능한 운영과<br />

센터를 통한 전북지역의 관광산업 발전을 주제로 삼고<br />

스위스로의 연수를 기획했습니다. 감사하게도 전라북도<br />

인재육성재단에서 주최하는 대학생 그룹과제 해외연수<br />

프로그램에 합격하였고 스위스로 연수를 다녀올 수<br />

있었습니다. 전체적인 연수 진행을 위해 글로벌 청소년<br />

리더 센터가 모델로 삼고 있는 스위스 칸더스텍 세계<br />

스카우트 센터에 방문하였고, 여러 프로그램 체험과<br />

인터뷰 진행을 통해 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터가 어떠한<br />

방향으로 나아가면 좋을지에 대해 조사할 수 있었습니다.<br />

이 외에도, 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터에 도입되면 좋을<br />

정책과 제도들과 관련된 스위스의 전문기관들에 방문해<br />

전문가 분들과 인터뷰를 진행하였습니다.<br />

프로그램 체험, 인터뷰, 그 외 탐방내용<br />

저희 팀이 칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터(KISC)<br />

에서 체험한 프로그램을 소개해드리자면, 지역의<br />

로컬푸드를 사용하고 자가발전을 통해 스무디를<br />

만드는 juicinator, 자연 속에서 박쥐들을 만날 수 있는<br />

bat watching, 산지지형을 이용하고 지역주민들과<br />

협업하는 프로그램인 cheery hike, 자연경관을<br />

감상하며 호수에서 직접 노를 저으며 배타기를 체험할<br />

수 있었던 외시넨호수 보트체험, 그리고 rodelbahn<br />

이라는 놀이기구 체험 등이 있었습니다. 이 외에<br />

international evening이라는 프로그램도 있었는데<br />

이에 대해서는 아래의 ‘전라북도 홍보 활동’ 부분에서<br />

더 자세히 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다.<br />

더불어 인터뷰 진행을 통해 글로벌 청소년 리더 센터가<br />

어떠한 방향으로 나아가면 좋을지에 대해 조사했다고<br />

말씀드렸는데요. 저희는 지금까지 말씀드린 칸더스텍<br />

세계 스카우트센터의 여러 자원봉사자들과 인터뷰를<br />

진행했고, 스위스 스카우트 재단과 스위스 관광연방인<br />

STV, 그리고 Design Thinking으로 유명한 St.Gallen<br />

대학교에서 인터뷰를 진행했습니다. 이외에도<br />

전북지역의 관광산업 발전을 위해 스위스 통합 교통권인<br />

스위스패스를 이용하여 몽트뢰의 시옹성을 견학했고<br />

브베와 베른에서는 축제를 탐방하기도 했습니다.<br />

전라북도 홍보 활동<br />

스위스에서의 해외 연수를 진행하며, 전라북도를<br />

홍보할 수 있는 기회들이 여러 번 있었습니다. 특히<br />

칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터에서는 International<br />

Evening이라는 프로그램에 참가해, 대한민국을<br />

알리고, 나아가 전라북도에 대해 알릴 수 있었습니다.<br />

각 나라의 스카우트 대원들이 자신의 국가를 대표하는<br />

물건 혹은 음식들을 가져와 자국의 문화에 대해 알릴<br />

수 있는 시간이었는데요. 저희 팀은 한지로 만들어진<br />

부채를 가져가 저희 부스에 방문하는 친구들이 한지를<br />

조각내어 동백꽃을 부채 위에 붙일 수 있도록 하는<br />

체험 활동을 준비해 갔습니다. 한국을 잘 모르던<br />

친구들, 혹은 대략적인 정보만 알고 있던 친구들에게<br />

그 시간을 통해 한국과 전라북도에 대해 더 깊이 알릴<br />

수 있었습니다. 칸더스텍에서의 홍보 활동 이후, 베른,<br />

제네바, 세인트 갈렌을 오가며 길거리에서도 머물고<br />

있던 숙소의 호스트에게도, 인터뷰에 응해주신 많은<br />

전문가 분들에게도 전라북도에 대해 알릴 수 있는<br />

뜻깊은 시간을 보냈습니다. 일제 강점기 시기에 많은<br />

독립 투사 분들이 하셨던 일. 한국을 세계에 알리는 일인<br />

공공외교를 직접 해외에 나가 해볼 수 있는 기회에 감사한<br />

시간이었습니다.<br />

해외 연수를 통해 배운점<br />

저희 팀원들은 잼버리 이후 부지 활용 방안 모색이라는<br />

공동의 목표를 가지고 해외연수를 다녀왔습니다.<br />

하지만 각자 전공도 관심 있는 분야도 다른 4명의 친구가<br />

모였기에 해외연수를 통해 팀원들 각자가 느끼고 배워온<br />

것이 다 달랐습니다. 누군가는 리더로서 갖추어야 할<br />

덕목을, 누군가는 한국의 교육시스템이 나아가야할<br />

방향을, 누군가는 팀 활동의 중요성을 배웠는데요.<br />

각각의 생각과 지식의 바탕이 다 달랐지만, 공통적으로<br />

해외 연수를 하면서 배운 한 가지가 있습니다. 바로<br />

소프트 파워가 중요해지고 있는 이 시대에 공공외교가<br />

얼마나 중요한지에 대한 깨달음이었습니다. St. Gallen<br />

대학교 방문을 통해 창의적인 방식으로 공공외교를<br />

활성화시킬 수 있는 방안과 전라북도 관광, 자원을 활용한<br />

홍보 아이디어를 얻을 수 있었습니다. 공공외교에 대한<br />

부분뿐만 아니라 칸더스텍 세계 스카우트 센터가 지역<br />

상생을 위해 노력하는 모습을 보며 한 지역이 발전하기<br />

위해서는 도민과의 협업과 소통이 중요하다는 것을<br />

느꼈고, 이를 어떻게 전라북도에 적용시켜야 할지에<br />

대한 방안을 생각해볼 수 있는 시간이었습니다. 이번<br />

기회를 통해 전라북도의 발전 방향성에 대해 고민함과<br />

더불어 각자가 성장할 수 있는 계기가 되었습니다.<br />


Wanting to make the best out of what’s left of<br />

summer, we decided to go on a short day trip to<br />

relax and bask in the warm sunshine. Just about 45<br />

minutes to an hour from Jeonju by car, we took the expressway<br />

to Buan County, a destination in Jeollabuk-do that combines<br />

the beauty of the sea and the tranquility of the countryside. As<br />

we went farther, nature enveloped us while we passed by an off<br />

the beaten stretch of mountains and trees that beckon stressed<br />

urbanites like us. It is for this reason that Buan is considered as<br />

a “Healing Mecca,” an inviting place where one can go far away<br />

from the city’s noise, commune with nature, and ultimately leave<br />

worries behind. And while the term “healing” has become a trend<br />

and quite an overused word in marketing products and services<br />

in Korea, this aphorism perfectly personifies Buan.<br />

Buan is a mostly reclaimed county that borders the Yellow Sea from<br />

its west side. The east side borders Jeongeup City and the north side<br />

borders Gimjae City, with the mouth of the Dongjingang River as the<br />

border. Even though this sleepy town is home to its time-preserved<br />

traditions, it is at the forefront of modernity, utilizing technology to<br />

maintain the reclaimed land and combining traditional farming with<br />

modern systems to produce chemical-free and environment-friendly<br />

food. Some of the county’s well-known local products include salt, cereal,<br />

mulberry, salted seafood, processed fishery products, and dried fish. The<br />

locals and tourists come here to celebrate the Buan Masil Festival, which<br />

is held every May and it showcases traditional performances, art, and<br />

culture. It features parades held beside the area’s Masil trails along the<br />

coastline and major streets and markets in the area.<br />

It’s a place where the old meets the new, a harmonious union that gave<br />

this town an extraordinary charm.<br />


Wanting to make the best out of what’s left of<br />

summer, we decided to go on a short day trip to<br />

relax and bask in the warm sunshine. Just about 45<br />

minutes to an hour from Jeonju by car, we took the expressway<br />

to Buan County, a destination in Jeollabuk-do that combines<br />

the beauty of the sea and the tranquility of the countryside. As<br />

we went farther, nature enveloped us while we passed by an off<br />

the beaten stretch of mountains and trees that beckon stressed<br />

urbanites like us. It is for this reason that Buan is considered as<br />

a “Healing Mecca,” an inviting place where one can go far away<br />

from the city’s noise, commune with nature, and ultimately leave<br />

worries behind. And while the term “healing” has become a trend<br />

and quite an overused word in marketing products and services<br />

in Korea, this aphorism perfectly personifies Buan.<br />

Buan is a mostly reclaimed county that borders the Yellow Sea from<br />

its west side. The east side borders Jeongeup City and the north side<br />

borders Gimjae City, with the mouth of the Dongjingang River as the<br />

border. Even though this sleepy town is home to its time-preserved<br />

traditions, it is at the forefront of modernity, utilizing technology to<br />

maintain the reclaimed land and combining traditional farming with<br />

modern systems to produce chemical-free and environment-friendly<br />

food. Some of the county’s well-known local products include salt, cereal,<br />

mulberry, salted seafood, processed fishery products, and dried fish. The<br />

locals and tourists come here to celebrate the Buan Masil Festival, which<br />

is held every May and it showcases traditional performances, art, and<br />

culture. It features parades held beside the area’s Masil trails along the<br />

coastline and major streets and markets in the area.<br />

It’s a place where the old meets the new, a harmonious union that gave<br />

this town an extraordinary charm.<br />



369-3 CAFE<br />

Wherever you go in Korea, different<br />

places are filled with unique and<br />

creative cafes in every corner. Baram<br />

Seom Cafe is one great example,<br />

but it takes its scenery to another<br />

level with its beautiful rustic<br />

interiors and a distinctive yellow<br />

school bus where you can actually<br />

come in, sit down and enjoy your<br />

coffee! The main cafe area features<br />

antique furniture, vintage trinkets<br />

and decor that is made even more<br />

cozy with open windows that let<br />

in natural light. Outside, there is a<br />

garden with specially decorated<br />

photo spots where guests can take<br />

pictures using vintage props. There<br />

are so many things to explore in this<br />

spacious cafe that makes the drive<br />

to Buan all the more worth it.<br />

SOWOO<br />


After a day of touring Buan,<br />

head over to this quaint,<br />

off-the-road restaurant that<br />

serves delicious rice meals and<br />

noodles. Tucked inside a garden<br />

and an old traditional house,<br />

the restaurant features a homey<br />

vibe with freshly cooked meals.<br />

Must-try dishes are: soy marinated<br />

pork rice dish, fried dumplings,<br />

soba, and bibimsoba (spicy cold<br />

noodles). There are so many more<br />

sights and specialty food that this<br />

county has to offer, and these three<br />

destinations are just a sneak peek<br />

of Buan’s multi-faceted character.<br />

For families and friends who want<br />

to get the full travel experience, it is<br />

best to book accommodations at the<br />

surrounding resort hotels in Buan.<br />

Buan Byeonsan-myeon Byeonsan-ro 3301<br />

바람섬369-3카페, 전북 부안군 변산면 변산로<br />

3301 (Closed on Tuesdays)<br />

Contact: 063-581-0638<br />

Sowoo, Buan-eup Guncheong-gil 7-4<br />

소우, 전라북도 부안군 부안읍 군청길 7-4<br />

Contact: 010-8646-4312<br />



369-3 CAFE<br />

Wherever you go in Korea, different<br />

places are filled with unique and<br />

creative cafes in every corner. Baram<br />

Seom Cafe is one great example,<br />

but it takes its scenery to another<br />

level with its beautiful rustic<br />

interiors and a distinctive yellow<br />

school bus where you can actually<br />

come in, sit down and enjoy your<br />

coffee! The main cafe area features<br />

antique furniture, vintage trinkets<br />

and decor that is made even more<br />

cozy with open windows that let<br />

in natural light. Outside, there is a<br />

garden with specially decorated<br />

photo spots where guests can take<br />

pictures using vintage props. There<br />

are so many things to explore in this<br />

spacious cafe that makes the drive<br />

to Buan all the more worth it.<br />

SOWOO<br />


After a day of touring Buan,<br />

head over to this quaint,<br />

off-the-road restaurant that<br />

serves delicious rice meals and<br />

noodles. Tucked inside a garden<br />

and an old traditional house,<br />

the restaurant features a homey<br />

vibe with freshly cooked meals.<br />

Must-try dishes are: soy marinated<br />

pork rice dish, fried dumplings,<br />

soba, and bibimsoba (spicy cold<br />

noodles). There are so many more<br />

sights and specialty food that this<br />

county has to offer, and these three<br />

destinations are just a sneak peek<br />

of Buan’s multi-faceted character.<br />

For families and friends who want<br />

to get the full travel experience, it is<br />

best to book accommodations at the<br />

surrounding resort hotels in Buan.<br />

Buan Byeonsan-myeon Byeonsan-ro 3301<br />

바람섬369-3카페, 전북 부안군 변산면 변산로<br />

3301 (Closed on Tuesdays)<br />

Contact: 063-581-0638<br />

Sowoo, Buan-eup Guncheong-gil 7-4<br />

소우, 전라북도 부안군 부안읍 군청길 7-4<br />

Contact: 010-8646-4312<br />


Books<br />

Rural Experience<br />

kept just obtained novel, poem, essay<br />

books. Straight from there is ‘C’ zone<br />

with comic books, reference books;<br />

books about hobby, practical skills,<br />

computers, economics and business. To<br />

the right side from ‘B’ zone is ‘D’ zone<br />

for the books on humanity, science,<br />

religion and art spheres. Next to it is ‘E’<br />

zone, where you can find foreign books;<br />

books for teenagers, parents and kids.<br />

Besides, there are tables where you can<br />

enjoy reading before the purchase: One<br />

for usual usage and one for children.<br />

Also, near the counter there are other<br />

products for comfortable reading such<br />

as: eco-bags, bookstands, textbooks,<br />

tassel, pen and others. For searching<br />

books there are 3 search corners with<br />

computers, that can show you if the book<br />

is available in the store and the exact<br />

place of the book. In addition, they have<br />

books in English as well. There are many<br />

books in English about novels, lifestyle,<br />

economy, bestsellers, business and many<br />

more. And the prices are affordable for<br />

everyone. Usually, it has discounts from<br />

30~40% up to 70~90% depending on the<br />

popularity and demand. You can save up<br />

points that you use later as discount and<br />

for the first purchase you receive 5%<br />

points. Also, the store has 10% discounts<br />

for books about romantic and light<br />

novels and on children’s best series. For<br />

purchases above 20,000Won gifts are<br />

handed, too. You can search books online<br />

on the official website and order through<br />

internet. Aladin has convenient and fast<br />

delivery that costs 2500Won for purchase<br />

under 50,000Won and free for purchase<br />

above 50,000Won. At last but not at least,<br />

there are many other online bookstores<br />

that has many options of used books. Or<br />

reading online is also one way to reduce<br />

the books’ prints and lessen the harm on<br />

environment. We should consume books<br />

with the conscious of damage that we<br />

cause on the environment and avoid<br />

paper waste to save trees.<br />

46 Jeonjugaeksa 4-gil, Jungang-dong, Wansan-gu,<br />

Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do (Phone: 1544-2514)<br />

Hours: 9:30AM ~ 10PM (Monday ~ Sunday)<br />

https://www.aladin.co.kr/<br />


Books<br />

Rural Experience<br />

kept just obtained novel, poem, essay<br />

books. Straight from there is ‘C’ zone<br />

with comic books, reference books;<br />

books about hobby, practical skills,<br />

computers, economics and business. To<br />

the right side from ‘B’ zone is ‘D’ zone<br />

for the books on humanity, science,<br />

religion and art spheres. Next to it is ‘E’<br />

zone, where you can find foreign books;<br />

books for teenagers, parents and kids.<br />

Besides, there are tables where you can<br />

enjoy reading before the purchase: One<br />

for usual usage and one for children.<br />

Also, near the counter there are other<br />

products for comfortable reading such<br />

as: eco-bags, bookstands, textbooks,<br />

tassel, pen and others. For searching<br />

books there are 3 search corners with<br />

computers, that can show you if the book<br />

is available in the store and the exact<br />

place of the book. In addition, they have<br />

books in English as well. There are many<br />

books in English about novels, lifestyle,<br />

economy, bestsellers, business and many<br />

more. And the prices are affordable for<br />

everyone. Usually, it has discounts from<br />

30~40% up to 70~90% depending on the<br />

popularity and demand. You can save up<br />

points that you use later as discount and<br />

for the first purchase you receive 5%<br />

points. Also, the store has 10% discounts<br />

for books about romantic and light<br />

novels and on children’s best series. For<br />

purchases above 20,000Won gifts are<br />

handed, too. You can search books online<br />

on the official website and order through<br />

internet. Aladin has convenient and fast<br />

delivery that costs 2500Won for purchase<br />

under 50,000Won and free for purchase<br />

above 50,000Won. At last but not at least,<br />

there are many other online bookstores<br />

that has many options of used books. Or<br />

reading online is also one way to reduce<br />

the books’ prints and lessen the harm on<br />

environment. We should consume books<br />

with the conscious of damage that we<br />

cause on the environment and avoid<br />

paper waste to save trees.<br />

46 Jeonjugaeksa 4-gil, Jungang-dong, Wansan-gu,<br />

Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do (Phone: 1544-2514)<br />

Hours: 9:30AM ~ 10PM (Monday ~ Sunday)<br />

https://www.aladin.co.kr/<br />




But what happens to the clothes that are<br />

not sold? They end up in landfills, with<br />

chemicals and toxic dyes contaminating<br />

the ground and water.<br />

This bleak situation is even more apparent<br />

in Korea, a country that is at the forefront<br />

of style and beauty trends that surrounding<br />

countries around Asia and the rest of the<br />

world try to emulate. With the popularity<br />

of Korean pop culture that sparked the<br />

hallyu wave, the spread of music, dramas,<br />

food, among many other things from South<br />

Korea, the world looks to the country for<br />

inspiration, and fashion is arguably at the<br />

top of this list. This is because Koreans are<br />

known for their contemporary styles and<br />

unique way of dressing that is considered<br />

the norm. In Seoul alone, you’ll see<br />

urbanites walking in the streets wearing<br />

fashionable items on the daily. Whether<br />

young or old, it is a fact that Koreans like<br />

to dress up—and well.<br />

The Korea Times reported that<br />

according to a recent survey done by the<br />

Korea Women's Environmental Network,<br />

70 percent of 500 male and female<br />

respondents in Korea said that they<br />

don't wear more than half the clothes<br />

they bought one year ago again.<br />

“Consumers are simply buying way more<br />

than they actually need and cheap prices<br />

are fanning thoughtless consumption.<br />

The turnaround of trends is happening<br />

at a crazy speed,” Lee Bo-eun, director<br />

of the environmental group, told The<br />

Korea Times.<br />




But what happens to the clothes that are<br />

not sold? They end up in landfills, with<br />

chemicals and toxic dyes contaminating<br />

the ground and water.<br />

This bleak situation is even more apparent<br />

in Korea, a country that is at the forefront<br />

of style and beauty trends that surrounding<br />

countries around Asia and the rest of the<br />

world try to emulate. With the popularity<br />

of Korean pop culture that sparked the<br />

hallyu wave, the spread of music, dramas,<br />

food, among many other things from South<br />

Korea, the world looks to the country for<br />

inspiration, and fashion is arguably at the<br />

top of this list. This is because Koreans are<br />

known for their contemporary styles and<br />

unique way of dressing that is considered<br />

the norm. In Seoul alone, you’ll see<br />

urbanites walking in the streets wearing<br />

fashionable items on the daily. Whether<br />

young or old, it is a fact that Koreans like<br />

to dress up—and well.<br />

The Korea Times reported that<br />

according to a recent survey done by the<br />

Korea Women's Environmental Network,<br />

70 percent of 500 male and female<br />

respondents in Korea said that they<br />

don't wear more than half the clothes<br />

they bought one year ago again.<br />

“Consumers are simply buying way more<br />

than they actually need and cheap prices<br />

are fanning thoughtless consumption.<br />

The turnaround of trends is happening<br />

at a crazy speed,” Lee Bo-eun, director<br />

of the environmental group, told The<br />

Korea Times.<br />



7UP (SEVEN UP)<br />



Goodwill Store is part of an international<br />

network (Goodwill Industries International)<br />

developed in North America. Goodwill<br />

Industries recycles clothing and small<br />

household appliances through its stores,<br />

with a mission to provide employment/<br />

training opportunities for people with<br />

disabilities. It also accepts new and gently<br />

used clothing, shoes, linens, small working<br />

appliances, household items, small<br />

working electronics, computer equipment,<br />

books, and so on.<br />

This vintage clothing store in Gaeksa may<br />

look like an upscale place because of its<br />

neatly arranged racks, beautiful interiors,<br />

and wide space, but it is home to more<br />

affordable local and designer brands.<br />

Young Korean customers like this place<br />

because it is filled with namesake brands<br />

from the 90s that are still popular today<br />

such as Tommy Hilfiger, Fila, Versace,<br />

Burberry, Polo Sport, among many others.<br />

What’s great about this store is that they<br />

have authentic designer bags and apparel<br />

that are in good condition and don’t even<br />

look like they’re secondhand!<br />

This underground shop is a treasure<br />

trove of streetwear for men, but most<br />

of the styles can be unisex as well.<br />

Sportswear brands such as Nike, Stussy,<br />

Adidas, and the like are available. For<br />

vintage T-shirt collectors, this place has<br />

one-of-a-kind statement tee featuring<br />

legendary rock bands and hip-hop<br />

artists such as Nirvana, Metallica, and<br />

Tupac. It’s a cool place for anyone<br />

looking for urban street styles.<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Paldal-ro 218<br />

굿윌스토어, 전북 전주시 완산구 팔달로 218<br />

Contact number: 063-282-9192<br />


Womenswear: W3,000-5,000 (tops), W5,000-<br />

15,000 (dresses), W7,000-20,000 (bags), W10,000-<br />

25,000 (outerwear), W1,000-3,000 (accessories)<br />

Menswear: W10,000-15,000 (jeans), W4,000-7,000<br />

(shirts, polos), W8,000-20,000 (outerwear)<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 3 gil 48 2nd floor<br />

세븐업, 전북 전주시 완산구 전주객사3길 48 2층<br />

Contact: 063-231-5108<br />


Womenswear: W25,000-50,000 (vintage<br />

dresses, skirts, tops), W70,000-200,000 (designer<br />

outerwear), W30,000-200,000 (designer bags)<br />

Menswear: W25,000-50,000 (designer jackets,<br />

outerwear), W30,000-70,000 (jeans, formal pants)<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 3 gil 45, Basement<br />

올드컴퍼니빈티지 , 전라북도 전주시 완산구 전주객사<br />

3길 45 지하1층<br />

Contact: 070-8866-0914<br />


Menswear: W15,000-35,000 (T-shirts), W40,000-<br />

100,000 (vintage polos, designer jackets and<br />

outerwear)<br />



7UP (SEVEN UP)<br />



Goodwill Store is part of an international<br />

network (Goodwill Industries International)<br />

developed in North America. Goodwill<br />

Industries recycles clothing and small<br />

household appliances through its stores,<br />

with a mission to provide employment/<br />

training opportunities for people with<br />

disabilities. It also accepts new and gently<br />

used clothing, shoes, linens, small working<br />

appliances, household items, small<br />

working electronics, computer equipment,<br />

books, and so on.<br />

This vintage clothing store in Gaeksa may<br />

look like an upscale place because of its<br />

neatly arranged racks, beautiful interiors,<br />

and wide space, but it is home to more<br />

affordable local and designer brands.<br />

Young Korean customers like this place<br />

because it is filled with namesake brands<br />

from the 90s that are still popular today<br />

such as Tommy Hilfiger, Fila, Versace,<br />

Burberry, Polo Sport, among many others.<br />

What’s great about this store is that they<br />

have authentic designer bags and apparel<br />

that are in good condition and don’t even<br />

look like they’re secondhand!<br />

This underground shop is a treasure<br />

trove of streetwear for men, but most<br />

of the styles can be unisex as well.<br />

Sportswear brands such as Nike, Stussy,<br />

Adidas, and the like are available. For<br />

vintage T-shirt collectors, this place has<br />

one-of-a-kind statement tee featuring<br />

legendary rock bands and hip-hop<br />

artists such as Nirvana, Metallica, and<br />

Tupac. It’s a cool place for anyone<br />

looking for urban street styles.<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Paldal-ro 218<br />

굿윌스토어, 전북 전주시 완산구 팔달로 218<br />

Contact number: 063-282-9192<br />


Womenswear: W3,000-5,000 (tops), W5,000-<br />

15,000 (dresses), W7,000-20,000 (bags), W10,000-<br />

25,000 (outerwear), W1,000-3,000 (accessories)<br />

Menswear: W10,000-15,000 (jeans), W4,000-7,000<br />

(shirts, polos), W8,000-20,000 (outerwear)<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 3 gil 48 2nd floor<br />

세븐업, 전북 전주시 완산구 전주객사3길 48 2층<br />

Contact: 063-231-5108<br />


Womenswear: W25,000-50,000 (vintage<br />

dresses, skirts, tops), W70,000-200,000 (designer<br />

outerwear), W30,000-200,000 (designer bags)<br />

Menswear: W25,000-50,000 (designer jackets,<br />

outerwear), W30,000-70,000 (jeans, formal pants)<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 3 gil 45, Basement<br />

올드컴퍼니빈티지 , 전라북도 전주시 완산구 전주객사<br />

3길 45 지하1층<br />

Contact: 070-8866-0914<br />


Menswear: W15,000-35,000 (T-shirts), W40,000-<br />

100,000 (vintage polos, designer jackets and<br />

outerwear)<br />


Craft Beer<br />


Craft Beer<br />


Now that Jeonju's first, official craft brewery opened its<br />

doors, many Jeonjuites have been getting a crash course<br />

in the taste of proper craft beer and handmade pizza,<br />

all made from scratch in the very heart of their city.<br />

After a year and a half, he had worked<br />

his way up from cleaning toilets and<br />

scrubbing floors to making his first<br />

official recipe as assistant brewer. The<br />

time he spent at Bell's was his first taste<br />

of working for a commercial brewery,<br />

and leaving him thirsty for more.<br />

Jeonju is famous for many treasures<br />

such as Hanok village, bibimbap,<br />

and hanji paper, but now a new<br />

establishment on wedding street<br />

is putting the city on the map for an<br />

unexpected addition to this list. Now<br />

that Jeonju's first, official craft brewery<br />

opened its doors on wedding street,<br />

many Jeonjuites have been getting a<br />

crash course in the taste of proper craft<br />

beer and handmade pizza, all made from<br />

scratch in the very heart of their city.<br />

Nomadic Brewing Company is the<br />

collaborative effort of founder and<br />

brewer, John Garret, and co-founder and<br />

pizza chef, Hanna Lee Garret. It has only<br />

been a few months since their opening in<br />

April of <strong>2019</strong>, but they have been working<br />

towards making this dream a reality for<br />

several years. Although it has been a<br />

massive hit with locals and tourists alike,<br />

for John and Hanna, it is still a work in<br />

progress as they have many plans for the<br />

future. I had a chance to sit down with<br />

them to talk about their journey, and how<br />

it has brought them this far.<br />

The First Step<br />

John first came to Jeonju from the U.S.<br />

to teach English back in 2010, and he<br />

immediately fell in love with the city, its<br />

people, and their culture. He stayed in<br />

Jeonju for several years, during which<br />

time he met Hanna, who was working as a<br />

seamstress, and the two began dating. John<br />

spent his days teaching and in his free time,<br />

he began homebrewing in his apartment.<br />

He made several batches of beer over the<br />

next two years, learning from his mistakes<br />

and developing an even greater desire<br />

to know more about the craft. This led to<br />

him starting online classes through Siebel<br />

World Brewing Academy.<br />

John and Hanna married in 2013, but<br />

before tying the knot, they had talked<br />

about his dream of becoming a brewer.<br />

In 2014 they left Korea to go back to<br />

the states where John enrolled in the<br />

Master Brewer's program at Siebel's<br />

school in Chicago. He completed an<br />

intensive three-month program, which<br />

focused primarily on the science of<br />

brewing. He then went on to join the<br />

advanced theory portion of the course<br />

in Munich where he got the hands on<br />

experience and practical knowledge he<br />

needed to get started in the industry.<br />

Getting a Taste for<br />

the Industry<br />

With six months of brewschool and a<br />

Master Brewer's certificate under his<br />

belt, John returned to his home state of<br />

Michigan to begin looking for work and<br />

put his newly acquired skills to the test.<br />

They had only been back a few weeks<br />

when he got his first job working as<br />

part of the team to open Bell's Brewery's<br />

Upperhand Brewery. Like most others in<br />

the brewing industry, John had to start<br />

at the bottom, but wanting to learn<br />

every facet of the production side of<br />

brewing, he was more than happy to get<br />

his hands dirty.<br />

Having learned the basics of running<br />

a brewery, John began looking for<br />

establishments in need of a head<br />

brewer. He applied to many places and<br />

received several offers, but the one that<br />

appealed to both him and Hanna most<br />

was a position starting up a brewery in<br />

Mexico. This was exactly what he had<br />

been looking for; a chance to put all<br />

of his knowledge and experience to<br />

the test. It would be his first time to<br />

assume sole responsibility of a brewery.<br />

He recalls that it was a very challenging<br />

experience, with many obstacles to<br />

overcome, but it confirmed that he was<br />

ready to start his own brewery.<br />

Homecoming<br />

It had been almost 3 years since John<br />

and Hanna had left Korea, and though<br />

they were loving their life in Mexico,<br />

spending much of their free time scuba<br />

diving and soaking in the beauty of the<br />

oceans there, they decided it was time to<br />

come back and begin working on their<br />

plan to open Nomadic. Jeonju was the<br />

city where they had met, where Hanna's<br />

family and many of their friends were,<br />

and where their long journey had begun.<br />

All this, along with the city's reputation<br />

as the culinary capital of Korea, made it<br />

clear to them that Jeonju was the ideal<br />

place to open Nomadic and bring their<br />

journey full circle.<br />

They spent the next 2 years developing<br />

their plan and laying the groundwork to<br />

finally bring their dream to life.<br />


Now that Jeonju's first, official craft brewery opened its<br />

doors, many Jeonjuites have been getting a crash course<br />

in the taste of proper craft beer and handmade pizza,<br />

all made from scratch in the very heart of their city.<br />

After a year and a half, he had worked<br />

his way up from cleaning toilets and<br />

scrubbing floors to making his first<br />

official recipe as assistant brewer. The<br />

time he spent at Bell's was his first taste<br />

of working for a commercial brewery,<br />

and leaving him thirsty for more.<br />

Jeonju is famous for many treasures<br />

such as Hanok village, bibimbap,<br />

and hanji paper, but now a new<br />

establishment on wedding street<br />

is putting the city on the map for an<br />

unexpected addition to this list. Now<br />

that Jeonju's first, official craft brewery<br />

opened its doors on wedding street,<br />

many Jeonjuites have been getting a<br />

crash course in the taste of proper craft<br />

beer and handmade pizza, all made from<br />

scratch in the very heart of their city.<br />

Nomadic Brewing Company is the<br />

collaborative effort of founder and<br />

brewer, John Garret, and co-founder and<br />

pizza chef, Hanna Lee Garret. It has only<br />

been a few months since their opening in<br />

April of <strong>2019</strong>, but they have been working<br />

towards making this dream a reality for<br />

several years. Although it has been a<br />

massive hit with locals and tourists alike,<br />

for John and Hanna, it is still a work in<br />

progress as they have many plans for the<br />

future. I had a chance to sit down with<br />

them to talk about their journey, and how<br />

it has brought them this far.<br />

The First Step<br />

John first came to Jeonju from the U.S.<br />

to teach English back in 2010, and he<br />

immediately fell in love with the city, its<br />

people, and their culture. He stayed in<br />

Jeonju for several years, during which<br />

time he met Hanna, who was working as a<br />

seamstress, and the two began dating. John<br />

spent his days teaching and in his free time,<br />

he began homebrewing in his apartment.<br />

He made several batches of beer over the<br />

next two years, learning from his mistakes<br />

and developing an even greater desire<br />

to know more about the craft. This led to<br />

him starting online classes through Siebel<br />

World Brewing Academy.<br />

John and Hanna married in 2013, but<br />

before tying the knot, they had talked<br />

about his dream of becoming a brewer.<br />

In 2014 they left Korea to go back to<br />

the states where John enrolled in the<br />

Master Brewer's program at Siebel's<br />

school in Chicago. He completed an<br />

intensive three-month program, which<br />

focused primarily on the science of<br />

brewing. He then went on to join the<br />

advanced theory portion of the course<br />

in Munich where he got the hands on<br />

experience and practical knowledge he<br />

needed to get started in the industry.<br />

Getting a Taste for<br />

the Industry<br />

With six months of brewschool and a<br />

Master Brewer's certificate under his<br />

belt, John returned to his home state of<br />

Michigan to begin looking for work and<br />

put his newly acquired skills to the test.<br />

They had only been back a few weeks<br />

when he got his first job working as<br />

part of the team to open Bell's Brewery's<br />

Upperhand Brewery. Like most others in<br />

the brewing industry, John had to start<br />

at the bottom, but wanting to learn<br />

every facet of the production side of<br />

brewing, he was more than happy to get<br />

his hands dirty.<br />

Having learned the basics of running<br />

a brewery, John began looking for<br />

establishments in need of a head<br />

brewer. He applied to many places and<br />

received several offers, but the one that<br />

appealed to both him and Hanna most<br />

was a position starting up a brewery in<br />

Mexico. This was exactly what he had<br />

been looking for; a chance to put all<br />

of his knowledge and experience to<br />

the test. It would be his first time to<br />

assume sole responsibility of a brewery.<br />

He recalls that it was a very challenging<br />

experience, with many obstacles to<br />

overcome, but it confirmed that he was<br />

ready to start his own brewery.<br />

Homecoming<br />

It had been almost 3 years since John<br />

and Hanna had left Korea, and though<br />

they were loving their life in Mexico,<br />

spending much of their free time scuba<br />

diving and soaking in the beauty of the<br />

oceans there, they decided it was time to<br />

come back and begin working on their<br />

plan to open Nomadic. Jeonju was the<br />

city where they had met, where Hanna's<br />

family and many of their friends were,<br />

and where their long journey had begun.<br />

All this, along with the city's reputation<br />

as the culinary capital of Korea, made it<br />

clear to them that Jeonju was the ideal<br />

place to open Nomadic and bring their<br />

journey full circle.<br />

They spent the next 2 years developing<br />

their plan and laying the groundwork to<br />

finally bring their dream to life.<br />


Buan Beaches<br />

Handcrafted Quality<br />

So far all the beers at Nomadic have been<br />

very popular, but the crowd favourite at<br />

the moment seems to be Nomadica, a<br />

dry-hopped, smooth IPA that doesn't<br />

shock the palate too much with its mild<br />

hops and citrus flavours. A close second<br />

to Nomadica would be Glamping, a nice<br />

traditional cream ale with a lageresque<br />

profile that everyone can appreciate.<br />

Other beers you can find on tap include<br />

Nightwalk, a 6% abv stout boasting a<br />

rich coffee taste amongst other complex<br />

flavours, and A-Frame, their first amber<br />

ale that is an especially multi-enriched<br />

beer with a sweetness that makes it very<br />

appealing to those new to craft beer.<br />

Equally impressive is the handmade<br />

pizza, which pairs perfectly with the<br />

beers. John and Hanna had considered<br />

several menu options while planning<br />

to open Nomadic, but they always came<br />

back to pizza in the end. They wanted to<br />

do something a little different though,<br />

so Hanna took a course in Seoul, making<br />

traditional Italian style pizza, focusing<br />

on the basics, and using only the best<br />

quality ingredients. Their dough is<br />

naturally fermented to give it the<br />

perfect taste and texture. Hanna orders<br />

all the traditional ingredients directly<br />

from Italy and uses fresh, local herbs<br />

and vegetables from Nambu market for<br />

both their regular and seasonal options.<br />

Besides serving arguably the best beer<br />

and pizza combination in Korea, the<br />

atmosphere at Nomadic is always inviting.<br />

John and Hanna treat everyone that<br />

comes into their establishment like old<br />

friends, and their staff are all enthusiastic<br />

and dedicated. When you first enter<br />

Nomadic, you will walk through John's<br />

'sanctuary' where you can see where all<br />

the beer is made. The contrast of steel<br />

tanks and wooden beams gives it a<br />

beautiful traditional and modern fusion.<br />

Then as you move further back into the<br />

taproom, you are immediately transported<br />

to a European-style Biergarten set in a<br />

historical Korean building. With Neil Young<br />

or Ben Harper playing in the background,<br />

you'll find friends and strangers alike<br />

eating and drinking side by side, sharing<br />

laughs, and making new friendships. So if<br />

you're looking for some great craft beer<br />

the next time you are in Jeonju, be sure to<br />

wander over to wedding street and treat<br />

yourself to a pint and a pizza at Nomadic<br />

Brewing Company.<br />


Buan Beaches<br />

Handcrafted Quality<br />

So far all the beers at Nomadic have been<br />

very popular, but the crowd favourite at<br />

the moment seems to be Nomadica, a<br />

dry-hopped, smooth IPA that doesn't<br />

shock the palate too much with its mild<br />

hops and citrus flavours. A close second<br />

to Nomadica would be Glamping, a nice<br />

traditional cream ale with a lageresque<br />

profile that everyone can appreciate.<br />

Other beers you can find on tap include<br />

Nightwalk, a 6% abv stout boasting a<br />

rich coffee taste amongst other complex<br />

flavours, and A-Frame, their first amber<br />

ale that is an especially multi-enriched<br />

beer with a sweetness that makes it very<br />

appealing to those new to craft beer.<br />

Equally impressive is the handmade<br />

pizza, which pairs perfectly with the<br />

beers. John and Hanna had considered<br />

several menu options while planning<br />

to open Nomadic, but they always came<br />

back to pizza in the end. They wanted to<br />

do something a little different though,<br />

so Hanna took a course in Seoul, making<br />

traditional Italian style pizza, focusing<br />

on the basics, and using only the best<br />

quality ingredients. Their dough is<br />

naturally fermented to give it the<br />

perfect taste and texture. Hanna orders<br />

all the traditional ingredients directly<br />

from Italy and uses fresh, local herbs<br />

and vegetables from Nambu market for<br />

both their regular and seasonal options.<br />

Besides serving arguably the best beer<br />

and pizza combination in Korea, the<br />

atmosphere at Nomadic is always inviting.<br />

John and Hanna treat everyone that<br />

comes into their establishment like old<br />

friends, and their staff are all enthusiastic<br />

and dedicated. When you first enter<br />

Nomadic, you will walk through John's<br />

'sanctuary' where you can see where all<br />

the beer is made. The contrast of steel<br />

tanks and wooden beams gives it a<br />

beautiful traditional and modern fusion.<br />

Then as you move further back into the<br />

taproom, you are immediately transported<br />

to a European-style Biergarten set in a<br />

historical Korean building. With Neil Young<br />

or Ben Harper playing in the background,<br />

you'll find friends and strangers alike<br />

eating and drinking side by side, sharing<br />

laughs, and making new friendships. So if<br />

you're looking for some great craft beer<br />

the next time you are in Jeonju, be sure to<br />

wander over to wedding street and treat<br />

yourself to a pint and a pizza at Nomadic<br />

Brewing Company.<br />


Say ‘No’ to Plastic:<br />

Plastic Cup Ban in Cafes<br />

Words & photos by Shermamatova Aizharkyn<br />

Today, South Korea is<br />

taking a leadership<br />

role in civic and<br />

Since 2018, Korea has restricted<br />

usage of plastic cups in cafes and<br />

restaurants. According to laws<br />

environmental care. Korea has<br />

about resource conservation and<br />

already been recycling and<br />

recycling by the Ministry of the<br />

reusing products for many<br />

Environment of South Korea, it's<br />

years. There are varied trash<br />

acceptable to use cups made from<br />

bins for different products in<br />

synthetic resins only for take-out<br />

front of apartments, buildings,<br />

beverages. At first, 12 franchising<br />

and various other public<br />

coffee bars and 5 fast-food stores<br />

places. Usually, there are bins<br />

signed a voluntary agreement<br />

amount anywhere from 50,000 to<br />

to 30 years to decompose due<br />

for each type of waste: plastic,<br />

in 2018 to reduce usage of<br />

500,000 won, depending on the<br />

to the inner plastic lining used<br />

vinyl, paper, cans, glass, food,<br />

disposable products. Since then,<br />

size of the store.<br />

to keep the cups from becoming<br />

and others. Food wastes can<br />

the number of cafes and stores<br />

soggy. This plastic lining can<br />

be disposed safely, while<br />

has grown considerably. The<br />

Nowadays, you can’t see plastic<br />

be separated easily during the<br />

recyclable wastes can be<br />

agreement includes information<br />

cups in cafés or fast-food<br />

recycling process.<br />

reproduced into something else<br />

regarding discount benefits<br />

restaurants in Korea. Every<br />

without further pollution of<br />

for customers who bring their<br />

coffee shop has a sign about the<br />

Even the stores where the most<br />

nature. Do you know how many<br />

own tumblers, and they ask the<br />

prohibition law at the entrance<br />

drinks are being consumed<br />

years the average plastic takes<br />

customer to use non-disposable<br />

or near the counter so that you<br />

all signed the agreement to<br />

to rot and degrade fully? The<br />

(e.g. glass, steel) cups when<br />

can see it before ordering. Even<br />

provide drinks in sustainable<br />

average time span for complete<br />

ordering. The agreement fully<br />

if you are planning to leave<br />

cups. In fact, according to data<br />

biodegradation to occur is 450<br />

bans the usage of plastic cups<br />

within 30 minutes, they offer<br />

by the Ministry, the usage of<br />

years, but depending on the<br />

inside stores, even for a short<br />

non-disposable cups while you<br />

disposable cups inside cafés<br />

type of plastic it can take up to<br />

amount of time. If this rule is<br />

are in the store, and if you don't<br />

and stores was reduced by 72%<br />

1000 years.<br />

broken, the store can be fined an<br />

finish your drink, they will change<br />

in a year (July, 2018~ May, <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

it to a take-out cup. At first, some<br />

and the quantity of total plastic<br />

coffee shops and restaurants<br />

cup usage, including take-out<br />

had problems with the lack of<br />

cups, was reduced by 14.4%.<br />

sustainable cups, so they used<br />

paper cups. Since paper cups<br />

These various results are<br />

are not considered a disposable<br />

incredible, so let’s continue<br />

cup by law in South Korea, it’s<br />

to support this campaign<br />

acceptable to use paper, glass,<br />

everywhere and refuse to use<br />

and steel cups according to the<br />

disposable products that harm<br />

Ministry of Environment.<br />

the environment. Plastic is<br />

convenient to use but it’s not<br />

Plastic straw usage has also<br />

sustainable. Even though it<br />

diminished, with paper straws or<br />

takes much more effort to use<br />

no straws at all taking their place.<br />

only sustainable cups, it is worth<br />

Unlike plastic, paper is degraded<br />

it. Let’s be conscious about what<br />

in a shorter time, taking only<br />

we consume and make our<br />

2~5 months to decompose.<br />

environment an eco-friendly<br />

However, paper cups take closer<br />

and healthy place to live.<br />


Section: Culture<br />

The Art of Brunch<br />

The pleasures of indulging on<br />

an in-between meal that’s both<br />

healthy and visually pleasing<br />

Words and Photos by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

34 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Jeonju is undoubtedly one of the best<br />

places to go in Korea to experience<br />

traditional Korean food and culture,<br />

but many don’t know that this<br />

traditional city also has a bustling cafe<br />

culture with some of the best hidden-gem<br />

coffee shops around. Cafes varying from<br />

ultra-modern, industrial, minimalist to<br />

quaint, rustic, and vintage sprout in every<br />

corner, filling the well-curated Instagram<br />

posts of both young and young-at-heart<br />

visitors alike.<br />

The brunch scene is also no different. For<br />

years, only a handful of brunch restaurants<br />

can be found here and in mostly hidden<br />

spots, which unfortunately do not often<br />

satisfy the palates of brunch enthusiasts.<br />

Nowadays, food business owners are taking<br />

heed from the clamor for meals that are<br />

“not quite breakfast, not quite lunch meals”<br />

that are supposed to be served mid-day.<br />

These two places in the millennial hub<br />

Gaeksa, however, combines the beauty of<br />

a well-lit, artfully decorated space with a<br />

tasty brunch that makes waking up a little<br />

bit early on the weekends worth it.<br />


Jeonju is undoubtedly one of the best<br />

places to go in Korea to experience<br />

traditional Korean food and culture,<br />

but many don’t know that this<br />

traditional city also has a bustling cafe<br />

culture with some of the best hidden-gem<br />

coffee shops around. Cafes varying from<br />

ultra-modern, industrial, minimalist to<br />

quaint, rustic, and vintage sprout in every<br />

corner, filling the well-curated Instagram<br />

posts of both young and young-at-heart<br />

visitors alike.<br />

The brunch scene is also no different. For<br />

years, only a handful of brunch restaurants<br />

can be found here and in mostly hidden<br />

spots, which unfortunately do not often<br />

satisfy the palates of brunch enthusiasts.<br />

Nowadays, food business owners are taking<br />

heed from the clamor for meals that are<br />

“not quite breakfast, not quite lunch meals”<br />

that are supposed to be served mid-day.<br />

These two places in the millennial hub<br />

Gaeksa, however, combines the beauty of<br />

a well-lit, artfully decorated space with a<br />

tasty brunch that makes waking up a little<br />

bit early on the weekends worth it.<br />


Instagram: @positives_lettersfrom<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 2 gil, 45-10, Chojang<br />

Jip 2nd floor<br />

전주시 완산구 전주객사 2길, 45-10,초장집 2층<br />

Operating hours: 12:00PM -10:00PM<br />

Closed on Mondays<br />

12:00PM – 6:30PM on Sundays<br />

Instagram: @__praktik__<br />

Jeonju Wansan-gu Gaeksa 1 gil 73, 1st floor<br />

전주시 완산구 전주객사1길 73, 1층<br />

Closed on Wednesdays<br />

Open from 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.<br />

Instagram: @goodbakeshop<br />

Jeonju Gaeksa 2 gil 37<br />

전주객사2길 37<br />

Open from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM<br />

Closed Tuesdays<br />


There’s something about quaint,<br />

unassuming cafes that beckon over<br />

passersby. Praktik may be small in size, but<br />

it packs in tons of charm with its beautiful<br />

and cozy interior. Stripped of pretenses,<br />

this incredibly simple yet gorgeous coffee<br />

shop has wide glass windows where you<br />

can people-watch all day long. It’s warm,<br />

homely, and its coffee and cakes will surely<br />

bring you comfort any day of the week.<br />

Praktik is the perfect choice if you<br />

want a light, unassuming brunch with<br />

its specialties including the all-time<br />

favorite shrimp avocado toast, egg<br />

croissant, egg in hell, grilled cheese<br />

sandwiches, and a variety of delectable<br />

cupcakes, desserts, and sweet options.<br />

The interiors are just as lovely as their<br />

brunch plates. All around is a muted, nude<br />

color, with no unnecessary decors or frills in<br />

sight. It’s quiet surroundings are perfect for<br />

enjoying your brews and books. To make<br />

your brunch experience more enjoyable,<br />

take a seat by the wide windows, feel the<br />

warmth of the sunlight, and eat in peace or<br />

with engaging conversations.<br />


If there’s anything that makes the aroma of<br />

coffee much more enticing, it’s the smell of<br />

bread and sugary sweetness that come from<br />

freshly baked goods. Good Bake Shop lives<br />

up to its name as it offers much more than<br />

the typical bake stores in Korea. It features<br />

a wide array of organic baked offerings that<br />

are free of harmful ingredients.<br />

But what makes a bakery essentially<br />

organic? First, organic food is known to be<br />

devoid of artificial components, pesticides,<br />

chemicals, and preservatives. The bakery<br />

uses alternatives such as soy or coconut<br />

milk and whole wheat organic flour. Their<br />

sandwiches, croissants, cakes are made<br />

fresh daily. These are good for people who<br />

are sensitive to regular flour and gluten, and<br />

for people who suffer from diabetes. What’s<br />

also a plus is that these are good snacks for<br />

children instead of fast food or unhealthy<br />

options. This two-floor spot is entirely new<br />

but it is already gaining a huge following of<br />

nutrition-conscious clientele in Jeonju.<br />


travel jeonbuk<br />

<br />

A Symbol of Autumn<br />

A cafe dedicated to persimmons, the<br />

representative fruit of the season<br />

Words by Dianne Pineda<br />

Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />

The harmony of warm colors red, brown,<br />

and yellow that trickle all over Korea’s<br />

mountains and foliage signal the<br />

start of Autumn. But there’s another<br />

noticeable thing that marks the season: persimmons.<br />

It is the defining image of harvest aside from the<br />

moment of families gathering together to partake<br />

in a feast during Chuseok. This sweet, tangy, and rich<br />

fruit can be seen adding beautiful taints of orange<br />

on nature’s views, most especially in the countryside,<br />

where it grows so abundantly that several pieces<br />

fall on the grounds. In some households, it is<br />

common to see persimmons hanging under the sun<br />

for it to dry and made into preserved jams, vinegar,<br />

syrup, snacks, and ingredients for dessert or tea. The<br />

benefits of this fruit is endless. It is reported that it<br />

is believed to help combat muscle pain, headaches,<br />

hemorrhoids, stuffy noses, indigestion, severe burns<br />

and even stomach cancer.<br />

Korean folklore<br />

The persimmon, known as gam or 감 in Korean is<br />

deeply rooted in a famous local folktale. The story<br />

started with a mother having a hard time consoling<br />

her baby who was crying very loudly. Unbeknownst<br />

to the villagers, a tiger is lurking in hopes of<br />

stealing a cow to eat. The baby continues to cry<br />

even after the mother tried to scare him by saying<br />

that a tiger is coming. The mother then shouts<br />

38 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

“Gotgam! gotgam!” meaning dried persimmons,<br />

which calmed the baby down. This halts scared<br />

the tiger and has him thinking a dried persimmon<br />

is so scary that it had the power to stop a child<br />

from crying when he himself couldn’t scare the<br />

child. At the same time, the burglar who mistook<br />

the tiger for a cow, jumps on the tiger’s back. Out<br />

of fear, the tiger runs out of the village with the<br />

burglar on his back thinking it is the terrifying<br />

dried persimmon. The fruit has then become a<br />

symbol of protection, and in Buddhist tradition, it<br />

signifies “transformation,” because it changes from<br />

green bitter fruits into bright orange and produce<br />

sweet nectar.<br />

One cafe in Jeonju is dedicated to serving this<br />

fruit in many creative ways. Hongsigoong is a cafe<br />

named after hongsi (훙시), a variety of persimmon<br />

that ripens once picked. Aside from the usual<br />

coffee offerings, it serves frozen persimmon<br />

desserts similar to bingsu, persimmon latte, tarts,<br />

sandwiches with persimmon jam, and sticky<br />

rice balls with the sweet fruit inside. The cafe is<br />

designed as a traditional hanok, keeping the story,<br />

culture, and vibrant taste of the fruit alive for<br />

younger generations to enjoy.<br />

Instagram: @hongsigoong_main_store<br />

Address: 전주시 완산구 전주객사1길 94<br />

Open: 12:00NN to 11:30PM (weekdays)<br />

Close: 12:00NN to 12:00PM (weekends)<br />


“Gotgam! gotgam!” meaning dried persimmons,<br />

which calmed the baby down. This halts scared<br />

the tiger and has him thinking a dried persimmon<br />

is so scary that it had the power to stop a child<br />

from crying when he himself couldn’t scare the<br />

child. At the same time, the burglar who mistook<br />

the tiger for a cow, jumps on the tiger’s back. Out<br />

of fear, the tiger runs out of the village with the<br />

burglar on his back thinking it is the terrifying<br />

dried persimmon. The fruit has then become a<br />

symbol of protection, and in Buddhist tradition, it<br />

signifies “transformation,” because it changes from<br />

green bitter fruits into bright orange and produce<br />

sweet nectar.<br />

One cafe in Jeonju is dedicated to serving this<br />

fruit in many creative ways. Hongsigoong is a cafe<br />

named after hongsi (훙시), a variety of persimmon<br />

that ripens once picked. Aside from the usual<br />

coffee offerings, it serves frozen persimmon<br />

desserts similar to bingsu, persimmon latte, tarts,<br />

sandwiches with persimmon jam, and sticky<br />

rice balls with the sweet fruit inside. The cafe is<br />

designed as a traditional hanok, keeping the story,<br />

culture, and vibrant taste of the fruit alive for<br />

younger generations to enjoy.<br />

Instagram: @hongsigoong_main_store<br />

Address: 전주시 완산구 전주객사1길 94<br />

Open: 12:00NN to 11:30PM (weekdays)<br />

Close: 12:00NN to 12:00PM (weekends)<br />


Gamloheon<br />

My favorite restaurant in Jeonju is Gamloheon. While<br />

not a singularly vegan restaurant, they offer a vegan<br />

version of their set menu at a discount (5,000won<br />

less per person than the meat set). The chef and<br />

owner of Gamloheon, Cho Hyeon-ju, focuses on<br />

creating medicinal food featuring vegetables grown<br />

in her own garden. This style of food is most popular<br />

with older Koreans as they greatly appreciate the<br />

health benefits of each dish, which either Ms. Cho<br />

or the staff members will happily explain to you.<br />

Her attention to detail and craft in the kitchen sets<br />

her restaurant apart from many places in town.<br />

Additionally, with the changing of seasons, Ms. Cho<br />

adjusts her menu to feature the best ingredients at<br />

that moment, resulting in a slightly different meal<br />

each time. Each meal starts with a hot tea (such as<br />

eggplant) followed by a vegan vegetable soup, yellow<br />

rice, and at least 15 different side dishes. I always<br />

immediately go for the fried side dish but then work<br />

my way through each one to find a favorite. Recently,<br />

my favorite was a dehydrated fruit topped with a<br />

rich, gochujang-like sauce, though I also always<br />

enjoy the fruit salad with a creamy tofu sauce. It<br />

reminds me of the Waldorf salad my mom used to<br />

serve at Thanksgiving! The delicious spread finishes<br />

with another tea: a cold, bitter citron tea meant to<br />

help with your digestion. Last month, Ms. Cho only<br />

had floor seating, but she recently changed to offer<br />

chairs to appeal to foreign travelers. Reservations<br />

are highly recommended as peak meal times can<br />

be busy and she may run out of side dishes! You<br />

can easily walk to Gamloheon from the new gate<br />

of Chonbuk National University as it is located in<br />

Geumam-dong. I always recommend Gamloheon as<br />

a way to impress your visiting friends and family,<br />

regardless of whether or not they are vegan!<br />

Address: 728-215 Geumam-dong, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju<br />

(전주시 덕진구 금암동 728-215)<br />

Hours: 12:00~14:00, 17:00~21:00, may be closed Sundays<br />

Telephone Number: 063-275-8811<br />


Gamloheon<br />

My favorite restaurant in Jeonju is Gamloheon. While<br />

not a singularly vegan restaurant, they offer a vegan<br />

version of their set menu at a discount (5,000won<br />

less per person than the meat set). The chef and<br />

owner of Gamloheon, Cho Hyeon-ju, focuses on<br />

creating medicinal food featuring vegetables grown<br />

in her own garden. This style of food is most popular<br />

with older Koreans as they greatly appreciate the<br />

health benefits of each dish, which either Ms. Cho<br />

or the staff members will happily explain to you.<br />

Her attention to detail and craft in the kitchen sets<br />

her restaurant apart from many places in town.<br />

Additionally, with the changing of seasons, Ms. Cho<br />

adjusts her menu to feature the best ingredients at<br />

that moment, resulting in a slightly different meal<br />

each time. Each meal starts with a hot tea (such as<br />

eggplant) followed by a vegan vegetable soup, yellow<br />

rice, and at least 15 different side dishes. I always<br />

immediately go for the fried side dish but then work<br />

my way through each one to find a favorite. Recently,<br />

my favorite was a dehydrated fruit topped with a<br />

rich, gochujang-like sauce, though I also always<br />

enjoy the fruit salad with a creamy tofu sauce. It<br />

reminds me of the Waldorf salad my mom used to<br />

serve at Thanksgiving! The delicious spread finishes<br />

with another tea: a cold, bitter citron tea meant to<br />

help with your digestion. Last month, Ms. Cho only<br />

had floor seating, but she recently changed to offer<br />

chairs to appeal to foreign travelers. Reservations<br />

are highly recommended as peak meal times can<br />

be busy and she may run out of side dishes! You<br />

can easily walk to Gamloheon from the new gate<br />

of Chonbuk National University as it is located in<br />

Geumam-dong. I always recommend Gamloheon as<br />

a way to impress your visiting friends and family,<br />

regardless of whether or not they are vegan!<br />

Address: 728-215 Geumam-dong, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju<br />

(전주시 덕진구 금암동 728-215)<br />

Hours: 12:00~14:00, 17:00~21:00, may be closed Sundays<br />

Telephone Number: 063-275-8811<br />


Jinmi<br />

Jinmi offers vegetarian and vegan Korean-<br />

Chinese food in the heart of Wedding<br />

Street. Located just down the street from<br />

the popular Nomadic Brewery, Jinmi has<br />

been serving delicious Chinese food since<br />

1976, and they include a whole page for<br />

vegetarians and vegans. This special<br />

menu page is very unusual for restaurants<br />

in general, so it’s a wonderful surprise to<br />

find it at a Korean-Chinese restaurant!<br />

At Jinmi, you can try meat-free versions<br />

of common Korean-Chinese dishes like<br />

noodles with blackbean sauce (jajjangmyeon)<br />

and spicy “seafood” noodle soup<br />

(jjam-bbong). Each dish is made with lots<br />

of vegetables seasoned and cooked so<br />

as to mimic meat, therefore filling you<br />

up while also being healthier. The truly<br />

special dishes though, will cost you a bit<br />

more. You should order the sweet and<br />

sour “pork” (tangsu-yuk). Soft shiitake<br />

mushrooms are breaded and fried, but<br />

are somehow more chewy than crispy.<br />

They are served alongside a clear and<br />

viscous sauce which has raw vegetables<br />

like carrots and onions. This sauce is<br />

certainly more sweet than sour, and<br />

despite its price it isn’t enough to fill up<br />

two people, so I would suggest ordering<br />

it as an appetizer. It’s a speciality of the<br />

restaurant, and the quality definitely<br />

shows. In addition to the food, the<br />

appearance of the restaurant sets it apart<br />

from many other places in Jeonju. On the<br />

outside, a stately facade welcomes you<br />

into the restaurant, reminding you you’re<br />

in the Chinatown of Jeonju, while the<br />

inside looks special because of giant<br />

mural on one side of the restaurant. If<br />

you come with a big party, you can even<br />

sit upstairs in one of the private rooms.<br />

The staff primarily speaks Korean, though<br />

the owners can also speak English. Sadly,<br />

the vegetarian/vegan page of the menu<br />

does not have English translations of<br />

the dishes unlike other pages in the<br />

menu, so come prepared with Korean<br />

names of dishes you want to try. I can’t<br />

wait to try the spicy garlic fried “chicken”<br />

(gganpung-gi) on my next visit!<br />

Address: 12-3 Jeollagamyeong 3-gil, Jungang-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju<br />

(전주시 완산구 전라김영 3길 12-3)<br />

Hours: 10:30~21:30 every day (last order at 21:00)<br />

Telephone Number: 010-3674-4218<br />


Jinmi<br />

Jinmi offers vegetarian and vegan Korean-<br />

Chinese food in the heart of Wedding<br />

Street. Located just down the street from<br />

the popular Nomadic Brewery, Jinmi has<br />

been serving delicious Chinese food since<br />

1976, and they include a whole page for<br />

vegetarians and vegans. This special<br />

menu page is very unusual for restaurants<br />

in general, so it’s a wonderful surprise to<br />

find it at a Korean-Chinese restaurant!<br />

At Jinmi, you can try meat-free versions<br />

of common Korean-Chinese dishes like<br />

noodles with blackbean sauce (jajjangmyeon)<br />

and spicy “seafood” noodle soup<br />

(jjam-bbong). Each dish is made with lots<br />

of vegetables seasoned and cooked so<br />

as to mimic meat, therefore filling you<br />

up while also being healthier. The truly<br />

special dishes though, will cost you a bit<br />

more. You should order the sweet and<br />

sour “pork” (tangsu-yuk). Soft shiitake<br />

mushrooms are breaded and fried, but<br />

are somehow more chewy than crispy.<br />

They are served alongside a clear and<br />

viscous sauce which has raw vegetables<br />

like carrots and onions. This sauce is<br />

certainly more sweet than sour, and<br />

despite its price it isn’t enough to fill up<br />

two people, so I would suggest ordering<br />

it as an appetizer. It’s a speciality of the<br />

restaurant, and the quality definitely<br />

shows. In addition to the food, the<br />

appearance of the restaurant sets it apart<br />

from many other places in Jeonju. On the<br />

outside, a stately facade welcomes you<br />

into the restaurant, reminding you you’re<br />

in the Chinatown of Jeonju, while the<br />

inside looks special because of giant<br />

mural on one side of the restaurant. If<br />

you come with a big party, you can even<br />

sit upstairs in one of the private rooms.<br />

The staff primarily speaks Korean, though<br />

the owners can also speak English. Sadly,<br />

the vegetarian/vegan page of the menu<br />

does not have English translations of<br />

the dishes unlike other pages in the<br />

menu, so come prepared with Korean<br />

names of dishes you want to try. I can’t<br />

wait to try the spicy garlic fried “chicken”<br />

(gganpung-gi) on my next visit!<br />

Address: 12-3 Jeollagamyeong 3-gil, Jungang-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju<br />

(전주시 완산구 전라김영 3길 12-3)<br />

Hours: 10:30~21:30 every day (last order at 21:00)<br />

Telephone Number: 010-3674-4218<br />


Gunsan<br />

Iksan<br />

Wanju<br />

County<br />

Muju<br />

County<br />

Words by aaron snowberger<br />

Jeolla Dialect<br />

Jeonju<br />

Gimje<br />

Buan<br />

전라 사투리<br />

County<br />

Jeongeup<br />

Imsil<br />

County<br />

Gochang<br />

County<br />

Sunchang<br />

County<br />

Jinan<br />

County<br />

Jangsu<br />

County<br />

Namwon<br />

호랭이,<br />

개구락지<br />

Every region has its own unique dialect. By<br />

embracing it, you embrace the local people, “어제 아들은 일을무시하고 술만<br />

language, and culture in a warm and useful 마섰다! 정말 청개구락지다.”<br />

way. This edition’s featured phrase is…. “My son skipped work yesterday<br />

to drink. He's really a bad guy.”<br />

In the Jeolla dialect, some words may<br />

“쉿~ 조용히해. 호랭이도<br />

have non-standard, almost slang-like<br />

지 말하면 온다!”<br />

pronunciations. Two such words are<br />

“Shh~ Quiet! If you speak of the<br />

tiger (호랑이) pronunced 호랭이 and frog<br />

tiger (devil), he'll appear.”<br />

(개구리) pronunced 개구락지. Throw these<br />

words into a conversation for a little fun!<br />

Photo by Robert Stokoe from Pexels.com<br />

“호랭이가 개구락지를<br />

사냥하고있다.”<br />

“The tiger is hunting the frog.”<br />

A note on Korean idioms:<br />

These idioms are present in the speech bubbles above:<br />

청개구리<br />

Translated: "Green frog."<br />

Idiomatically, this is used to speak of a disobedient,<br />

unpredictable person.<br />

There is a fable in which a green frog never listened<br />

to his mother. She said, "Go east" and he went west,<br />

and so on. On her death bed, she told him, "Please<br />

bury me near the stream, not on the hill" because she<br />

expected him to do the opposite. However, the green<br />

frog realized what a bad son he'd been, so he did as<br />

she asked. After that, he always worried that her grave<br />

would be swept away if it rained hard and the stream<br />

flooded. Even today, frogs croak woefully in the rain.<br />

범(호랑이)도 지 말하면 온다<br />

Translated, this means, "If you keep speaking about<br />

the tiger, it will appear."<br />

Idiomatically, it means, "Speak of the devil."<br />


P h o t o g r a p h y<br />

Hanok Village<br />

46 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16<br />

Ajoong Lake

Photos by<br />

Umesh Sampath<br />

Aaron<br />

Snowberger<br />

and<br />

Shermamatova<br />

Aizharkyn<br />

Naejang Mountain<br />

Jeongeup Daisies<br />


Festival<br />

Words & Photos by Bee Mackie<br />

48 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Reflections<br />

Gimje Horizon Festival<br />

Wanju Wild Food Festival<br />

Imsil Cheese Festival<br />

Endless rice paddies provided a perfect<br />

backdrop to the Gimje Horizon Festival.<br />

Visitors were greeted by two old cows happily<br />

pulling a cart filled with giggling children.<br />

The surrounding fields were full of parents<br />

and kids attempting to catch crickets in their<br />

nets. Long rows of white tents sold everything<br />

from traditional liquor to cartons of fresh<br />

injeolmi. The festival was full of events for<br />

families and children. Kids could make their<br />

own clay pots and collect them later in the<br />

day or try their hand (with Dad’s help) at<br />

a traditional water pump. Hungry festivalgoers<br />

could visit the huge food tent or eat<br />

from food trucks outside. The crowds were<br />

treated to a stunning, and a little deafening,<br />

air show in the afternoon amazed the crowds.<br />

The festival was a wonderful showcase of<br />

the region's beauty and traditions.<br />

The Wanju Wild Festival attracted an<br />

adventurous crowd. The festival was<br />

packed with activities for daring festivalgoers.<br />

Friends challenged each other to<br />

eat smelly and strange foods. Kids with<br />

nets were catching locusts in a field<br />

while others were knee-deep in the river<br />

attempting to catch mudfish with their<br />

bare hands. Further up the river families<br />

worked together to catch fish in nets.<br />

Those that got lucky could cook their<br />

freshly caught fish over open fires nearby.<br />

Fried locusts, frogs and mealworm pizzas<br />

were all on the menu. There were plenty<br />

of delicious local dishes for the less brave.<br />

Visitors looking for a break could explore<br />

the peaceful gardens and greenhouses on<br />

the festival grounds.<br />

The Imsil Cheese Festival was a great<br />

tribute to the region’s finest dairy.<br />

Everything was about cheese. Stalls<br />

were selling it fried, fresh, on sticks,<br />

inside hotteok and on pizzas. The big<br />

event was hundreds of people making<br />

a giant pizza, topped with the region’s<br />

famous cheese. Later, teams raced each<br />

other to transport huge orange wheels<br />

of cheese in wheelbarrows in a cheese<br />

relay. Visitors looking for a view could<br />

climb a giant cheese wheel on top<br />

of the hill. The festival grounds also<br />

contained an area for international<br />

food and performances. A wonderful day<br />

dedicated to cheese.<br />


Travel jeonbuk<br />

326-17, Hanpungnu-ro, Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do 전라북도 무주군 무주읍 한풍루로 326-17 (설천면) Phone: +82-63-324-2440<br />

discover muju-gun<br />

Bandi Land + Festival<br />

Words and Photos by aaron snowberger<br />

The first week of September<br />

every year sees hosts of tourists<br />

migrating to Muju for its annual<br />

Firefly Festival, Korea’s Natural Treasure<br />

No. 322. But the county also owns the<br />

only Insect Museum in the country with<br />

an indoor firefly experience habitat and<br />

research lab that can be experienced year<br />

round during its daily operating hours.<br />

The Bandiland Insect Museum rests<br />

comfortably inside Muju’s Firefly Eco<br />

Theme Park, which also houses a camping<br />

site, log cabin, outdoor swimming pool,<br />

and the Muju Firefly Astronomical<br />

Science Museum and Observatory, which<br />

includes 13 small telescopes and a large<br />

305mm RC Telescope in the top of the<br />

Observatory. The park itself includes two<br />

large fountains (one over a boardwalk),<br />

many spacious open areas, playgrounds,<br />

and numerous wooden picnicking<br />

squares spread among the trees that<br />

makes it inviting for many families to<br />

spend an afternoon. There’s also a small<br />

mart, coffee shop, and restaurant nearby<br />

for those who need more to eat.<br />

The Bandi Land Insect Museum holds insect<br />

experience areas, where children can touch<br />

and play with different kinds of harmless<br />

insects and larvae. Most of the museum<br />

contains mounted insects displayed in<br />

frames as artwork. There are 13,500 rare<br />

insects of 2,000 different species from<br />

around the world as well as a collection of<br />

the largest insect specimens in Korea, and<br />

the Botanical Hall contains 150 tropical<br />

plants. There is a Dome Screen that shows<br />

a 3D movie with an ecological theme.<br />

The Bandi Observatory is just outside<br />

the Insect Museum and up the hill to<br />

the right. It’s a 3-story building that<br />

contains numerous small exhibits,<br />

telescopes, and another 3D movie<br />

theater showing a short Space Chimps<br />

animation. On the second floor, children<br />

can stick their faces into the helmets<br />

of the Apollo astronauts spacesuits for<br />

photos, and lift Coca-Cola cans with<br />

different weights based on the gravity<br />

of different planets - or measure their<br />

own weight on different planets with<br />

scales calibrated to different gravities.<br />

The Muju Firefly Festival takes place<br />

over several days, but really starts to<br />

get exciting after 8:00pm when three<br />

different species of fireflies begin to<br />

light up the dark night sky. Visitors<br />

will need a ticket (it’s recommended<br />

to purchase these in advance) in order<br />

to drive out into the country where the<br />

firefly viewing experience takes place.<br />

But visitors to the festival grounds in<br />

the heart of Muju city (about 8km from<br />

Bandiland) are free to enjoy the festival<br />

as a typical Korean festival, with plenty<br />

of outdoor sites, smells, and tastes.<br />

Muju holds the Firefly Festival<br />

annually to raise awareness about the<br />

seriousness of increasing environmental<br />

contamination worldwide. Fireflies<br />

are an environmental indicator insect<br />

that live only in clean environments,<br />

and there are many places throughout<br />

Jeollabuk-do that no longer sustain<br />

active firefly populations. Muju may<br />

be one of the last, best places in Korea<br />

to be able to expect to regularly see<br />

fireflies like this.<br />

50 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16


Travel jeonbuk<br />

Discover Muju-gun<br />

Taekwondowon + Festival<br />

Words and Photos by aaron snowberger<br />

In 2014, the Taekwondowon<br />

center opened in Muju as<br />

the world’s only professional<br />

taekwondo venue that houses the<br />

sport in a “living cultural heritage<br />

site.” The site is the largest training<br />

space in the world for Taekwondo<br />

practitioners with the land area<br />

spanning the same acreage as<br />

two 18-hole golf courses, or 70%<br />

the size of New York City’s Central<br />

Park. It includes a large sporting<br />

arena with a total of 4571 seats,<br />

numerous large training facilities,<br />

theaters, and outdoor training<br />

areas, a taekwondo museum<br />

and experience center, and 5<br />

shuttle buses that transport<br />

visitors to a monorail at the top<br />

of the mountain. From there,<br />

the monorail transports riders<br />

up 100m to an observatory and<br />

coffee shop at the top of Mt.<br />

Baegun where visitors can peer<br />

through mounted telescopes and<br />

photograph panoramic views of<br />

the surrounding Muju area.<br />

From August 31-September 2,<br />

<strong>2019</strong>, the Taekwondowon hosted a<br />

series of belt tests for Jeollabuk-do<br />

Taekwondo academies, as<br />

well as a Taekwondo Cultural<br />

Festival. Because the Taekwondo<br />

festival coincided with belt tests,<br />

thousands of people were present<br />

to enjoy the food trucks, outdoor<br />

market, games, and performances<br />

on the large open-air festival<br />

stage between the arena and<br />

museum. Taekwondo performance<br />

competitions were held in three<br />

categories. “Taekwondo Revolution”<br />

performances integrated<br />

taekwondo with performance arts<br />

like traditional samulnori, ballet, and<br />

b-boy dancing. “Taekwondo Battle<br />

Kick It” performances demonstrated<br />

skillful combitionations of master<br />

techniques. Lastly, “King of the<br />

Team” was a breaking competition<br />

divided into two levels: younger<br />

(elementary and junior high<br />

students), and older (high school,<br />

college, and adults).<br />

The festival, which coincided with<br />

the beginning of Muju’s annual<br />

Firefly Festival, was free for all<br />

attendees, and featured many of<br />

Muju’s local specialties including<br />

local wine from the wine cave.<br />

Taekwondowon 1482, Museol-ro, Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do<br />

(전라북도 무주군 설천면 무설로 1482, 야외 특설 무대)<br />

Directions: Take Bus No. 144 or 145 from Seolcheon Bus Terminal Bus Stop and get<br />

off at Taekwondowon Bus Stop, then walk for approx. 15 min<br />

Inquiries: +82-63-320-0072 | Website: www.tpf.or.kr<br />

52 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 16

Mexican Cuisine<br />


Mexican Cuisine<br />


Just a short distance away from Jeonju<br />

City are the natural wonders of Jinan<br />

Korea contrasts big cities with small counties, local<br />

produce with overuse of plastic packaging, and vast<br />

mountains with harsh air quality. At its core, there<br />

are definitely flaws, but a perfect execution of eco-conscious<br />

practices and standards is not realistic and accessible for every<br />

person or place. However, one of the many privileges of living or<br />

visiting Korea is the accessibility to various scenic landscapes<br />

and the privilege to connect with the environment firsthand.<br />

A perfect execution of eco-conscious<br />

practices and standards is not realistic<br />

and accessible for every person or place.<br />

You can lead a horse to water,<br />

but you can’t make it drink<br />

The province of Jeollabuk-do boasts with beautiful natural<br />

wonders and Jinan, among many others, is a perfect example of a<br />

quiet county with some of nature’s greatest gems. It is known for<br />

its many hiking trails and outdoor activities, but it is Mai Mountain,<br />

which is comprised of two huge peaks of sedimentary rock with<br />

a mysterious shape of horse ears, that is the main attraction for<br />

hikers and visitors. There are two entrances located on either side,<br />

but going from South to North is recommended, as it provides<br />

views of the Tapsa temple along the way. Climbing more than<br />

600 metres from the ground is not an easy feat for anybody and<br />

the number of people dressed to the nines in hiking gear can<br />

feel extremely intimidating, but the trail allows you to go at your<br />

own pace. So, regardless if you are a beginner or an expert, there<br />

is room for everybody to thrive. Even if you can’t make it to the<br />

peak, you will be rewarded along the way; views of rolling hills,<br />

potential sightings of wildlife, and even run ins with picnic goers.<br />

At last, if you are positive that the trek would be impossible for<br />

you, you can wait until spring for the cherry blossom road.<br />

Hold your horses and just relax<br />

Aside from the obvious physical benefits, hiking is a practice that<br />

brings to light the harmonious relationship that exists between<br />

humans and the environment. Within minutes of being in Jinan,<br />

you can breathe better, think clearer, and feel more at ease. It<br />

draws the importance of preserving our surroundings and trying<br />

to conserve natural elements as much as possible. Imagine a<br />

planet where the two can co-exist without exploitation and harm.<br />


M O N G O L I A<br />

Gunsan<br />

Iksan<br />

Wanju<br />

County<br />

C H I N A<br />

R U S S I A<br />

The most "Korean" province,<br />

Jeollabuk-do<br />

Keeping arts and tradition for more than a thousand years, Jeollabuk-do has remained<br />

Muju<br />

County<br />

the most Korean province, being aware of the precious values of the past.<br />

A place creating a new culture while keeping its original flavor and taste!<br />

Listen to the various stories of Jeollabuk-do made for a thousand years.<br />

Gimje<br />

Jeonju<br />

Jinan<br />

County<br />

Buan<br />

County<br />

Jeongeup<br />

Imsil<br />

County<br />

Jangsu<br />

County<br />

Vladivostok<br />

Gochang<br />

County<br />

Sunchang<br />

County<br />

Namwon<br />

Beijing<br />

C H I N A<br />

Seoul<br />

K O R E A<br />

Busan<br />

Kanazawa<br />

J A P A N<br />

Tokyo<br />

Nanjing<br />

Jeju<br />

Island<br />

Kagoshima<br />

Shanghai<br />

1. Which city was the<br />

birthplace of the<br />

Joseon Dynasty?<br />

2. Which town is best<br />

known for its wide<br />

open plain that shows<br />

a unique view of the<br />

horizon in Korea?<br />

3. Which county<br />

surrounds Jeonju<br />

and is the center<br />

of local foods?<br />

4. Which city sees both<br />

the Geumgang and<br />

Mangyeonggang<br />

Rivers flowing<br />

through it?<br />

5. Which county<br />

includes one<br />

of Korea's ten<br />

natural wonders?<br />

6. Which city is<br />

Hong Kong<br />

located the shortest<br />

geographical<br />

distance from China?<br />

7. Which city is<br />

famous for Pansori,<br />

Chunhyang's, and<br />

Heungbu's stories?<br />

Quiz<br />

8. Which town is<br />

best known for<br />

Naejang Mountain?<br />

9. Which county is<br />

scattered with<br />

mountains ranging<br />

over 1000m?<br />

10. Which county is<br />

famous for Maisan<br />

Mountain?<br />

11. Which county<br />

sees millions of<br />

tourists per year for<br />

skiing and other<br />

outdoor activities?<br />

12. Which county is<br />

most well-known<br />

for its cheese?<br />

13. Which county is<br />

famous for its red<br />

pepper paste and<br />

mineral springs?<br />

14. In which county<br />

was a stone fortress<br />

built "just in case" of<br />

Japanese invasion?<br />

Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon<br />

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang

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