Active in sport again - Educational material, Croatian language

The #ErasmusPlus project Active in Sport Again! aims to encourage social inclusion of former elite athletes by organizing non formal workshops and recreational sport activities in order to increase their capacity and support their reactivation in sport and everyday life. The specific objectives of the project are: • Raising awareness on the status and importance of social inclusion of former elite athletes and the importance of organizing recreational sport activities for former athletes in order to improve their psychophysical condition that will benefit to their physical and mental health and quality of life; • Building the capacity of former elite athletes on how to face their post-sport career challenges; • Systematically collecting and recording the best practice cases and expert’s recommendations, programs in the field of mobilizing and motivating the former elite athletes to recreational sport activities, in order to develop “Active in Sport Again Manual”. Find out more in our education material! The #ErasmusPlus project Active in Sport Again! aims to encourage social inclusion of former elite athletes by organizing non formal workshops and recreational sport activities in order to increase their capacity and support their reactivation in sport and everyday life.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Raising awareness on the status and importance of social inclusion of former elite athletes and the importance of organizing recreational sport activities for former athletes in order to improve their psychophysical condition that will benefit to their physical and mental health and quality of life;
• Building the capacity of former elite athletes on how to face their post-sport career challenges;
• Systematically collecting and recording the best practice cases and expert’s recommendations, programs in the field of mobilizing and motivating the former elite athletes to recreational sport activities, in order to develop “Active in Sport Again Manual”.

Find out more in our education material!

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Mentalno zdravljeČetiri su glavne funkcije tjelesneaktivnosti koje utječu na mentalnozdravlje: tjelesna aktivnost može spriječitiprobleme s mentalnim zdravljem, vježbanje je proučavano kao liječenje iliterapija za već postojeće mentalnebolesti, vježbanje može poboljšati kvalitetuživota osoba s mentalnim bolestima, vježbanje i tjelesna aktivnost mogu namnogo načina poboljšati mentalnozdravlje.

Mentalno zdravljePostoje dokazi da tjelesna aktivnostsprječava pojavu mentalnih zdravstvenihproblema. S obzirom na naše starenjedruštva, senilna demencija i Alzheimerovabolest predstavljaju glavni problem. Nekidokazi ukazuju na smanjeni rizik oddemencije kod tjelesno aktivnih osoba.Dostupni su opsežniji dokazi o depresiji, idokazani su u nekoliko studija. Općenito, tevrste studija pokazuju da tjelesna aktivnostima zaštitni učinak protiv razvoja depresije.

Mentalno zdravlje

Postoje dokazi da tjelesna aktivnost

sprječava pojavu mentalnih zdravstvenih

problema. S obzirom na naše starenje

društva, senilna demencija i Alzheimerova

bolest predstavljaju glavni problem. Neki

dokazi ukazuju na smanjeni rizik od

demencije kod tjelesno aktivnih osoba.

Dostupni su opsežniji dokazi o depresiji, i

dokazani su u nekoliko studija. Općenito, te

vrste studija pokazuju da tjelesna aktivnost

ima zaštitni učinak protiv razvoja depresije.

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