Active in sport again - Educational material, Croatian language
The #ErasmusPlus project Active in Sport Again! aims to encourage social inclusion of former elite athletes by organizing non formal workshops and recreational sport activities in order to increase their capacity and support their reactivation in sport and everyday life.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Raising awareness on the status and importance of social inclusion of former elite athletes and the importance of organizing recreational sport activities for former athletes in order to improve their psychophysical condition that will benefit to their physical and mental health and quality of life;
• Building the capacity of former elite athletes on how to face their post-sport career challenges;
• Systematically collecting and recording the best practice cases and expert’s recommendations, programs in the field of mobilizing and motivating the former elite athletes to recreational sport activities, in order to develop “Active in Sport Again Manual”.
Find out more in our education material!
The #ErasmusPlus project Active in Sport Again! aims to encourage social inclusion of former elite athletes by organizing non formal workshops and recreational sport activities in order to increase their capacity and support their reactivation in sport and everyday life.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Raising awareness on the status and importance of social inclusion of former elite athletes and the importance of organizing recreational sport activities for former athletes in order to improve their psychophysical condition that will benefit to their physical and mental health and quality of life;
• Building the capacity of former elite athletes on how to face their post-sport career challenges;
• Systematically collecting and recording the best practice cases and expert’s recommendations, programs in the field of mobilizing and motivating the former elite athletes to recreational sport activities, in order to develop “Active in Sport Again Manual”.
Find out more in our education material!
Active in Sport Again!CiljeviActive in Sport Again! je projekt koji sufinancira Erasmus + i čiji je ciljpromicanje socijalne uključenosti bivših vrhunskih sportašaorganiziranjem neformalnih radionica i rekreativnih sportskihaktivnosti kako bi povećali sportsko-rekreativne aktivnosti usvakodnevnom životu.Glavni ciljevi projekta su:- Podizanje svijesti o statusu i važnosti socijalne uključenosti bivšihvrhunskih sportaša- Podizanje svijesti o važnosti organiziranja rekreativnih sportskihaktivnosti za bivše sportaše kako bi se povećalo ili poboljšalonjihovo psihofizičko stanje, što će koristiti njihovom tjelesnom imentalnom zdravlju i kvaliteti života- Podizanje svijesti bivših vrhunskih sportaša o načinu rješavanjanjihovih izazova nakon završetka sportske karijere- Prikupljanje primjera najboljih praksi i preporuka stručnjaka kakobismo motivirali bivše vrhunske sportaše da se uključe u rekreativnesportske aktivnosti- Izrada priručnika pod nazivom „Active in Sport Again” u kojem ćebiti opisani najbolji primjeri dobre prakse i primjeri istih
Active in Sport Again!KonzorcijProjekt Active inSport Again!uključujepartnere iz 3države:HrvatskaBugarskaSlovenija
- Page 1 and 2: Edukacijski materijal za bivše vrh
- Page 3: „Starost nijeprepreka. Jedinaprep
- Page 7 and 8: #Aktivno starenjeVažnost„Ovaj pr
- Page 9 and 10: #Aktivno starenjeMogućnosti„Ovaj
- Page 11 and 12: Fitness centri nude pojedincima ši
- Page 13 and 14: Suradnja s osobnim trenerom, bilo d
- Page 15 and 16: Ovaj način tjelesne aktivnosti vrl
- Page 17 and 18: Aerobika - ovo su ritmičke vježbe
- Page 19 and 20: SigurnostU svim sportovima postoji
- Page 21 and 22: SigurnostSavjeti za izbjegavanje oz
- Page 23 and 24: MotivacijaMnogi ljudi započinju s
- Page 25 and 26: MotivacijaUdružite snage s prijate
- Page 27 and 28: Mentalno zdravljeZdravstvene dobrob
- Page 29 and 30: Mentalno zdravljePostoje dokazi da
- Page 31 and 32: Fizičko zdravljeTeško je zanemari
- Page 33 and 34: Fizičko zdravljeJačajte kosti i m
- Page 35 and 36: SOCIJALNIASPEKTISPORTALOSport igra
- Page 41 and 42: BUGARSKAMarija MirkovicBecky Hammon
- Page 43 and 44: SLOVENIJADanilo PudgarAdriano Fegic
- Page 45 and 46: REGISTRACIJA UDRUGEBugarskaHrvatska
- Page 47: „Ovaj projekt je sufinanciran sre
Active in Sport Again!
Projekt Active in
Sport Again!
partnere iz 3