Vito Žuraj - Anthemideae
for piano trio
©2020 by Edicije DSS
for piano trio
©2020 by Edicije DSS
Vito Žuraj (*1979): Anthemideae for piano trio (violin, violoncello and piano) (Fram, 2020) Version 27th August 2020 Duration: approx. 6 minutes Prémiere performance: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hochschulwettbewerb Berlin, 2021 24th January 2021 Commissioned by Universität der Künste Berlin Notation for violoncello Notation for tapped col legno: The clef depicts the strings running from the fingerboard (bottom) via the bridge (middle line) to the tailpiece (top). In executing this technique, the left hand should at all times be employed solely for the purpose of dampening the otherwise open strings. The notated pitch corresponds to the contactpoint of the handle of wooden pencil with the string. The roman numeral over the notes indicates which string is to be played. The contact-point should not come so close to the bridge that the percussive sound of the bow striking the string overpowers the pitch produced. This margin usually lies approximately half-way between the end of the fingerboard and the bridge. The lowest note depends of the instrument‘s size: for violoncello at approx. 1/2 of the string length. Example of the notation for tapped col legno fingerboard clef Key showing microtonal accidentals Mc. DSS 309 © 2020 by Edicije DSS, Ljubljana, Slovenia Notation: Vito Žuraj
Version 27th August 2020 Vito Zuraj ˇ *1979 Anthemideae for piano trio Violin Violoncello Pianoforte q = 100 T> œ T œ & ‰ ? & ? 4 4 4 4  I % ! " w F metal sordino (hotel mute) 5 ßpp T œ T œ % œ œ J œ % œ % œ % œ 3 3 sempre legato (with soft accents) slow arpeggio and slow long glissando pizz.  œ œ " % œ ! œ ∑ use pedals only when indicated ∑ gliss. œ T œ ! œ ! œ T> œT œ T œ . T œT œT > % œ % œ % œ % œ œ% œ 5 ∑ ∑ ∑ 3 5 & 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 Vno. Vc. 3 & & œ % œ œ T œ T œ . 4 3 4 % > T œ T œ T œ T œ 5 4 3 4 ∑ 3 3 % œ % œ % œ % œ j œ 3 T œ j œ T œ . Ó Œ molto vibr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ] œ o Vno. Vc. Vno. 5 & œ ! œ œ T œ . F pp molto vibr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  & œ ? ‰ I % ] T œ F P 7 T œ pizz. T > œ ! œ . T œ T œ J 5 3 P pp T œ 5 T œ T œ T œ gliss. T œ T œ T œ % œ % œ œ % œ . œ % œ %> œ ! œ T œ & T œ œ T œ œ T œ ! œ œ ! œ T œ J J 4 3  œ % œ ] œ T œ Ó !> œ ! œ ! œ ! œ œ ! T œ 3 3 5 3 Mc. DSS 309 © 2020 by Edicije Drustva ˇ slovenskih skladateljev, Ljubljana/Slovenija © 2020 Sub-Edition for Italy, San Marino, The Vatican City, Switzerland and Liechtenstein: Pizzicato Verlag Helvetia
<strong>Vito</strong> <strong>Žuraj</strong> (*1979):<br />
<strong>Anthemideae</strong> for piano trio (violin, violoncello and piano)<br />
(Fram, 2020)<br />
Version 27th August 2020<br />
Duration: approx. 6 minutes<br />
Prémiere performance:<br />
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hochschulwettbewerb Berlin, 2021<br />
24th January 2021<br />
Commissioned by Universität der Künste Berlin<br />
Notation for violoncello<br />
Notation for tapped col legno: The clef depicts the strings running from the fingerboard (bottom) via the bridge<br />
(middle line) to the tailpiece (top). In executing this technique, the left hand should at all times be employed<br />
solely for the purpose of dampening the otherwise open strings. The notated pitch corresponds to the contactpoint<br />
of the handle of wooden pencil with the string. The roman numeral over the notes indicates which<br />
string is to be played. The contact-point should not come so close to the bridge that the percussive sound of<br />
the bow striking the string overpowers the pitch produced. This margin usually lies approximately half-way<br />
between the end of the fingerboard and the bridge. The lowest note depends of the instrument‘s size: for<br />
violoncello at approx. 1/2 of the string length.<br />
Example of the notation<br />
for tapped col legno<br />
fingerboard<br />
clef<br />
Key showing microtonal accidentals<br />
Mc. DSS 309<br />
© 2020 by Edicije DSS, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br /><br />
Notation: <strong>Vito</strong> <strong>Žuraj</strong><br />