Topsrbija br38
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Rad, stvaranje,
zadovoljstvo (uspeh)
Work, Creation,
Pleasure (Success)
Tokom svoje istorije čovek je radom zadovoljavao
svoje primarne egzistencijalne potrebe
(hrana, stanište, zaštita, odbrana teritorije).
Rad je uvek imao društveni karakter jer kad
god su ljudi radili uspostavljali su međusobne
odnose saradnje i živeli u nekom obliku zajednice.
Čovekova vizionarska suština sprečavala
ga je da se kreće u krugu istog (ponavljanja),
provocirajući ga da iznalazi prečice, pospešuju
postojeće. Za francuskog mislioca Voltera „rad
nas oslobađa od tri velika zla: dosade, poroka
i oskudice“. Rad je i posao i igra, odgovornost
i ambicija, koja dovodi do zadovoljstva samim
sobom. Truditi se, imati cilj, biti odan idealima,
samo po sebi je vredno borbe.
Onima koji radeći stvaraju, menjaju, unapređuju,
posvećene su stranice ove publikacije.
Onima koji su svoju ideju razvili pomerajući
granice iskustva.
Postavljajući pred sebe nove i nove izazove,
mnogi od pomenutih stigli su do zavidnih godina trajanja. TO
Zlatibor ove godine obeležava 130 godina zvanične turističke
destinacije; Novosadski sajam 100 godina od osnivanja i 90 godina
rada prestižnog u zemlji i regionu Poljoprivrednog sajma;
Turistička organizacija Vojvodine za 20 godina rada brojnim aktivnostima
je nekoliko puta povećavala broj turista koji posećuju
vojvođansku ravnicu i prestoni grad, u čemu im je promotivnim
programima vezanim za grad i okolinu pomogla TO Novi Sad,
tokom 15 godina rada. Garancijski fond, JP „Vojvodinašume“,
osvrnuli su se na svoje poduhvate i postignuća tokom prethodne
dve decenije, koliko je potrebno „za uspeh preko noći“. Članstvo
GD „Novi Sad“ osnovanog pre 20 godina iz dana u dana je sve
Poljoprivredni proizvođači, njih 1.4 milion u Republici Srbiji, s
jeseni podvlače crtu i svaka godina iznad nje je vredna jubileja.
Njima, kao i ostalim vrednim, preduzimljivim pregaocima redakcija
revije TOPSRBIJA želi puno inovativnih, konkurentnih,
strateški važnih rešenja potvrđenih očekivanim rezultatima, i
diveći im se duže od deset godina, predstavlja ih sa dubokim poštovanjem.
Mihailo Berček, glavni i odgovorni urednik revije
Mihailo Berček
Throughout its history, man has satisfied his
primary existential needs (food, habitat, protection,
defence of territory) through work. Work
has always had a social character because whenever
people worked, they established mutual relations
of cooperation and lived in some form of
community. Man‘s visionary essence prevented
him from moving in the circle of the same
(repetition), provoking him to invent shortcuts,
enhance the existing ones. According to French
thinker Voltaire, „Work spares us from three
great evils: boredom, vice and need.“ Work is
both a job and play, responsibility and ambition,
which leads to self-satisfaction. To strive,
to have a goal, to be loyal to ideals, is in itself
worth fighting for.
The pages of this publication are dedicated to
those who by working create, change, improve,
to those who have developed their idea by pushing
the boundaries of experience.
By setting new and new challenges before them, many of the
mentioned have reached enviable years of standing. This year
Zlatibor Tourism Organisation celebrates 130 years of being an
official tourist destination; Novi Sad Fair celebrates 100 years of
being established and 90 years of operation, of being the prestigious
Agricultural Fair in the country and the region; For 20
years of its work, the Tourist Organization of Vojvodina by performing
numerous activities, has increased the number of tourists
visiting the Vojvodina plain and the capital city by several
times; TOO Novi Sad with its promotional programmes related
to the city and its surroundings, has helped the Tourist Organisation
of Vojvodina during 15 years of its work. The Guarantee
Fund, the Public Company „Vojvodinašume“, looked back on
their undertakings and achievements during the previous two
decades, as much as is necessary „for the overnight success“.
The membership of Mycological Society „Novi Sad“, founded
20 years ago, has been increasing day by day.
Agricultural producers, 1.4 million of them in the Republic
of Serbia, draw the line in autumn, and every year above it is
worth of jubilee. To them, as well as to other hard-working, enterprising
leaders, the TOPSRBIJA magazine editors wish a
lot of innovative, competitive, strategically important solutions
confirmed by the expected results, and, while admiring them for
more than ten years, presents them with deep respect.
Mihailo Berček - Editor - In - Chief
Revija TOPSRBIJA - Najbolje iz Srbije br. 38
Agencija za izdavanje novina Berček&Berček
21000 Novi Sad, Bulevar oslobođenja 141
Direktor i Glavni i odgovorni urednik:
Mihailo Berček
Mob.: +381 63 54 98 77
Dizajn i tehničko uređenje:
Zoltan Rešnjak
Fotografije: Mihailo Berček,
i materijali oglašivača
Štampa: Magyar Szó Lapkiadó KFT
DOO. OJ Štamparija Forum Novi Sad
21000 Novi Sad, Vojvode Mišića 1
CIP-Katalogizacija u publikaciji
Biblioteka Matice Srpske, Novi Sad
338/339 (497.11)
TOPSRBIJA: Najbolje iz Srbije
Glavni urednik Mihailo Berček
-2023. Oktobar. – Novi Sad
Agencija za izdavanje novina Berček&Berček
2023. – Ilustr.; 30 cm
Četiri puta godišnje
ISSN 2334-6027;
COBISS.SR – ID273937671