Tiskani katalog Get Involved 2024
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Edini<br />
samostojni<br />
delovni zvezki<br />
za angleščino<br />
6–9!<br />
POMLAD<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
POMLAD<br />
2025<br />
Povabite nas na svojo šolo! Več na strani 15.
Spoštovane učiteljice in učitelji<br />
angleščine od 6. do 9. razreda!<br />
Končno bo na voljo izdaja, ki ste jo vsi učitelji angleščine nestrpno pričakovali – edini<br />
samostojni delovni zvezki za angleščino od 6. do 9. razreda v Sloveniji! Za šolsko leto<br />
<strong>2024</strong>/25 bomo pod okriljem založbe Modrijan izobraževanje izdali nova samostojna<br />
delovna zvezka <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+ za 6. razred in <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2 za 7. razred. Samostojna<br />
delovna zvezka za 8. in 9. razred bosta izšla za šolsko leto 2025/26.<br />
Kaj lahko pričakujete od novih samostojnih delovnih zvezkov?<br />
• Samostojni delovni zvezek sestavljata učbenik in delovni zvezek v eni knjigi, cena je bistveno<br />
nižja, kot je sicer cena učbenika in delovnega zvezka skupaj.<br />
• Vsaka stopnja bo zaradi zmanjševanja teže šolskih torb razdeljena na dva dela.<br />
• Dodali smo vaje za utrjevanje slovnice in besedišča na treh težavnostnih stopnjah. Vsak<br />
učenec lahko rešuje zgolj stopnjo, ki mu ustreza.<br />
• Vsem učencem so na voljo tudi dodatne vaje za urjenje bralnega razumevanja in pisanja.<br />
• NOVOST: Besedilo bralnega razumevanja bo s QR-kodo vsem uporabnikom na voljo tudi<br />
v obliki, ki je primerna za dislektike.<br />
• Vsebovali bodo dodatne delovne liste za CLIL in CULTURE.<br />
• Imeli bodo dovolj prostora za pisanje.<br />
• Vključene bodo tudi nadkurikularne teme, ki jih napovedujejo novi učni načrti za osnovne<br />
šole: digitalne kompetence, zdravje in dobro počutje, trajnostni razvoj in podjetnost (ta<br />
vključuje tudi finančno pismenost, ustvarjalnost, kritično razmišljanje in komunikacijo).<br />
• Na voljo bosta tudi gradivo v elektronski obliki ter bogata brezplačna podpora za učitelja!<br />
Vabimo vas, da nova samostojna delovna zvezka <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! prek predstavitvenega <strong>katalog</strong>a<br />
pobliže spoznate tudi vi. Nato pa nas brez oklevanja povabite na svojo šolo. Več informacij<br />
najdete na strani 15.<br />
Vsi udeleženci predstavitve na svoji šoli bodo poleg praktičnih daril ob izidu za svoj aktiv prejeli<br />
brezplačni izvod samostojnega delovnega zvezka <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+ za šesti razred (v dveh<br />
delih), na predstavitvi pa tiskano vzorčno enoto SDZ-ja za 6. razred.<br />
Hvala, ker si boste vzeli čas za raziskovanje naših novih samostojnih delovnih zvezkov.<br />
Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte, z veseljem vam bomo odgovorili na vsa vprašanja.<br />
S prisrčnimi pozdravi<br />
Marjeta Juvan<br />
svetovalka za tujejezično literaturo in vodja Jezikovnega centra Klett,<br />
Modrijan izobraževanje<br />
marjeta.juvan@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Učna serija <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>!<br />
APRIL<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
Samostojni delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+<br />
za angleščino v 6. razredu<br />
(v dveh delih)<br />
9789617181364<br />
25 €<br />
Učbenik<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+<br />
za angleščino v 6. razredu<br />
9781380068750<br />
22,70 €<br />
Delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+<br />
za angleščino v 6. razredu<br />
9781380068774<br />
15,50 €<br />
MAJ<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
Samostojni delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2<br />
za angleščino v 7. razredu<br />
(v dveh delih)<br />
9789617181371<br />
25 €<br />
Učbenik<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2<br />
za angleščino v 7. razredu<br />
9781380068798<br />
22,70 €<br />
Delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2<br />
za angleščino v 7. razredu<br />
9781380068811<br />
15,50 €<br />
NOVO<br />
2025<br />
Samostojni delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2+<br />
za angleščino v 8. razredu<br />
(v dveh delih)<br />
Učbenik<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2+<br />
za angleščino v 8. razredu<br />
9781380068835<br />
22,70 €<br />
Delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A2+<br />
za angleščino v 8. razredu<br />
9781380068859<br />
15,50 €<br />
NOVO<br />
2025<br />
Samostojni delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! B1<br />
za angleščino v 9. razredu<br />
(v dveh delih)<br />
Učbenik<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! B1<br />
za angleščino v 9. razredu<br />
9781380068873<br />
22,70 €<br />
Delovni zvezek<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! B1<br />
za angleščino v 9. razredu<br />
9781380068897<br />
15,50 €<br />
1 Quickly read the text. What do the photos show? Where are there more people?<br />
80<br />
36<br />
The current population of the world is 7.814 billion. So where are all the<br />
people? Which countries have got a lot of people and which haven’t got<br />
very many?<br />
Population distribution is how many people are in a particular area.<br />
Some parts of the planet have got a lot of people, and others haven’t.<br />
For example, there are more than five times the amount of people in<br />
Japan than there are in Australia.<br />
For example, Australia’s population of 23.83 million, divided by the<br />
land area of 7,682,300 square kilometres gives a population density<br />
of 3.2 people per km 2 .<br />
In a small country with a lot of people, the population density is<br />
higher than in a big country with a lot of people. Macau has got a<br />
very high population density with 18,534 people per km 2 . Greenland<br />
has got a very low population density with 0.026 people per km 2 .<br />
So, why have some areas got a high population density?<br />
Factors that attract population<br />
■ a temperate climate<br />
Factors that discourage population<br />
■ an extreme climate<br />
2 Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?<br />
1 Population distribution tells us where people live. T/F<br />
2 There are more people in Australia than in Japan. T/F<br />
3 Australia has got a high population density. T/F<br />
4 I n an area of high population density, there are a lot of people in a small area. T/F<br />
5 More people live in areas with a temperate climate and fertile land. T/F<br />
3 What do these numbers in the text refer to?<br />
1 7,682,300<br />
2 23.83 million<br />
3 0.026<br />
4 7.814 billion<br />
5 18,534<br />
1 Write the contracted forms of be.<br />
1 I am I’m<br />
2 You are<br />
3 He is<br />
4 We are<br />
5 They are<br />
2 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
the sentences.<br />
1 Our teacher is/are from Madrid.<br />
2 My friends am/are in class now.<br />
3 Football is/are a popular sport.<br />
4 I’m/’re 12 years old.<br />
5 Maths and English is/are my<br />
favourite subjects.<br />
6 You’s/’re Turkish.<br />
3 Match the affirmative and negative forms<br />
of be.<br />
1 ’s a ’m not<br />
2 ’re b isn’t<br />
3 ’m c aren’t<br />
4 Complete the sentences with ’m not, isn’t<br />
or aren’t.<br />
1 You aren’t Mexican. You’re<br />
from Spain.<br />
2 Rio de Janeiro the capital<br />
of Brazil.<br />
3 We teenagers. We’re twelve.<br />
4 I from a big city. I’m<br />
from Hereford.<br />
5 My friends at school today.<br />
6 Sherlock Holmes American.<br />
He’s British.<br />
4 Work with a partner and discuss the questions.<br />
1 Where do most people in your country live?<br />
2 Which parts of your country have a high and low population density?<br />
5 Complete the questions with the correct<br />
form of be.<br />
1 You are a student.<br />
Are you a student?<br />
2 She is American.<br />
3 We are late.<br />
American?<br />
late?<br />
4 Bikes are popular in India.<br />
Population density is the average<br />
number of people per square<br />
kilometre. It tells us if an area has got<br />
a lot of people or not. To calculate<br />
the population density of a place, we<br />
divide the population by the size of<br />
popular in India?<br />
5 You are from Russia.<br />
from Russia?<br />
6 Complete the short answers for the questions in<br />
exercise 5.<br />
1 Yes, I am .<br />
2 Yes, she .<br />
3 No, we .<br />
4 Yes, they .<br />
5 No, I .<br />
1<br />
3<br />
5<br />
2<br />
4<br />
40<br />
39<br />
1 Extra grammar - standard<br />
1 Choose the correct option<br />
b<br />
5<br />
4<br />
2<br />
7<br />
6<br />
3<br />
u<br />
b<br />
37<br />
38<br />
81<br />
c<br />
41<br />
Učbenik in delovni<br />
zvezek v enem,<br />
razdeljen na dva dela zaradi<br />
zmanjševanja teže šolskih torb.<br />
1 Extra grammar - basics<br />
be: affirmative<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
Bogat nabor<br />
dodatnih vaj za<br />
utrjevanje slovnice<br />
in besedišča.<br />
Vsaka lekcija ima na koncu dodane<br />
tri strani za urjenje slovnice<br />
in besedišča na treh različnih<br />
težavnostnih ravneh in na tak<br />
način omogoča diferenciacijo<br />
pouka. Vsak učenec lahko vadi<br />
na ravni, ki mu ustreza. Vaje so<br />
namenjene dodatnemu utrjevanju<br />
zgolj tistim, ki to želijo/potrebujejo,<br />
in so obenem na voljo vsem brez<br />
dodatnega fotokopiranja.<br />
be: affirmative<br />
be: negative<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - basics<br />
Country and nationality adjectives<br />
1 Find five countries and five nationality<br />
adjectives in the word square.<br />
A W I N D I A N I Y<br />
B B R I T I S H J M<br />
A U S T R A L I A E<br />
C R P N X E M L P X<br />
V D A O Z P O K A I<br />
C H I N E S E F N C<br />
T E N T U R K E Y O<br />
N E W Z E A L A N D<br />
S F E D U T C H J V<br />
D Q U G B M H K I L<br />
2 Complete the table with the words<br />
from Exercise 1.<br />
Country Nationality adjective<br />
Australia<br />
1 _________ Australian<br />
China 2 _________<br />
3 _________ Japanese<br />
New Zealand 4 _________<br />
5 _________ Spanish<br />
The UK 6 _________<br />
7 _________ Turkish<br />
Netherlands 8 _________<br />
9 _________ Mexican<br />
India 10 _________<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
3 Find eight adjectives in the word snake.<br />
uglycrowdedcleansafecoldmodernnoisyboring<br />
4 Write the adjectives in exercise 3 next to<br />
their opposite.<br />
1 beautiful _________<br />
2 quiet _________<br />
3 old _________<br />
4 empty _________<br />
5 dangerous _________<br />
6 dirty _________<br />
7 interesting _________<br />
8 hot _________<br />
5 Label the pictures with the words in<br />
the box.<br />
ugly<br />
cold crowded dangerous<br />
dirty noisy old<br />
dirty<br />
_________ _________<br />
_________ _________<br />
_________<br />
6 _________<br />
_________<br />
1 We in class a the moment.<br />
a is b are c am<br />
2 You 12 years old.<br />
a are b is c am<br />
3 I from a sma l city in Spain.<br />
a is b am c are<br />
4 They from different countries.<br />
a am b is c are<br />
5 She half English and half Japanese.<br />
a is b are c am<br />
2 Complete the sentences with the correct<br />
form of be. Use contracted forms<br />
where possible.<br />
1 Taylor Swift my favourite singer.<br />
2 We from Brasilia, the capital of<br />
Brazil.<br />
3 I thirteen years old.<br />
4 Japan and China countries<br />
in Asia.<br />
5 You late for class!<br />
6 Footba l a popular sport in the<br />
UK.<br />
be: negative<br />
3 Write sentences using the correct negative<br />
form of be.<br />
1 Tapas / not / from Mexico<br />
Tapas aren’t from Mexico.<br />
2 New York / not / the capital of the<br />
United States<br />
3 I / not / Dutch<br />
4 We / not / in a baseba l team<br />
5 Brazil / not / a sma l country<br />
is<br />
6 Kenya and Nigeria / not / in Asia<br />
Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
1 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
the facts.<br />
1 There are 17 mi lion people in<br />
the Netherlands/Dutch and over 22<br />
mi lion bicycles.<br />
2 Spain/Spanish is the official language in<br />
21 countries in Europe, Asia and America.<br />
3 The Trans-Siberian Railway is Russia/<br />
Russian. It’s more than 9,200 km by train!<br />
4 There are over 1.40 billion people in<br />
China/Chinese. That’s more than any<br />
other country.<br />
5 The national sport of India/Indian is<br />
hockey, but cricket and footba l are<br />
very popular.<br />
6 Santa Claus is origina ly Turkey/Turkish.<br />
He’s from the south of the country.<br />
2 Complete the sentences with the words in<br />
the box.<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - standard<br />
Australia Brazil British Japanese<br />
New Zealand the United States<br />
1 People from _____________ are ca led<br />
Kiwis. A kiw is also a fruit and a bird.<br />
2 Bond is a famous beach just outside<br />
Sydney, _____________ .<br />
New Zealand<br />
3 New York, Washington DC and Los<br />
Angeles are a l cities in _____________ .<br />
4 Nintendo®, Toyota® and Shimano® are<br />
a l _____________ .<br />
5 People from England, Scotland,<br />
Wales and Northern Ireland are all<br />
_____________ .<br />
6 The capital city of _____________ isn’t Rio.<br />
It’s Brasilia.<br />
4 Complete the questions with be.<br />
Are you<br />
1 a student here?<br />
Yes, I am.<br />
2 in the same class?<br />
Yes, we are.<br />
3 in our class too?<br />
No, they aren’t.<br />
4 our Spanish teacher<br />
this year?<br />
Yes, she is.<br />
5 Friday today?<br />
No, it isn’t.<br />
6 happy?<br />
No, I’m not.<br />
5 Change the short answers in exercise 5<br />
from affirmative to negative, or from<br />
negative to affirmative.<br />
1 No, .<br />
2 No, .<br />
3 Yes, .<br />
4 No, .<br />
5 Yes, .<br />
6 Yes, .<br />
I’m not<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
3 Complete the crossword with the opposite<br />
adjective. Then complete the mystery<br />
word.<br />
1 old<br />
2 dirty<br />
3 noisy<br />
4 crowded<br />
1 m o d e r n<br />
5 interesting<br />
6 dangerous<br />
7 hot<br />
4 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
the sentences.<br />
1 I love the chocolate museum. It’s very<br />
boring/interesting.<br />
2 There are a lot of people on this bus. It’s<br />
crowded/empty.<br />
3 Shh! Please! You’re very noisy/quiet.<br />
4 This town is only 20 years old. It’s very<br />
old/modern.<br />
5 Brrr! It’s 3ºC today. It’s hot/cold.<br />
6 I don’t like our school’s new flag. It’s<br />
ugly/beautiful.<br />
5 Complete the sentences with the words<br />
from the box.<br />
dirty dangerous old<br />
hot quiet ugly<br />
1 My city is 200 years old. It’s ____________ .<br />
2 That dog is very big. Is it ____________ ?<br />
3 It’s 35ºC today – it’s ____________ .<br />
4 When my school is empty, it’s very<br />
____________ . I love it!<br />
5 Please wash your hands. They’re<br />
____________ .<br />
old<br />
1 Extra grammar - higher<br />
be: affirmative<br />
1 Complete the sentences with the correct<br />
form of be.<br />
1 Maths and English my<br />
favourite subjects.<br />
2 Cycling a popular form of<br />
city transport.<br />
3 You and your parents easy to<br />
talk to.<br />
4 I from New Delhi, the capital<br />
of India.<br />
5 My friends are I happy<br />
at school.<br />
be: negative<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - higher<br />
are<br />
2 Correc the sentences. Write one negative<br />
sentence and one affirmative sentence<br />
using the word in brackets.<br />
1 The cu rency of the UK is the euro. (pound)<br />
The currency of the UK isn’ th euro.<br />
It’s the pound.<br />
2 Sydney and Melbourne are in New<br />
Zealand. (Australia)<br />
3 I’m Chinese. (Japanese)<br />
4 We’re in a maths class now. (English)<br />
5 Rosalia is from Mexico. (Spain)<br />
6 You’re a baseball fan. (footba l)<br />
3 Choose the correct option.<br />
Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
1 Read the descriptions. Complete the<br />
nationality adjective and write the country.<br />
tch<br />
1 Du___ people live here. Holland is the<br />
name for only two parts of the country.<br />
_________________<br />
the Netherlands<br />
2 People play the Chin___ game of Go<br />
a l over Asia. It’s from this country.<br />
_________________<br />
A good place for teenagers to live 1 is/are<br />
Adelaide in Australia. I 2 ’m not/aren’t<br />
from Adelaide origina ly – my parents 3 is/<br />
are from India, but we 4 ’is/’re very happy<br />
here. It 5 isn’t/aren’t crowded, the streets<br />
6 isn’t/aren’t dirty, and you 7 ’m/’re always<br />
safe here. Sports 8 is/are popular, especially<br />
cricket. I love it!<br />
3 The officia language is Russ___ in<br />
the largest country in the world.<br />
_________________<br />
4 The largest city in this country is Istanbul,<br />
but Ankara is the Tur___ capital.<br />
_________________<br />
5 Silva is a popular Braz___ surname<br />
in this country. It means forest or<br />
jungle._________________<br />
6 The officia languages of this country are<br />
English and Hindi. Ind___ isn’t a language.<br />
_________________<br />
2 Complete the fact file with a country or<br />
nationality adjective.<br />
nited States<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
4 Complete the interview with the boy<br />
in exercise 3. Use questions with be and<br />
short answers.<br />
Are you<br />
A: Hi, Raj. 1 from Sydney?<br />
B: 2 . I’m from Adelaide.<br />
A: And your parents, 3 from<br />
Adelaide too?<br />
B: 4 . They’re from India originally.<br />
A: Te l me about Adelaide. 5 a<br />
dangerous city?<br />
B: 6 . It’s very safe.<br />
A: And are the streets clean?<br />
B: 7 . They’re very clean.<br />
A: 8 a popular sport there?<br />
B: Yes, it is.<br />
A: Are you and your parents happy there?<br />
B: 9 .<br />
Grammar round-up<br />
5 Choose the correct option.<br />
A: The flag from Nepal is the only one with five sides.<br />
B: 1 blue?<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
A: No, 2 . It’s red, but with a little white and blue.<br />
A: Hi there! 3 from the capital city?<br />
B: Nepal is in Asia, right?<br />
3 Use an adjective in exercise in the box to<br />
describe a place where …<br />
Hi, I’m Alexis. I’m from the<br />
1 U___________ so I’m American,<br />
but my family is international.<br />
My mum’s 2 M_________ she’s<br />
from Taxco near Mexico City. We speak<br />
English and 3 S_________ at home. My<br />
dad’s family is from Tokyo, the capital of<br />
4 J_________ but he isn’t 5 J_________,<br />
he’s 6 A_________ like me. My brother is at<br />
university in Scotland, in the 7 U________ .<br />
He’s good at 8 B_________ sports like<br />
footba l and rugby. My favourite country<br />
is 9 A_________ because I love koalas and<br />
kangaroos! 10 A_________ animals are<br />
so cool!<br />
beautiful boring clean crowded<br />
cold dangerous dirty empty<br />
hot interesting modern noisy<br />
old quiet safe ugly<br />
C: Hi, I’m from Nepal.<br />
C: Yes, 4 . I live in Kathmandu. We love 5<br />
flag! It’s different from flags of other 6 .<br />
C: Yes, 7 . The population is about 27 mi lion,<br />
but we 8 a l the same. We speak over 100<br />
different languages.<br />
1 Are they It’s Is it<br />
2 ’m not it isn’t they aren’t<br />
3 Are you Is she You are<br />
4 I’m I’m not I am<br />
5 your our we<br />
6 country countrys countries<br />
7 it’s it is it isn’t<br />
8 a aren’t b isn’t c are<br />
crowded<br />
1 there are a lot of people _________<br />
2 everything is very new _________<br />
3 there are lots of things to do _________<br />
4 it is 35ºC all year _________<br />
5 there are old bottles and paper on the<br />
floor _________<br />
6 people shout a lot _________<br />
7 everything looks very nice _________<br />
8 everything is fine, there are no<br />
problems _________<br />
4 Complete the post with some of the<br />
adjectives in exercise 4.<br />
The beaches in Kerala, India are<br />
1 _________ . My favourite is Varkhala<br />
Beach because there aren’t many people<br />
there so it’s never very 2 _________, and<br />
it isn’t noisy; it’s 3 _________ . The sea<br />
isn’t safe when it’s windy, it’s 4 _________<br />
but when the weather is 5 _________, it’s<br />
a great place. Varkhala is 6 _________<br />
because there are sma l shops and cafés.<br />
It isn’t a modern place, it’s 7 _________ .<br />
beautiful<br />
Extra cha lenge<br />
5 Use the adjectives in exercise 4 to describe<br />
these places.<br />
My school<br />
My town/city<br />
My favourite place<br />
6 My city isn’t ____________ it’s green,<br />
there are three beaches and lots of<br />
interesting places to visit.<br />
Delovni listi za<br />
CLIL in Culture –<br />
dodani na koncu vsake<br />
druge lekcije.<br />
UNITS<br />
1–2<br />
CLIL<br />
Geography<br />
■ flat, fertile land<br />
■ natural resources<br />
■ mountains<br />
■ thick forests and vegetation<br />
the place. Population density = total<br />
population ÷ area of land in km 2<br />
UNITS<br />
1–2<br />
Popular pets<br />
Culture<br />
3 Complete the table with information about each pet.<br />
appearance<br />
length<br />
home<br />
food<br />
1 Talk abou the information with your partner. Answer the<br />
questions.<br />
1 What is the most popular pet in the UK?<br />
2 Which reptiles are popular pets?<br />
3 Which pets are equa ly popular?<br />
2 Read the texts about some unusual pets. Which of the pets is a<br />
mammal, a reptile and a spider?<br />
Douglas, the UK<br />
I’ve got a crested gecko ca led Dawn. She’s green and I think she’s a<br />
beautifu lizard. Geckos are sma l and they are very friendly. Geckos<br />
grow to around 17–20 cm long. They are nocturnal and can be noisy<br />
at night, so Dawn doesn’t live in my bedroom. She has got a home<br />
ca led a vivarium with a specia light and some plants in it. I buy special<br />
reptile food for her, but she also eats sma l insects.<br />
Luis, Spain<br />
Cristina, Brazil<br />
I’ve go two chinchi las. They are rea ly cute, with their big, dark eyes<br />
and soft grey fur. Chinchi las are easy to look after because they are<br />
clean and quiet. Chinchi las can jump over one metre! They aren’t<br />
big animals – they are around 30 cm long – bu they need a big cage.<br />
Chinchi las eat lots of hay, pieces of apple or other sma l swee treats.<br />
4 Work with a partner and answer the questions.<br />
My pet is tarantula. His name is Enrique, and he’s two years old.<br />
He’s got a hairy body and big legs. He’s about 14 cm long. Tarantulas<br />
are great pets. They are sma l, quiet and clean, and most are quite<br />
gentle. Enrique has got a warm tank to live in. Tarantulas eat insects,<br />
and I give Enrique one or two crickets a week. He’s an unusual and<br />
interesting pet.<br />
Crested gecko Tarantula Chinchi la<br />
1 Do you have a pet at home, or have you ever had a pet? Te l your partner about it.<br />
2 What kinds of pets are popular in your country?<br />
3 Do you know anyone with an unusual pet? What is it?<br />
8<br />
Country Fact File<br />
Name: Republic of Peru<br />
Nationality: Peruvian<br />
Capital City: Lima<br />
Population: 32.9 million<br />
Which three things are true?<br />
1 It’s a country in South America. True<br />
2 People in Peru speak Portuguese.<br />
3 Its capital city is Lima.<br />
4 Peru was home to the Inca people.<br />
Look at the text before you read. Think about<br />
what type of information is in the text.<br />
parts of the article. Do you think it includes …<br />
1 basic information about the country (cities,<br />
language, currency, etc.).<br />
2 information about the most important football<br />
teams.<br />
3 information about the natural world.<br />
4 useful language and expressions for visitors.<br />
5 ideas for visitors to the country.<br />
6 information about prices and how much<br />
things cost.<br />
check your ideas in exercise 2.<br />
162<br />
Official languages:<br />
Spanish, Quechua and<br />
Aymara<br />
Currency: Sol (pl. soles)<br />
In just one square kilometre of<br />
Peruvian rainforest there are<br />
6,000 different types of plant.<br />
City Life<br />
Seventy percent of Peruvians live in cities. Eight million<br />
people live in the capital, Lima. It’s a great place to visit<br />
with beautiful beaches, fantastic restaurants and interesting<br />
museums. Other important cities are Arequipa and Callao.<br />
Geography<br />
Peru is a big country in South America and it’s a<br />
very beautiful country with mountains and beaches.<br />
Its neighbours are Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia<br />
and Chile. The most important mountains are the<br />
Andes. Two important rivers are the Amazon and<br />
the Ucayali. Ubinas is an active volcano!<br />
Places to visit<br />
See the Inca city at Machu Picchu.<br />
Visit the pyramids at Pachacamac near Lima.<br />
Go to beautiful Huascaran National Park.<br />
Peru is a great place for all kinds of adventure sports.<br />
1 How many people live in Peru?<br />
32.9 million<br />
2 Do Peruvian people pay in euros?<br />
3 What percentage (%) of Peruvians live in cities?<br />
4 Is Ucayali a city in Peru?<br />
5 Why is Ubinas sometimes a dangerous place?<br />
6 What can I see at Pachacamac?<br />
following information in?<br />
1 Area: 1.3 million kilometres<br />
Country Fact File<br />
2 Trujillo is another important Peruvian city.<br />
3 The Sechura and the Atacama are two deserts.<br />
4 National Holidays: 28th and 29th July<br />
5 Go by plane to see the Nazca Lines.<br />
Peru? Why?<br />
Tips<br />
problem!<br />
lighter<br />
e.g. a description of the robot’s abilities,<br />
1<br />
Name: The Netherlands<br />
Population: 17 million<br />
Nationality: Dutch<br />
Capital city: Amsterdam<br />
Currency: The euro<br />
Start with a<br />
friendly greeting<br />
Use a separate<br />
paragraph for different<br />
types of information<br />
T (true) or F (false)? Correct the false sentences.<br />
1 Zuzanna is 12.<br />
2 Kazimierz Dolny is a Polish city.<br />
3 Her brother’s name is Filip.<br />
4 Zuzanna is German.<br />
5 She likes playing music.<br />
English as a second language.<br />
the sea! The top place in the<br />
Netherlands is just 323 m high.<br />
The Dutch are bike crazy! A typical<br />
person cycles 900 km a year.<br />
6 She wants to have friends from other<br />
countries.<br />
Zuza 2010<br />
Hi there!<br />
My name’s Zuzanna. I’m 12.<br />
I’m from Kazimierz Dolny in Poland. It’s a small town,<br />
but it’s very beautiful.<br />
I live with my mum and dad and my brother, Filip.<br />
My dad’s from Germany. I speak Polish, German<br />
and a little English.<br />
In my free time, I like listening to music and<br />
playing basketball.<br />
I want to meet people from different countries<br />
and practise my English. Please write and tell me<br />
about you and your family, your town<br />
and your hobbies.<br />
Posted: Wednesday<br />
hi!<br />
my name’s heiko and i’m from austria. we live in the<br />
capital, vienna. i go to an american school, so i speak<br />
german and english. my best friend is manuel – he’s<br />
from chile.<br />
Hi!<br />
Tell the readers what<br />
you want to know<br />
Remember to<br />
use capital letters<br />
1 New York is a very quiet/noisy city.<br />
2 I live in Paris – the capital of French/France.<br />
3 My mother’s Spain/Spanish.<br />
4 Venice is a very ugly/beautiful city in Italy.<br />
5 My grandparents are from Russia/Russian.<br />
6 The centre of London is normally very crowded/<br />
empty.<br />
in brackets and the correct form of be.<br />
Use contractions where possible.<br />
Karin: Hi. Where 1<br />
(you / ?) from?<br />
João: 2 (we / +) from<br />
Rio de Janeiro.<br />
Karin: 3<br />
(Rio / ?) the capital of<br />
Brazil?<br />
João: No, 4 (it / –). It’s a big<br />
city, but it isn’t the capital. The capital<br />
5 (Brasilia / +).<br />
Karin: 6<br />
(Rio / ?) on the sea?<br />
João: Yes, 7 (it / +). The<br />
8 (beaches / +) fantastic!<br />
Write a keypal message to introduce<br />
yourself and find a keypal.<br />
Which information do you want to include in your<br />
message? Choose five things and write notes.<br />
Your name and age A physical description<br />
Your town or city The weather in your town<br />
Your friends/family Free-time activities<br />
Your heroes Who you want to meet and<br />
what you want to know<br />
Organise your ideas into paragraphs and write notes.<br />
Paragraph 1:<br />
Paragraph 2:<br />
Paragraph 3:<br />
Paragraph 4:<br />
Paragraph 5:<br />
Write your keypal message. Use your notes and the<br />
model text to help you.<br />
Read your message. Answer the questions.<br />
1 Do you use a friendly greeting?<br />
2 Do you use capital letters?<br />
3 Do you use a separate paragraph for<br />
each type of information?<br />
4 Do you tell the readers what you want to know?<br />
Useful language<br />
44 45<br />
30<br />
84<br />
People are open. It isn’t di ficult<br />
for Dutch teenagers to talk to their<br />
parents and teachers.<br />
It’s easy to change subjects or<br />
repeat a year.<br />
Country Fact File<br />
Name: Republic of Peru<br />
Nationality: Peruvian<br />
Capital City: Lima<br />
Population: 32.9 million<br />
Which three things are true?<br />
1 It’s a country in South America. True<br />
2 People in Peru speak Portuguese.<br />
3 Its capital city is Lima.<br />
The longer read p. 42<br />
Official languages:<br />
Spanish, Quechua and<br />
Aymara<br />
Currency: Sol (pl. soles)<br />
In just one square kilometre of<br />
Peruvian rainforest there are<br />
6,000 different types of plant.<br />
4 Peru was home to the Inca people.<br />
Look at the text before you read. Think about<br />
what type of information is in the text.<br />
parts of the article. Do you think it includes …<br />
1 basic information about the country (cities,<br />
language, currency, etc.).<br />
2 information about the most important football<br />
teams.<br />
3 information about the natural world.<br />
4 useful language and expressions for visitors.<br />
5 ideas for visitors to the country.<br />
6 information about prices and how much<br />
things cost.<br />
Accessible<br />
reading<br />
The Dutch diet is good<br />
for you.<br />
15<br />
City Life<br />
Do you find new solutions to the<br />
In your presentation, do you use<br />
language from the unit?<br />
Give examples.<br />
Seventy percent of Peruvians live in cities. Eight million<br />
people live in the capital, Lima. It’s a great place to visit<br />
with beautiful beaches, fantastic restaurants and interesting<br />
museums. Other important cities are Arequipa and Callao.<br />
Geography<br />
Peru is a big country in South America and it’s a<br />
very beautiful country with mountains and beaches.<br />
Its neighbours are Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia<br />
and Chile. The most important mountains are the<br />
Andes. Two important rivers are the Amazon and<br />
the Ucayali. Ubinas is an active volcano!<br />
Places to visit<br />
See the Inca city at Machu Picchu.<br />
Visit the pyramids at Pachacamac near Lima.<br />
Go to beautiful Huascaran National Park.<br />
Peru is a great place for all kinds of adventure sports.<br />
check your ideas in exercise 2.<br />
1 How many people live in Peru?<br />
32.9 million<br />
2 Do Peruvian people pay in euros?<br />
3 What percentage (%) of Peruvians live in cities?<br />
4 Is Ucayali a city in Peru?<br />
5 Why is Ubinas sometimes a dangerous place?<br />
6 What can I see at Pachacamac?<br />
163<br />
5 Which section would you include the<br />
following information in?<br />
31<br />
reading<br />
85<br />
Building skills for the real world<br />
Dodatne vaje za urjenje<br />
bralnega razumevanja<br />
in pisanja.<br />
Osnovno besedilo za urjenje bralnega<br />
razumevanja je prek QR-kode na voljo<br />
tudi v obliki, prilagojeni za dislektike.<br />
Učencem, ki so v angleščini zelo močni,<br />
pa je na koncu vsake lekcije na voljo tudi<br />
dodatno besedilo na višji ravni, t. i. The<br />
longer read. Za dodatno urjenje veščin<br />
pisanja je na koncu vsake lekcije dodana<br />
še dvojna stran, ki sistematično in vodeno<br />
pripravlja učence na ustvarjanje pisnih<br />
sestavkov.<br />
4<br />
a good place to be a teenager<br />
Zwolle<br />
86% of Dutch people speak<br />
25% of the country is under<br />
1 Writing competence<br />
A keypal message<br />
1 Read Zuzanna’s message. Are the sentences<br />
2 Add capital letters to the text.<br />
2<br />
3<br />
Hi, I’m Thomas. I’m 13 years old. I’m half English<br />
and half Dutch. This is me and my brother – we’re<br />
from Zwolle. I think the Netherlands is a great<br />
place to live.<br />
95% of Dutch teenagers say<br />
their life is good. Here are<br />
some of the reasons:<br />
People:<br />
Education:<br />
Dutch schools are good. Most<br />
students are happy at school.<br />
3 Choose the correct option.<br />
Food:<br />
4 Complete the dialogue with the words<br />
1<br />
THINK<br />
Task<br />
4 Quick fun facts<br />
Unit<br />
1<br />
1 Country Fact File<br />
WRITE<br />
Reading<br />
Name: The Netherlands<br />
Population: 17 mi lion<br />
Nationality: Dutch<br />
Capital city: Amsterdam<br />
Currency: The euro<br />
2 Meet Thomas<br />
The Netherlands: a good place to be a teenager<br />
Hi, I’m Thomas. I’m 13 years old. I’m half English and<br />
half Dutch. This is me and my brother – we’re from Zwolle.<br />
I think the Netherlands is a great place to live.<br />
3 The number ONE place for happy teenagers is … The Netherlands.<br />
95% of Dutch teenagers say their life is good. Here are some of the reasons:<br />
People: People are open. It isn’t difficult for Dutch teenagers<br />
to talk to their parents and teachers.<br />
Food: The Dutch diet is good for you.<br />
Education: Dutch schools are good. Most students are happy at<br />
school. It’s easy to change subjects or repeat a year.<br />
86% of Dutch people speak English as a second language.<br />
25% of the country is under the sea! The top place in the<br />
Netherlands is just 323 m high.<br />
The Dutch are bike crazy! A typical person cycles 900 km a year.<br />
CHECK<br />
• Hi!/Hi there!<br />
• I’m/My name’s (Gemma).<br />
• I’m from (London).<br />
• It’s a (quiet/noisy/interesting …) place.<br />
• I live with (my mum).<br />
• I like (sport).<br />
• I want to meet people …<br />
Zwolle<br />
1<br />
Reading<br />
A guidebook<br />
1 Reading<br />
A guidebook<br />
1 Listening<br />
Focus on … PERU<br />
Focus on … PERU<br />
1 Area: 1.3 mi lion kilometres<br />
Country Fact File<br />
2 Truji lo is another important Peruvian city.<br />
A podcast<br />
Subski l: Using visual clues<br />
Look at headings, photos and maps to get<br />
information before you listen.<br />
3 The Sechura and the Atacama are two deserts.<br />
1 Look at the photos. Which things do you<br />
think the podcast talks about?<br />
1 The most important cities in the USA<br />
2 A great place for teens to live in the USA<br />
3 A fun activity at a park<br />
Dovolj prostora<br />
za pisanje!<br />
fun<br />
facts<br />
1 Think about what you know about Peru.<br />
Subskill: Identifying different types<br />
of text<br />
2 Before you read, look at the different<br />
4 Answer the questions.<br />
5 Which section would you include the<br />
fun<br />
facts<br />
1 Think about what you know about Peru.<br />
Subskill: Identifying different types<br />
of text<br />
2 Before you read, look at the different<br />
3 3 Read and listen to the article and<br />
4 Answer the questions.<br />
4 National Holidays: 28th and 29th July<br />
5 Go by plane to see the Nazca Lines.<br />
6 What would you most like to do in<br />
Peru? Why?<br />
4 Popular sports for American teenagers<br />
5 A robotics camp<br />
2 4 Listen to the podcast and check your<br />
answers in exercise 1.<br />
3 Listen again. Choose the correct<br />
option.<br />
1 Irvine is in the state of Texas/California.<br />
2 Parents like Irvine because it’s a safe/modern city.<br />
3 Irvine has great schools/weather.<br />
4 In Orange County Great Park, you can do sports/<br />
go shopping.<br />
5 Irvine Spectrum Center has some exce lent<br />
sports facilities/restaurants.<br />
6 At Bea l Center for Art and Technology, they have<br />
3 3 Read and listen to the article and<br />
6 What would you most like to do in<br />
a summer program on making films/robotics.<br />
Vključene tudi<br />
nadkurikularne teme,<br />
ki jih napovedujejo novi učni načrti za<br />
osnovne šole: digitalne kompetence,<br />
zdravje in dobro počutje, trajnostni<br />
razvoj in podjetnost (ta vključuje tudi<br />
finančno pismenost, ustvarjalnost,<br />
kritično razmišljanje in komunikacijo).<br />
5<br />
WDYT?<br />
(What do you think?)<br />
Graphic organiser Project planner pxxx<br />
1 Watch a video of students practising<br />
their robot presentation. What problem<br />
does the robot solve?<br />
STEP 1: THINK<br />
2 Complete the notes. Write the phrases in<br />
the box in the correct place.<br />
Project<br />
Does technology<br />
make the world<br />
better? How?<br />
TASK: Design a robo to solve<br />
a problem.<br />
Learning outcomes<br />
1 I can design a robot and explain the problem that<br />
it solves.<br />
2 I can find new solutions to problems.<br />
3 I can use appropriate language from the unit.<br />
in her kitchen David’s grandmother, Elena<br />
she’s short and can’t ge things from high places<br />
when she wants to cook a meal<br />
3 How does Long Arm Luke solve the<br />
problem? Match 1–4 with a–d.<br />
1 Elena can give<br />
2 It’s small and moves<br />
3 It’s plastic and it’s<br />
4 It’s easier for Elena<br />
to get things and<br />
STEP 2: PLAN<br />
a than other robots.<br />
b instructions and<br />
the robot helps.<br />
c she’s more<br />
independent.<br />
d on wheels.<br />
4 Work in groups of three. Think of a problem<br />
and make notes. Use the questions in<br />
exercise 2 to help you.<br />
5 Read the tips in the Super ski ls box and<br />
practise saying the Key phrases with<br />
your group.<br />
Finding new solutions<br />
to problems<br />
Work together and listen to everyone’s ideas.<br />
Use your imagination.<br />
Remember – your ideas need to solve the<br />
Key phrases<br />
What do you think?<br />
Let’s listen to (Jon).<br />
Why don’t we (+ verb)?<br />
Don’t forget …<br />
That’s a good idea.<br />
That’s great!<br />
6 Work together to design a robot that can<br />
solve your problem. Use the tips and Key<br />
phrases in the Super skills box.<br />
STEP 3: CREATE<br />
7 Read the How to … tips on p120 and<br />
3<br />
A news story<br />
1 Work in pairs. What do you eat? Ask<br />
and answer questions using the words and<br />
expressions in the boxes.<br />
biscuit bread chicken fish<br />
fruit meat rice vegetables<br />
every day every month every week<br />
never one or two days a week<br />
OK, what about meat?<br />
I eat meat one or two days a week. And you?<br />
I eat meat every day.<br />
2 Do you think you eat we l? Why/Why not?<br />
3 Look at the infographic. Which subject in the<br />
box is not included?<br />
food health meat sport<br />
Subski l: Understanding the general idea<br />
It isn’t important to understand every word the first<br />
time you read. Just try to get a general idea.<br />
4 25 The news story answers three questions.<br />
Read and listen to the article and match<br />
paragraphs 1–3 with questions a–c.<br />
a Why is Meatless Monday a<br />
good idea? Paragraph (…)<br />
b Who organises Meatless Monday? Paragraph (…)<br />
c What is Meatless Monday? Paragraph (…)<br />
5 What does the news story say? Choose the<br />
best answer.<br />
1 What is Meatless Mondays?<br />
a a day when people don’t eat meat or fish<br />
b a special day for vegetarians<br />
2 Why is Meatless Mondays a good idea?<br />
a to save water<br />
b it’s good for the planet and for our health<br />
3 Who organises Meatless Mondays?<br />
a students, their families and friends<br />
b big organisations and individual people<br />
6 Match numbers 1–4 with phrases a–d.<br />
1 375 mi lion 2 1,600 3 40 4 5<br />
a litres of water necessary to produce one burger<br />
b countries that have Meatless Mondays<br />
c North Vancouver schools where students don’t eat<br />
meat on Mondays<br />
d vegetarians in the world<br />
7 Word work Match the definitions to the<br />
words in bold in the text.<br />
1 for example, Earth, Mars, Venus …<br />
2 the opposite of ‘more’<br />
3 the process of making something<br />
4 say you wi l definitely do or not do something<br />
5 the natural world: land, water, plants and animals<br />
6 for example, oxygen, hydrogen …<br />
8 The words in bold are in the wrong sentence.<br />
Write the sentences with the correct option.<br />
1 I production to be home at 8:00 pm.<br />
2 People in the Netherlands drink planet tea than<br />
people in Morocco.<br />
3 We write the environment ‘carbon dioxide’ like<br />
this: CO 2 .<br />
4 Our promise is blue because 70% of it is water.<br />
5 China is number 1 for the less of mobile phones.<br />
6 Joe’s interested in the gas and he’s got a lot of<br />
books about plants and animals.<br />
1 Remember What are the<br />
reasons in the text for eating a vegetarian diet?<br />
2 Apply Can you think of any good reasons for<br />
eating meat?<br />
3 Analyse Can you think of any othe reasons<br />
why people don’t eat a type o food?<br />
fun<br />
facts<br />
Vegetarians don’t eat meat.<br />
Pescatarians eat fish, but don’t eat<br />
meat. Vegans don’t eat meat, fish or<br />
any food from animals.<br />
Reading and critical thinking 3<br />
Model project<br />
L UK E<br />
LONG ARM<br />
friendly face<br />
plastic body<br />
= light<br />
hand can open<br />
and close<br />
wheels to<br />
move easily<br />
5<br />
1 The task<br />
EXTEND<br />
YOUR ARM!<br />
arm can extend<br />
up to 2 metres<br />
sound<br />
long body<br />
for stability<br />
1<br />
T<br />
oday, 375 million people are vegetarian: they<br />
don’t eat any meat or fish. And a lot of people<br />
eat less meat because of Meatless Mondays –<br />
this means that people promise no to eat meat<br />
or fish one day a week. But why is it a good thing?<br />
2 Meatless Mondays help people think about the<br />
planet and their diet. Meat production is bad for the<br />
environment. For example, farm animals produce more<br />
gas than a l the cars and planes in the world. And did you<br />
know that you need 1,600 litres of water to produce one<br />
burger? Also, a diet with a lot of meat is not good for your<br />
body. Some people think a diet with more vegetables and<br />
some fruit is a very good idea.<br />
3 Meatless Mondays are now popular in 40 countries. A<br />
lot of schools, universities, hospitals and even cities have<br />
Meatless Mondays. The idea to have one day without meat<br />
every week often starts with just one individual. Vancouver<br />
student Meghan Little is a vegan: she doesn’t eat any food<br />
from animals. This includes milk and cheese. Because of<br />
Meghan’s work, Mondays are now meat-free at her school<br />
and four other schools in North Vancouver. With Meatless<br />
Mondays, one person can make a big di ference to the<br />
lives of their family and friends, and to the planet.<br />
Cows, sheep and other<br />
farm animals produce<br />
more gas than all the cars<br />
and planes in the world.<br />
33%<br />
Meat<br />
production<br />
uses 33% of<br />
the planet’s land.<br />
3,500<br />
Acce sible<br />
Fruit and<br />
vegetables<br />
are good for<br />
your heart.<br />
schools, hospitals and<br />
restaurants in the USA<br />
have Meatless Mondays.<br />
Who? 1 (…)<br />
What? 2 (…)<br />
Where? 3 (…)<br />
When? 4 (…)<br />
prepare your presentation.<br />
• Slide 1: Explain the problem.<br />
• Slide 2: Introduce you robot.<br />
• Slide 3: Give more information,<br />
8 Pee review Give your digital presentation<br />
and listen to other groups’ presentations.<br />
As you listen, answer the questions.<br />
1 Do you think the robot is a good solution to<br />
the problem?<br />
Is the digital presentation clear and<br />
a tractive?<br />
Can you explain you robot clearly?<br />
2 Super ski l<br />
comparing the robot with other solutions.<br />
• Slide 4: Say how it solves the problem.<br />
2 Ask a question abou the robot.<br />
3 What di ferences are there between your robots?<br />
problem? Give examples.<br />
3 Language<br />
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Hiter vpogled v strukturo gradiva<br />
1 Extra grammar - basics<br />
be: affirmative<br />
1 Write the contracted forms of be.<br />
1 I am I’m<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
5 Complete the questions with the correct<br />
1 Extra grammar - standard<br />
form of be.<br />
2 You are<br />
3 He is<br />
4 We are<br />
5 They are<br />
2 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
the sentences.<br />
1 Our teacher is/are from Madrid.<br />
2 My friends am/are in class now.<br />
3 Football is/are a popular sport.<br />
4 I’m/’re 12 years old.<br />
5 Maths and English is/are my<br />
favourite subjects.<br />
6 You’s/’re Turkish.<br />
be: negative<br />
3 Match the affirmative and negative forms<br />
of be.<br />
1 ’s a ’m not<br />
2 ’re b isn’t<br />
3 ’m c aren’t<br />
4 Complete the sentences with ’m not, isn’t<br />
or aren’t.<br />
1 You aren’t Mexican. You’re<br />
from Spain.<br />
2 Rio de Janeiro the<br />
capital of Brazil.<br />
3 We teenagers. We’re<br />
twelve.<br />
4 I from a big city. I’m<br />
from Hereford.<br />
5 My friends at school<br />
today.<br />
6 Sherlock Holmes<br />
American. He’s British.<br />
1 You are a student.<br />
Are you<br />
be: affirmative<br />
a student?<br />
1 Choose the correct option<br />
2 She is American.<br />
b 1 We in class at the moment.<br />
a is b are c am<br />
American?<br />
2 You 12 years old.<br />
a are b is c am<br />
3 We are late.<br />
I from a small city in 3 Spain.<br />
late?<br />
a is b am c are<br />
They from different 4 countries.<br />
India.<br />
4 Bikes are popular in<br />
a am b is c are<br />
She half English and 5 half Japanese.<br />
popular in India?<br />
a is b are c am<br />
5 You are from Russia. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct<br />
form of be. Use contracted forms<br />
from Russia? where possible.<br />
1<br />
6 Complete the short answers for the questions in<br />
is<br />
Taylor Swift my<br />
favourite singer.<br />
exercise 5.<br />
am<br />
2 We from Brasilia, the<br />
1 Yes, I .<br />
capital of Brazil.<br />
2 Yes, she .<br />
3 I thirteen years old.<br />
3 No, we .<br />
4 Japan and China<br />
countries in Asia.<br />
4 Yes, they .<br />
You 5 No, I .<br />
5 late for class!<br />
6 Football a popular<br />
sport in the UK.<br />
be: negative<br />
3 Write sentences using the correct negative<br />
form of be.<br />
1 Tapas / not / from Mexico<br />
Tapas aren’t from Mexico.<br />
2 New York / not / the capital of the<br />
United States<br />
5 Brazil / not / a small country<br />
6 Kenya and Nigeria / not / in Asia<br />
1 Complete the sentences with the correct<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
form of be.<br />
4 Complete the questions with be.<br />
1 Maths and English are my<br />
1 Are you a student here? favourite subjects.<br />
Yes, I am.<br />
2 in the same class?<br />
Yes, we are.<br />
3 You and your parents<br />
3 in our class too? easy to talk to.<br />
No, they aren’t.<br />
4 I from New Delhi,<br />
the capital of India.<br />
4 our Spanish teacher<br />
this year?<br />
5 My friends are I<br />
happy at school.<br />
Yes, she is.<br />
5 Friday today?<br />
be: negative<br />
No, it isn’t.<br />
6 happy? 2 Correct the sentences. Write one negative<br />
sentence and one affirmative sentence<br />
No, I’m not.<br />
using the word in brackets.<br />
5 Change the short answers in exercise 5 1 The currency of the UK is the euro. (pound)<br />
from affirmative to negative, or from The currency of the UK isn’t the euro.<br />
negative to affirmative.<br />
It’s the pound.<br />
1 No, I’m not .<br />
2 Sydney and Melbourne are in New Zealand.<br />
2 No, .<br />
(Australia)<br />
3 Yes, .<br />
4 No, .<br />
5 Yes, .<br />
6 Yes, .<br />
1 Extra grammar - higher<br />
be: affirmative<br />
2 Cycling a popular<br />
form of city transport.<br />
3 I’m Chinese. (Japanese)<br />
be: questions and short answers<br />
4 Complete the interview with the boy<br />
in exercise 3. Use questions with be and<br />
short answers.<br />
A: Hi, Raj. 1 Are you from Sydney?<br />
B: 2 . I’m from<br />
Adelaide.<br />
A: And your parents, 3<br />
from Adelaide too?<br />
B: 4 . They’re from India<br />
originally.<br />
A: Tell me about Adelaide.<br />
5 a dangerous city?<br />
B: 6 . It’s very safe.<br />
A: And are the streets clean?<br />
B: 7 . They’re very clean.<br />
A: 8 a popular sport<br />
there?<br />
B: Yes, it is.<br />
A: Are you and your parents happy there?<br />
B: 9 .<br />
Grammar round-up<br />
5 Choose the correct option.<br />
A: The flag from Nepal is the only one with five sides.<br />
B: 1 c blue?<br />
A: No, 2 . It’s red, but with a little white and blue.<br />
C: Hi, I’m from Nepal.<br />
4 We’re in a maths class now. (English)<br />
A: Hi there! 3 from the capital city?<br />
3 I / not / Dutch<br />
C: Yes, 4 . I live in Kathmandu. We love 5<br />
flag! It’s different from flags of other 6 .<br />
36<br />
Basics • Standard • Higher<br />
4 We / not / in a baseball team<br />
5 Rosalia is from Mexico. (Spain)<br />
3 Choose the correct option.<br />
A good place for teenagers to live 1 is/are<br />
Adelaide 37 in Australia. I 2 ’m not/aren’t from<br />
Adelaide originally – my parents 3 is/are from<br />
India, but we 4 ’is/’re very happy here. It 5 isn’t/<br />
aren’t crowded, the streets 6 isn’t/aren’t dirty,<br />
and you 7 ’m/’re always safe here. Sports 8 is/<br />
are popular, especially cricket. I love it!<br />
B: Nepal is in Asia, right?<br />
C: Yes, 7 . The population is about 27 million,<br />
but we 8 all the same. We speak over 100<br />
different languages.<br />
a Are they b It’s 1 c Is it<br />
2 a ’m not b it isn’t c they aren’t<br />
3 a Are you b Is she c You are<br />
4 a I’m b I’m not c I am<br />
5 a your b our c we<br />
6 a country b countrys c countries<br />
7 a it’s b it is c it isn’t<br />
8 a aren’t b isn’t c are<br />
38<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - basics<br />
Country and nationality adjectives<br />
1 Find five countries and five nationality<br />
adjectives in the word square.<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
3 Find eight adjectives in the word snake.<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - standard<br />
A W I N D I A N I Y<br />
B B R I T I S H J M<br />
A U S T R A L I A E<br />
C R P N X E M L P X<br />
V D A O Z P O K A I<br />
C H I N E S E F N C<br />
T E N T U R K E Y O<br />
N E W Z E A L A N D<br />
S F E D U T C H J V<br />
D Q U G B M H K I L<br />
2 Complete the table with the words<br />
from Exercise 1.<br />
1<br />
3<br />
5<br />
7<br />
9<br />
Country<br />
Australia<br />
China<br />
New Zealand<br />
The UK<br />
Netherlands<br />
India<br />
Nationality adjective<br />
Australian<br />
2<br />
4<br />
6<br />
8<br />
10<br />
Japanese<br />
Spanish<br />
Turkish<br />
Mexican<br />
1 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
the facts.<br />
4 Write the adjectives in exercise 3 next to<br />
1 There are 17 million people in<br />
their opposite.<br />
the Netherlands/Dutch and over 22 million<br />
1 beautiful ugly<br />
bicycles.<br />
uglycrowdedcleansafecoldmodernnoisyboring<br />
2 quiet<br />
3 old<br />
4 empty<br />
5 dangerous<br />
6 dirty<br />
7 interesting<br />
8 hot<br />
Basics • Standard • Higher<br />
5 Label the pictures with the words in<br />
the box.<br />
1<br />
3<br />
5<br />
cold crowded dangerous<br />
dirty noisy old<br />
dirty<br />
2<br />
4<br />
6 _________<br />
Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
40<br />
2 Spain/Spanish is the official language in 21<br />
countries in Europe, Asia and America.<br />
3 The Trans-Siberian Railway is Russia/Russian.<br />
It’s more than 9,200 km by train!<br />
4 There are over 1.40 billion people in China/<br />
Chinese. That’s more than any other country.<br />
5 The national sport of India/Indian is hockey,<br />
but cricket and football are very popular.<br />
6 Santa Claus is originally Turkey/Turkish. He’s<br />
from the south of the country.<br />
2 Complete the sentences with the words in<br />
the box.<br />
39<br />
Australia Brazil British Japanese<br />
New Zealand the United States<br />
1 People from<br />
are called Kiwis. A kiwi is also a fruit and a<br />
bird.<br />
2 Bondi is a famous beach just outside Sydney,<br />
3 New York, Washington DC and<br />
Los Angeles are all cities in<br />
4 Nintendo®, Toyota® and Shimano® are<br />
all .<br />
5 People from England, Scotland,<br />
Wales and Northern Ireland are all<br />
6 The capital city of<br />
It’s Brasilia.<br />
New Zealand<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
isn’t Rio.<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
3 Complete the crossword with the opposite<br />
1 Extra vocabulary - higher<br />
adjective. Then complete the mystery<br />
word.<br />
1 old<br />
5 interesting<br />
2 dirty<br />
6 dangerous Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
3 noisy<br />
7 hot<br />
1 Read the descriptions. Complete the<br />
4 crowded<br />
nationality adjective and write the country.<br />
1 Du tch people live here. Holland is the<br />
b<br />
name for only two parts of the country.<br />
1 m o d e r n<br />
the Netherlands<br />
2<br />
2 People play the Chin game of<br />
3<br />
Go all over Asia. It’s from this country.<br />
4<br />
5<br />
3 The official language is Russ<br />
in the largest country in the world.<br />
6<br />
u<br />
4 The largest city in this country is Istanbul,<br />
7<br />
but Ankara is the Tur capital.<br />
4 Choose the correct option to complete<br />
5 Silva is a popular Braz surname in<br />
the sentences.<br />
this country. It means forest or jungle.<br />
1 I love the chocolate museum. It’s very<br />
boring/interesting.<br />
6 The official languages of this country are<br />
2 There are a lot of people on this bus. It’s English and Hindi. Ind isn’t a language.<br />
crowded/empty.<br />
3 Shh! Please! You’re very noisy/quiet.<br />
2 Complete the fact file with a country or<br />
4 This town is only 20 years old. It’s very old/ nationality adjective.<br />
modern.<br />
5 Brrr! It’s 3ºC today. It’s hot/cold.<br />
Hi, I’m Alexis. I’m from the<br />
6 I don’t like our school’s new flag. It’s ugly/<br />
1 U nited States so I’m<br />
beautiful.<br />
American, but my family is international.<br />
5 Complete the sentences with the words My mum’s 2 M<br />
from the box.<br />
she’s from Taxco near Mexico City. We speak<br />
dirty dangerous old<br />
English and 3 S at<br />
hot quiet ugly<br />
home. My dad’s family is from Tokyo, the<br />
capital of 4 J but he<br />
1 My city is 200 years old. It’s old .<br />
isn’t 5 J , he’s<br />
2 That dog is very big. Is it<br />
6 A like me. My<br />
?<br />
brother is at university in Scotland, in the<br />
3 It’s 35ºC today – it’s 7 . U .<br />
4 When my school is empty, it’s very He’s good at 8 B<br />
. I love it! sports like football and rugby. My favourite<br />
5 Please wash your hands. They’re<br />
country is 9 A<br />
.<br />
because I love koalas and kangaroos!<br />
10 A animals are so<br />
6 My city isn’t it’s<br />
cool!<br />
green, there are three beaches and lots of<br />
interesting places to visit.<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
3 Use an adjective in exercise in the box to<br />
describe a place where …<br />
beautiful boring clean crowded<br />
cold dangerous dirty empty<br />
hot interesting modern noisy<br />
old quiet safe ugly<br />
1 there are a lot of people crowded<br />
2 everything is very new<br />
3 there are lots of things to do<br />
4 it is 35ºC all year<br />
5 there are old bottles and paper on the floor<br />
6 people shout a lot<br />
7 everything looks very nice<br />
8 everything is fine, there are no problems<br />
The beaches in Kerala, India are<br />
1 _________ beautiful. My favourite is Varkhala Beach<br />
because there aren’t many people there so<br />
it’s never very 2<br />
, and<br />
it isn’t noisy; it’s 3 .<br />
The sea isn’t safe when it’s windy, it’s<br />
4 but when the<br />
weather is 5 ,<br />
it’s a great place. Varkhala is<br />
6 because there are<br />
small shops and cafés. It isn’t a modern place,<br />
it’s 7 .<br />
4 Complete the post with some of the<br />
adjectives in exercise 4.<br />
Extra challenge<br />
5 Use the adjectives in exercise 4 to describe<br />
these places.<br />
My school<br />
My town/city<br />
My favourite place<br />
41<br />
1 The longer read<br />
A Ray<br />
B Sofia<br />
Tell us about your country<br />
Population: 59 million<br />
Area: 1,220,813 km 2<br />
Three capital cities: Pretoria, Cape Town and<br />
Bloemfontein<br />
Johannesburg is the biggest city but it isn’t the<br />
capital city.<br />
11 official languages including Afrikaans, English<br />
and Zulu.<br />
Currency: the rand<br />
Sport: In South Africa, football, rugby and<br />
cricket are the three most popular sports.<br />
I live in Germany now, but I’m not from Germany. My mother is British and my father is Mexican,<br />
so I am half British and half Mexican. I speak English and Spanish. I love Mexico and the UK but<br />
they are very different. I think I have a Mexican stomach because my diet includes chillies and<br />
spicy food. My ears aren’t Mexican though, I think they are British because I think British pop<br />
music is great.<br />
C Jakob<br />
D Annie<br />
Is Italy an interesting country? Yes, it is.<br />
History<br />
There are lots of Roman ruins, for example the<br />
Colosseum and the city of Pompeii. There are<br />
also a lot of old buildings and museums to visit.<br />
Sights<br />
You can travel on a boat in Venice or see the<br />
leaning tower of Pisa. You can climb Mount<br />
Vesuvius volcano (don’t worry, it isn’t active at the<br />
moment!) or visit beaches on the Amalfi coast.<br />
Food<br />
Pasta, pizza, ice cream – it’s all delicious!<br />
I’m from Montreal in eastern Canada, so I’m<br />
Canadian. I speak English and French because they<br />
are both official languages in Canada. We spend a<br />
lot of time outside. In the summer we go camping.<br />
We stay by a lake so we do water sports, go walking<br />
or ride our bikes. In winter the weather is very cold.<br />
There is a lot of snow but life isn’t boring. There are<br />
lots of winter sports like ice skating and skiing. The<br />
important thing is to have warm clothes.<br />
Subskill: Identifying different types of text<br />
Scan all the texts quickly and decide what<br />
type of information they give you: facts,<br />
dates, general information, personal<br />
information, etc.<br />
1 Read the subskill. Scan the texts A–D.<br />
Match each text with statements 1-5.<br />
There is one extra statement.<br />
1 The student writes about their habits and<br />
what they like to do.<br />
2 The student gives general information about<br />
their country.<br />
3 The writer describes things you can see and<br />
do in their country.<br />
4 The student shares their personal information<br />
and their likes.<br />
5 The writer gives unusual information about<br />
their country.<br />
2 Read the texts and choose the<br />
correct answer.<br />
1 Is Ray from South Africa?<br />
a Yes, he is. b We don’t know.<br />
c No, he isn’t.<br />
2 Where is Sofia’s father from?<br />
a from the United States. b from Mexico.<br />
c from Peru.<br />
3 Where does Sofia live?<br />
a in the UK. b in Mexico.<br />
c in Germany.<br />
4 What food does Jakob mention?<br />
a pizza and pancakes<br />
b pasta and fruit<br />
c pasta and ice cream<br />
5 Is Annie Italian?<br />
a Yes, she is.<br />
b No, she isn’t.<br />
c We don’t know.<br />
6 What languages does Annie speak?<br />
a She speaks English and French.<br />
b She speaks French and Spanish.<br />
c She only speaks English.<br />
3 Complete the notes. Then read and check.<br />
1 In South Africa, there are<br />
capital cities, but Johannesburg isn’t one of<br />
them.<br />
2 South Africans enjoy playing<br />
, and<br />
42 43<br />
cricket.<br />
3 Sofia’s mother<br />
and her father<br />
4 In Italy you can learn about Italian<br />
by visiting old buildings<br />
like the Colosseum.<br />
5 Winter in Canada<br />
but it isn’t boring<br />
because you can do lots of<br />
.<br />
4 Word work: Complete the sentences with<br />
the words in the box. Then find those<br />
words in bold in the text and check.<br />
camping ice skating ruins<br />
skiing spicy volcano<br />
1 Popocatépetl, in Mexico, is an example of<br />
a which is active,<br />
sometimes you can see smoke at the top.<br />
2 I love down the<br />
mountain very fast.<br />
3 We often go in the<br />
summer. I like sleeping outside near a lake or<br />
mountain.<br />
4 In the Winter Olympic Games®, Russians are<br />
often good at .<br />
5 My brother loves<br />
food. His favourite is Indian curry.<br />
6 In Scotland, there are a lot of<br />
of very old buildings<br />
like castles.<br />
5 Answer the questions for you.<br />
1 Which text did you find interesting? Why?<br />
2 Answer the magazine question yourself. Tell<br />
us about your country.<br />
V rubriki The Longer<br />
read so razširjena in<br />
poglobljena besedila za<br />
učence, ki zmorejo več.<br />
.<br />
1 Writing competence<br />
A keypal message<br />
Start with a<br />
friendly greeting<br />
Use a separate<br />
paragraph for different<br />
types of information<br />
Zuza 2010<br />
Hi there!<br />
My name’s Zuzanna. I’m 12.<br />
I’m from Kazimierz Dolny in Poland. It’s a small town,<br />
but it’s very beautiful.<br />
I live with my mum and dad and my brother, Filip.<br />
My dad’s from Germany. I speak Polish, German<br />
and a little English.<br />
In my free time, I like listening to music and<br />
playing basketball.<br />
I want to meet people from different countries<br />
and practise my English. Please write and tell me<br />
about you and your family, your town<br />
and your hobbies.<br />
Posted: Wednesday<br />
Remember to<br />
use capital letters<br />
Task<br />
Write a keypal message to introduce<br />
yourself and find a keypal.<br />
1 Read Zuzanna’s message. Are the sentences<br />
T (true) or F (false)? Correct the false sentences.<br />
1 Zuzanna is 12.<br />
2 Kazimierz Dolny is a Polish city.<br />
3 Her brother’s name is Filip.<br />
4 Zuzanna is German.<br />
5 She likes playing music.<br />
6 She wants to have friends from other<br />
countries.<br />
2 Add capital letters to the text.<br />
hi!<br />
my name’s heiko and i’m from austria. we live in the<br />
capital, vienna. i go to an american school, so i speak<br />
german and english. my best friend is manuel – he’s<br />
from chile.<br />
Hi!<br />
Tell the readers what<br />
you want to know<br />
3 Choose the correct option.<br />
1 New York is a very quiet/noisy city.<br />
2 I live in Paris – the capital of French/France.<br />
3 My mother’s Spain/Spanish.<br />
4 Venice is a very ugly/beautiful city in Italy.<br />
5 My grandparents are from Russia/Russian.<br />
6 The centre of London is normally very crowded/<br />
empty.<br />
4 Complete the dialogue with the words<br />
in brackets and the correct form of be.<br />
Use contractions where possible.<br />
Karin: Hi. Where 1<br />
(you / ?) from?<br />
João: 2 (we / +)<br />
from Rio de Janeiro.<br />
Karin: 3 (Rio / ?)<br />
the capital of Brazil?<br />
João: No, 4 (it /<br />
–). It’s a big city, but it isn’t the capital. The<br />
capital 5<br />
(Brasilia / +).<br />
Karin: 6 (Rio / ?)<br />
on the sea?<br />
João: Yes, 7 (it /<br />
+). The 8<br />
(beaches / +) fantastic!<br />
THINK<br />
Which information do you want to include in your<br />
message? Choose five things and write notes.<br />
Your name and age A physical description<br />
Your town or city The weather in your town<br />
Your friends/family Free-time activities<br />
Your heroes Who you want to meet and<br />
what you want to know<br />
Organise your ideas into paragraphs and write notes.<br />
Paragraph 1:<br />
Paragraph 2:<br />
Paragraph 3:<br />
Paragraph 4:<br />
Paragraph 5:<br />
WRITE<br />
Write your keypal message. Use your notes and the<br />
model text to help you.<br />
CHECK<br />
Read your message. Answer the questions.<br />
1 Do you use a friendly greeting?<br />
2 Do you use capital letters?<br />
3 Do you use a separate paragraph for<br />
each type of information?<br />
4 Do you tell the readers what you want to know?<br />
Useful language<br />
• Hi!/Hi there!<br />
• I’m/My name’s (Gemma).<br />
• I’m from (London).<br />
• It’s a (quiet/noisy/interesting …) place.<br />
• I live with (my mum).<br />
• I like (sport).<br />
• I want to meet people …<br />
Pri vsaki lekciji je<br />
dodana rubrika Writing<br />
competence, ki učence po<br />
korakih uri v spretnostih<br />
pisanja.<br />
44 45<br />
UNITS<br />
1–2<br />
CLIL<br />
UNITS<br />
1–2<br />
Culture<br />
Geography<br />
1 Quickly read the text. What do the photos show? Where are there more people?<br />
The current population of the world is 7.814 billion. So where are all the<br />
people? Which countries have got a lot of people and which haven’t got<br />
very many?<br />
Population distribution is how many people are in a particular area.<br />
Some parts of the planet have got a lot of people, and others haven’t.<br />
For example, there are more than five times the amount of people in<br />
Japan than there are in Australia.<br />
For example, Australia’s population of 23.83 million, divided by the<br />
land area of 7,682,300 square kilometres gives a population density<br />
of 3.2 people per km 2 .<br />
In a small country with a lot of people, the population density is<br />
higher than in a big country with a lot of people. Macau has got a<br />
very high population density with 18,534 people per km 2 . Greenland<br />
has got a very low population density with 0.026 people per km 2 .<br />
So, why have some areas got a high population density?<br />
Factors that attract population<br />
■<br />
■<br />
■<br />
a temperate climate<br />
flat, fertile land<br />
natural resources<br />
Factors that discourage population<br />
■<br />
■<br />
■<br />
an extreme climate<br />
mountains<br />
thick forests and vegetation<br />
2 Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?<br />
1 Population distribution tells us where people live. T/F<br />
2 There are more people in Australia than in Japan. T/F<br />
3 Australia has got a high population density. T/F<br />
4 I n an area of high population density, there are a lot of people in a small area. T/F<br />
5 More people live in areas with a temperate climate and fertile land. T/F<br />
3 What do these numbers in the text refer to?<br />
1 7,682,300<br />
2 23.83 million<br />
3 0.026<br />
4 7.814 billion<br />
5 18,534<br />
4 Work with a partner and discuss the questions.<br />
1 Where do most people in your country live?<br />
2 Which parts of your country have a high and low population density?<br />
Population density is the average<br />
number of people per square<br />
kilometre. It tells us if an area has got<br />
a lot of people or not. To calculate<br />
the population density of a place, we<br />
divide the population by the size of<br />
the place. Population density = total<br />
population ÷ area of land in km 2<br />
Popular pets<br />
1 Talk about the information with your partner. Answer the<br />
questions.<br />
1 What is the most popular pet in the UK?<br />
2 Which reptiles are popular pets?<br />
3 Which pets are equally popular?<br />
2 Read the texts about some unusual pets. Which of the pets is a<br />
mammal, a reptile and a spider?<br />
Douglas, the UK<br />
I’ve got a crested gecko called Dawn. She’s green and I think she’s a<br />
beautiful lizard. Geckos are small and they are very friendly. Geckos<br />
grow to around 17–20 cm long. They are nocturnal and can be noisy<br />
at night, so Dawn doesn’t live in my bedroom. She has got a home<br />
called a vivarium with a special light and some plants in it. I buy special<br />
reptile food for her, but she also eats small insects.<br />
Luis, Spain<br />
3 Complete the table with information about each pet.<br />
appearance<br />
length<br />
home<br />
food<br />
Cristina, Brazil<br />
4 Work with a partner and answer the questions.<br />
My pet is a tarantula. His name is Enrique, and he’s two years old.<br />
He’s got a hairy body and big legs. He’s about 14 cm long. Tarantulas<br />
are great pets. They are small, quiet and clean, and most are quite<br />
gentle. Enrique has got a warm tank to live in. Tarantulas eat insects,<br />
and I give Enrique one or two crickets a week. He’s an unusual and<br />
interesting pet.<br />
I’ve got two chinchillas. They are really cute, with their big, dark eyes<br />
and soft grey fur. Chinchillas are easy to look after because they are<br />
clean and quiet. Chinchillas can jump over one metre! They aren’t<br />
big animals – they are around 30 cm long – but they need a big cage.<br />
Chinchillas eat lots of hay, pieces of apple or other small sweet treats.<br />
Crested gecko Tarantula Chinchilla<br />
1 Do you have a pet at home, or have you ever had a pet? Tell your partner about it.<br />
2 What kinds of pets are popular in your country?<br />
3 Do you know anyone with an unusual pet? What is it?<br />
80 81<br />
Na koncu vsake druge lekcije so medpredmetno<br />
povezane teme (strani CLIL & CULTURE).<br />
1 Speaking<br />
Meeting new people<br />
1 Complete the phrases with the words in<br />
the box.<br />
11 from I’m name Nice old<br />
1 What’s your name ?<br />
2 to meet you.<br />
3 Where are you ?<br />
4 How are you?<br />
5 Josh.<br />
6 I’m .<br />
2 Order the sentences to make a<br />
conversation.<br />
A: Me too!<br />
A: Hi. I’m Kerry. What’s your name? 1<br />
A: You too. Where are you from, Freya?<br />
A: I’m from England. How old are you?<br />
B: I’m from Nigeria. And you?<br />
B: I’m 12.<br />
B: I’m Freya. Nice to meet you.<br />
3 Complete the conversation with<br />
appropriate expressions.<br />
Hello, I’m Zoe.<br />
1<br />
Nice to meet you Freddy.<br />
3<br />
I’m 12.<br />
6<br />
Edinburgh, in Scotland.<br />
2 ,<br />
Zoe. I’m Freddy.<br />
I’m 11.<br />
4<br />
Where 5<br />
?<br />
?<br />
?<br />
?<br />
1 Writing<br />
A keypal message<br />
1 Match the examples in the box with<br />
rules 1–5.<br />
Dutch I’m 12 Japan<br />
Washington D.C. Wednesday<br />
Use a capital letter for …<br />
1 countries<br />
Japan<br />
2 nationalities and languages<br />
3 cities<br />
4 days of the week<br />
5 the pronoun ‘I’<br />
2 Write S if you use the expression to start<br />
a message, W if you say why you want a keypal<br />
and A if you ask someone to write to you.<br />
1 Send me a message. A<br />
2 Hi!<br />
3 I want to know more about other countries.<br />
4 Please write to me.<br />
5 Hi there!<br />
6 I want to make new friends.<br />
4 Rewrite the sentences with capital letters<br />
where necessary.<br />
1 i’m from india.<br />
2 i speak portuguese and french.<br />
3 istanbul is a big, beautiful city in turkey.<br />
3 Think of a famous 4 i’m person. half dutch Write and to half german.<br />
them and ask them to 5 be my your favourite keypal. day of the week is saturday.<br />
6 i live in moscow, the capital city of russia.<br />
5 Find expressions in the messages to …<br />
1 start a message<br />
2 say why you want a keypal<br />
3 ask people to write to you<br />
6 Write a message to ask for a keypal. Follow the<br />
steps in the Skills boost.<br />
THINK<br />
Look at the profile information in exercise 2.<br />
Make notes about you.<br />
Make notes to describe your city.<br />
Make notes about your favourite singer, sport, day<br />
of the week, etc.<br />
WRITE<br />
Write your keypal message. Remember to include<br />
an expression to:<br />
• start your message<br />
• say why you want a keypal<br />
• ask people to write to you<br />
To: Marc Márquez From: Pablo<br />
CHECK<br />
Hi Marc!<br />
Check your work. Pay attention to:<br />
My name’s Pablo. I’m from • Caracas, the present simple of be<br />
the capital of Venezuela …<br />
• capital letters<br />
Super skills 7 Peer review Exchange your keypal<br />
message with other students. Answer the<br />
questions.<br />
1 Is be correct?<br />
It’s important to use your 2 Are the capital letters correct?<br />
imagination to think of<br />
3<br />
creative<br />
Choose<br />
ideas.<br />
one person to be your keypal. Say why.<br />
Tick (✔) the expressions that show you like<br />
an idea.<br />
I like that idea.<br />
It isn’t very original.<br />
That’s great!<br />
Let’s think of more ideas before we decide.<br />
Mmm OK, but what about … ?<br />
That’s really different. Good idea!<br />
Gra<br />
be<br />
Affir<br />
I am<br />
He/S<br />
We/Y<br />
I’m (a<br />
He’s (<br />
Neg<br />
I am<br />
He/S<br />
We/Y<br />
I’m n<br />
He isn<br />
Que<br />
Am I<br />
Is he<br />
Are w<br />
Are y<br />
Is he<br />
Cont<br />
We d<br />
answ<br />
short<br />
Yes, I<br />
No, I’<br />
Vo<br />
15<br />
Austr<br />
China<br />
Japan<br />
New<br />
Spain<br />
the U<br />
Turke<br />
16<br />
beau<br />
intere<br />
safe/<br />
32<br />
Dovolj prostora za pisanje.<br />
33<br />
9781380065070_SB_B1_U1.indd 12 24/01/2021 20:59<br />
9781380065070_SB_B1_U1.indd 13 24/01/2021 20:59<br />
9781380064912_text_P72-83.indd 72 24/01/2021 21:52<br />
9781380064998_text_P48-59.indd 48<br />
9781380064912_text_P72-83.indd 73 24/01/2021 21:52<br />
25/01/21 9:20 PM<br />
9781380064998_text_P48-59.indd 49<br />
a good place to be a teenager<br />
1<br />
V rubriki Accessible reading so prek QR-kode<br />
na voljo bralna razumevanja iz učbenika, in<br />
sicer tudi v obliki, prilagojeni za dislektike.<br />
Accessible<br />
reading<br />
1<br />
Zwolle<br />
Name: The Netherlands<br />
Population: 17 million<br />
Nationality: Dutch<br />
Capital city: Amsterdam<br />
Currency: The euro<br />
2<br />
3<br />
Hi, I’m Thomas. I’m 13 years old. I’m half English<br />
and half Dutch. This is me and my brother – we’re<br />
from Zwolle. I think the Netherlands is a great<br />
place to live.<br />
Unit<br />
1<br />
Reading<br />
The Netherlands: a good place to be a teenager<br />
1 Country Fact File<br />
Name: The Netherlands<br />
Population: 17 million<br />
Nationality: Dutch<br />
Capital city: Amsterdam<br />
Currency: The euro<br />
2 Meet Thomas<br />
Hi, I’m Thomas. I’m 13 years old. I’m half English and<br />
half Dutch. This is me and my brother – we’re from Zwolle.<br />
I think the Netherlands is a great place to live.<br />
Zwolle<br />
3 The number ONE place for happy teenagers is … The Netherlands.<br />
95% of Dutch teenagers say<br />
their life is good. Here are<br />
some of the reasons:<br />
95% of Dutch teenagers say their life is good. Here are some of the reasons:<br />
People: People are open. It isn’t difficult for Dutch teenagers<br />
to talk to their parents and teachers.<br />
People:<br />
People are open. It isn’t dif ficult<br />
for Dutch teenagers to talk to their<br />
parents and teachers.<br />
Food: The Dutch diet is good for you.<br />
4<br />
Food:<br />
The Dutch diet is good<br />
for you.<br />
4 Quick fun facts<br />
Education: Dutch schools are good. Most students are happy at<br />
school. It’s easy to change subjects or repeat a year.<br />
86% of Dutch people speak<br />
English as a second language.<br />
86% of Dutch people speak English as a second language.<br />
25% of the country is under<br />
the sea! The top place in the<br />
Netherlands is just 323 m high.<br />
The Dutch are bike crazy! A typical<br />
person cycles 900 km a year.<br />
Education:<br />
Dutch schools are good. Most<br />
students are happy at school.<br />
It’s easy to change subjects or<br />
repeat a year.<br />
25% of the country is under the sea! The top place in the<br />
Netherlands is just 323 m high.<br />
The Dutch are bike crazy! A typical person cycles 900 km a year.<br />
The longer read p. 42<br />
15<br />
mmar<br />
Zanimive in aktualne teme, ki so najstnikom blizu,<br />
predstavljajo njihov svet, njihova zanimanja in potrebe.<br />
mative<br />
he/It is<br />
ou/They are<br />
m) from Turkey.<br />
is) 12 years old.<br />
ative<br />
not<br />
he/It is not<br />
ou/They are not<br />
ot from Spain.<br />
’t 14 years old.<br />
I’m<br />
He/She/It’s<br />
We/You/They’re<br />
I’m not<br />
He/She/It isn’t<br />
We/You/They aren’t<br />
stions and short answers<br />
… ?<br />
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.<br />
/she/it … ? Yes, he/she/it is.<br />
No, he/she/it isn’t.<br />
e/you/they … ? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.<br />
ou from Japan? No, I’m not.<br />
Dutch?<br />
Yes, he is.<br />
racted forms<br />
on’t use contracted forms in affirmative short<br />
ers, but we use contracted forms in negative<br />
answers.<br />
am.<br />
Yes, it is.<br />
m not. No, it isn’t.<br />
cabulary<br />
Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
alia – Australian<br />
– Chinese<br />
– Japanese<br />
Zealand – New Zealand<br />
– Spanish<br />
K – British<br />
y – Turkish<br />
Brazil – Brazilian<br />
India – Indian<br />
Mexico – Mexican<br />
Russia – Russian<br />
the Netherlands – Dutch<br />
the USA – American<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
tiful/ugly, clean/dirty, empty/crowded, hot/cold,<br />
sting/boring, modern/old, quiet/noisy,<br />
dangerous<br />
Prevod<br />
slovnice in<br />
besedišča<br />
21<br />
Vocabulary: describing<br />
people; personal qualities;<br />
helping others; verb and noun<br />
collocations<br />
Grammar: past simple and<br />
past continuous; when, while;<br />
subject and object questions<br />
Reading: a magazine article<br />
about incredible people<br />
Listening: a radio interview<br />
about an inspirational<br />
teenager<br />
Speaking: giving an opinion<br />
Writing: a profile<br />
1<br />
Project: a video – someone<br />
who inspires me<br />
Video skills p13<br />
Real-world speaking p19<br />
Project pp22–23<br />
12<br />
WDYT?<br />
(What do you think?)<br />
Amazing<br />
people<br />
Who inspires<br />
you?<br />
Could you be an astronaut?<br />
In the exciting series Astronauts: Do you have<br />
what it takes? astronaut Chris Hadfield and a<br />
team of experts choose one winner from 12<br />
incredible contestants. The lucky winner gets<br />
a recommendation to join the European Space<br />
Agency programme.<br />
Now there are only three contestants left,<br />
Suzie, Tim and Kerry. Who will win?<br />
Describing people<br />
1 Work in pairs. Look at the adjectives in the box. Use them<br />
to describe inspiring characters from TV shows or films. Can you add<br />
any more personality adjectives to the list?<br />
careful friendly funny kind pleasant quiet<br />
Bart Simpson is very funny.<br />
I think (…) is friendly.<br />
2 What are the opposites of the adjectives? Copy and complete the table.<br />
Opposites with a negative prefix (un-)<br />
or negative suffix (-less)<br />
kind unkind<br />
careful (…)<br />
friendly (…)<br />
pleasant (…)<br />
(…) (…)<br />
Suzie<br />
Prevodi slovnice<br />
in besedišča so<br />
dostopni vsem prek<br />
QR-kode. Na koncu<br />
samostojnega<br />
delovnega zvezka<br />
bodo tudi dodatne<br />
razlage SLOVNICE v<br />
slovenščini.<br />
Other opposites<br />
funny boring<br />
quiet (…)<br />
(…) (…)<br />
(…) (…)<br />
(…) (…)<br />
Tim<br />
Could you be an astronaut? comments<br />
I expect it will be<br />
Suzie or Kerry. Suzie<br />
seems confident<br />
and reliable. She’s<br />
hard-working too.<br />
Kerry’s enthusiastic<br />
about becoming an<br />
astronaut.<br />
Personal qualities<br />
Suzie is my favourite. She’s<br />
brave and not afraid to try<br />
new things. She’s sensible –<br />
she wouldn’t do anything silly.<br />
Tim is intelligent, calm in a<br />
crisis and positive when<br />
things go wrong. I imagine<br />
he’s generous, too.<br />
It could be Kerry. She’s a talented pilot. She seems<br />
friendly and sociable and patient, too.<br />
Tim is curious and creative.<br />
He loves science and new ideas.<br />
Kerry<br />
3 Read the introduction to the article and look<br />
at the photos. What personal qualities do you<br />
think are important for the winner?<br />
4 Read the comments and check the<br />
meaning of the words in bold. Who do you<br />
think is the best candidate? Why?<br />
5 Complete the definitions with personality<br />
adjectives in bold in the text. Then think of<br />
someone you know for each adjective.<br />
1 A (…) person can wait for a long time without<br />
getting angry or upset.<br />
2 A (…) person gives more of their time and money<br />
to others than most people.<br />
3 A (…) person is very interested in learning more<br />
about something.<br />
72<br />
6<br />
WDYT?<br />
(What do you think?)<br />
Vocabulary: describing<br />
animals; collocations: taking<br />
action<br />
Grammar: past simple of be<br />
and regular verbs<br />
Reading: an article about two<br />
conservation success stories<br />
Listening: a podcast about<br />
a teen entrepreneur<br />
Speaking: showing interest<br />
Writing: an email<br />
Project: prepare a poster<br />
about endangered animals<br />
Video skills p73<br />
Real-world speaking p79<br />
Project pp82–83<br />
Pronunciation: silent letters<br />
Vocabulary 1<br />
4 A (…) person is very reasonable and practical.<br />
5 A (…) person always puts a lot of effort into<br />
their work.<br />
6 You can trust a (…) person to do what they say<br />
they will do.<br />
7 A (…) person loves meeting new people.<br />
8 A (…) person is very good at something.<br />
I think the footballer Mo Salah is talented.<br />
6 Write definitions for the other six words.<br />
A confident person believes in his or her own abilities<br />
and doesn’t feel worried or frightened.<br />
7 Complete the sentences using personality<br />
adjectives.<br />
1 I’m (…) but I’m not (…) .<br />
2 My best friend is (…) .<br />
3 My brother/sister is (…) . My mother/father is (…) .<br />
8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the<br />
sentences in exercise 7.<br />
What are you like?<br />
to be like, to look like, to like<br />
I’m (…) but I’m not (…).<br />
What is Sam like? He’s generous and confident.<br />
What does Sam look like? He’s tall with brown hair.<br />
What does Sam like? He likes football and films.<br />
9 The video is called ‘Could you work in<br />
space?’. What do you think you will see?<br />
Watch the video and check your answers.<br />
10 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.<br />
1 What have you learnt from the video?<br />
2 Why do people enter challenge shows?<br />
3 How are challenge shows a good way to learn<br />
about a topic?<br />
p116<br />
Animals in<br />
danger<br />
What can we do to help<br />
animals in danger?<br />
Peacock<br />
Habitat: forest<br />
Description: The peacock has<br />
got 200 colourful feathers and<br />
a small white beak. It’s got<br />
wings but can only fly short<br />
distances.<br />
2<br />
Describing animals<br />
Turtle<br />
Habitat: sea, islands<br />
13<br />
Description: This marine<br />
animal has got a hard shell.<br />
It can weigh as much as 680 kg.<br />
1 Read the mini texts and add the names of the animals to the table.<br />
Class Animal Class Animal<br />
bird<br />
3<br />
insect<br />
mammal goat reptile<br />
2 Add the animals in the box to the table. Which animal can’t you add?<br />
Why not?<br />
ant crocodile parrot penguin rhinoceros shark<br />
3 Read the descriptions and match the words in the box to body<br />
parts 1–9 in the photos.<br />
beak feathers fin fur horn shell<br />
tail tooth (pl. teeth) wings<br />
Goat<br />
Habitat: mountains<br />
Description: The goat<br />
lives in mountains.<br />
It’s got short brown or<br />
white fur, a short tail<br />
and two horns.<br />
4<br />
2<br />
5<br />
6<br />
1<br />
5<br />
6<br />
Vocabulary: money; adverbs<br />
Grammar: quantifiers;<br />
comparatives and superlatives,<br />
(not) as … as<br />
Reading: a magazine article<br />
about old toys and technology<br />
Listening: an interview with<br />
the founder of a skills-sharing<br />
scheme<br />
Speaking: giving advice<br />
Writing: notes and messages<br />
Project: make a proposal for<br />
a business idea<br />
Video skills p49<br />
Real-world speaking p55<br />
Project pp58–59<br />
48<br />
Bee<br />
Habitat: garden,<br />
the countryside<br />
8<br />
4<br />
WDYT?<br />
(What do you think?)<br />
Description: The bee<br />
has got a yellow and<br />
black striped body.<br />
It makes honey and is very<br />
important for plants.<br />
Snake<br />
Habitat: deserts, forests<br />
1<br />
4<br />
9<br />
2<br />
5<br />
be and have got<br />
Dolphin<br />
Habitat: sea, rivers<br />
We say ‘The tiger is a striped animal’ but ‘It’s got<br />
(has got) striped fur.’<br />
Spend!<br />
How can<br />
teenagers learn<br />
about money?<br />
Money<br />
4 Match the adjectives we can use to describe<br />
animals with the correct symbol.<br />
colourful dangerous marine<br />
poisonous spotted striped<br />
Description: The<br />
dolphin lives in the sea.<br />
It’s got a big fin on its<br />
back, but it’s not a fish.<br />
it isn’t up to 100 teeth.<br />
It’s very intelligent.<br />
Description: Snakes are often dangerous.<br />
This spotted rattlesnake is very poisonous<br />
and can kill you.<br />
3<br />
6<br />
7<br />
1 Look at the words in the box. Which can you see in the photos?<br />
bank card bill cash coins discount notes<br />
pocket money price receipt wallet<br />
2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the pictures.<br />
1 Which country are the notes from?<br />
2 How many coins can you see?<br />
3 What’s the price of the flip flops?<br />
4 Where do you think the bill is from?<br />
5 How much is the discount?<br />
What about question one?<br />
Yes, they’re dollars!<br />
I don’t know, it’s difficult to see. I think the<br />
notes are from the USA. What do you think?<br />
Vocabulary 6<br />
5 36 Listen to the descriptions and write the<br />
name of each animal.<br />
6 Complete the descriptions of animals using<br />
words from the box.<br />
beak colourful dangerous<br />
feathers horns tail (x2) wings<br />
The parrot is a very 1 (…) bird with yellow<br />
2 (…) on its body. It’s got a black 3 (…) ,<br />
blue 4 (…) and a long blue 5 (…) .<br />
The rhino has got two 6 (…)<br />
and a very short 7 (…). It’s a big<br />
animal and can be very 8 (…) if<br />
it gets angry.<br />
7 Work in pairs. Student A,<br />
think of an animal. Student B, ask questions to<br />
guess your partner’s animal.<br />
Is it a mammal?<br />
Is it a bird?<br />
Is it colourful?<br />
I know – it’s a peacock!<br />
No, it isn’t.<br />
Yes, it is.<br />
Yes, it is.<br />
Yes!<br />
8 Watch the video. What animals do<br />
you see?<br />
9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.<br />
1 Why do vloggers make top 5 videos?<br />
2 Why are top 5 videos popular?<br />
3 What could you make a top 5 video about?<br />
4 Do you like this type of video? Why/Why not?<br />
73<br />
The Money Quiz<br />
Are you good with money?<br />
Take our quiz and find out.<br />
1 You win $1,000 in a competition. What do<br />
you do?<br />
a spend all the money on clothes and having fun<br />
b put it in the bank and save it<br />
2 You’d like to buy a bike, but it costs a lot<br />
of money. What do you do?<br />
a offer to do jobs at home to earn the money<br />
b ask your parents to pay for it<br />
3 Your friend wants to borrow money from<br />
you. What do you do?<br />
a say yes – you often lend money to your friends<br />
b say no – money is important and you don’t<br />
want to waste it<br />
4 Your grandparents give you a video game<br />
for your birthday, but you’ve already got it.<br />
What do you do?<br />
a swap it for a different game<br />
b sell it at a discount and buy another one<br />
Find your score<br />
1 a – 1 point, b – 3 points<br />
2 a – 3 points, b – 1 point<br />
3 a – 1 point, b – 3 points<br />
4 a – 3 points, b – 1 point<br />
8–12 points: You’re good with money – well done!<br />
4–6 points: You aren’t very good with money.<br />
Perhaps you need to be more careful?<br />
3 Choose the correct option.<br />
1 Some teenagers get pocket money/coins every<br />
week from their parents.<br />
2 After a meal in a restaurant, you ask for the<br />
receipt/bill.<br />
3 People pay with a bank card when they don’t<br />
have any cash/wallet.<br />
4 When you pay less than normal, you get a price/<br />
discount.<br />
5 After you pay, a shop assistant gives you a<br />
receipt/bill.<br />
4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.<br />
1 How many types of coins are there in your<br />
country? What notes are there?<br />
2 Do most teenagers in your country get pocket<br />
money? How much?<br />
3 Do your parents usually pay with a bank card or<br />
cash?<br />
Voc<br />
5 Read the quiz. (Don’t<br />
Match some of the verbs in<br />
1–8.<br />
1 get money for work that you<br />
2 get something as a prize in a<br />
3 exchange, give one thing an<br />
4 keep something to use later<br />
5 ask for something to use tha<br />
6 use something badly<br />
7 give something to another p<br />
8 give something to another p<br />
6 Do the quiz. Then calculate<br />
agree with the results?<br />
Learning words in pairs<br />
It’s sometimes a good idea to t<br />
can help you to remember the<br />
two words. For example, earn/<br />
7 Work in pairs. Explai<br />
between the words.<br />
1 earn/win<br />
2 swap/sell<br />
3 borrow/lend<br />
8 Watch the video. Wh<br />
you see?<br />
9 Work in pairs. Disc<br />
9<br />
1 Why are vloggers popul<br />
2 What is there in the vide<br />
understand it? Think abo<br />
• images<br />
• animations<br />
• the presenter<br />
3 Would you like to be a v
Kaj dela serijo <strong>Get</strong> involved! tako posebno?<br />
The saiga and the<br />
mountain gorilla<br />
Two conservation<br />
success stories<br />
6<br />
How to spot fake new<br />
If you see an interesting story online, can you trust it? Ask you<br />
What’s the source? Is this a reliable media<br />
organisation or the site of an individual blogger?<br />
Is there an ‘About Us’ section where you can find<br />
contact information?<br />
What can the photos tell us? Fake news stories<br />
often use recycled or manipulated images . What is<br />
the source of the photo?<br />
What’s the whole story? Head<br />
the reader’s attention. Can you<br />
websites or in print media?<br />
Who’s the journalist? Can you<br />
If it’s an interview, is the intervie<br />
Are there lots of ads? Fake new<br />
annoying pop-up ads . Most re<br />
Some scientists say that one species becomes<br />
extinct every seven minutes.<br />
What can we do to stop this from happening?<br />
Let’s meet two endangered animals and find out.<br />
the URL<br />
New4You.com.co<br />
Latest news<br />
International<br />
Entertainment news<br />
A (…)<br />
The saiga has got brown or grey fur, horns and a very<br />
strange long nose. It lives in groups in the deserts of<br />
south-east Europe and central Asia. They can travel<br />
up to 1,000 km between summer and winter. In the<br />
1990s there were more than a million saigas, but by<br />
the year 2000 the population was less than 50,000.<br />
B (…)<br />
The mountain gorilla is a large mammal. It lives in<br />
national parks in two regions of Africa. It’s got black<br />
fur and is very intelligent. In 1960 there were about<br />
500 gorillas in the Virunga mountains, but by the<br />
1970s the population was about 200.<br />
C (…)<br />
The saiga and the gorilla were both at risk of<br />
extinction. The reduction in habitat was a big<br />
problem: there wasn’t enough open space for<br />
the saiga and there was less forest for the gorilla.<br />
Hunting was also a serious problem. Some people<br />
kill gorillas or sell them. There weren’t any laws<br />
to stop this until 2008. Other people kill saigas<br />
for their horns.<br />
fun<br />
facts<br />
D (…)<br />
Mountain gorillas<br />
can weigh 180 kg.<br />
Animal conservation organisations, like WWF, and<br />
governments were very worried and there was a big<br />
campaign to help the saiga and the gorilla, with more<br />
money to protect their habitats and new laws to stop<br />
hunting. There were special exhibitions and there<br />
was even a saiga stamp!<br />
E (…)<br />
Logo of G4G, a mountain<br />
gorilla charity organisation<br />
The saiga and mountain gorilla are<br />
still in danger but the populations<br />
are slowly growing. And the<br />
saiga and the gorilla are not the<br />
only success stories: a similar<br />
programme is also helping the<br />
giant panda. Extinction of plants<br />
and animals is still a very serious<br />
problem,<br />
Jenk<br />
but<br />
Oz<br />
with<br />
is<br />
success<br />
a tech entrepreneur.<br />
stories<br />
He’s met a lot<br />
like these, of we celebrities, can see that including change Adele. He’s appeared<br />
is possible. in documentaries and music videos, and he’s<br />
acted in a play in a London theatre.<br />
The amazing thing is, he’s still a teenager!<br />
Jenk’s company, a digital platform called iCoolKid,<br />
is a guide to all things cool to see and do. It’s<br />
designed for eight- to 15-year-olds, and focuses on<br />
pop culture, tech and events. It has stories on<br />
everything from baking a cake with a 3D printer<br />
Saiga to doing postage a bungee stamp from jump Mongolia<br />
skis. You can even<br />
sing karaoke there. Jenk describes it as a place for<br />
young people to hang out and never get bored.<br />
The longer read Resource centre 75<br />
9781380064912_text_P72-83.indd 75 24/01/2021 21:53<br />
the tab bar<br />
the photo<br />
the headline<br />
the pop-up ad<br />
Fresh Mountain Air<br />
improves exam results!<br />
Incredible new research has confirmed that fresh mountain air<br />
results. And now this magic air is available in bottles, wherever<br />
Noah Kidding, founder of the 6Fresh Mountain Air company, the<br />
a variety of health conditions including spots and headaches. In<br />
the article text with News4You, Kidding told us that this amazing new product<br />
Meet Jenk, the founder of iCoolKid<br />
online. He added that they were offering News4You readers a sp<br />
customers could buy each bottle for just $9.99.<br />
Meet Jenk, the founder<br />
‘It’s a place where young<br />
people can hang out and<br />
never get bored.’<br />
9781380065070_SB_B1_U8.indd 99<br />
To demonstrate the huge benefits of Fresh Mountain Air for stu<br />
out an extensive survey of high school students. He explained t<br />
the survey had consumed the air before their exams, and half h<br />
had consumed the air had got better exam results, he said. Kidd<br />
who took part in the survey, said that his memory had improved<br />
consuming Fresh Mountain Air.<br />
‘I bottle it here in my garden and can send it anywhere around<br />
‘And if you buy two bottles before tomorrow,’ said Kidding, ‘we’l<br />
Read more<br />
15 million views<br />
Limited offer –<br />
today only!<br />
Fresh Mountain Air –<br />
buy three for the price of two!<br />
BUY NOW – ONLY $19.98<br />
The long<br />
Izredno zanimiva<br />
besedila za urjenje<br />
bralnega razumevanja<br />
in njegova nadgradnja<br />
z razvijanjem<br />
kritičnega razmišljanja:<br />
vsako besedilo služi<br />
kot odlična iztočnica<br />
za spodbujanje<br />
kritičnega mišljenja,<br />
sprejemanja<br />
drugačnosti in<br />
spoštovanja.<br />
The idea for the site came to Jenk when he<br />
was eight. Every Monday morning, his teacher<br />
asked about their weekend. He realised that he<br />
always did different things from his classmates.<br />
They sometimes saw a football or rugby match,<br />
but he went to musicals or other different events.<br />
His friends started to ask, ‘Can I come with you?’<br />
Jenk’s mother decided to send them an email every<br />
week with ideas about what to do. Jenk presented<br />
the email as a school project, and the website grew<br />
from there.<br />
Jenk’s own hobbies are a big part of his<br />
research. In his free time, he records music and<br />
takes dance classes. He sings and plays four<br />
musical instruments well. He loves extreme<br />
sports; he’s been go-karting and sky-diving. He’s<br />
a big fan of fashion too.<br />
Jenk hasn’t written all the stories on his site.<br />
He has a team who help him, but he decides<br />
what’s cool. And he’s got big plans for the future.<br />
iCoolKid has between 1,000 and 2,000 hits a<br />
day, and he wants to increase that to a million.<br />
He also plans to go global and write articles for<br />
people around the world.<br />
Why not check out<br />
iCoolKid.com and<br />
find out about events<br />
near you?<br />
10<br />
The longer read<br />
Resource centre<br />
75<br />
9781380064998_text_P72-83.indd 75 24/01/2021 20:19
Real-world speaking<br />
1<br />
s<br />
rself these questions …<br />
8<br />
Meeting new people<br />
1 Watch the video. Are the girls friends?<br />
2 Watch again. Which Key phrases do you hear?<br />
3 Complete the dialogue with the Key phrases.<br />
Watch again and check.<br />
4 Create your own dialogue. Follow the steps in<br />
the Skills boost.<br />
THINK<br />
School: Bedford High<br />
Name: Amy Jones<br />
Age: 12<br />
Nationality: American<br />
lines are often shocking to attract<br />
find the same story on other<br />
find the name of the reporter?<br />
wee a real person?<br />
s sites are often packed with<br />
liable news sites limit their adverts.<br />
can improve exam<br />
you live! According to<br />
bottled air also improves<br />
an exclusive interview<br />
was now available<br />
ecial discount and<br />
Amy<br />
Amy<br />
Amy<br />
Amy<br />
Amy<br />
Amy<br />
Hi. Yes, I am. This is my first day.<br />
No, 4 (…) Portland, in the USA.<br />
Me too.<br />
2 (…) Amy.<br />
No, it isn’t. It’s small and quiet.<br />
5 (…) you, Elena?<br />
OK. See you!<br />
Hi there! Are you new here?<br />
Welcome to Bedford High!<br />
1 (…) name?<br />
I’m Elena. Where 3 (…) , Amy?<br />
Are you Australian?<br />
Is that a big city?<br />
6 (…) 12.<br />
Oh, here’s Mr West. He’s our French<br />
teacher. See you later!<br />
Elena<br />
Elena<br />
Elena<br />
Elena<br />
Elena<br />
Elena<br />
Work individually. Invent a new identity and make<br />
notes.<br />
• Name<br />
• Age<br />
• Country/Nationality<br />
• City<br />
In pairs, prepare a dialogue. You meet a new<br />
student in your school. Use the information from<br />
your new identities. Remember to use Key phrases<br />
for meeting new people.<br />
Hi there! Are you new here?<br />
Yes, I am.<br />
Practise your dialogue.<br />
Act out your dialogue for the class.<br />
5 Peer review Listen to your classmates and<br />
answer the questions.<br />
1 Are the Key phrases correct?<br />
2 Where are the new students from?<br />
Key phrases<br />
What’s your name? My name’s … / I’m …<br />
Good/Nice to meet you. You too!<br />
Where are you from? I’m from …<br />
How old are you? I’m (12/13).<br />
Real-world grammar<br />
Are you new here? Yes, I am.<br />
I’m from Portland, in the USA.<br />
Is that a big city? No, it isn’t. It’s small and quiet.<br />
Razvijanje spretnosti<br />
govora na način, da<br />
vedno izhajamo iz<br />
konkretnih primerov.<br />
Učenca vodi po korakih<br />
(Think – Prepare –<br />
Practise – Perform).<br />
V pomoč pri izražanju mu<br />
je rubrika Key phrases,<br />
rubrika Peer review pa<br />
učence spodbuja, da se<br />
med seboj poslušajo,<br />
in jih na tak način uči<br />
spoštovanja.<br />
dents, Kidding carried<br />
hat half the students in<br />
ad not. All those who<br />
ing’s nephew Wayne,<br />
since he started<br />
the world,’ said Kidding.<br />
l send you a free gift!’<br />
er read Resource centre 99<br />
24/01/2021 21:08<br />
A keypal message<br />
1 Read the two keypal messages. Choose the<br />
message you prefer. Why?<br />
2 Read the messages again. Copy and complete<br />
the profiles.<br />
Phrasebook pxxx<br />
1 Writing<br />
Profile application<br />
A<br />
Name:<br />
Age:<br />
Country:<br />
Nationality:<br />
City:<br />
Languages:<br />
Hobbies:<br />
Addie7878<br />
Hi!<br />
My name’s Adriana. I’m 12 years old. I’m from<br />
Veracruz, in Mexico. It’s beautiful here and it’s hot all year.<br />
I speak Spanish and a little English. My hobbies are music<br />
(my favourite singer is Rosalia) and dancing.<br />
I want to meet people from other countries and practise<br />
my English. Where are you from? Send me a message!<br />
Posted: Monday<br />
Ken_TYO<br />
Hi there!<br />
My name’s Kenji. I’m Japanese. I’m from<br />
Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. It’s a big,<br />
BIG city on the island of Honshu.<br />
I’m 11 years old. My hobbies are sports<br />
and manga. My favourite sports are<br />
judo and baseball. I speak Japanese<br />
and English.<br />
I want to make friends in other countries.<br />
Write to me!<br />
Posted: Friday<br />
B<br />
Name:<br />
Age:<br />
Country:<br />
Nationality:<br />
City:<br />
Languages:<br />
Hobbies:<br />
Subskill: Capital letters<br />
In English, some words have a capital letter. These<br />
include the first letter of a sentence, the pronoun I,<br />
countries and nationalities, and days of the week.<br />
3 Find two examples for each rule in the<br />
messages. We use capital letters for …<br />
1 the pronoun I<br />
2 countries and nationalities<br />
3 cities<br />
4 languages<br />
5 days of the week<br />
6 the first word in a sentence or question<br />
7 names<br />
19<br />
4 Rewrite the sentences with capital letters<br />
where necessary.<br />
1 i’m from india.<br />
2 i speak portuguese and french.<br />
3 istanbul is a big, beautiful city in turkey.<br />
4 i’m half dutch and half german.<br />
5 my favourite day of the week is saturday.<br />
6 i live in moscow, the capital city of russia.<br />
5 Find expressions in the messages to …<br />
1 start a message<br />
2 say why you want a keypal<br />
3 ask people to write to you<br />
6 Write a message to ask for a keypal. Follow the<br />
steps in the Skills boost.<br />
THINK<br />
Look at the profile information in exercise 2.<br />
Make notes about you.<br />
Make notes to describe your city.<br />
Make notes about your favourite singer, sport, day<br />
of the week, etc.<br />
WRITE<br />
Write your keypal message. Remember to include<br />
an expression to:<br />
• start your message<br />
• say why you want a keypal<br />
• ask people to write to you<br />
CHECK<br />
Check your work. Pay attention to:<br />
• the present simple of be<br />
• capital letters<br />
7 Peer review Exchange your keypal<br />
message with other students. Answer the<br />
questions.<br />
1 Is be correct?<br />
2 Are the capital letters correct?<br />
3 Choose one person to be your keypal. Say why.<br />
Grammar<br />
be<br />
Affirmative<br />
I am<br />
He/She/It is<br />
We/You/They are<br />
I’m (am) from Turkey.<br />
He’s (is) 12 years old.<br />
Negative<br />
I am not<br />
He/She/It is not<br />
We/You/They are not<br />
I’m not from Spain.<br />
He isn’t 14 years old.<br />
I’m<br />
He/She/It’s<br />
We/You/They’re<br />
Questions and short answers<br />
Am I … ?<br />
Is he/she/it … ?<br />
Are we/you/they … ?<br />
Are you from Japan?<br />
Is he Dutch?<br />
Contracted forms<br />
I’m not<br />
He/She/It isn’t<br />
We/You/They aren’t<br />
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.<br />
Yes, he/she/it is.<br />
No, he/she/it isn’t.<br />
Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.<br />
No, I’m not.<br />
Yes, he is.<br />
We don’t use contracted forms in affirmative short<br />
answers, but we use contracted forms in negative<br />
short answers.<br />
Yes, I am.<br />
Yes, it is.<br />
No, I’m not. No, it isn’t.<br />
Vocabulary<br />
15 Countries and nationality adjectives<br />
Australia – Australian<br />
China – Chinese<br />
Japan – Japanese<br />
New Zealand – New Zealand<br />
Spain – Spanish<br />
the UK – British<br />
Turkey – Turkish<br />
Brazil – Brazilian<br />
India – Indian<br />
Mexico – Mexican<br />
Russia – Russian<br />
the Netherlands – Dutch<br />
the USA – American<br />
16 Adjectives to describe places<br />
beautiful/ugly, clean/dirty, empty/crowded, hot/cold,<br />
interesting/boring, modern/old, quiet/noisy,<br />
safe/dangerous<br />
Prevod<br />
slovnice in<br />
besedišča<br />
20<br />
Razvijanje spretnosti pisanja je vodeno po<br />
korakih (Think – Prepare – Write – Check).<br />
21<br />
Subskill: Identifying different types<br />
of Places textto go Things to do Plan your trip<br />
Before you read, look at the texts to help you<br />
understand what type of information they give you.<br />
New Zealand:<br />
Do you see: titles? pictures? complete sentences or<br />
words a beautiful and numbers? country!<br />
2 Look at the four texts, but don’t read them.<br />
Which text tells you …<br />
a<br />
general information about the Netherlands?<br />
b unusual information about the Netherlands?<br />
c Auckland about is one a modern Dutch city. teenager’s The life? beaches aren’t<br />
d It’s clean about and teenage it’s safe life in general? crowded, even in hot<br />
for tourists.<br />
weather!<br />
3 Read the texts quickly. Which information in<br />
exercise 1 is not in the texts?<br />
14<br />
Adjectives to describe places<br />
1 Look at the tourist information. Is New<br />
It’s quiet, but with lots<br />
of things to do. It’s never<br />
boring!<br />
2 everything connected with school and learning<br />
Posted: Friday<br />
3 the food people eat<br />
A 4 phone an informal conversation<br />
word for ‘bicycle’<br />
5 the things you study in school, e.g. English, maths<br />
Subskill: 6 the money A Using keypal people visual use in message<br />
a clues country, e.g. dollars<br />
Titles, photos and maps all give information<br />
7 about a Work listening. 1 in Read pairs. Look the Ask two at these and keypal answer before messages. you the listen. Choose the<br />
questions about message you and you your prefer. country. Why?<br />
4 1 Look What’s the currency? photos. What do they tell<br />
2 you Name about 2 Read<br />
three New things Zealand?<br />
the messages again. Copy and complete<br />
that are part of a good diet.<br />
the profiles.<br />
3 What’s your favourite school subject?<br />
2 education Auckland is/isn’t family the free capital time city. food<br />
3 health Maori<br />
20<br />
is/isn’t money the people only language. the weather<br />
DN231101 GI A1+ SDZ L1_1 UC Notranjost.indd 14 29/01/<strong>2024</strong> 14:35<br />
Zealand a good place to visit? Why?<br />
2 Match the words in yellow How in are exercise countries 1 with<br />
their opposites (What do you think?)<br />
the box. different?<br />
cold dangerous dirty empty<br />
interesting TASK: noisy Design old a new ugly country<br />
and make a poster to introduce<br />
beautiful – your ugly country.<br />
Adjectives<br />
1<br />
WDYT?<br />
Learning outcomes<br />
Adjectives 2 come I can use before creativity a and noun my imagination. or after the verb be.<br />
They are never plural.<br />
Auckland is a modern city ✓ a city modern ✗<br />
The beaches aren’t crowded ✓ crowdeds ✗<br />
their poster. Where is Calobia?<br />
3 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences<br />
about your town/city.<br />
1 My town/city is (…) and (…) .<br />
2 It’s a/an (…) place to visit.<br />
3 The centre is (…) and (…) .<br />
1 Watch a video of students presenting<br />
4 In summer it’s (…) and in winter it’s (…) .<br />
5 My favourite place in the town/city is (…) because<br />
it’s (…) and (…) .<br />
STEP 1: THINK<br />
4 Are bikes Profile popular? application<br />
5 How old are children when they start education?<br />
A<br />
B<br />
6 What’s a great Name: place to go with friends in Name: your city?<br />
Age:<br />
Age:<br />
Country:<br />
Nationality:<br />
Nationality:<br />
1 Remember City: Look at the texts.<br />
City:<br />
Find one thing Languages: which is similar to life in your Languages:<br />
5 country 12 Listen and one to a thing conversation which is different. and choose the<br />
Hobbies:<br />
Hobbies:<br />
2 correct Evaluate option. To be happy, what things do you<br />
1 think New are Zealand important? is/isn’t Order a small the words: country.<br />
Razvijanje strategij učenja v rubrikah Subskills, ki ponujajo<br />
obilico koristnih nasvetov in idej za učinkovito učenje.<br />
6 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?<br />
DN231101 GI A1+ SDZ L1_1 UC Notranjost.indd 20<br />
1 New Zealand and the UK are about the same size.<br />
2 Most people live on the South Island.<br />
3 Wellington is a big city.<br />
4 New Zild is English with Maori words.<br />
5 For Chloe, New Zealand is a boring place.<br />
6 Sports are popular in New Zealand.<br />
7 Complete the • a<br />
notes.<br />
map<br />
Population<br />
1 (…) million<br />
Capital city<br />
2 (…)<br />
STEP 2: PLAN<br />
Weather<br />
3 (…) in summer<br />
4 Work in groups of three. Read the tips 4 in (…) in winter on the<br />
the Super skills box and practise saying the<br />
Key phrases with your group. South Island<br />
Official languages<br />
National sport<br />
5 (…) and Maori<br />
6 (…)<br />
8 Work in pairs. Is New Zealand similar to<br />
or different from your country? Why?<br />
It’s different because it’s a small country,<br />
and we live in a big country.<br />
fun<br />
facts<br />
A person from New Zealand is a<br />
‘Kiwi.’ A kiwi is a type of bird from the<br />
country (not the fruit!).<br />
STEP 3: CREATE<br />
17<br />
8 Prepare the texts and visuals for your poster.<br />
Subskill: Capital letters<br />
In English, some words have a capital letter. These<br />
include the first letter of a sentence, the pronoun I,<br />
countries and nationalities, and days of the week.<br />
3 Find two examples for each rule in the<br />
messages. We use capital letters for …<br />
1 the pronoun I<br />
2 countries and nationalities<br />
3 cities<br />
4 languages<br />
5 days of the week<br />
6 the first word in a sentence or question<br />
7 names<br />
DN231101 GI A1+ SDZ L1_1 UC Notranjost.indd 20 29/0<br />
3 Now think about how the poster looks.<br />
Which things are in the poster?<br />
• a title<br />
• section headings<br />
• drawings<br />
• photos<br />
• graphs and tables<br />
Using your imagination<br />
Tips<br />
Be original.<br />
• different fonts or<br />
styles of letters<br />
• one big text<br />
• several small texts<br />
Think about your real country (name, currency,<br />
national sport, etc.). Then think about how to<br />
change them for your new country.<br />
Don’t choose the first idea. Think about other<br />
options too.<br />
Key phrases<br />
What’s a good name/flag/national sport?<br />
I like that/your/Sara’s idea.<br />
What about (Calobia)?<br />
That’s a good idea!<br />
That’s great!<br />
No, that’s not very original.<br />
5 In your groups, choose five sections for<br />
2 Look at the poster about a country in the your poster. Use the ideas in the Model<br />
Model project. What information does it project, or your own. Use the tips and<br />
9 Read the How to … tips on p118. Then work<br />
include?<br />
Key phrases in the Super skills box.<br />
together to organise your materials and<br />
DN231101 GI A1+ SDZ L1_1 UC Notranjost.indd 17 • language<br />
• sports and<br />
29/01/<strong>2024</strong> 14:35<br />
6 Discuss each section and write some notes.<br />
create your poster.<br />
• currency<br />
• information about<br />
the flag<br />
• a description<br />
• important cities<br />
• family life<br />
• famous people<br />
• food<br />
Project<br />
1 I can design and present a poster about a country.<br />
3 I can use appropriate language from the unit.<br />
Graphic organiser<br />
Project planner pxxx<br />
hobbies<br />
• school life<br />
• population<br />
• where the<br />
country is<br />
• popular music<br />
• unusual<br />
information<br />
FLAG red – white – green (red = sun, …)<br />
7 Choose a person to prepare each section.<br />
Student 1 – the flag, Fun Facts …<br />
Student 2 – map, important cities …<br />
Student 3 – language, currency …<br />
Model project<br />
Nationality: Calobian<br />
Languages: English and Calob<br />
Capital city: Beachtown<br />
Population: 25,000<br />
Currency: Calobian dollar<br />
Continent: Oceania<br />
National sport: Surfing<br />
Popular food: Fish and<br />
pineapples<br />
Famous people:<br />
Luke Wobda (actor)<br />
Maggie Filfo (surfer, rapper)<br />
1 0Peer review Show and explain your poster<br />
to another group. As you listen, answer the<br />
questions.<br />
1 How is the new country different from your<br />
real country?<br />
2 Do you want to visit this country? Why/Why not?<br />
FLAG<br />
The Calobian flag<br />
is dark blue,<br />
light blue and yellow.<br />
Dark blue is for the sea,<br />
light blue is for the sky.<br />
Yellow is for the sun.<br />
Calobia is a small island in the Pacific Ocean.<br />
It’s about 3,000 km from New Zealand.<br />
It’s very beautiful and it’s hot all year.<br />
The capital is Beachtown. It’s a<br />
quiet place, but it isn’t boring.<br />
Life in Calobia is very good.<br />
1<br />
1 The task<br />
Do you have a clear and attractive poster<br />
with information about your country?<br />
2 Super skill<br />
Do you use your imagination to find<br />
original ideas? Give examples.<br />
3 Language<br />
The president of Calobia is only<br />
19 years old.<br />
In Calobia you go to school on<br />
Saturday and Sunday and the<br />
weekend is Monday to Friday.<br />
The octopus is a popular pet!<br />
Centreville<br />
Beachtown<br />
North City<br />
Do you use language from the unit?<br />
Give examples.<br />
Pacific Ocean<br />
22<br />
Grammar and Vocabulary<br />
Quick review p21<br />
23<br />
Rubrike Project in Final reflection<br />
omogočajo učencem, da razvijajo in<br />
predstavijo svoje individualne talente.<br />
Ker je izvedba končnega projekta zelo<br />
postopna in vodena (Think – Plan<br />
– Create – Present), bo vsak naredil<br />
toliko, kolikor največ zmore.<br />
1<br />
Vocabulary<br />
Countries and nationality<br />
adjectives<br />
1 Complete the countries and nationality<br />
adjectives with the missing letters.<br />
1 C h i n a<br />
2 M x c<br />
3 T e U t S t s<br />
4 S p<br />
Our world<br />
5 A m c n<br />
6 B t h<br />
7 C h s<br />
8 p n s<br />
9 A r a i n<br />
2 Write the missing sentences.<br />
1 It’s from Mexico. It’s Mexican.<br />
2 They’re Dutch.<br />
3 It’s from India.<br />
24<br />
Using your imagination<br />
Tips<br />
Be original.<br />
Diferenciacija: naloge se ločujejo v tri<br />
težavnostne stopnje in so jasno označene<br />
z eno, dvema ali tremi zvezdicami.<br />
Think about your real country (name, currency,<br />
national sport, etc.). Then think about how to<br />
change them for your new country.<br />
Don’t choose the first idea. Think about other<br />
options too.<br />
Key phrases<br />
What’s a good name/flag/national sport?<br />
I like that/your/Sara’s idea.<br />
What about (Calobia)?<br />
That’s a good idea!<br />
That’s great!<br />
No, that’s not very original.<br />
4 They’re Turkish.<br />
5 It’s from Japan.<br />
6 They’re Brazilian.<br />
7 They’re from Russia.<br />
8 It’s Spanish.<br />
3 Complete the crossword and find the<br />
mystery word. Say a country in this place.<br />
1<br />
M e x i c o<br />
3<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
2<br />
4<br />
1 Remember Look at the texts.<br />
Find one thing which is similar to life in your<br />
country and one thing which is different.<br />
2 Evaluate To be happy, what things do you<br />
think are important? Order the words:<br />
1 Remember Look at the texts.<br />
Find one thing which is similar to life in your<br />
country and one thing which is different.<br />
2 Evaluate To be happy, what things do you<br />
think are important? Order the words:<br />
education family free time food<br />
health money people the weather<br />
Rubrike Brain<br />
Teaser spodbujajo<br />
logično razmišljanje,<br />
raziskovanje in<br />
konkretno uporabo<br />
jezikovnih znanj za<br />
reševanje logične<br />
uganke.<br />
Razvijanje super spretnosti oz. veščin, ki niso pomembne Using zgolj your za učni imagination uspeh,<br />
Tips<br />
ampak za splošen uspeh v življenju. Te so: kritično razmišljanje, kreativnost,<br />
Be original.<br />
komunikacija in sodelovanje.<br />
education family free time food<br />
health money people the weather<br />
Asking for help and giving<br />
suggestions<br />
Tips<br />
Ask questions about your ideas.<br />
Say the things you like.<br />
Give alternative ideas.<br />
Key phrases<br />
What do you think of this?<br />
Is this a good idea?<br />
Asking for help and giving<br />
suggestions<br />
Tips<br />
Do you agree?<br />
I like … a lot.<br />
I’m not sure about …<br />
What about … ?<br />
Ask questions about your ideas.<br />
B<br />
R<br />
A I<br />
Using your imagination<br />
Tips<br />
Be original.<br />
Think about your real country (name, currency,<br />
national sport, etc.). Then think about how to<br />
change them for your new country.<br />
Don’t choose the first idea. Think about other<br />
options too.<br />
Key phrases<br />
What’s a good name/flag/national sport?<br />
I like that/your/Sara’s idea.<br />
What about (Calobia)?<br />
That’s a good idea!<br />
That’s great!<br />
No, that’s not very original.<br />
Think about your real country (name, currency,<br />
national sport, etc.). Then think about how to<br />
change them for your new country.<br />
Don’t choose the first idea. Think about other<br />
options too.<br />
Working well together<br />
Key phrases<br />
Tips<br />
What’s a good name/flag/national sport?<br />
Listen to your partner’s ideas.<br />
I like that/your/Sara’s idea.<br />
Decide together.<br />
What about (Calobia)?<br />
Share the work.<br />
That’s a good idea!<br />
Key phrases<br />
That’s great!<br />
What do you think about … ?<br />
No, that’s not very original.<br />
OK, I agree.<br />
That’s a good idea.<br />
No, but what about … ?<br />
Working well together<br />
Tips<br />
I’ve got the photos.<br />
Let’s do it this way.<br />
OK, I can type the text.<br />
Listen to your partner’s ideas.<br />
Decide together.<br />
TEASER<br />
The first letter of each answer spells a country.<br />
1 People from the UK are British: B<br />
2 St Petersburg is in this country.<br />
3 The capital of Turkey is (…) .<br />
4 Zambia and (…)imbabwe are in Africa.<br />
5 New Delhi is the capital of this country.<br />
6 The capital of the UK is (…) .<br />
What is the country?<br />
N<br />
Brezplačna podpora za uporabnike<br />
Vsem učiteljicam in učiteljem, ki bodo uporabljali samostojni delovni zvezek <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>!<br />
A1+ oz. A2, bo na www.iRokus.si brezplačno na voljo digitalna različica učbenika in<br />
delovnega zvezka z vsemi slušnimi posnetki, videovsebinami in rešitvami nalog.<br />
Video skills<br />
Real-world speaking<br />
Project<br />
Na portalu partnerske založbe Macmillan, pod okriljem katere izdajamo učbenike<br />
in delovne zvezke <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! od 6. do 9. razreda, bodo učiteljem uporabnikom<br />
brezplačno na voljo:<br />
• priročnik za učitelja v digitalni obliki (na voljo uporabnikom je tudi v brezplačni,<br />
tiskani obliki),<br />
• številni modeli testov (preverjanje vseh spretnosti, različne težavnostne stopnje),<br />
• Generator testov, s pomočjo katerega iz široke palete nalog za urjenje posameznih<br />
spretnosti ustvarite teste po svojih potrebah,<br />
• učni listi Communication games, ki poskrbijo za utrjevanje slovnice prek<br />
komunikacije,<br />
• dodatni slušni posnetki za urjenje slušnega razumevanja z že pripravljenimi<br />
učnimi listi,<br />
• že pripravljeni listi za samoevalvacijo učencev.<br />
DN230584 Plakat Food&Drink.in d 1<br />
salty, savoury, spicy, sweet<br />
1/09/2023 13:41<br />
Sta vas nova<br />
samostojna delovna zvezka<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+ in A2<br />
navdušila in bi ju<br />
želeli spoznati še bolje?<br />
Naročite predstavitev<br />
za svoj aktiv!<br />
Predstavitev za vaš aktiv<br />
Vljudno vas prosimo, da učitelji v aktivu med seboj<br />
uskladite datum in uro, ki vam ustrezata. Prosimo, da<br />
prijavnico izpolni samo en učitelj za celoten aktiv<br />
učiteljev angleščine 6–9. Predstavitev bomo z veseljem<br />
izvedli na vaši šoli ali prek videoklica.<br />
Naročilo predstavitve:<br />
bit.ly/predstavitve-24<br />
seminarji@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Darilo za udeležence predstavitve na vaši šoli<br />
• ob izidu boste za svoj aktiv prejeli brezplačni izvod samostojnega<br />
delovnega zvezka <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Involved</strong>! A1+ za 6. razred (v dveh delih),<br />
na predstavitvi pa tiskano vzorčno enoto SDZ-ja za 6. razred<br />
• torbica, blok in pisalo<br />
• steklenica I‘m an English Teacher. What‘s your superpower?<br />
• plakat Food and Drink formata B2<br />
delicious, disgusting, tasty, yummy fresh, stale fatty, lean<br />
DRINKS<br />
boiled, fried, grilled, roast, steamed<br />
FRUIT<br />
AND EGGS<br />
NUTS<br />
GRAINS<br />
DARILO<br />
DN230584 Plakat Food&Drink.in d 1 1/09/2023 13:41<br />
Stopite v stik z nami!<br />
Marjeta Juvan<br />
svetovalka za tujejezično literaturo<br />
051 207 500<br />
marjeta.juvan@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Marinka Velikanje<br />
izobraževalna svetovalka<br />
031 725 534<br />
marinka.velikanje@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Slavica Bela<br />
izobraževalna svetovalka<br />
031 622 751<br />
slavica.bela@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Suada Čaušević<br />
izobraževalna svetovalka<br />
040 560 847<br />
suada.causevic@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
Andreja Hrušovar<br />
izobraževalna svetovalka<br />
041 866 696<br />
andreja.hrusovar@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
DN240148<br />
Modrijan izobraževanje, d. o. o.,<br />
Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana<br />
telefon: 01 513 44 00<br />
telefaks: 01 513 46 99<br />
telefonska naročila: 01 513 44 04<br />
e-pošta: narocila@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si<br />
www.modrijan-izobrazevanje.si, www.knjigarna.com<br />
www.jezikovni-center-klett.si<br />
Na naslovu osebni.podatki@modrijan-izobrazevanje.si ali Modrijan izobraževanje, d. o. o., OSEBNI PODATKI, Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana lahko kadarkoli pisno zahtevate,<br />
da trajno ali začasno prenehamo uporabljati vaše osebne podatke.