Vernissage 2025

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Inciso takes inspiration<br />

from the surface<br />

of chiseled stone,<br />

scratched and worn by<br />

the passage of time.<br />

INCISO<br />

Material.<br />

Thickness.<br />

Glazed porcelain<br />

10 mm<br />

[engraved pattern]<br />

Sizes.<br />

7,5x30 (Brick) - 16,5x16,5 (Square)<br />

Finish.<br />

Glossy<br />

Accessories.<br />

Items available<br />

Inciso is a porcelain biscuit tile with decorative handmade characteristics. The<br />

Application.<br />

Inside - Outside / Wall<br />

7,5x30<br />

16,5x16,5<br />

subsequent application of liquid glazes on top creates a depth of detail and shading<br />

effects that give a unique intensity of color and brightness, with a strong decorative<br />

impact.<br />

Colours.<br />

Available in 2 sizes: 7,5x30cm brick and 16,5x16,5cm square, and in 7 colors.<br />

Gypsum Desert Pebble Porphyr Earth Jade Sapphire<br />

8 < > 9

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