Tesla, Skalární Vlny, Torzní Pole, Volná Energie, Studená Fúze.. = Pseudo Věda? / Cold Fusion : Free Energy = Pseudo Science?

Nové paradigma v oblasti energetických technologií a Geo -socio - finanční následky / The new paradigm on energy technology with geo-socio-financial impact

Nové paradigma v oblasti energetických technologií a Geo -socio - finanční následky /
The new paradigm on energy technology with geo-socio-financial impact


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Outrageous Claims : ZPE type RITUAL-MIND CONTROL 11<br />

• -->cont: ■2C Social Engineering:<br />

Some news appears before event occurs or inves3ga3on is pre-completed &<br />

almost simultaneously announced with "unexpected incidents", especially with<br />

terrorism: key small # of personnel in media-NGO-Gov’t-Intel coordinated: media<br />

creates reality & predetermine public opinion by selec>ve repor>ng &<br />

“authorita>ve expert commentary”?(M Bröckers+),<br />

• Appeal to public fear(some use rituals-geometry-numerology-symbolism), Claims<br />

of intense emo3ons can directly influence physical reality & fear crea3on is<br />

focused by small fac3ons within dominant groups for specific purpose(D Burisch,<br />

N Begich, P Levenda, Reb Roth, “Bill Wood”, A Crowley+), this story of "emo3on<br />

affec3ng reality" is void of direct evidence, yet similar weaker effect is verifiable:<br />

• eg Agnihotra - W Puchalski, Fri Staal(see 8 at p224-226), Medita3on crime<br />

reduc3on - Hagelin, Random number generator - Rog Nelson, Psychic mind<br />

influence - “unlike in movie goat was actually killed by focusing on<br />

heartbeat nerves”(L Buchanan), Frog heart was stopped(ГА<br />

Сергеев[Kulagina]), Increase targeted humans' heart rate(JP Girard+),<br />

Inten3ons(Ly McTaggart), BioAc3va3on(W Tiller+), Noncontact, nonacous3c,<br />

non virtual local mind influencing for diploma3c nego3a3ons(МП<br />

Поляченко, Geller +). Also see Bio Energe>c Torsion Field p242-285. -->><br />

cont:<br />


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