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Tabel<br />

107. A. Rigspolitichefens årsberetning.<br />

B. Meddelt af Departementet for Told- og Forbrugsafgifter.<br />

io8. Meddelt af Direktoratet for Patent- og Varemærkevæsenet.<br />

log-I ig. Erhvervstællingen 1948 (VA,24).<br />

i 2o. Andelsbladet, Forbrugsforenings-Årbogen og det<br />

kooperative Fællesforbunds beretning.<br />

XXI I<br />

121-128. Danmarks vareindførsel og -udførsel 1956<br />

(VD,77) samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

129. Meddelt af Forsvarsministeriet. 129.<br />

130. Meddelt af Handelsministeriet. 130.<br />

131. Meddelt af Fyrdirektoratet. 131.<br />

132. St. E. 1949-57- 132.<br />

133. Danmarks skibe og skibsfart 1955 (4, 165,4) samt 133.<br />

materiale i Departementet.<br />

134- 34 Materiale i Departementet.<br />

134<br />

135- Danmarks skibe og skibsfart 1955 (4, 165,4), 135<br />

Danmarks Skibsliste samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

136-138. Danmarks skibe og skibsfart 1955 (4,165,4)<br />

samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

139. Danmarks skibe og skibsfart 1955 (4,165,4) samt<br />

oplysninger fra Søkort-Arkivet.<br />

i4o. Meddelt af Generaldirektoratet for Statsbanerne<br />

og Tilsynet med Privatbanerne.<br />

141. Meddelt af Københavns Lufthavn og S.A.S.<br />

142. St. E. 1957 samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

143. St. E. 1947-57-<br />

144-46- St. E. 1956 og 1957-<br />

147-148. St. E. 1955-<br />

149. Indberetninger fra amternes trafikudvalg og større<br />

kommuner.<br />

150-152. Meddelelser fra Vejlaboratoriet, 1957-<br />

153- Meddelt af Statstilsynet med de koncessionerede<br />

Telefonselskaber og Generaldirektoratet for Postog<br />

Telegrafvæsenet.<br />

154. Meddelt af Generaldirektoratet for Post- og Telegrafvæsenet.<br />

155. Meddelt af Statsradiofonien.<br />

156. Materiale i Departementet.<br />

157-158. St. E. 1957 samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

159-i6o. St. E. for de pågældende år.<br />

161. St. E. 1957.<br />

162. St. E. for de pågældende år.<br />

163. Officielle noteringer offentliggjort i dagspressen.<br />

164. St. E. 1956 og 1957.<br />

165. Landbrugsstatistik 1955 (4,167,1) samt materiale<br />

i Departementet.<br />

166-167. Danmarks Nationalbanks årsregnskab.<br />

168. Danmarks Nationalbanks månedsbalancer.<br />

169-170. St. E. 1956 og 1957.<br />

171- Meddelt af Bankinspektøren, jfr. Beretning om de<br />

danske Bankers Virksomhed 1956.<br />

172- Meddelt af Sparekasseinspektøren, jfr. Beretning<br />

om Sparekasserne i Danmark 1955155<br />

173- Meddelt af Indenrigsministeriet, jfr. dettes beretninger<br />

om kreditforeningernes og hypotekforeningernes<br />

virksomhed, samt af Kreditforeningen af<br />

Kommuner i Danmark.<br />

174- St. E. 1956 og 1957 samt materiale i Departementet.<br />

175. St. E. 1954.<br />

176. Landbrugsstatistik 1955 (4,167,1) samt St. E.<br />

1954-<br />

177-178. Materiale i Departementet.<br />

Tabel<br />

107. A. Annual report of the chief of police.<br />

B. Reported by the Department of Customs and<br />

Excise Duties.<br />

io8. Reported by the Directorate of Patent- and Trade<br />

Mark Service.<br />

i og-I 19. Census of Manufacturing, Distribution and<br />

Other Industries 1948 (VA,24).<br />

i2o. Andelsbladet", Yearbook of Co-operative Societies<br />

and report of the Co-operative Union of<br />

Denmark.<br />

121-128. Foreign trade of Denmark<br />

1956<br />

and material in the Department.<br />

Reported by the Ministry of Defence.<br />

Reported by the Ministry of Commerce.<br />

Reported by the Directorate of Light Service.<br />

St. E. 1949-57-<br />

Danish ships and shipping 1955 (4,165,4) and<br />

material in the Department.<br />

Material in the Department.<br />

Danish ships and shipping 1955 (4, 165,4) ;<br />

,Danmarks<br />

Skibsliste" and material in the Department.<br />

136-138. Danish ships and shipping 1955 (4,165,4)<br />

and material in the Department.<br />

139. Danish ships and shipping 1955 (4,165,4) and<br />

information from the hydrographic department.<br />

140. Reported by the Directorate of the State Railways<br />

and the Inspection of the Private Railways.<br />

141. Reported by the Airport of Copenhagen and S.A.S.<br />

142. St. E. 1957 and material in the Department.<br />

143- St. E. 1947-57-<br />

144-46. St. E471956 and 1957.<br />

147-148. St. E. 1955-<br />

149. Reported by traffic committees of the counties<br />

and large municipalities.<br />

150-152. Reports of the Road Laboratory, 1957.<br />

153. Reported by the public inspection of concessionary<br />

telephone companies and the Directorate<br />

of Postal and Telegraph Service.<br />

154. Reported by the Directorate of Postal and Telegraph<br />

Service.<br />

155. Reported by the State Radio.<br />

156. Material in the Department.<br />

157-158. St. E. 1957 and material in the Department.<br />

159-i6o. St. E. of the years in question.<br />

161. St. E. 1957-<br />

162. St. E. of the years in question.<br />

163. Public quotations published in the daily press.<br />

164. St. E. 1956 and 1957.<br />

165. Statistics on agriculture 1955 (4,167,1) and material<br />

in the Department.<br />

166-167. Annual accounts of the National Bank of<br />

Denmark.<br />

168. Monthly balance sheet of the National Bank of<br />

Denmark.<br />

169-170. St. E. 1956 and 1957.<br />

171. Reported by the bank inspector, cfr. report on<br />

activity of the Danish banks 1956.<br />

172. Reported by the savings bank inspector, cfr. report<br />

173.<br />

174<br />

about the savings banks in Denmark 1955/56.<br />

Reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cfr.<br />

the Ministry's report on activity of the mortgage<br />

societies, and by Local Governments' Mortgage<br />

Society.<br />

St. E. 1956 and 1957 and material in the Department.<br />

St. E. 1954-<br />

175<br />

176- Statistics on agriculture 1955 (4, 167,1), and<br />

St. E. 1954-<br />

177-178. Material in the Department.<br />

Statistisk Aarbog 1957

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