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COPY LINK DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://mantappanjing-hieeyaa.blogspot.com/?update=B09KN7WQ3D ----------------------------------- HimI am the monster that lurks in your nightmares.Evil incarnate. A sociopath. A murderer.I kill women who are guilty of nothing other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Women like Lyra.Her yellow raincoat flapped in the cool breeze when she walked by, that blonde hair making her look like a drowned rat as she stopped to taste the rain.She wasn 8217 t like the others, but my demon wanted her.We followed her. Watched her. Obsessed over her.She is ours. Of that I 8217 m certain.We will pull her into the depths of our darkness and keep her imprisoned there.Until we meet our end.LyraI am ordinary in every way.Average looks. Mundane job. Boring life.But when he looks at me, I become something else entirely.His gaze stalks and tracks me like a game of cat and mouse, his eyes licking fire over my skin every time they glance in my direction.My thoughts are consumed by him every moment he 8217 s out of sight.He is my obsession. I can 8217 t let him go.And once he shows me his true form, I know I 8217 ve captured him forever.He is mine. Of that I 8217 m certain.I will follow him to the depths of darkness and happily submit to his madness.Until we meet our end. - Into The Dark Special Cover Publishing Ebook PDF - Into The




HimI am the monster that lurks in your nightmares.Evil incarnate. A sociopath. A murderer.I kill women who are guilty of nothing other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Women like Lyra.Her yellow raincoat flapped in the cool breeze when she walked by, that blonde hair making her look like a drowned rat as she stopped to taste the rain.She wasn 8217 t like the others, but my demon wanted her.We followed her. Watched her. Obsessed over her.She is ours. Of that I 8217 m certain.We will pull her into the depths of our darkness and keep her imprisoned there.Until we meet our end.LyraI am ordinary in every way.Average looks. Mundane job. Boring life.But when he looks at me, I become something else entirely.His gaze stalks and tracks me like a game of cat and mouse, his eyes licking fire over my skin every time they glance in my direction.My thoughts are consumed by him every moment he 8217 s out of sight.He is my obsession. I can 8217 t let him go.And once he shows me his true form, I know I 8217 ve captured him forever.He is mine. Of that I 8217 m certain.I will follow him to the depths of darkness and happily submit to his madness.Until we meet our end.
- Into The Dark Special Cover Publishing Ebook PDF
- Into The


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Into The Dark Special Cover



Into The Dark Special Cover

HimI am the monster that lurks in your nightmares.Evil incarnate. A sociopath. A murderer.I kill

women who are guilty of nothing other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Women

like Lyra.Her yellow raincoat flapped in the cool breeze when she walked by, that blonde hair

making her look like a drowned rat as she stopped to taste the rain.She wasn 8217 t like the

others, but my demon wanted her.We followed her. Watched her. Obsessed over her.She is ours.

Of that I 8217 m certain.We will pull her into the depths of our darkness and keep her imprisoned

there.Until we meet our end.LyraI am ordinary in every way.Average looks. Mundane job. Boring

life.But when he looks at me, I become something else entirely.His gaze stalks and tracks me like

a game of cat and mouse, his eyes licking fire over my skin every time they glance in my

direction.My thoughts are consumed by him every moment he 8217 s out of sight.He is my

obsession. I can 8217 t let him go.And once he shows me his true form, I know I 8217 ve captured

him forever.He is mine. Of that I 8217 m certain.I will follow him to the depths of darkness and

happily submit to his madness.Until we meet our end.



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