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11+++Blanco Titanio RutiloTitanium White RutileBlanc de Titane RutileTitanweiss Rutile13++3++5+++16++20+++27930+936+Amarillo AnaranjadoAzo Yellow OrangeJaune Orange AzoEchtgelb DunkelRojo CarmínNaphtol CrimsonRouge Naphtol CarminePermanentkarmesinAzul FtalocianinaPhthalo BlueBlue de PhthalocyaninePhthaloblauVerde VejigaSap GreenVert de VessieSaftgrünSiena TostadaBurnt SiennaSienna BruléeSiena GebranntPrimal-Polimero AcrílicoPrimal-Acrylic PolymerPrimal-Résine AcriliquePrimal-AcrylherzAmarillo FluorescenteYellow FluorescentJaune FluoLeuchtgelbAzul FluorescenteBlue FluorescentBleu FluoLeuchtblauPW6 PW6 PW6 PY3 PY3, PY83 PY3, PY8341+++Blanco Titanio Anatase (Mezclas)Titanium White Anatase (Mixing)Blanc Titane Anatase (Nuancer)Titanweiss Anatase (Mischweiss)21++26+++25++48+++17+++33+++931+937+Amarillo Nápoles (To<strong>no</strong>)Naples Yellow (Hue)Jaune de Naples (Nuance)Neapelgelb (Farbton)Rojo de Garanza (To<strong>no</strong>)Rose Madder (Hue)Rouge de Garance (Nuance)Krapprot (Farbton)Azul de Cobalto (To<strong>no</strong>)Cobalt Blue (Hue)Bleu de Cobalt (Nuance)Kobaltblau (Farbton)Verde OlivaOlive GreenVert OliveOlivgrünSombra NaturalRaw UmberOmbre NaturelleUmbra NatureGessoPrimerGessoGrundierweissAmarillo Dorado FluorescenteGold Yellow FluorescentJaune Doré FluoGoldgelb LeuchtfarbeVerde FluorescenteGreen FluorescentVert FluoLeuchtgrün42+++Titanio CrudoTitan Buff (Unbleached Titanium)Chamois de TitaneTitan Beige44+++CarneCarnation PinkTeinte ChairHellrosa23+++PrimarioPrimary24+++PrimarioPrimary+++818+++MagentaMagentaMagentaMagentarot938+++OroGoldOrGold932+Azul CyanPrimary BlueBleu PrimaireCyanblauAmarillo Óxido de HierroMars YellowJaune de MarsMarsgelbSombra TostadaBurnt UmberOmbre BruléeUmbra GebranntNaranja FluorescenteOrange FluorescentOrange FluoLeuchtorange1++PrimarioPrimaryCadmio Amarillo Limón (To<strong>no</strong>)Cadmium Lemon Yellow (Hue)Jaune de Cadmium Citron (Nuance)Kadmiumgelb Zitron (Farbton)15++14+++47++++++949+++Violeta PermanentePermanent VioletViolet PermanentPermanentviolettTurquesa de FtalocianinaPhthalo TurquoisePhthalo TurquoisePhthalotürkiesDorado Óxido de HierroMars OrangeOrange de MarsMarsorangePardo Van DyckVan Dyck BrownBrun Van DyckVandyckbraun939+++PlataSilverArgentSilber933+Naranja de Cadmio (To<strong>no</strong>)Cadmium Orange (Hue)Orange de Cadmium (Nuance)Kadmiumorange (Farbton)Rojo Fuego FluorescenteFlame Red FluorescentRouge FluoLeuchtrot43+++Amarillo Cadmio Pálido (To<strong>no</strong>)Cadmium Yellow Pale (Hue)Jaune de Cadmium Pâle (Nuance)Kadmiumgelb Hell (Farbton)2+++46++6+++10+++50+++940+++CobreCopperCuivreKupfer934+Rojo de Cadmio (To<strong>no</strong>)Cadmium Red (Hue)Rouge de Cadmium (Nuance)Kadmiumrot (Farbton)Azul de Prussia FtaloPrussian Blue PhtaloBleu de Prusse PhtaloPreussischblau PhtaloVerde FtalocianinaPhthalo GreenVert de PhthalocyaninePhthalogrünRojo Óxido de HierroMars RedRouge de MarsMarsrotGris de PaynePayne’s GreyGris du PayneGrau (Payne-Grau)Rojo Rosa FluorescenteRed Pink FluorescentRose FluoLeuchtrosa22+++Amarillo Cadmio Oscuro (To<strong>no</strong>)Cadmium Yellow Deep (Hue)Jaune de Cadmium Foncé (Nuance)Kadmiumgelb Dunkel (Farbton)PY83 PY83, PW6, PY42 PW6, PR112, PY3 PY3, PR112 PR112 PR112, PR10145++4+++7++19+++12+++935+Transparente /Transparent / Transparent / DurchsichtigRojo de Cadmio Oscuro (To<strong>no</strong>)Dark Cadmium Red (Hue)Rouge de Cadmium Foncé (Nuance)Kadmium Rot Dunkel (Farbton)PR146 PR5, PV23 PR122, PW6 PV23 PB29, PB15:3, PBk7 PB29Azul UltramarUltramarine blueBlue OutremerUltramarinblauPB15:3 PB29, PW6 PW6, PB15:3 PB15:3, PG7, PW6 PG7 PY3, PG7Verde PermanentePermanent GreenVert PermanentPermanent GrünPG8, PY83 PG7, PY42, PR101 PY42 PY42, PR101 PR101 PY42, PR101, PBk7Siena NaturalRaw SiennaSienna NaturelleSiena NaturPY42, PR101, PBk7 PY42, PR101, PBk7 PY42, PR101, PBk7 PR101, PY42, PBk11 PB29, PBk11, PY42 PBk11PW6PR112 PR112 PR112PG7(+) Buen grado de resistencia a la luz/ Good lightfastness/ Degré <strong>no</strong>rmal de résistanceà la lumière/ Gute Lichtbeständigkeit(++) Muy buen grado de resistencia a la luz/ Very good lightfastness/ Très bon degréde rèsistancè aà la lumière/ Sehr gute Lichtbeständigkeit(+++) Máximo grado de resistencia a la luz/ Highest degree of lightfastness/ Meilleurdegré de résistance à la lumière/ Höchste Lichtbeständigkeit.PR101Negro Oxido de HierroMars BlackNoir de MarsMarsschwarzMagenta FluorescenteMagenta FluorescentMagenta FluoLeuchtmagentaSemitransparente / Semitransparent / Semitransparent /HalbdeckendTotalmente opaco / Totally opaque/ Completement opaque / Ganz deckend.Colores para artistas, de viscosidad media-alta con pigmentospermanentes para bellas artes y resina acrílica100% pura.Vallejo fue u<strong>no</strong> de los primeros fabricantes en Europa en la producción deacrílicos para artistas. En los años 70 introdujo su producto Acrylic Artist Color,envasado en tubos de aluminio de 58 ml. El mundo de arte era efervescentey emprendedor y los grandes formatos, murales y eventos eran de actualidad.En 1980 u<strong>no</strong>s artistas jóvenes de la facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelonaconvencieron a Amadeo Vallejo de la necesidad de producir una pintura acrílicapara bellas artes, pero presentado en tamaños grandes, y a un precioasequible. El resultado fue Acrylic Studio, 12 colores en un envase de plásticode 200 ml. en su día un producto pionero e in<strong>no</strong>vador.En la formulación de esta gama de colores, Vallejo tuvo en cuenta la proteccióndel medio ambiente, rechazando todos los pigmentos derivados demetales pesados o los que podrían presentar un mínimo riesgo de toxicidaden su fabricación, manipulación o eliminación de residuos. Acrylic Studio escompletamente permanente y resistente a rayos U.V. y <strong>no</strong> contiene cargas niningún otro producto entendedor; la utilización de las resinas y pigmentos máspuros produce to<strong>no</strong>s de máxima lumi<strong>no</strong>sidad y calidad cromática.Durante los años se ha ampliado la gama hasta 47 colores, fabricados conlos mejores materiales para bellas artes, pero evitando pigmentos de costesmuy elevados para poder seguir ofreciendo todos los colores a un precio uniformey moderado tanto en pequeños como en grandes envasados.En la etiqueta se facilita el grado de permanencia y opacidad, y el númerointernacional del Color Index de cada pigmento como garantía de calidad ypara facilitar al artista su estudio y desarrollo, y todos los colores tienen lacertificación de ASTM D-4236.Acrylic Studio es compatible con Acrylic Artist color, Liquid Acrylic y AcrylicGouache, y con todos los demás acrílicos de calidad bellas artes. Los coloresse pueden diluir con agua si se desea, o mezclar con mediums y texturasacrílicos. Son igualmente idóneos para estudiantes como para artistas profesionales,y han sido recomendados especialmente para murales y cuadros degrandes tamaños.La Gama de Studio incluye la imprimación Studio Gesso en 750 ml., y elMédium Primal en varios tamaños. Primal, Ref. 27 es la misma resina 100%acrilica que se emplea en la fabricación de los colores; se utiliza para mezclas,veladuras y como barniz protector brillante.Para una descripción detallada de nuestros Mediums, Barnices y Texturas,veáse nuestro folleto y la página web en la sección de Productos Auxiliarespara Bellas Artes.Colors for artists of medium-high viscosity, formulatedwith permanent fine arts pigments and a 100% acrylicresin.Vallejo was one of the first two Europeanmanufacturers of acrylic colors for fine arts,introducing Acrylic Artist Color in the early1970ties. The colors were packaged in 58ml. aluminium tubes. The art scene waseffervescent and enterprising, and largepaintings, murals and happenings werethe trend. In 1980 a group of young artistsfrom the Fine Arts Univerisity in Barcelonaconvinced Amadeo Vallejo of theneed for acrylic colors for artists in largeunits marketed at an accessible price. Theresult was Acrylic Studio, 12 colors in 200ml. plastic bottles, a unique and groundbreakingproduct at that time.In the formulation of these new colors,Vallejo employed the utmost considerationfor ecological consequences, discarding all those pigmentsderived from heavy metals or presenting even a minimal risk of toxic residualsin their manufacture, application or disposal. Acrylic Studio is completely permanentand lightfast (UV resistant) , and does <strong>no</strong>t contain fillers of any kind:only full strength resins and pigments have been used, so that the colours areof unequalled purity and chromatic quality.Over the years new colors were incorporated, new resins and new pigmentshave become available, and <strong>no</strong>w the range of STUDIO consists of 47 colors,manufactured to satisfy the highest standards of quality and environmentalsafety, while at the same time fulfilling the need for acrylics of moderate anduniform cost.The label of each unit carries permanency and opacity ratings, and the internationalcolour index number so that the can artist to study and develop thecolour to its fullest possibilities. All colours have the ASTM D5098 certification.Acrylic Studio is compatible with Acrylic Artist Color, Liquid Acrylic, AcrylicGouache and all other fine arts acrylics. The colours can be diluted with waterif desired, or mixed with all acrylic mediums. They are as suitable for the studentas for the professional artist, and have been is especially recommendedfor large surfaces and murals.The Studio range includes the primer Studio Gesso in 750ml. packaging,and Primal in all the standard Studio sizes. Primal, Ref. 27, is the same 100%acrylic resin which has been employed in the formulation of the colors, and isused for mixing, glazes and as a final protective varnish.Botellas / Bottles 500 ml.Color IndexEs una <strong>no</strong>rma internacional de referenciaempleado para identificar los pigmentos ycolorantes utilizados en cualquier sistema defabricación, inclusive la de pinturas para artistas.La referencia consta de un número y un <strong>no</strong>mbreque indican la composición química. El Indexse ha elaborado en los EE.UU., por lo tanto lospigmentos se identifican con su abreviación eninglés. Rogamos ver el Color Index completo ennuestra web www.acrylicosvallejo.com.Is an international listing of reference numbersused to identify the pigments and dyes usedin any manufacturing process, including theformulations employed in the manufacture ofartists paints. This reference system consistsof a number and a name which indicates thechemical structure of the coloring agent. Colorindex has been construed in the U.S.A. andfor that reason the pigments are identifiedby their English abbreviation. Please see thecomplete Color Index in our web page www.acrylicosvallejo.com.Pb / Pigments BluePB15 Phthalocyanine (Copper Pphthalocyanine) 74160 aPB15:3 Phthalocyanine (Copper Phthalocyanine) 74160 bPB15:4 Phthalocyanine (Copper Phthalocyanine) 74160 b Non.Floc.PB15:6 Phthalocyanine (Copper Phthalocyanine) 74160 ePB16 Phthalocyanine 74100PB22 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 69810PB27 Iron-Cyan Complex 77510PB28 Cobaltous Aluminate 77346PB29 Polysulphide of Sodium Alumi<strong>no</strong> Silicate 77007PB33 Barium Manganate with Barium Sulphate 77112PB35 Cobaltous Stannate 77368PB36 Cobaltous/ Chromium/ Alumi<strong>no</strong> Oxide 77343PB60 Indanthrone 69800PB66 Indigo -PB74 Phenacite (Cobaltous, Zinc, Silice) -PBk / Pigments BlackPBk1 Azine (Aniline Black) 50440PBk6 Carbon (Carbon Black) 77266PBk7 Carbon (Carbon Black) 77266PBk8 Amorphous Carbon of vegetable origin 77266PBk9 Mixture of mainly Calciumphosphate & 77267Carbon (Bone Black)PBk10 Graphite (Crystallized Carbon) -PBk11 Synthetic Iron Oxide 77499PBk31 Perylene -PBr / Pigments BrownPBr6 Iron Oxide 77491PBr7 Calcined Natural Iron Oxide 77491PBr8 Brown Coal -PBr24 Antimony/ Chromium/ Titanium Oxide 77310PG / Pigments GreenPhthalocyanine (Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine)PG774260PG8 Nitroso 10006PG10 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12775PG17 Chromium Sesquioxide (Hematite) 77288PG18 Hydrated Chromium Sesquioxide 77289PG19 Mixture of Cobalt Zincate And Zincoxide 77335PG23 Natural Green Earth 77009PG24 Polysulphide of Sodium Alumi<strong>no</strong> Silicate 77013PG26 Spinel (Cobaltous, Chromium) -PG36 Phthalocyanine (Chlorinated Brominated 74265Copper Phthalocyanine)PG50 Cobalt Titanate (Cobaltous/ Nickel/ Zinc/ 77377Titanium Oxide)PO / Pigments OrangePO5 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12075PO20 Cadmium Sulfoselenide 77202PO34 Disazo 21115PO36 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11780PO43 Peri<strong>no</strong>ne 71105PO48 Quinacridone 73900/73920PO49 Quinacridone -PO60 Benzimidazolone -PO62 Benzimidazolone 11775PO67 Pyrazoloquinazolone 12915PO69 Isoindoline 56292PO71 Diketopyrrolopyrrole 561200PO73 Isoindoline 561170PR / Pigments RedPR4 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo (Naphthol) 12085PR5 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12490PR7 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12420PR9 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12460PR12 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo (Naphthol) 12385PR14 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12380PR17 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12390PR23 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo (Naphthol) 12355PR57:1 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 15850:1PR83 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 58000:1PR88 Indigoide 73312PR101 Synthetic Iron Oxide 77491PR102 Iron Oxide 77491PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide/ Cadmium Selenide 77202/77196PR112 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo (Naftol AS) 12370PR119 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo -PR122 Quinacridone 73915PR123 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 71145PR146 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12485PR149 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 71137PR168 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 59300PR170 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12475PR173 Rhodamine (Triarylcarbonium) 45170:3PR175 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12513PR176 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo (Benzimidazolone) 12515PR177 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 65300PR178 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 71155PR179 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne (Perylene) 71130PR184 Naphthol AS 12487PR188 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12467PR190 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 71140PR192 Quinacridone -PR206 Quinacridone -PR207 Quinacridone 73900/73906PR209 Quinacridone 73905PR251 Pyrazoloquinazolone 12925PR254 Diketopyrrolopyrrole 56110PR255 Diketopyrrolopyrrole 561050PR264 Diketopyrrolopyrrole 561300PV / Pigments VioletPV1 Rhodamine (Triarylcarbonium) 45170:2PV3 Triphenylmethane (Triarylcarbonium) 42535:2PV14 Cobalt Phosphate 77360PV15 Polysulphide of Sodium Alumi<strong>no</strong> Silicate 77007PV16 Manganese Ammonium Pyrophosphate 77742PV19 Quinacridone 73900PV23 Dioxazine 51319PY / Pigments YellowPY1 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11680PY3 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11710PY17 Disazo (Diarylide) 21105PY35 Cadmium Zinc Sulphide 77205PY37 Calcined Cadmium Sulphide 77199PY40 Potassium Cobalt Nitrite 77357PY42 Hydrated Synthetic Iron Oxide 77492PY43 Hydrated Natural Iron Oxide 77492PY53 Nickel/ Antimony/ Titanium Oxides 77788PY65 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11740PY73 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11738PY74 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11741PY83 Disazo 21108PY97 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11767PY98 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 11727PY108 Antraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 68420PY109 Isoindoli<strong>no</strong>ne 56284PY110 Isoindoli<strong>no</strong>ne 56280PY112 Anthraqui<strong>no</strong>ne 70600PY119 Spinel (Zinc, Iron) -PY128 Disazo 20037PY129 Azomethine 48042PY138 Qui<strong>no</strong>line -PY150 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo 12764PY151 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo -PY153 Nickel Complex -PY154 Benzimidazolone 11781PY155 Disazo -PY156 Benzimidazolone -PY157 Priderite (Nickel, Barium, Titanium) -PY175 Mo<strong>no</strong>azo -PY184 Bismuth Vanadate -PW / Pigments WhitePW4 Zinc Oxide 77947PW5 Coprecipitate of Zinc Sulphide and Barium 77115SulphatePW6 Titanium Dioxide 77891PW6/PW15/PW20Titanium Dioxide and Tin Oxide Coated Mica 77891/ 77861/77019PW18 Calcium Carbonate -PW21 Barium Sulfate -PW26 Magnesium-Aluminium Silicate -Fragment of painting by José Luis Ccoto

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