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Berlin Trilogy

By Laura White Gray

1. The Triumph of Capitalism (Low)

There they sit

bronzed dead gods

under the linden trees

and Prussian blue

skies, vacant-eyed

tombstones to an

empire as lifeless as

Bruegel’s painting. For all

eternity doomed to stare at

the Berliner Dom’s cross

their revolution lost.

Replaced by the proletariat’s new

neon mythos: KFC, Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks.

Among the tourists, a private revolt

launched: a girl, doll-like pupils

magnified behind Coke bottle glasses

stomps Marx’s stone foot and smiles

impishly for her mother’s iPhone

as pigeon droppings amass on

the statute’s impotent

bearded head.

2. Upon Their Ashes (Heroes)

Chilled soda bottles popped open.

Wrapped sandwiches held aloft.

Pickles, fried chips, basket, napkins.

Easter Sunday Berlin, 2015

Anno Domini. Germania: Anno Zero

plus seventy. Spring afternoon heavy

with hope. Once divided boulevards

cluttered with tourists’ tired feet.

Ashen stone slabs, a monument for Europe’s murdered

Jews serves as

a makeshift picnic blanket and a

gray as death background for selfies.

Auschwitz’s ashes mere dust on our shoes.

We eat and live and walk over memories

that cast no shadows. We have no past.

3. Darkness in the Sunlight (Lodger)

Light crashes hard against concrete

snapping crisp and easy as a

child’s neck under booted black heels.

Subterranean shadows burrow like

a bunker under an empty parking lot.

Imaginary Lugers from Trabant drive-bys

shoot-up the ghetto’s new walls. We waltz over

metallic faces of the dead

carved from haunted Mediterranean dreams.

Burnt flesh and Zyklon-B mingles with the

scent of Haifa’s bloody oranges and strange

fruit swaying like dead men in the breeze.

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