{Get}_ Gabo y Mercedes: una despedida / A Farewell to Gabo and Mercedes (Spanish Edition) [DOWNLOAD$

Copy Link: https://oneinspire-getlink.blogspot.com/?pdf=1644733951 Finalista del 2021nbspNational Book Critics Circle 2021La cr#243nica #237ntima de los #250ltimos d#237as de un genio. nbsp En marzo de 2014, Gabriel Garc#237a M#225rquez, probablemente el escritor m#225 querido en lengua espa#2

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Finalista del 2021nbspNational Book Critics Circle 2021La cr#243nica #237ntima de los #250ltimos d#237as de un genio. nbsp En marzo de 2014, Gabriel Garc#237a M#225rquez, probablemente el escritor m#225 querido en lengua espa#2


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Gabo y Mercedes: una despedida / A Farewell to

Gabo and Mercedes (Spanish Edition)

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Finalista del 2021nbspNational Book Critics Circle 2021La cr#243nica #237ntima de los

#250ltimos d#237as de un genio. nbsp En marzo de 2014, Gabriel Garc#237a M#225rquez,

probablemente el escritor m#225 querido en lengua espa#241ola del siglo XX, ya anciano y

enfermo, cay#243 resfriado. #171De esta no salimos#187, le dijo Mercedes Barcha, su esposa

desde hac#237a m#225 de cincuenta a#241os, a Rodrigo, el hijo de ambos.nbsp Estas

p#225ginas son la cr#243nica m#225 #237ntima y honesta de los #250ltimos d#237as de un

genio, escrita con la asombrosa precisi#243n y la distancia justa de un testigo de excepci#243n:

el propio Rodrigo.nbspnbsp As#237nbspnbsp vemosnbspnbsp elnbspnbsp ladonbspnbsp

m#225nbspnbsp humanonbspnbsp denbspnbsp unnbspnbsp personaje universal y de la mujer en

la que se fij#243 cuando era una ni#241a de nueve a#241os, quenbspnbsp lenbspnbsp

acompa#241#243nbspnbsp todanbspnbsp lanbspnbsp vidanbspnbsp ynbspnbsp quenbspnbsp

apenasnbspnbsp le sobrevivi#243nbspnbsp unos a#241os, entreverado de recuerdos

denbspnbsp una vida irrepetible. La m#225 hermosa despedida al hijo del telegrafista y su

esposa.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFinalist of the 2021nbspNational Book Critics CircleThis is the

intimate account of a great genius17 last days. In March 2014, Gabriel Garc#237a M#225rquez,

probably the most beloved Spanish language writer of the 20th century, at that time elderly and ill,

came down with a cold. quotI don17t think we17ll get out of this one,quot Mercedes Barcha, his

wife of over fifty years, told Rodrigo, their son. These pages are the most intimate and honest

accounts of the last days of that genius17 life. It is written with amazing meticulousness and with

just the right amount of distance by an exceptional witness: Rodrigo himself. Thus we see the

most human side of a universal figure and of the woman he laid his eyes on when they were both

very young, the woman who accompanied him his entire life and who barely survived him for a few

years after his death, peppered with memories of a unique life. This is the most beautiful farewell

to the telegrapher17 son and his wife.

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