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30 theory of deep learning

The proof of the Claim follows in straightforward fashion from

implementing the message passing protocol as an acyclic circuit.

Next we show how to compute ∇ 2 f (z) · v where v is a given fixed

vector. Let g(z) = 〈∇ f (z), v〉 be a function from R d → R. Then by

the Claim above, g(z) can be computed by a network of size O(V + E).

Now apply the Claim again on g(z), we obtain that ∇g(z) can also be

computed by a network of size O(V + E).

Note that by construction,

∇g(z) = ∇ 2 f (z) · v.

Hence we have computed the Hessian vector product in network size


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