Daftar Peserta KTI Online 2011 PPPPTK TK dan PLB Propinsi

Daftar Peserta KTI Online 2011 PPPPTK TK dan PLB Propinsi

Daftar Peserta KTI Online 2011 PPPPTK TK dan PLB Propinsi


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<strong>Daftar</strong> <strong>Peserta</strong> <strong>KTI</strong> <strong>Online</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>PPPP<strong>TK</strong></strong> <strong>TK</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>PLB</strong><br />

<strong>Propinsi</strong><br />

Jawa Timur<br />

No NIP/NUP<strong>TK</strong> Nama Tempat Tugas Gol <strong>Propinsi</strong> Kabupaten No. Telepon No. HP Alamat email username pasword<br />

82 197412112002122000 SUZI BUDIANNA,ST. SMPN 2 Jrengik 3c JATIM SAMPANG 0323325931 081703676096 suzimuhyi@yahoo.co.id budianna011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

83 197604262000121000 MUH. ZAINURI, S.Pd SMPN 2 SILO 3c JATIM JEMBER 03317176130 081559527637 muh.zainuri@yahoo.co.id zainuri011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

84 197608102006041000 RAHMANU ADI WIDODO, S.Pd.SMAN 2 BLITAR 3b JATIM BLITAR 0342814345 085649379772 rahmanu@ymail.com rahmanu011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

85 197404192005012000 Umi Faridah, S.S SMAN 1 Manyar Gresik 3b JATIM GRESIK 0313970494 081553684387 umi.faridah@yahoo.com ufaridah011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

86 19790224200602000 indira kusumaning fuadah smpn 3 kota mojokerto 3b JATIM MOJOKERTO 0321382902 08123221276 indirakf@yahoo.co.id kusumaning011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

87 197403180319982000 nurul wafiyah SMA N 1 Manyar 3d JATIM GRESIK 03178234432 085730204545 wafiyah.kevin@gmail.com nwafiyah011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

88 197105311997032000 WIDI ASTUTI SMAN 2 BLITAR 3d JATIM BLITAR 0342812920 085736933071 widi.astuti38@yahoo.co wastuti011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

91 19631021198512 Diana Herawati SMAN 1 Purwosari 4a JATIM MALANG 03419925863 081555683043 dianahera@hotmail.com dherawti011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

92 197104171995121000 SYAIFUL ROHMAN SMAN 1 SAMPANG 4a JATIM SAMPANG 081231006701 syafara@yahoo.co.id srohman011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

93 196710231990011000 Anto Dwi Cahyono SMAN 2 BATU 4a JATIM MALANG 0341467652 0817618610 antodwicahyono@rocketmail.com dcahyono011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

94 196404121987032000 Retno Wijayanti,S.Pd. SMAN 2 Blitar 4a JATIM BLITAR 0342811690 081233418212 retyanty64@yahoo.com rwijayanti011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

95 196605071989012000 Masfufah,S.Pd,MM SMAN 1 Manyar Gresik 4a JATIM GRESIK 0313953085 085230245699 harmasfufah@yahoo.com masfufah011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

96 196208211987032000 anik muslimah SMAN 2 Blitar 4b JATIM BLITAR 0342807640 081359616888 anikhariyoso@gmail.com amuslimah011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

97 196112201987121000 Ahmad Damanhuri SMA Negeri 2 Blitar 4b JATIM BLITAR 081333898982 ahmaddamanhurismada@yahoo.co.iddamanhuri011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

98 196312221989031000 Drs. Abu Bakar,M.Pd SMAN 4 MALANG 4b JATIM MALANG 0341341542 081333557717 hasan_muthahhar@yahoo.com abakar011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

99 196705212005011000 BABIL ABUYAJIT, M.Pd SMALB 3b JATIM MALANG 0341559517 081334768443 abuyajit_mlg@yahoo.co.id abuyajit011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

100 197509092000121000 IMAM HANAFI MAN TULUNGAGUNG 1 3c JATIM TULUNGAGUNG 0355396362 081233761581 imamhanafi99@yahoo.co.id ihanafi011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

101 196803062006041000 HIDAYATUS SHOLEHA MA UMMUL QURO PUTRI 3b JATIM PAMEKASAN 0324331243 081230185279 idarahman321@yahoo.com hsholeha011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

102 197612252005012000 erviningsih setyorini MTsN Plandi 3c JATIM KEDIRI 03213863990 082142749192 r.setyo77@yahoo.co.id estyorini011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

103 196705202002121000 Abd Muis SMKN 4 Jember 3c JATIM JEMBER 0331428422 03317708484 abdoel.muis@gmail.com amuis011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

104 196709072005011000 Drs.Ichsan,M.M.Pd SMKN 1 GENENG 3c JATIM NGAWI 03518079944 081335090300 ichsanyusanta@yahoo.co.id ichsan011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

106 197305122000121000 MARGIYANTO SMKN 4 JEMBER 3d JATIM JEMBER 0331486490 08155940190 margi.cakep@yahoo.co.id margiyanto011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

109 196901231998021000 Amat Kasnar SMK Al Azhar 4a JATIM GRESIK 0313956079 081231177342 a.kasnar@gmail.com akasnar011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

110 196507051991031000 Drs. SIANI SMK Negeri 1 Turen Kabupaten 4a Malang JATIM MALANG 0341827642 03417376818 siani.yn@gmail.com siani011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

111 131392193 GANIF ROJIKIN Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Probolinggo 4a JATIM PROBOLINGGO 0335426974 085275621271 masganif@gmail.com grojikin011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

112 196505301987032000 Endah Purwati UPTD SMA Negeri 2 Blitar 4b JATIM BLITAR 0342809890 03427852422 e_hafidza@yahoo.co.id epurwati011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

113 196401171991032000 Dra.UMI ROJIPAH MAN KUNIR 4a JATIM BLITAR 03427703277 08123407989 umirojipah@gmail.com urojipah011 ktiol<strong>2011</strong><br />

Pembimbingan <strong>KTI</strong> <strong>Online</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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