Electronic Version 2005 Checklist of the Cerambycidae, of the ...

Electronic Version 2005 Checklist of the Cerambycidae, of the ...

Electronic Version 2005 Checklist of the Cerambycidae, of the ...


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68<br />

Eustromula Cockerell, 1906:242<br />

Eustroma LeConte, 1873:186<br />

keiferi Linsley, 1934:108 Mexico (Tres Marias Is)<br />

validum (LeConte, 1858:82) swUSA (CA-TX), nMexico, Baja Calif<br />

huachucae Casey, 1924:245<br />

politum Casey, 1924:246<br />

Gymnopsyra Linsley, 1937:67<br />

aspera Knull, 1962:105 swUSA (TX, NM, AZ)<br />

bupalpa Chemsak, 1991:477 wMexico (JA)<br />

chemsaki Linsley, 1963:98 swUSA (AZ)<br />

magnipunctata (Knull, 1934:12) swUSA (TX, NM, AZ)<br />

phoracanthoides Linsley, 1937:68<br />

Hemilissopsis Lane, 1959:306<br />

clenchi Lane, 1959:306 cBrasil (PA, RO), Fr Guiana<br />

Hoplogrammicosum Gounelle, 1913:210<br />

cinnamomeum Gounelle, 1913:211 nArgentina (SE)<br />

Ironeus Bates, 1872:178<br />

duplex Bates, 1872:179 Mexico-Costa Rica<br />

mutatus Bates, 1885:255 eMexico (VC), Honduras<br />

pulcher Bates, 1880:29 Mexico-Panama, Venezuela, Bolivia<br />

Iuaca Galileo & Martins, 2000: 162<br />

nigromaculata Galileo & Martins, 2000: 163 Bolivia<br />

Jampruca Napp & Martins, 1982:362<br />

nigricornis Napp & Martins, 1982:364 eBrasil (MG, ES)<br />

tyligma Napp & Martins, 1982:365 eBrasil (BA, MG)<br />

Lanephus Martins, <strong>2005</strong>: 288<br />

njumanii (Haldeman, 1847:375) cBrasil (MT), Bolivia<br />

bidens Newman, 1840:25 (not Fabricius, 1787)<br />

newmanii; LeConte, 1850: 16<br />

Linsleyonides Skiles, 1985:316<br />

albomaculatus (Champlain & Knull, 1922:146) seUSA (FL), Cuba<br />

chemsaki Skiles, 1985:317 Jamaica<br />

portoricensis (Fisher, 1932:33) Puerto Rico<br />

Mallocera Audinet-Serville, 1833:567<br />

amazonica Bates, 1870:278 cBrasil (AM, PA, MT), Peru, Fr Guiana,<br />

aureotincta Linsley, 1934:198 eEcuador, Trinidad<br />

glauca Audinet-Serville, 1833:567 Guianas, Brasil (AM, PE-SC), Paraguay,<br />

sericata Newman, 1840:5 Argentina<br />

ramosa Gounelle, 1909:647 eBrasil, Paraguay, Argentina<br />

simplex White, 1853:113 eBrasil (PE-ES)<br />

pickeli Melzer, 1931:52<br />

spinicollis Bates, 1872:179 Nicaragua-Panama<br />

umbrosa Gounelle, 1909:648 eBrasil (GO, MG), Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia<br />

Meganeflus Linsley, 1961:180<br />

fulvipennis (Bates, 1892:148) eMexico (VC, SLP), Belize

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