Tabanidae - Xylophagidae; pp. 275 - Nearctica

Tabanidae - Xylophagidae; pp. 275 - Nearctica

Tabanidae - Xylophagidae; pp. 275 - Nearctica


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318<br />

Limonia schwarzi Alexander 1912 (Rhipidia)<br />

Limonia sera Walker 1848 (Limnobia)<br />

Dicranomyia forcipula Meijere 1918 Syn.<br />

Limonia erostrata Alexander 1930 Syn.<br />

Limonia shannoni Alexander 1914 (Rhipidia)<br />

Limonia shelfordi Alexander 1944 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia simulans Walker 1848 (Limnobia)<br />

Limonia pemetica Alexander 1939 Syn.<br />

Limonia sociabilis Osten Sacken 1869 (Limnobia)<br />

Limonia solitaria Osten Sacken 1859 (Limnobia)<br />

Limonia sphagnicola Alexander 1925 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Limonia spinifera Alexander 1927 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Limonia stigmata Doane 1900 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Limonia stulta Osten Sacken 1859 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Furcomyia monticola Alexander 1911 Syn.<br />

Limonia suffusca Garrett 1922 (Alexandriaria)<br />

Alexandriaria intermedia Garrett 1922 Syn.<br />

Alexandriaria kooteniensis Garrett 1922 Syn.<br />

Limonia terraenovae Alexander 1920 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Limnobia tenuipes Zetterstedt 1838 Homo.<br />

Limnobia decora Staeger 1840 Homo.<br />

Limonia triocellata Osten Sacken 1859 (Limnobia)<br />

Limonia tristigma Osten Sacken 1859 (Limnobia)<br />

Limonia uliginosa Alexander 1929 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia valverdensis Alexander 1946 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia vanduzeei Alexander 1916 (Geranomyia)<br />

Limonia venusta Bergroth 1888 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Dicranomyia duplicata Doane 1900 Syn.<br />

Dicranomyia negligens Alexander 1927 Syn.<br />

Limonia virescens Loew 1851 (Aporosa)<br />

Limonia vulgata Bergroth 1888 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Dicranomyia ochracea Doane 1900 Syn.<br />

Limonia walleyi Alexander 1942 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia whartoni Needham 1908 (Dicranomyia)<br />

Limonia willamettensis Alexander 1949 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia yellowstonensis Alexander 1945 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia ypsilon Alexander 1959 (Limonia)<br />

Limonia zionana Alexander 1948 (Limonia)<br />

Liogma Osten Sacken 1869<br />

Liogma nodicornis Osten Sacken 1865 (Triogma)<br />

Liogma flaveola Alexander 1919 Syn.<br />

Lipsothrix Loew 1873<br />

Electrolabis Alexander 1931 Syn.<br />

Lipsothrix fenderi Alexander 1946 (Lipsothrix)<br />

Lipsothrix fulva Alexander 1966 (Lipsothrix)<br />

Lipsothrix hynesiana Alexander 1964 (Lipsothrix)<br />

Lipsothrix nigrlinea Doane 1900 (Limnophila)<br />

Lipsothrix shasta Alexander 1946 (Lipsothrix)<br />

Lipsothrix sylvia Alexander 1916 (Limnophila)<br />

Longurio Loew 1869<br />

Aeshnasoma Johnson 1909 Syn.<br />

Longurio minimus Alexander 1914 (Longurio)<br />

Longurio pruinosa Johnson 1913 (Pachyrhina)<br />

Longurio rivertonensis Johnson 1909 (Aeschnasoma)<br />

Longurio testaceus Loew 1869 (Longurio)<br />

Maekistocera Wiedemann 1820<br />

Megistocera Wiedemann 1838 Emend.<br />

Maekistocera longipennis Macquart 1838 (Tipula)<br />

Megarhina Lepeletier and Serville 1828<br />



Helius Lepeletier and Serville 1828 Syn.<br />

Prohelius Alexander 1975 Syn.<br />

Megarhina flavipes Macquart 1855 (Rhamphidia)<br />

Limnobia prominens Walker 1856 Syn.<br />

Rhamphidia brevirostris Osten Sacken 1859 Syn.<br />

Megarhina mainensis Alexander 1916 (Rhamphidia)<br />

Molophilus Curtis 1833<br />

Eumolophilus Alexander 1921 Syn.<br />

Trichomolophilus Alexander 1936 Syn.<br />

Archimolophilus Alexander 1940 Syn.<br />

Rhynchomolophilus Alexander 1965 Syn.<br />

Promolophilus Alexander 1966 Syn.<br />

Austromolophilus Theischinger 1988 Syn.<br />

Lyriomolophilus Theischinger 1988 Syn.<br />

Superbomolophilus Theischinger 1988 Syn.<br />

Molophilus arapahoensis Alexander 1958 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus arizonicus Alexander 1946 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus aspersulus Alexander 1962 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus bispinosus Alexander 1919 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus colonus Bergroth 1888 (Molophilus)<br />

Erioptera comatus Doane 1900 Syn.<br />

Molophilus costopunctatus Dietz 1921 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus cramptoni Alexander 1924 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus dirhaphis Alexander 1958 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus falcatus Bergroth 1888 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus fenderi Alexander 1952 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus floridensis Alexander 1925 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus forcipula Osten Sacken 1869 (Erioptera)<br />

Molophilus heterocerus Dietz 1921 Syn.<br />

Molophilus frohnei Alexander 1968 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus fultonensis Alexander 1916 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus gracilipes Alexander 1959 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus harrisoni Alexander 1945 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus hirtipennis Osten Sacken 1859 (Erioptera)<br />

Molophilus huron Alexander 1929 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus kulshanicus Alexander 1949 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus laricicola Alexander 1929 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus millardi Alexander 1944 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus nitidulus Alexander 1946 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus nitidus Coquillett 1905 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus novacaesariensis Alexander 1916 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus oligacanthus Alexander 1958 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus oregonicola Alexander 1946 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus palomaricus Alexander 1947 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus paludicola Alexander 1929 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus paulus Bergroth 1888 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus perflaveolus Alexander 1918 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus auricomus Alexander 1926 Syn.<br />

Molophilus pollex Alexander 1931 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus pubipennis Osten Sacken 1859 (Erioptera)<br />

Molophilus quadrispinosus Alexander 1924 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus rainierensis Alexander 1943 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus rostrifer Alexander 1943 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus sackenianus Alexander 1926 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus distilobatus Alexander 1945 Syn.<br />

Molophilus sequoiae Alexander 1952 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus soror Alexander 1927 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus sparus Alexander 1940 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus spiculatus Alexander 1918 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus sigmoideus Alexander 1945 Syn.<br />

Molophilus spiniapicalis Alexander 1976 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus squamosus Alexander 1919 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus stolidus Alexander 1948 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus subnitens Alexander 1946 (Molophilus)<br />

Molophilus suffalcatus Alexander 1946 (Molophilus)

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