Nature Conservation Declaration Of Protected And Exempt Flora

Nature Conservation Declaration Of Protected And Exempt Flora

Nature Conservation Declaration Of Protected And Exempt Flora


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Common Name<br />

Blue-faced Parrot-Finch<br />

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin<br />

Gouldian Finch<br />

Long-tailed Finch<br />

Masked Finch<br />

Painted Finch<br />

Star Finch<br />

Rainbow Lorikeet<br />

Long Billed Corella<br />

Ostrich<br />

Chinese goose Swan goose<br />

Greylag and all domestic strains of geese<br />

Egyptian goose<br />

Paradise shelduck<br />

Muscovy duck<br />

Turkey<br />

Mallard and all strains of domestic duck<br />

New Zealand Scaup<br />

California quail<br />

Northern bobwhite<br />

Chukar Partridge<br />

Common quail<br />

King quail, Chinese painted quail<br />

Japanese quail<br />

Red junglefowl, all strains of domestic chicken<br />

Kalij pheasant<br />

Silver pheasant<br />

Swinhoe's pheasant<br />

Siamese pheasant<br />

Reeve's pheasant<br />

Common pheasant<br />

Go lden pheasant<br />

Lady Amherst's pheasant<br />

Indian peafowl<br />

Green peafowl<br />

Helmeted guineafowl<br />

Rock pigeon Common pigeon Fancy pigeon<br />

Ringed turtle dove<br />

Spotted dove<br />

Masked dove, Caped Harelquin, Namaqua dove<br />

Talpacoti, Ruddy ground dove<br />

Luzon bleeding heart pigeon<br />

New guinea, - White bibbed ground dove<br />

Red-sided Eclectus parrot<br />

Solomon Island Eclectus parrot<br />

Red-fronted kakariki<br />

Yellow-fronted kakariki<br />

Peach-faced lovebird<br />

Fischer's lovebird<br />

Masked lovebird<br />

Nyasa lovebird<br />

Alexandrine parrot<br />

Slaty-headed parrot<br />

Plum-headed parrot<br />

Janday conure<br />

Sun conure<br />

Nanday conure<br />

Scientific Name<br />

Erythrura trichroa<br />

Lonchura castaneothorax<br />

Erythrura gouldiae<br />

Poephila acuticauda<br />

Poephila personata<br />

Emblema pictum<br />

Neochmia ruficauda<br />

Trichoglossus haematodus<br />

Cacatua tenuirostris<br />

Struthio camelus<br />

Anser cygnoides<br />

Anser anser<br />

Alopochen aegyptiacus<br />

Tadorna variegata<br />

Cairina moschata<br />

Meleagris gallopavo<br />

Anas platyrhynchos<br />

Aythya novaeseelandiae<br />

Callipepla californicus<br />

Colinus virginianus<br />

Alectoris chukar<br />

Coturnix coturnix<br />

Coturnix chinensis<br />

Coturnix japonica<br />

Gallus gallus<br />

Lophura leucomelanos<br />

Lophura nycthemera<br />

Lophura swinhoii<br />

Lophura diardi<br />

Syrmaticus reevsii<br />

Phasianus colchicus<br />

Chrysolophus pictus<br />

Chrysolophus amherstiae<br />

Pavo cristatus<br />

Pavo muticus<br />

Numida meleagris<br />

Columba livia<br />

Streptopelia "risoria"<br />

Streptopelia chinensis<br />

Oena capensis<br />

Columbina talpacoti<br />

Gallicolumba luzonica<br />

Gallicolumba jobiensis<br />

Eclectus roratus polychloros<br />

Eclectus roratus solomonensis<br />

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae<br />

Cyanoramphus auriceps auriceps<br />

Agapornis roseicollis<br />

Agapornis fischeri<br />

Agapornis personata<br />

Agapornis lilianae<br />

Psittacula eupatria<br />

Psittacula himalayana<br />

Psittacula cyanocephala<br />

Aratinga jandaya<br />

Aratinga solstitialis<br />

Nandayus nenday

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