FEAA, caminul 12 - OSUT.ro

FEAA, caminul 12 - OSUT.ro

FEAA, caminul 12 - OSUT.ro


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Nr.crt.Numele şi prenumele Anul Specializ.PunctajtotalObservații167 MÎZGACIU LUIZA MARINA II S5 6,15 cazuri sociale168 MLADIN CĂTĂLINA II Master AA 6,44 caz social169 MOCIRAN IOANA ANCUȚA II Master FB 6,05170 MOESCU GEORGIANA II Master MG 6,46 membru CONSILIU <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>171 MO MARIA LUIZA-ERASMUS II Master FB 6,50172 MOTĂROAIA CAMELIA CLAUDIA II S8 6,<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>12</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>173 MOȚ IOAN CRISTIAN I Master MG 6,96174 MUNTEANU ALINA ROXANA II Master CIG 6,23175 MUNTEANU ANCA IOANA I Master MG 5,95176 MUNTEANU COSMINA I Master MK 6,36177 MUSTEA LAVINIA ANGAJAT <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>178 NEAGU RUXANDA BIANCA II S6 5,99179 NECHIFOR DUMITRU EMIL II Master FB 7,19180 NEGRIAN ALEXANDRA II S3 6,40181 NEGRU AMAN BOGDAN II S8 5,80182 NEGRUȚ RĂZVAN RADU II Master CIG 6,76183 NICA ECATERINA DANIELA III FB 5,80184 NICOLAE LAURA II S6 6,03 caz social185 NICU IOANA ELENA Cadru didactic <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> -186 OARCEA MARIANA ANCUȚA III CIG 6,31187 OMOTĂ ANDREI III MG 6,04188 OPREA ALEXANDRA VICTORIA II S4 6,24189 OPREA ELENA SILVIA I Master MG 6,43190 OPREA IONELA MARIA III FB 6,10191 OPRESCU CRISTINA CĂTĂLINA II S4 6,24192 ORLANDEA DELIA III ECTS 5,39193 PANFILII ALEXANDRU II Master CIG 6,98 membru CONSILIU <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>194 PANFILII IURIE II Master CIG 6,00 R.Moldova195 PASCARIU BIANCA I Master FB196 PACA ANA MARIA ANDRA III FB 6,60197 PACA CRISTINA IONELA II S6 6,04 caz social198 PAU OANA MARIA II S7 5,99199 PĂCURAR MARIUS ANDREI II S7 6,13 caz social200 PĂDURARU MIRELA ALEXANDRA II S7 6,07201 PELIN DANIELA II Master MG -202 PERPEGEL ADINA ELENA III FB 6,27203 PETREAN IOANA MARIA I Master MG 6,39 caz social204 PINTICAN CORINA FELICIA I Master FB 5,90205 PLĂMĂDEALĂ ANA III EAI 5,<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>12</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> R. Moldova206 PODILĂ CARMEN ANCA II Master MK 6,39207 POENARU IRINA I Master FB 6,44208 POGANU CRISTINA II S7 5,89209 POPA ADRIANA III FB 6,46 cazuri sociale210 POPA ALEXANDRA ANDREEA I Master EAI 5,90211 POPA ANAMARIA II Master EC 6,202<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>12</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> POPA DAN I Master FB 6,27 membru CONSILIU <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>213 POPA LILIANA MARIA II S4 5,93214 POPESCU ALEXANDRA DIANA Doctorand <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> -215 POPESCU ANCA SOFIA III FB 5,94216 POPESCU ANDRA DANIELA II Master FB 6,98217 POPESCU LUCIA DESPINA III MK 5,53218 PORGE FLORINA IULIA II Master FB 5,90219 POSTOLACHE PETRU CIPRIAN II Master EC 6,18 caz social220 PREDA GHEORGE Doctorand <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>FEAA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> -221 PURCĂREAȚĂ LORIA I Master MG 6,76222 PUCA ROXANA III FB 6,37223 RABONȚU IOANA MELANIA II Master FB 6,42224 RAD SONIA MARIA I Master MK 6,45225 RADU MIHAI IONUȚ II Master MG 5,954Camera

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