Accessories for residential & commercialplaygrounds

Accessories for residential & commercialplaygrounds

Accessories for residential & commercialplaygrounds


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- injection moulded EVA (EthyleneVinyl Acetate) plastic- ri n gs an d ei ghts i n galvan i s edst eel- b lack P P w elds on the rop es- plastique EVA (Ethylene-VinylA cetate) m oulé p ar i n j ecti on- an n eaux de su sp en si on ethui ts de ré glage en aci ergalvan i sé- su rm oulages en P P couleurn oi r- spuitgegoten EVA (ethyleenvin y lacetaat) k un st st of- op han gri n gen en st elachteni n gegalvan i se erd st aal- z w arte P P k un st st of lase nals touw verb i n di n g- EVA-Kunststoff (Ethylenvinylacetat)-S p ri tz gus- R i n ge un d S tellachten ausverz i n k tem S tahl- sch w arz e S ei lverb i n dun genaus P Pflexible wraparound swing seatflexible wraparound swing seatso ep el sch om m elz i tj e i n k un st st ofb alan ço i re so up le en p last i q ueelast i sch er S chauk elsi tz aus K un st st of fasiento flexible de plásticoseggiolino di plastica flessibile- plástico EVA (acetato deVinil-Etileno) inyectado- an i llos de s us p en s i ó n y ochosde aj us te de acero galvan i z ado- so ldaduras de P P color n egro- plastica EVA (acetato di etilvin i le) m odellata a i n i ez i on e- an elli di aggan ci o e gan ci ad‘ 8’ i n acci ai o z i n cato- sa ldature di P P n ero su llecordePACKAGING??115 . 10 6 8 x 18 x 2 8 cm 11 k g6708? x?140115 . 2 4 2 80 k g 12 5 x 80 x 12 0 cm2 , 05 m - 2 , 6 0 mP P 10 P H 1214resi den ti al p lay groun ds1, 00 k g 1, 00 k g 1, 00 k g 1, 00 k g 1, 05 k g 1, 05 k g 1, 05 k g 1, 05 k g115 .001.001.001 115 .001.002 .001 115 .001.003 .001 115 .001.004.001 115 .003 .001.001 115 .003 .002 .001 115 .003 .003 .001 115 .003 .004.001

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